diff options
authorJoey Hess <>2017-05-04 18:51:36 -0400
committerJoey Hess <>2017-05-04 18:58:31 -0400
commit699687f503c63541a6e28501fa5f523b89c1915b (patch)
parente8f408e6456ac445c53fe50594ee0effc136f86c (diff)
sanitize gpg output and chat messages
Just in case, only allow printable characters in this, not control characters.
6 files changed, 49 insertions, 24 deletions
diff --git a/ControlWindow.hs b/ControlWindow.hs
index c921fbb..99fd4d3 100644
--- a/ControlWindow.hs
+++ b/ControlWindow.hs
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ import ControlSocket
import VirtualTerminal
import Gpg
import Gpg.Wot
+import Output
import System.IO
import System.Environment
@@ -24,8 +25,7 @@ import Control.Exception
import Control.Concurrent.Async
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Concurrent.STM.TMChan
-import qualified Data.ByteString as B
-import Data.ByteString.UTF8 (fromString)
+import Data.ByteString.UTF8 (fromString, toString)
import Data.Char
import Control.Monad
import Data.Monoid
@@ -128,7 +128,8 @@ displayInput ochan ichan promptchan responsechan = loop
displayChatMessage :: ControlAction -> IO ()
displayChatMessage (ChatMessage username msg) = do
- B.putStr $ "<" <> val username <> "> " <> val msg <> "\n"
+ putStrLn $ sanitizeForDisplay $ toString $
+ "<" <> val username <> "> " <> val msg
hFlush stdout
displayChatMessage _ = return ()
@@ -138,7 +139,8 @@ askToAllow ochan _ _ (UnSigned pk) = atomically $ writeTMChan ochan $
askToAllow ochan promptchan responsechan k@(GpgSigned pk _ _) = do
putStrLn "Someone wants to connect to this debug-me session."
putStrLn "Checking their GnuPG signature ..."
- v <- gpgVerify k
+ (v, gpgoutput) <- gpgVerify k
+ putStr $ unlines $ map sanitizeForDisplay $ lines $ toString gpgoutput
case v of
Nothing -> do
putStrLn "Unable to download their GnuPG key, or signature verification failed."
@@ -147,7 +149,8 @@ askToAllow ochan promptchan responsechan k@(GpgSigned pk _ _) = do
putStrLn "Checking the GnuPG web of trust ..."
ss <- isInStrongSet gpgkeyid
ws <- downloadWotStats gpgkeyid
- putStrLn $ describeWot ws ss
+ putStrLn $ unlines $ map sanitizeForDisplay $
+ describeWot ws ss
promptconnect :: IO ()
diff --git a/Gpg.hs b/Gpg.hs
index e2003d1..7d98d5c 100644
--- a/Gpg.hs
+++ b/Gpg.hs
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ gpgSign pk = do
-- Verify the just signed data to determine
-- the gpg public key used to sign it. The gpg
-- public key is included in the GpgSigned data.
- v <- gpgVerifyClearSigned sig
+ v <- fst <$> gpgVerifyClearSigned sig
case v of
Just (gpgkeyid, _) -> do
pubkey <- gpgExportPublicKey gpgkeyid
@@ -87,60 +87,68 @@ gpgExportPublicKey (GpgKeyId gpgkeyid) = do
gpgImportPublicKey :: GpgKeyExport -> IO ()
gpgImportPublicKey (GpgKeyExport (Val b)) = do
- (Just hin, _, _, pid) <- createProcess $
+ (Just hin, Just hout, Just herr, pid) <- createProcess $
(proc "gpg" [ "--import"] )
{ std_in = CreatePipe
+ , std_out = CreatePipe
+ , std_err = CreatePipe
hSetBinaryMode hin True
B.hPut hin b
hClose hin
+ _ <- B.hGetContents hout
+ `concurrently` B.hGetContents herr
_ <- waitForProcess pid
return ()
-- | Verify the gpg signature and return the keyid that signed it.
-- Also makes sure that the gpg signed data is the hash of the
-- debug-me PublicKey.
-gpgVerify :: PerhapsSigned PublicKey -> IO (Maybe GpgKeyId)
-gpgVerify (UnSigned _) = return Nothing
+gpgVerify :: PerhapsSigned PublicKey -> IO (Maybe GpgKeyId, SignInfoDesc)
+gpgVerify (UnSigned _) = return (Nothing, mempty)
gpgVerify (GpgSigned pk gpgsig keyexport) = do
gpgImportPublicKey keyexport
go =<< gpgVerifyClearSigned gpgsig
- go Nothing = return Nothing
- go (Just (gpgkeyid, signeddata)) = do
+ go (Nothing, s) = return (Nothing, s)
+ go (Just (gpgkeyid, signeddata), s) = do
let norm = filter (not . B.null) . B8.lines
let pkissigned = norm signeddata == norm (val (hashValue (hash pk)))
return $ if pkissigned
- then Just gpgkeyid
- else Nothing
+ then (Just gpgkeyid, s)
+ else (Nothing, s)
+type SignInfoDesc = B.ByteString
-- | Verify a clearsigned GpgSig, returning the key id used to sign it,
-- and the data that was signed.
-- Gpg outputs to stderr information about who signed the
--- data, so that will be visible to the user when eg, prompting
--- them if they want to accept a connection from that person.
-gpgVerifyClearSigned :: GpgSig -> IO (Maybe (GpgKeyId, B.ByteString))
+-- data, and that is returned also.
+gpgVerifyClearSigned :: GpgSig -> IO (Maybe (GpgKeyId, B.ByteString), SignInfoDesc)
gpgVerifyClearSigned (GpgSig (Val sig)) = do
(statusreadh, statuswriteh) <- createPipe
statuswritefd <- handleToFd statuswriteh
- (Just hin, Just hout, _, pid) <- createProcess $
+ (Just hin, Just hout, Just herr, pid) <- createProcess $
(proc "gpg" (verifyopts statuswritefd))
{ std_in = CreatePipe
, std_out = CreatePipe
+ , std_err = CreatePipe
closeFd statuswritefd
B.hPut hin sig
hClose hin
hSetBinaryMode hout True
- (signeddata, mgpgkeyid) <- B.hGetContents hout
+ ((signeddata, sigdesc), mgpgkeyid) <- B.hGetContents hout
+ `concurrently` B.hGetContents herr
`concurrently` (parseStatusFd <$> hGetContents statusreadh)
st <- waitForProcess pid
- return $ if st == ExitSuccess
+ let siginfo = if st == ExitSuccess
then case mgpgkeyid of
Just gpgkeyid -> Just (gpgkeyid, signeddata)
Nothing -> Nothing
else Nothing
+ return (siginfo, sigdesc)
verifyopts statuswritefd =
[ "--status-fd", show statuswritefd
diff --git a/Gpg/Wot.hs b/Gpg/Wot.hs
index f9051e9..b29ccc7 100644
--- a/Gpg/Wot.hs
+++ b/Gpg/Wot.hs
@@ -95,10 +95,10 @@ isInStrongSet :: GpgKeyId -> IO StrongSetAnalysis
isInStrongSet k = maybe (StrongSetAnalysis False) (const $ StrongSetAnalysis True)
<$> downloadWotPath k knownKeyInStrongSet
-describeWot :: Maybe WotStats -> StrongSetAnalysis -> String
+describeWot :: Maybe WotStats -> StrongSetAnalysis -> [String]
describeWot (Just ws) (StrongSetAnalysis ss)
- | ss == False = theirname ++ "'s identity cannot be verified!"
- | otherwise = unlines $
+ | ss == False = [theirname ++ "'s identity cannot be verified!"]
+ | otherwise =
[ theirname ++ "'s identity has been verified by as many as "
++ show (length sigs) ++ " people, including:"
, intercalate ", " $ take 10 $ nub $
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ describeWot (Just ws) (StrongSetAnalysis ss)
theirname = stripEmail (uid (key ws))
sigs = cross_sigs ws ++ other_sigs ws
bestconnectedsigs = sortOn rank sigs
-describeWot Nothing _ = unlines
+describeWot Nothing _ =
[ ""
, "Their identity cannot be verified!"
diff --git a/Output.hs b/Output.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5aa3072
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Output.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+module Output where
+import Data.Char
+sanitizeForDisplay :: String -> String
+sanitizeForDisplay = map go
+ where
+ go c
+ | isPrint c = c
+ | otherwise = '?'
diff --git a/Verify.hs b/Verify.hs
index b2f3805..63e81f6 100644
--- a/Verify.hs
+++ b/Verify.hs
@@ -12,9 +12,11 @@ import Crypto
import Gpg
import Hash
import PrevActivity
+import Output
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Data.Maybe
+import Data.ByteString.UTF8 (toString)
verify :: VerifyOpts -> IO ()
verify opts = go 1 startState =<< streamLog (verifyLogFile opts)
@@ -66,7 +68,8 @@ mkRecentActivity st = return (sigVerifier st, prevHashes st)
addSessionKey :: Integer -> PerhapsSigned PublicKey -> State -> IO State
addSessionKey lineno p@(GpgSigned pk _ _) st = do
- mkid <- gpgVerify p
+ (mkid, gpgoutput) <- gpgVerify p
+ putStr $ unlines $ map sanitizeForDisplay $ lines $ toString gpgoutput
case mkid of
Nothing -> lineError lineno "Bad GnuPG signature."
Just _ -> do
diff --git a/debug-me.cabal b/debug-me.cabal
index 2f77b38..a7d2b15 100644
--- a/debug-me.cabal
+++ b/debug-me.cabal
@@ -94,6 +94,7 @@ Executable debug-me
+ Output