* For some reason, user chat does not echo back to them, but developer chat does echo back to the developer. * The current rules for when an Activity Entered is accepted allow it to refer to an older activity than the last one. If echoing is disabled, two Activity Entered could be sent, each pointing at the most recent Activity Seen, and there would be no proof of the order of the two. Reordering the two might cause different results though. This is not only a problem when 2 developers are connected; it also lets a single developer produce a proof chain that is ambiguous about what order they entered 2 things. Fix: Make a Activity Entered have a pointer to the previous Activity Entered that was accepted, in addition to the existing pointer. Then when one developer sends two Activity Entered that don't echo, there's still proof of ordering. When two developers are typing at the same time, only one of their inputs will be accepted. The client should only consider an Activity Entered legal if it points to the last Activity Entered that the client saw. May as well make Activity Seen have a pointer to the last accepted Activity Entered as well. This will make it easier when supported multiple developers, as each time a developer gets an Activity Seen, they can update their state to use the Activity Entered that it points to. (Perhaps not needed now that developers see other developer's Activity Entered.. But, this does let developers know what the current accepted line is.) * loadLog should verify the hashes (and signatures) in the log, and refuse to use logs that are not valid proofs of a session. (--replay and --graphvis need this; server's use of loadLog does not) Everything else in debug-me checks a session's proof as it goes. And, everything that saves a log file checks the proof as it goes, so perhaps this is not actually necessary? * Add a mode that, given a log file, displays what developer(s) gpg keys signed activity in the log file. For use when a developer did something wrong, to examine the proof of malfesence. * gpg key downloading, web of trust checking, prompting Alternatively, let debug-me be started with a gpg key, this way a project's website can instruct their users to "run debug-me --trust-gpg-key=whatever" * How to prevent abusing servers to store large quantities of data that are not legitimate debug-me logs, but are formatted like them? Perhaps add POW to the wire protocol? Capthca? The user's email address is sent to the server when starting a debug-me session, and once the session ends, the server emails the log file to that address. This serves two purposes: 1. It makes sure that the user gets a copy of the session log, which the developer cannot delete. 2. Once the server has emailed the log, it's free to delete its copy to free up disk space. Since servers don't have to retain log files for long, this makes them unattractive to abusers who might otherwise try to store large quantities of data. * Client should upload to multiple servers, for redundancy. This way, if Joey runs a server, and Alice runs a server, the user can start debug-me and not worry that Joey will connect, do something bad, and have his server cover it up, because Alice's server will also get the data. When Bob connects to Alice's server and sends messages to the client, it should then repeat those same messages to Joey's server (but not back to Alice's server). This will use some more bandwidth of course. Inter-server replication could also be done to avoid using client bandwidth. But then, if the client only sent to Joey's server and trusted it to replicate to Alice, Joey could break the replication to cover up his nefarious activities in the debug-me session. * When the user presses control-s, before forwarding it to the terminal, stop accepting any developer input. Control-s again to resume. * Make control-backslash immediately end the debug-me session.