Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* spw/run-or-restore-gud requires gdb-miHEADmasterSean Whitton19 hours
* add missing --no-run-lintian to sbuild-prerelease Eshell aliasSean Whitton19 hours
* drop GTK Emacs key theme, leave GTK to default to a light themeSean Whitton3 days
* drop unused debpasteSean Whitton3 days
* add shortcut to launch alsamixerSean Whitton3 days
* tidy up .config/sway/configSean Whitton3 days
* archive remaining i3-specific configSean Whitton3 days
* set text-mode-ispell-word-completionSean Whitton6 days
* locmaint: force incremental duplicity backupSean Whitton7 days
* disable melete's touchpadSean Whitton11 days
* unsubscribe from nnselect:Process-Weekend for the time beingSean Whitton11 days
* add my own globalised minor mode for ws-butlerSean Whitton12 days
* i3status-wrapper -> paperswaySean Whitton13 days
* fix caffeinated mark bindingsSean Whitton13 days
* i3status-wrapper: fix copyright noticeSean Whitton14 days
* http->https in some license headersSean Whitton14 days
* i3status-wrapper: tidyingSean Whitton14 days
* i3status-wrapper: replace IPC::Shareable & Local::Desktop::WMIPCSean Whitton2024-04-11
* i3status-wrapper: drop reopening STDINSean Whitton2024-04-10
* i3status-wrapper: refactor: move processing user commands into a subSean Whitton2024-04-10
* restore loading git-commit libSean Whitton2024-04-06
* add 'git rco' & 'git rcl'Sean Whitton2024-04-01
* sync notmuch nnselect groups after gnus-group-read-init-fileSean Whitton2024-04-01
* add git-rl{,h} & archive remaining Magit config to git historySean Whitton2024-03-31
* set git-rebase-confirm-cancelSean Whitton2024-03-31
* replace use of diminish librarySean Whitton2024-03-31
* drop which-function-modeSean Whitton2024-03-31
* exclude Gnus summary & article splits from togglingSean Whitton2024-03-30
* rewrite spw/maybe-toggle-split-after-resizeSean Whitton2024-03-21
* C-c o a A shouldn't skip deadlines under the Routine categorySean Whitton2024-03-13
* attempt to replace three Org agenda skip subroutinesSean Whitton2024-03-13
* switch to uploading to ssh-masterSean Whitton2024-03-01
* prefix arg to avoid marking message ready to sendSean Whitton2024-02-24
* i3status-wrapper: minor simplification for readabilitySean Whitton2024-02-22
* i3status-wrapper: fix commentSean Whitton2024-02-22
* i3status-wrapper: minor simplification for readabilitySean Whitton2024-02-22
* i3status-wrapper: make $last_dir workspace-specificSean Whitton2024-02-22
* i3status-wrapper: add wrapper for (move to) next/prev workspace cmdsSean Whitton2024-02-21
* i3status-wrapper: factor out ensure_disable_monocleSean Whitton2024-02-21
* i3status-wrapper: add absorb/expel commandSean Whitton2024-02-21
* i3status-wrapper: check that focus event is not a workspace changeSean Whitton2024-02-18
* i3status-wrapper: factor out for_each_nodeSean Whitton2024-02-04
* move file to another repoSean Whitton2024-01-29
* i3status-wrapper: restore respond to move eventsSean Whitton2024-01-23
* drop obsolete scriptSean Whitton2024-01-22
* reflowSean Whitton2024-01-19
* i3status-wrapper: fix C-i C-M-jSean Whitton2024-01-19
* i3status-wrapper: fix sorting of workspace namesSean Whitton2024-01-19
* drop some Sway bindings that could interfere with i3status-wrapperSean Whitton2024-01-19
* add note that i3 config has yet to be updatedSean Whitton2024-01-18