include /etc/sway/config.d/* font pango:Hack 10 # class border bground text indicator child_border client.focused #000000 #B4EEB4 #000000 #B4EEB4 #000000 client.focused_inactive #000000 #FFFFF6 #000000 #AA9E9F #AA9E9F client.unfocused #000000 #E5E5E5 #000000 #AA9E9F #AA9E9F client.urgent #000000 #702020 #FFFFF6 #AA9E9F #AA9E9F client.placeholder #000000 #000000 #FFFFF6 #AA9E9F #AA9E9F client.background #FFFFF6 # Use Mouse+Mod4 to drag floating windows to their wanted position floating_modifier Mod4 # default workspace layout workspace_layout tabbed mouse_warping output # Key binding strategy: # # Use Ctrl+N and Mod1+Ctrl+N, which will never be bound in Emacs, for bindings # I will often need to type more than once in a row. Otherwise put the # bindings under the C-i prefix map, which will never be bound by Emacs # because text terminals typically can't distinguish between C-i and TAB. # If we need it, we can bind C-i Ctrl+N, C-i Mod1+Ctrl+N to pass the keys # through, like C-\ \ in tmux. # # Previously we used Mod4 modifying a key on the right side of the keyboard # instead of Ctrl+N and Mod1+Ctrl+N; there are enough of these that we can # still avoid any one-handed chording with only a single Super key. However, # this means using the weak little finger to hold down a modifier key for more # than one keypress with the other hand, which is worth avoiding. mode "C-i-" { # make a fresh Emacs frame -- typically this gets invoked only on # empty workspaces, as otherwise I use commands under `C-x 5` to get # more Emacs frames bindsym e exec emacsclient -ncw15, mode "default" # override the script's usual logic to start a fresh, non-debug daemon bindsym Ctrl+Mod1+e exec emacsclient -ncw8 --spw/installed, \ mode "default" # special daemon instance for debugging primary instance & Gnus bindsym r exec emacsclient -ncw8 -sgdbmacs, mode "default" # Fresh Emacs frame and get a shell in HOME. Without this it's # C-i e M-& which is too many keys esp. compared to C-i DEL bindsym Return exec emacsclient -ncw15 -e \ "(let ((default-directory (expand-file-name "'"'~/'"'")) \ (display-buffer-overriding-action \ '(display-buffer-same-window \ . ((inhibit-same-window . nil))))) \ (transient-cycles-cmd-spw/eshell-jump-from-here))", \ mode "default" # start a terminal emulator bindsym BackSpace exec foot, mode "default" # make a fresh browser window bindsym b exec firefox -new-window, mode "default" # lock screen -- relies on swayidle # note that this won't lock other VTs (lock-session*s* # requires root password) bindsym l exec loginctl lock-session, mode "default" # go to sleep -- swayidle will lock screen bindsym --locked Ctrl+l exec systemctl suspend, mode "default" # kill focused window bindsym k kill, mode "default" # sway sample config says to pipe dmenu into `xargs swaymsg exec --` # but doesn't seem necessary with wofi bindsym p exec wofi --show=drun -i, mode "default" bindsym Ctrl+p exec wofi --show=run -i, mode "default" bindsym s exec ~/src/dotfiles/scripts/desktop/wofi_ssh, mode "default" bindsym Mod1+g exec makoctl dismiss --all, mode "default" # split in horizontal orientation bindsym h split h, mode "default" # split in vertical orientation bindsym v split v, mode "default" # enter fullscreen mode for the focused container bindsym f fullscreen toggle, mode "default" # change container layout (stacked, tabbed, toggle split) # bindsym s layout stacking, mode "default" bindsym w layout tabbed, mode "default" # make a container independently tabbed bindsym a split v, layout tabbed, mode "default" # toggle tiling / floating bindsym t floating toggle, mode "default" # change focus between tiling / floating windows bindsym Tab focus mode_toggle, mode "default" # focus the parent container bindsym u focus parent, mode "default" # focus the child container bindsym d focus child, mode "default" # when screen is divided into two containers where at least one might # have several tabs, as I usually have it, this works well to go back # and forth bindsym o focus_wrapping workspace, focus parent, focus right, \ focus_wrapping yes, mode "default" # switch to workspace bindsym 1 workspace 1, mode "default" bindsym 2 workspace 2, mode "default" bindsym 3 workspace 3, mode "default" bindsym 4 workspace 4, mode "default" bindsym 5 workspace 5, mode "default" bindsym 6 workspace 6, mode "default" bindsym 7 workspace 7, mode "default" bindsym 8 workspace 8, mode "default" bindsym 9 workspace 9, mode "default" bindsym 0 workspace 10, mode "default" bindsym F1 workspace 11:F1, mode "default" bindsym F2 workspace 12:F2, mode "default" bindsym F3 workspace 13:F3, mode "default" bindsym F4 workspace 14:F4, mode "default" bindsym F5 workspace 15:F5, mode "default" bindsym F6 workspace 16:F6, mode "default" bindsym F7 workspace 17:F7, mode "default" bindsym F8 workspace 18:F8, mode "default" bindsym F9 workspace 19:F9, mode "default" bindsym F10 workspace 20:F10, mode "default" bindsym F11 workspace 21:F11, mode "default" bindsym F12 workspace 22:F12, mode "default" bindsym semicolon workspace back_and_forth, mode "default" # move focused container to workspace bindsym Mod1+1 move container to workspace 1, mode "default" bindsym Mod1+2 move container to workspace 2, mode "default" bindsym Mod1+3 move container to workspace 3, mode "default" bindsym Mod1+4 move container to workspace 4, mode "default" bindsym Mod1+5 move container to workspace 5, mode "default" bindsym Mod1+6 move container to workspace 6, mode "default" bindsym Mod1+7 move container to workspace 7, mode "default" bindsym Mod1+8 move container to workspace 8, mode "default" bindsym Mod1+9 move container to workspace 9, mode "default" bindsym Mod1+0 move container to workspace 10, mode "default" bindsym Mod1+F1 move container to workspace 11:F1, mode "default" bindsym Mod1+F2 move container to workspace 12:F2, mode "default" bindsym Mod1+F3 move container to workspace 13:F3, mode "default" bindsym Mod1+F4 move container to workspace 14:F4, mode "default" bindsym Mod1+F5 move container to workspace 15:F5, mode "default" bindsym Mod1+F6 move container to workspace 16:F6, mode "default" bindsym Mod1+F7 move container to workspace 17:F7, mode "default" bindsym Mod1+F8 move container to workspace 18:F8, mode "default" bindsym Mod1+F9 move container to workspace 19:F9, mode "default" bindsym Mod1+F10 move container to workspace 20:F10, mode "default" bindsym Mod1+F11 move container to workspace 21:F11, mode "default" bindsym Mod1+F12 move container to workspace 22:F12, mode "default" bindsym Mod1+semicolon move container to workspace back_and_forth, \ mode "default" bindsym Mod1+Ctrl+semicolon move container to workspace back_and_forth, \ workspace back_and_forth, mode "default" # next unused workspace bindsym j exec \ ~/src/dotfiles/scripts/desktop/fresh-workspace, \ mode "default" # sends window to next unused but doesn't change view bindsym Mod1+j exec \ ~/src/dotfiles/scripts/desktop/fresh-workspace --send, \ mode "default" # sends window to next unused and changes view bindsym Mod1+Ctrl+j exec \ ~/src/dotfiles/scripts/desktop/fresh-workspace --take, \ mode "default" # go to windows for tasks without needing to know the workspace bindsym slash exec ~/src/dotfiles/scripts/desktop/wofi_window, mode "default" # reload the configuration file bindsym Ctrl+Mod1+c reload, mode "default" # exit i3 (logs you out of your X session) bindsym Ctrl+Mod1+Shift+e exit bindsym g mode "C-i g-" # bindsym bracketleft exec debian-ftp-master-cut-note, mode "default" # bindsym Ctrl+bracketleft exec xdo-evince-highlight, mode "default" # Workspaces do not ever get assigned to particular purposes / windows # don't get assigned to particular workspaces. If I can't find where # I was working on something, there's my bindings to `workspace # {next,prev}_on_output`. Long-running processes like builds, for # example, stay in the workspace(s) where I'm working on that # task/project # # Previously I thought that instead of having them on a dedicated # workspace, windows that are almost always open should be put on the # scratcpad: # # Note that we have to move to scratchpad at startup ('move to # scratchpad' below), or the toggle key won't work. # # Once every so often I'll have to launch the program, and then # immediately use the toggle key to make it visible. This is a # bit inelegant, but much more reliable than binding the key to a # script which starts the program if it's not around and otherwise # toggles # # However, I now think that scratchpad windows are unwieldy for # various reasons, so just having them as regular windows with # shortcuts to get back to them is better. bindsym n exec swaymsg '[title="\[mosh\] tmux default on athena"]' focus \ || foot ssh-and-tmux, mode "default" bindsym c [con_mark=caffeinated] inhibit_idle none; \ mark --toggle caffeinated; mode "default" bindsym Ctrl+c [con_mark=caffeinated] inhibit_idle none; \ [con_mark=caffeinated] mark --toggle caffeinated; mode "default" # The two % values are for melete. Cf. `spw/maybe-scale-basic-faces'. # # This says: shrink such that an Emacs frame taking up the rest of the # width can fit two 80-column windows, with Debian's fonts-hack at # height 105. So should be <33. Sometimes we'll be able to fit an # 80-column frame in the smaller part of the split, but usually we # won't: the point is to ensure we can use Emacs with two 80-column # windows, as is usual, while also displaying something narrower. bindsym minus resize set width 31 ppt, mode "default" # And this says: ensure that the current window can be an Emacs frame # with at least 80 columns. Based on Debian's fonts-hack scaled up to # height 120 by `spw/maybe-scale-basic-faces'. bindsym equal resize set width 43 ppt, mode "default" bindsym Ctrl+y exec ~/src/dotfiles/scripts/desktop/sway-ftp-master-cut-note , mode "default" bindsym --locked Ctrl+g mode "default" } bindsym --locked Ctrl+i mode "C-i-" for_window [con_mark=caffeinated] inhibit_idle open for_window [title="ftp-master GNU mc session"] mark mc for_window [title="ftp-master dak command session"] mark dak # change focus bindsym Ctrl+7 focus left bindsym Ctrl+0 focus right bindsym Ctrl+8 focus down bindsym Ctrl+9 focus up # move focused window bindsym Mod1+Ctrl+7 move left bindsym Mod1+Ctrl+0 move right bindsym Mod1+Ctrl+8 move down bindsym Mod1+Ctrl+9 move up bindsym Ctrl+5 kill bindsym Ctrl+6 fullscreen toggle bindsym Ctrl+apostrophe layout toggle splith splitv tabbed # Cycle through all workspaces on monitor. # Warp the cursor to a point on the screen which is hopefully a titlebar. # This means that cycling through workspaces does not abruptly stop because, # e.g., a VNC client has grabbed the keyboard upon entry to the workspace. bindsym Ctrl+1 seat - cursor set 0 0, workspace prev_on_output bindsym Ctrl+4 seat - cursor set 0 0, workspace next_on_output bindsym Mod1+Ctrl+1 seat - cursor set 0 0, \ move container to workspace prev_on_output, \ workspace prev_on_output bindsym Mod1+Ctrl+4 seat - cursor set 0 0, \ move container to workspace next_on_output, \ workspace next_on_output bindsym Ctrl+2 focus output left bindsym Mod1+Ctrl+2 move workspace to output left bindsym Ctrl+3 focus output right bindsym Mod1+Ctrl+3 move workspace to output right # Start swaybar to display a workspace bar (plus the system information # i3status finds out, if available) bar { # i3status is designed to be highly performant so it continues # to be refreshed when the system is under load; we're giving # up some of that with i3status-wrapper, but let's see if it # actually matters status_command ~/src/dotfiles/scripts/desktop/i3status-wrapper # default behaviour is to cycle through workspaces when scroll # wheel is used on the bar. However, don't think I've ever # used this deliberately, and often I do it by mistake, so # let's disable it bindsym button4 nop bindsym button5 nop colors { background #E5E5E5 focused_background #FFFFF6 statusline #000000 separator #000000 focused_workspace #000000 #B4EEB4 #000000 active_workspace #000000 #FFFFF6 #000000 inactive_workspace #000000 #E5E5E5 #000000 urgent_workspace #000000 #702020 #FFFFF6 binding_mode #000000 #EECD82 #000000 } # We don't set workspace_buttons to "no" even though we start off with # a single workspace (see i3status-wrapper) because under Sway that # can trigger a bug which means the button display doesn't get # properly updated. position bottom strip_workspace_numbers yes status_edge_padding 11 tray_padding 0 workspace_min_width 50 } # single key launching mode "C-i g-" { # start a graphical file manager bindsym g exec thunar , mode "default" # open virt-viewer pointed at develacc bindsym d exec develacc-please , mode "default" bindsym y exec foot yapet , mode "default" bindsym w exec ~/src/dotfiles/scripts/desktop/whitenoise , mode "default" # connect to Debian's ftp-master server for ftpteam work bindsym f exec ~/src/dotfiles/scripts/desktop/sway-ftp-master , mode "default" bindsym s mode "default", \ exec grim -c ~/tmp/$(hostname -s)_$(date +%F_%H.%M.%S).png bindsym x exec wdisplays , mode "default" bindsym Ctrl+g mode "default" } bindsym --locked XF86AudioRaiseVolume exec pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ +5% bindsym --locked XF86AudioLowerVolume exec pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ -5% bindsym --locked XF86AudioMute exec pactl set-sink-mute @DEFAULT_SINK@ toggle bindsym --locked XF86MonBrightnessUp exec brightnessctl set +10% bindsym --locked XF86MonBrightnessDown exec brightnessctl set 10%- popup_during_fullscreen leave_fullscreen # windows that should always float for_window [title="^Ediff"] floating enable no_focus [title="Firefox . Sharing Indicator"] for_window [title="Firefox . Sharing Indicator"] floating enable, \ move position 0 0 input type:keyboard repeat_rate 25 input type:keyboard repeat_delay 380 seat * hide_cursor 5000 exec mako exec swayidle -w exec emacsclient --spw/update-environment exec emacsclient -sgdbmacs --spw/no-start --spw/update-environment exec_always SDL_VIDEODRIVER= firejail steam exec blueman-applet exec nm-applet --indicator output * bg ~/src/dotfiles/lib-src/img/green_gobbler.png tile include ~/.config/sway/$(hostname)/*