# -*- mode: conf; -*- [user] name = Sean Whitton email = spwhitton@spwhitton.name [alias] # Convenient sync alias from # http://stackoverflow.com/a/17722977. Updates master while # allowing only fast-forward merges and does not require # checking out master; can remain on current branch sync = "!git checkout --quiet HEAD; git fetch origin master:master; git checkout --quiet -" # nice way to view history (most recent 30 commits). ov # ('overview') collapses linear commits with addition of # --simplify-by-decoration v = log --graph --full-history -n 30 --decorate --oneline --branches --all ov = log --graph --full-history -n 30 --decorate --oneline --branches --all --simplify-by-decoration co = checkout [core] # no pager thanks pager = excludesfile = ~/.globgitignore [url "git@spwhitton.name:"] pushInsteadOf = https://git.spwhitton.name/ pushInsteadOf = athena: # private repositories must clone by SSH insteadOf = athenap: [url "https://git.spwhitton.name/"] insteadOf = git://spwhitton.name/ insteadOf = athena: [url "git@github.com:"] pushInsteadOf = https://github.com/ pushInsteadOf = http://github.com/ pushInsteadOf = git://github.com/ pushInsteadOf = github: [url "https://github.com/"] insteadOf = https://github.com/ insteadOf = http://github.com/ insteadOf = git://github.com/ insteadOf = github: # temporary redirects [url "git@spwhitton.name:dotfiles.git"] insteadOf = https://github.com/spwhitton/dotfiles.git pushInsteadOf = https://github.com/spwhitton/dotfiles.git # [url "git@spwhitton.name:propellor.git"] # insteadOf = https://github.com/spwhitton/propellor.git # turn colour on in as many places as possible [color] ui = true branch = auto diff = auto interactive = auto status = auto # push strategy [push] default = current # how to use git-send-email: # # & # [sendemail] aliasesfile = ~/doc/mutt-aliases aliasfiletype = mutt confirm = always multiedit = false from = Sean Whitton annotate = true