# -*- mode: conf-space -*- Host tty.sdf.org | sdf HostName tty.sdf.org Host odin.sdf-eu.org | sdfeu.org | sdf-eu.org | odin | sdfeu | sdf-eu HostName odin.sdf-eu.org # Wildcards here match what is actually typed on the command line, not the # hostname of the machine we end up connecting to, so we specify 'sdf' too. Host sdf sdfeu *.sdf.org *.sdf-eu.org User spw #################################################################### Host fasolo | ftp-master | ftp-master.debian.org HostName ftp-master.debian.org Host *.debian.org !*.ssh.debian.org !ssh.debian.org ProxyJump ssh.debian.org # ^ or: {na,eu}.ssh.debian.org Host *.debian.org User spwhitton # Specify both files so that ssh adds host keys for IPs to the former. UserKnownHostsFile ~/.ssh/known_hosts ~/.ssh/known_hosts_debian StrictHostKeyChecking yes #################################################################### Host athena.silentflame.com | athena User spwhitton HostName athena.silentflame.com ForwardAgent yes IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_athena # For demeter's gitolite installation. Host git.spwhitton.name spwhitton.name IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_athena #################################################################### Host zephyr.silentflame.com | zephyr User swhitton ForwardAgent yes Host melete.silentflame.com | melete User spwhitton ForwardAgent yes #################################################################### Host github | github.com User git HostName github.com VerifyHostKeyDNS yes # Avoid any password prompts if something goes wrong with the agent; when # initialising a new rsync.net account, will need to comment this out. Host *.rsync.net PreferredAuthentications publickey Host chiark User spwhitton HostName login.chiark.greenend.org.uk #################################################################### Host * ControlMaster auto ControlPath /tmp/ssh-%u-%r@%h:%p ControlPersist 4h ServerAliveInterval 5 ServerAliveCountMax 2 NoHostAuthenticationForLocalhost yes ExitOnForwardFailure yes # Visual host keys are cluttering when using myrepos. VisualHostKey no