set -g prefix "C-\\" bind "\\" send-prefix bind "C-\\" last-window set default-terminal "screen-256color" set -g set-titles on set -g set-titles-string "tmux #S on #H" set -g history-limit 5000 set escape-time 1 set -g mode-keys emacs set -g status-keys emacs set -g status-position top set -g status-justify centre set -g window-status-current-style fg=white,bg=black # Reserve the zeroth window for primary Emacs daemon. set -g base-index 1 bind e if-shell "! tmux selectw -t :0" "neww -t :0 -n Emacs emacsclient -t" bind g new-window -c "#{pane_current_path}" \ "grep --color=always -Eir '(copyright|©)' * | less -R" # Complements C-\ c, which creates a new pane in the initial working dir. bind & new-window -c "#{pane_current_path}" # Detach all other clients: useful when other clients on other machines are # making an ncurses program too small; can easily reconnect from those # machines when wanted thanks to my ssh-and-tmux script. bind K detach-client -a # ftp-master: tmux setup for NEW processing. # A partial alternative to ~/src/dotfiles/scripts/desktop/sway-ftp-master. bind N split-window -v -d \ "emacsclient -te '(progn (switch-to-buffer \"*NEW notes*\") (text-mode))'"\;\ swap-pane -D \; resize-pane -t 1 -y 12 \; send c d Space \ / s r v / f t p - m a s t e r . d e b i a n . o r g / q u e u e / n e w \ Enter d a k Space p r o c e s s - n e w Space # Obtain dark-on-light when the terminal emulator isn't already dark-on-light, # as it is on my own machines. We don't just set these styles unconditionally # because we want bg=#FFFFF6 to show through on my own machines. Typing C-\ W # is faster than trying to configure an unfamiliar local terminal emulator. bind W set -g window-style 'fg=black,bg=brightwhite'\;\ set -g window-active-style 'fg=black,bg=brightwhite'