SetWorkingDir, C:\Users\swhitton ; original source: ; but I've added TheExe parameter ToggleWinMinimize(TheWindowTitle, TheExe) { ; If VirtuaWin is running, switch to top-left desktop before raising ; or starting. Assumes VirtuaWin's desktop wrapping is turned off! Process, Exist, VirtuaWin.exe VirtuaWinPID = %ErrorLevel% if VirtuaWinPID != 0 { Send ^!{Up} Send ^!{Left} Sleep, 100 } ; main function body SetTitleMatchMode,2 DetectHiddenWindows, Off ; IfWinActive, %TheWindowTitle% ; { ; WinMinimize, %TheWindowTitle% ; } ; Else ; { IfWinExist, %TheWindowTitle% { WinGet, winid, ID, %TheWindowTitle% DllCall("SwitchToThisWindow", "UInt", winid, "UInt", 1) } Else { Run, %TheExe% } ; } Return } ; same but by class not title ToggleWinMinimizeByClass(TheWindowClass, TheExe) { ; If VirtuaWin is running, switch to top-left desktop before raising ; or starting. Assumes VirtuaWin's desktop wrapping is turned off! Process, Exist, VirtuaWin.exe VirtuaWinPID = %ErrorLevel% if VirtuaWinPID != 0 { Send ^!{Up} Send ^!{Left} Sleep, 100 } ; main function body SetTitleMatchMode,2 DetectHiddenWindows, Off ; IfWinActive, %TheWindowTitle% ; { ; WinMinimize, %TheWindowTitle% ; } ; Else ; { IfWinExist, ahk_class %TheWindowClass% { WinGet, winid, ID, ahk_class %TheWindowClass% DllCall("SwitchToThisWindow", "UInt", winid, "UInt", 1) } Else { Run, %TheExe% } ; } Return } KillCurrent() { Send !{F4} ; accept the 'are you sure you want to quit' dialogue of textbook ; CDs IfWinActive, ahk_class TPlayerForm { Sleep, 100 Send !y } } IceMessenger() { CoordMode Pixel ; image file referenced in the below line should be a screenshot of ; some central pixels from the Ice Messenger tray icon ImageSearch, FoundX, FoundY, 0, 0, A_ScreenWidth, A_ScreenHeight, c:\Users\swhitton\Pictures\AHK\imtrayicon.png CoordMode, Mouse, Screen MouseMove, %FoundX%, %FoundY% Click WinWaitActive, Ice Messenger, , 2 CoordMode, Mouse, Relative MouseMove, 130, 120 Click MouseMove, 130, 370 Click right Send, {Down} } F9::ToggleWinMinimizeByClass("Emacs", "c:\emacs\bin\runemacs.exe") ; open a new Emacs client window #F9::Run, emacsclient -n -c F10::ToggleWinMinimize("MINGW32", "c:\Users\swhitton\Old shortcuts\Git Bash") F11::KillCurrent() F12::ToggleWinMinimize("Mozilla Firefox", "Firefox") +F9::ToggleWinMinimize("3~4", "C:\e-Book\start\TitleList.exe") +F10::ToggleWinMinimize(" CD", "c:\Users\swhitton\Old shortcuts\grades5and6") +F11::ToggleWinMinimize("spw@ma", "c:\Users\swhitton\Software\putty.exe -load ma") +F12::IceMessenger() ; empty the Recycle Bin +#r::FileRecycleEmpty, C:\ ; for Emacs Capslock::Ctrl LCtrl::Capslock ; some British keyboard layout conventions @::" "::@