#!/bin/sh # Before using this script, will want to unset all upstreams: # for head in $(git for-each-ref --format='%(refname)' refs/heads/); do # branch=$(echo "$head" | cut -d/ -f3) # git branch --unset-upstream "$branch" 2>/dev/null || true # done # Could generalise to a script that reads a git config value for the # fingerprint to look for, updates branches specified by user and is # able to handle updating by both merge and rebase # Could do that propellor does in verifyOriginBranch instead of this # -- it might be more robust set -e . $HOME/.shenv git fetch origin if git verify-commit-by-fp \ 8DC2487E51ABDD90B5C4753F0F56D0553B6D411B origin/master; then # we only fast-forward master, to avoid the possibility of an # attacker causing us to check out an older signed commit than the # one we have now if ! git merge-ff master origin/master; then echo >&2 "uh oh, dotfiles remote head is not fast-forward of master" echo >&2 "refusing to rebase; manually apply local commits to origin/master" exit 1 fi else echo >&2 "uh oh, dotfiles remote head is not PGP-signed by Sean" exit 1 fi