#!/usr/bin/perl # reprepro-rebuilder -- rebuild Debian packages for a local repository # Copyright (C) 2020-2022 Sean Whitton # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at # your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . use 5.032; use strict; use warnings; use autodie ":all"; use Cwd; use File::Basename; use File::Spec::Functions "catfile", "rel2abs"; use File::Temp "tempdir"; use Array::Utils "array_minus"; use List::Util "uniq"; use Git::Wrapper; use Getopt::Long; use Term::UI; use File::chdir; our $repo = "$ENV{HOME}/lib/athena-apt"; our $prefix = "athena"; our @dists = qw(bullseye bullseye-backports unstable experimental); our $bpo_dist = "bullseye-backports"; our $bpo_dist_num = 11; our @crossbuild_archs = qw(arm64); my $us = basename $0; my ($minus, $plus, $release, $build); GetOptions "minus" => \$minus, "plus" => \$plus, "release" => \$release, "wanna-build" => \$build; $plus or $release or $build or $minus++; unless (grep($_, $minus, $plus, $release, $build) == 1 and ($minus || $plus) && @ARGV == 1 || ($release || $build) && !@ARGV) { say STDERR "usage:"; say STDERR " $us [--minus|--plus] CODENAME|SUITE"; say STDERR " $us --release|--wanna-build"; exit 255; } -d $repo or die "$repo doesn't exist?"; my $git = Git::Wrapper->new(getcwd); $build || $git->RUN("status", { porcelain => 1 }) && die "git commit first\n"; my $term = Term::ReadLine->new("brand"); my $suffix = $plus ? "+$prefix" : "~$prefix"; if ($minus || $plus) { my $codename = shift @ARGV; prepare($codename, $suffix); $codename eq "unstable" and maybe_bpo(); maybe_build(); } elsif ($release) { release(); my ($branch) = $git->rev_parse({ abbrev_ref => 1 }, "HEAD"); $branch eq "$prefix/unstable" and maybe_bpo(); maybe_build(); } elsif ($build) { build(); } sub maybe_bpo { $term->ask_yn(prompt => "Also prepare rebuild for $bpo_dist?") and prepare($bpo_dist, $suffix) } sub maybe_build { $term->ask_yn(prompt => "Populate ${repo}'s binary builds?") ? build() : say "Okay, say '$us --wanna-build' when you're ready." } #### BRANCHING, MERGING, NEW CHANGELOG ENTRIES #### sub prepare { my ($codename, $suffix) = @_; my $branch = "$prefix/$codename"; if ($codename eq $bpo_dist) { $suffix = "~bpo$bpo_dist_num+1$suffix"; } elsif ($codename =~ /-backports$/) { die "unknown backports suite $codename"; } my @matching_remote_branches = map { (split)[2] =~ s{^refs/remotes/}{}r } grep m{/$branch$}, $git->for_each_ref("refs/remotes/"); if ($git->for_each_ref("[r]efs/heads/$branch")) { my ($current) = $git->rev_parse({ abbrev_ref => 1 }, "HEAD"); if ($branch eq $current) { say STDERR "Already on $branch, don't know what you want to rebuild."; say STDERR "Maybe you wanted '$us --release' to build a dsc."; exit 1; } else { $git->checkout($branch); system "dgit", "setup-mergechangelogs"; $git->merge($current); } } elsif (@matching_remote_branches) { say STDERR "I want to create branch $branch," . " but these remote branches already exist:"; say STDERR " $_" for @matching_remote_branches; say STDERR "maybe you want to check out" . " or 'git branchmove get' one of those."; exit 1; } else { $git->checkout("-b", $branch); } system "dch", "-l$suffix", "Rebuild for $prefix apt repository."; $git->add("debian/changelog"); $git->commit({ message => "Rebuild for $prefix apt repository" }); { no autodie; $term->ask_yn(prompt => "Build binary package for local testing?") and system qw(dgit sbuild --no-run-lintian -A -d), $codename; } $term->ask_yn(prompt => "Tag release & add dsc to reprepro?") ? release(1) : say "Okay, say '$us --release' when you're ready."; } #### 'dch -r' & ADDING SOURCE PACKAGES TO REPREPRO #### sub release { my $amend = shift // 0; my ($branch) = $git->symbolic_ref("HEAD"); (my $codename = $branch) =~ s{^refs/heads/$prefix/}{}; chomp(my $dist = `dpkg-parsechangelog -SDistribution`); if ($dist eq "UNRELEASED") { system "dch", "-D$codename", "-r"; $git->add("debian/changelog"); $git->commit({ amend => $amend, message => $amend ? "Rebuild for $prefix apt repository" : "Release rebuild to $prefix apt repository" }); } elsif ($dist ne $codename) { die "d/changelog has $dist, but branch name indicates $codename\n"; } system "dgit", "build-source"; system qw(gbp buildpackage --git-tag-only --git-ignore-branch); chomp(my $package = `dpkg-parsechangelog -SSource`); chomp(my $version = `dpkg-parsechangelog -SVersion`); reprepro("includedsc", $codename, rel2abs "../${package}_${version}.dsc"); } #### POPULATING REPREPRO BINARY PACKAGES #### sub build { my (@succeeded, @failed); chomp(my $arch = `dpkg --print-architecture`); # Add "Tracking: minimal" for each distribution's stanza in reprepro conf. reprepro("retrack", @dists); foreach my $dist (@dists) { my @all_needed = dsc2rel(reprepro("build-needing", $dist, "all")); my @arch_needed = dsc2rel(reprepro("build-needing", $dist, $arch)); my %cross_needed = map { my @dscs = reprepro("build-needing", $dist, $_); @dscs ? ($_, [dsc2rel(@dscs)]) : () } grep $_ ne $arch, @crossbuild_archs; next unless @all_needed or @arch_needed or %cross_needed; @arch_needed = array_minus @arch_needed, @all_needed; my $build_debs = sub { my %opts = shift->%*; my @args = ("--no-run-lintian", "-d", $dist); push @args, $opts{all} ? "--arch-all" : "--no-arch-all"; for (@_) { no autodie; my $bn = basename $_; if ($opts{cross}) { system "sbuild", @args, "--host=$opts{cross}", $bn; # Many packages aren't crossbuildable. Fall back to qemu. $? == 0 or system "sbuild", @args, "--arch=$opts{cross}", $bn; } else { system "sbuild", @args, $bn; } push @{ $? == 0 ? \@succeeded : \@failed }, "$bn:$opts{desc}"; } }; local $CWD = $repo; my $temp = tempdir CLEANUP => 1; system "dcmd", "cp", $_, $temp for uniq @all_needed, @arch_needed, map @$_, values %cross_needed; local $CWD = $temp; $build_debs->({ desc => $arch }, @arch_needed); $build_debs->({ desc => "$arch+all", all => 1 }, @all_needed); $build_debs->({ desc => $_, cross => $_ }, $cross_needed{$_}->@*) for keys %cross_needed; # Command may fail if the .deb is already present from another build. eval { reprepro("includedeb", $dist, $_) } for <$temp/*.deb>; } say "successful builds: @succeeded" if @succeeded; say "failed builds: @failed" if @failed; } sub dsc2rel { map +(split)[2], @_ } sub reprepro { local $CWD = $repo; wantarray ? `reprepro @_` : system "reprepro", @_ }