#!/usr/bin/perl # Script to remove repositories in ~/src, including removing their # entries from ~/.mrconfig. Confirmation is required only if the # repository has uncommitted changes, untracked files or unpushed # branches # For convenient tab-completion of the repository names, run this # script from ~/src use strict; use warnings; use lib "$ENV{HOME}/src/dotfiles/perl5"; use Cwd; use File::Basename; use File::Spec::Functions; use Local::Util::Git qw(unpushed_tags); die "need at least one argument" if ( @ARGV < 1 ); my $force = 0; my @to_remove; foreach my $arg (@ARGV) { if ($arg =~ /\A-f\z/) { $force = 1; } elsif (-d $arg) { push @to_remove, $arg; } else { die "$arg could not be a repo\n"; } } # we will need to call `mr status` on the repo, so ensure it is registered system "src-register-all"; die "src-register-all failed\n" unless ($? == 0); my @known_repos; open my $fh, "<", "$ENV{HOME}/.mrconfig"; while (<$fh>) { if (/^\[(src\/.+)\]$/) { push @known_repos, catfile($ENV{HOME}, $1); } } foreach my $repo (@to_remove) { my $block = File::Spec->rel2abs($repo); die "$repo is not known to mr" unless grep /\A$block\z/, @known_repos; my $output = `mr -m -d $repo status 2>&1`; print STDERR "$output" if length $output > 0; my $pwd = getcwd; chdir $repo; my @unpushed_tags; if (@unpushed_tags = unpushed_tags) { print "E: the following tags have not been pushed to any remote:\n"; print join ", ", @unpushed_tags; print "\n"; } chdir $pwd; die "repo $repo might contain work; pass -f to delete anyway\n" if !$force && (length $output > 0 || @unpushed_tags); $block =~ s/^$ENV{HOME}\///; remove_block_from_ini(catfile($ENV{HOME}, ".mrconfig"), $block); system "rm -rf $repo/../".basename($repo)."_*.orig.tar.* $repo"; } sub remove_block_from_ini { my ($ini, $block) = @_; my @lines; my $fh; open $fh, '<', $ini; my $copy = 1; while (<$fh>) { chomp; if (/^\[$block\]$/) { $copy = 0; } elsif (/^\[.+\]$/) { $copy = 1; push @lines, $_; } elsif ($copy) { push @lines, $_; } } close $fh; open $fh, '>', $ini; print $fh "$_\n" for @lines; }