package Local::Homedir; # homedir management functions # # Copyright (C) 2019 Sean Whitton # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at # your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # This code must be as portable as possible. Only core perl modules. use strict; use warnings; use autodie; use Cwd qw(getcwd realpath); use File::Find; use File::Spec::Functions; use Exporter 'import'; use File::Temp qw(tempfile); our @EXPORT = qw( normalise_mrconfig src_register_all src_cleanup ); our %debian_source_repos; sub normalise_mrconfig { my $master = $ENV{HOME} . "/src/dotfiles/"; my $target = $ENV{HOME} . "/.mrconfig"; unlink $target if -e $target and not -f $target; my %master_blocks = blocks_from_file($master); my %target_blocks = -f $target ? blocks_from_file($target) : (); my $warning = "DO NOT EDIT THIS BLOCK; automatically updated from"; # filter out any DO NOT EDIT comments because if these blocks were # removed from ~/ but the repos are still present on # this machine, those lines would be misleading $target_blocks{$_} =~ s/^# ($warning| $master)\n//mg for keys %target_blocks; for (keys %master_blocks) { $target_blocks{$_} = "# $warning\n# $master\n" . join "\n", grep !/^\s*#|^\s*$/, split "\n", $master_blocks{$_}; } open my $fh, '>', $target; print $fh "# -*- mode: conf -*-\n"; # any DEFAULT has to come first to have effect on the proceding # blocks say_block($fh, "DEFAULT", delete $target_blocks{DEFAULT}) if $target_blocks{DEFAULT}; say_block($fh, $_, $target_blocks{$_}) for keys %target_blocks; return 0; } sub blocks_from_file ($) { my $file = shift; my %blocks; my $current_block; open my $fh, '<', $file; while (<$fh>) { if (/^\[(.+)\]$/) { $current_block = $1; } elsif (defined $current_block) { $blocks{$current_block} .= $_; } } # drop trailing newlines from the text of each block { local $/ = ''; chomp $blocks{$_} foreach keys %blocks } return %blocks; } sub src_register_all { chdir; my @known_repos; foreach my $f (".mrconfig", "src/dotfiles/lib-src/mr/config") { open my $fh, "<", $f; while (<$fh>) { if (/^\[(src\/.+)\]$/) { push @known_repos, $ENV{HOME}."/$1"; } } } find({wanted => sub { return unless is_repo($_); my $oldpwd = getcwd; chdir $_; my $register_out = `mr -c $ENV{HOME}/.mrconfig register 2>&1`; unless ($? == 0) { print STDERR "mr register: $File::Find::name\n"; print STDERR $register_out."\n"; die "src_register_all mr register attempt failed"; } chdir $oldpwd; }, preprocess => sub { my $cwd = getcwd(); # once we've found a repo, don't search inside it for more repos return () if is_repo($cwd); my @entries; # don't process repos mr already knows about foreach my $entry (@_) { my $entry_path = $cwd."/$entry"; push @entries, $entry unless grep /\A$entry_path\z/, @known_repos; } return @entries; }}, "src"); } sub src_cleanup { return unless eval "use Dpkg::Changelog::Parse; use Dpkg::Version; 1"; find({ wanted => sub { my $dir = $_; my $ch = catfile($dir, "debian", "changelog"); # if no changelog on the current branch, see if there is # one on another relevant branch (this covers ~/src/p5-*) unless (-f $ch) { return unless is_repo($dir); my @branches = grep m#^refs/(?:heads/debian$|(?:heads|remotes/dgit)/dgit/)#, `git -C $dir for-each-ref --format='%(refname)' refs/heads/ refs/remotes/dgit/`; chomp @branches; my $branch; for (@branches) { $branch = $_, last if grep m#debian/changelog#, `git -C $dir ls-tree $_ debian/changelog`; } return unless $branch; (my $fh, $ch) = tempfile UNLINK => 1; open my $ph, "-|", "git", "-C", $dir, "cat-file", "blob", "$branch:debian/changelog"; print $fh $_ for <$ph>; close $fh; } my $changelog_entry = changelog_parse(file => $ch); $debian_source_repos{ $changelog_entry->{source} } = catfile getcwd, $dir; }, preprocess => sub { # skip .git (to avoid .git/dgit/unpack dirs), and once # we've found a source package, don't search inside # for more source packages -f catfile("debian", "changelog") ? () : grep { $_ ne ".git" } @_ } }, "$ENV{HOME}/src" ); while (my ($source, $dir) = each %debian_source_repos) { # binary package names may not be source package names, so # have to handle those separately unlink glob catfile $dir, "..", "*.deb"; my $prefix = catfile $dir, "..", $source . "_"; unlink glob $prefix . "*" . $_ for ".dsc", ".diff.gz", ".upload", ".inmulti", ".changes", ".build", ".buildinfo", ".debian.tar.*", "[0-9~].tar.*"; # ^ last one is native package tarballs but not orig.tars, # which are handled separately # we keep the two most recent orig.tar my @origs = sort { $a =~ /_([^_]+)\.orig\.tar/; my $ver_a = Dpkg::Version->new("$1"); $b =~ /_([^_]+)\.orig\.tar/; my $ver_b = Dpkg::Version->new("$1"); version_compare($ver_b, $ver_a); } grep !/\.asc\z/, map realpath($_), glob "$prefix*.orig.tar.*"; if (@origs > 2) { shift @origs; shift @origs; for (@origs) { unlink $_; unlink "$_.asc" if -e "$_.asc"; } } } # could also run `clean-patch-queues -y` here } sub say_block (*$$) { my ($fh, $block, $text) = @_; print $fh "\n[$block]\n"; print $fh $text; print $fh "\n"; } sub is_repo { -e "$_[0]/.git" or -d "$_[0]/.hg" } 1;