#!/usr/bin/env bash # update cache of ssh and https host keys for USB drives OUTPUT=$HOME/lib/annex/big/skel/usb/lib/host_keys.txt OUTPUT_OPENSSH=$HOME/lib/annex/big/skel/usb/lib/known_hosts ( echo -n "Generated by ~/bin/usbpubkeys " date echo echo -n "athena.silentflame.com's SSH key fingerprint: " # assume that we've already got it in known_hosts locally ssh -o ControlMaster=no -o ControlPath=/dev/null -v athena /bin/true 2>&1 \ | grep "Server host key:" | cut -d' ' -f 5-6 # don't assume our connection is safe; ssh to ma first # echo -n "ma.sdf.org's web SSL key SHA1 fingerprint: " # echo -n | ssh ma openssl s_client -connect ma:443 2>/dev/null | \ # openssl x509 -noout -fingerprint | cut -f2 -d'=' ) > $OUTPUT unix2dos $OUTPUT ssh-keyscan -t rsa athena.silentflame.com > $OUTPUT_OPENSSH