/* Communication module for Android terminals. -*- c-file-style: "GNU" -*- Copyright (C) 2023-2024 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This file is part of GNU Emacs. GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GNU Emacs. If not, see . */ package org.gnu.emacs; /* This class makes the Emacs server work reasonably on Android. There is no way to make the Unix socket publicly available on Android. Instead, this activity tries to connect to the Emacs server, to make it open files the system asks Emacs to open, and to emulate some reasonable behavior when Emacs has not yet started. First, Emacs registers itself as an application that can open text and image files. Then, when the user is asked to open a file and selects ``Emacs'' as the application that will open the file, the system pops up a window, this activity, and calls the `onCreate' function. `onCreate' then tries very to find the file name of the file that was selected, and give it to emacsclient. If emacsclient successfully opens the file, then this activity starts EmacsActivity (to bring it on to the screen); otherwise, it displays the output of emacsclient or any error message that occurs and exits. */ import android.app.AlertDialog; import android.app.Activity; import android.content.ContentResolver; import android.content.DialogInterface; import android.content.Intent; import android.net.Uri; import android.os.Build; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.ParcelFileDescriptor; import android.os.Parcelable; import android.util.Log; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.FileReader; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException; import java.util.List; public final class EmacsOpenActivity extends Activity implements DialogInterface.OnClickListener, DialogInterface.OnCancelListener { private static final String TAG = "EmacsOpenActivity"; /* The name of any file that should be opened as EmacsThread starts Emacs. This is never cleared, even if EmacsOpenActivity is started a second time, as EmacsThread only starts once. */ public static String fileToOpen; /* Any currently focused EmacsOpenActivity. Used to show pop ups while the activity is active and Emacs doesn't have permission to display over other programs. */ public static EmacsOpenActivity currentActivity; private class EmacsClientThread extends Thread { private ProcessBuilder builder; public EmacsClientThread (ProcessBuilder processBuilder) { builder = processBuilder; } @Override public void run () { Process process; InputStream error; String errorText; try { /* Start emacsclient. */ process = builder.start (); process.waitFor (); /* Now figure out whether or not starting the process was successful. */ if (process.exitValue () == 0) finishSuccess (); else finishFailure ("Error opening file", null); } catch (IOException exception) { finishFailure ("Internal error", exception.toString ()); } catch (InterruptedException exception) { finishFailure ("Internal error", exception.toString ()); } } } @Override public void onClick (DialogInterface dialog, int which) { finish (); } @Override public void onCancel (DialogInterface dialog) { finish (); } public String readEmacsClientLog () { File file, cache; FileReader reader; char[] buffer; int rc; StringBuilder builder; /* Because the ProcessBuilder functions necessary to redirect process output are not implemented on Android 7 and earlier, print a generic error message. */ if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < Build.VERSION_CODES.O) return ("This is likely because the Emacs server" + " is not running, or because you did" + " not grant Emacs permission to access" + " external storage."); cache = getCacheDir (); file = new File (cache, "emacsclient.log"); builder = new StringBuilder (); reader = null; try { reader = new FileReader (file); buffer = new char[2048]; while ((rc = reader.read (buffer, 0, 2048)) != -1) builder.append (buffer, 0, rc); reader.close (); return builder.toString (); } catch (IOException exception) { /* Close the reader if it's already been opened. */ try { if (reader != null) reader.close (); } catch (IOException e) { /* Not sure what to do here. */ } return ("Couldn't read emacsclient.log: " + exception.toString ()); } } private void displayFailureDialog (String title, String text) { AlertDialog.Builder builder; AlertDialog dialog; builder = new AlertDialog.Builder (this); dialog = builder.create (); dialog.setTitle (title); if (text == null) /* Read in emacsclient.log instead. */ text = readEmacsClientLog (); dialog.setMessage (text); dialog.setButton (DialogInterface.BUTTON_POSITIVE, "OK", this); dialog.setOnCancelListener (this); dialog.show (); } /* Check that the specified FILE is non-NULL and readable. If it is not, then copy the file in FD to a location in the system cache directory and return the name of that file. Alternatively, return URI formatted into a `/content/' file name if the system runs Android 4.4 or later. */ private String checkReadableOrCopy (String file, ParcelFileDescriptor fd, Uri uri) throws IOException, FileNotFoundException { File inFile; FileOutputStream outStream; InputStream stream; byte buffer[]; int read; String content; if (file != null) { inFile = new File (file); if (inFile.canRead ()) return file; content = inFile.getName (); } else /* content is the name of this content file if the next branch is not taken. */ content = uri.getLastPathSegment (); if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.KITKAT) { content = EmacsService.buildContentName (uri); return content; } /* The file is unnamed if content is NULL. Generate a unique name with the current time as a reference. */ if (content == null) content = "content." + System.currentTimeMillis () / 1000; /* inFile is now the file being written to. */ inFile = new File (getCacheDir (), content); buffer = new byte[4098]; /* Initialize both streams to NULL. */ outStream = null; stream = null; try { outStream = new FileOutputStream (inFile); stream = new FileInputStream (fd.getFileDescriptor ()); while ((read = stream.read (buffer)) >= 0) outStream.write (buffer, 0, read); } finally { /* Note that this does not close FD. Keep in mind that execution is transferred to ``finally'' even if an exception happens inside the while loop above. */ if (stream != null) stream.close (); if (outStream != null) outStream.close (); } return inFile.getCanonicalPath (); } /* Finish this activity in response to emacsclient having successfully opened a file. In the main thread, close this window, and open a window belonging to an Emacs frame. */ public void finishSuccess () { runOnUiThread (new Runnable () { @Override public void run () { Intent intent; intent = new Intent (EmacsOpenActivity.this, EmacsActivity.class); /* This means only an existing frame will be displayed. */ intent.addFlags (Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_REORDER_TO_FRONT); startActivity (intent); EmacsOpenActivity.this.finish (); } }); } /* Finish this activity after displaying a dialog associated with failure to open a file. Use TITLE as the title of the dialog. If TEXT is non-NULL, display that text in the dialog. Otherwise, use the contents of emacsclient.log in the cache directory instead, or describe why that file cannot be read. */ public void finishFailure (final String title, final String text) { runOnUiThread (new Runnable () { @Override public void run () { displayFailureDialog (title, text); } }); } /* Start `emacsclient' with the provided list of ARGUMENTS, after ARGUMENTS[0] is replaced with the name of the emacsclient binary. Create a new thread to await its completion, subsequently reporting any errors that arise to the user. */ public void startEmacsClient (String[] arguments) { String libDir; ProcessBuilder builder; Process process; EmacsClientThread thread; File file; Intent intent; libDir = EmacsService.getLibraryDirectory (this); arguments[0] = libDir + "/libemacsclient.so"; builder = new ProcessBuilder (arguments); /* Redirection is unfortunately not possible in Android 7 and earlier. */ if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.O) { file = new File (getCacheDir (), "emacsclient.log"); /* Redirect standard error to a file so that errors can be meaningfully reported. */ if (file.exists ()) file.delete (); builder.redirectError (file); } /* Track process output in a new thread, since this is the UI thread and doing so here can cause deadlocks when EmacsService decides to wait for something. */ thread = new EmacsClientThread (builder); thread.start (); } /* Run emacsclient to open the file specified in the Intent that caused this activity to start. Determine the name of the file corresponding to the URI specified in that intent; then, run emacsclient and wait for it to finish. Finally, display any error message, transfer the focus to an Emacs frame, and finish the activity. */ @SuppressWarnings ("deprecation") /* getParcelableExtra */ @Override public void onCreate (Bundle savedInstanceState) { String action, fileName; Intent intent; Uri uri; ContentResolver resolver; ParcelFileDescriptor fd; byte[] names; String errorBlurb, scheme; String subjectString, textString, attachmentString; CharSequence tem; String tem1; String[] emails; StringBuilder builder; List list; super.onCreate (savedInstanceState); /* Obtain the intent that started Emacs. */ intent = getIntent (); action = intent.getAction (); if (action == null) { finish (); return; } /* Now see if the action specified is supported by Emacs. */ if (action.equals ("android.intent.action.VIEW") || action.equals ("android.intent.action.EDIT") || action.equals ("android.intent.action.PICK") || action.equals ("android.intent.action.SEND") || action.equals ("android.intent.action.SENDTO")) { /* Obtain the URI of the action. */ uri = intent.getData (); if (uri == null) { finish (); return; } scheme = uri.getScheme (); /* It is possible for scheme to be NULL, under Android 2.3 at least. */ if (scheme == null) return; /* If URL is a mailto URI, call `message-mailto' much the same way emacsclient-mail.desktop does. */ if (scheme.equals ("mailto")) { /* Escape the special characters $ and " before enclosing the string within the `message-mailto' wrapper. */ fileName = uri.toString (); /* If fileName is merely mailto: (absent either an email address or content), then the program launching Emacs conceivably provided such an URI to exclude non-email programs from the Share dialog. Intents created thus might hold the recipient email as a string array, which is non-standard behavior. */ if (fileName.equals ("mailto:") || fileName.equals ("mailto://")) { emails = intent.getStringArrayExtra (Intent.EXTRA_EMAIL); if (emails[0] != null && emails.length > 0) fileName = "mailto:" + emails[0]; } /* Subsequently, escape fileName such that it is rendered safe to append to the command line. */ fileName = (fileName .replace ("\\", "\\\\") .replace ("\"", "\\\"") .replace ("$", "\\$")); fileName = "(message-mailto \"" + fileName + "\" "; /* Parse the intent itself to ascertain if any non-standard subject, body, or something else of the like is set. Such fields, non-standard as they are, yield to fields provided within the URL itself; refer to message-mailto. */ textString = attachmentString = subjectString = "()"; tem = intent.getCharSequenceExtra (Intent.EXTRA_SUBJECT); if (tem != null) subjectString = ("\"" + (tem.toString () .replace ("\\", "\\\\") .replace ("\"", "\\\"") .replace ("$", "\\$")) + "\" "); tem = intent.getCharSequenceExtra (Intent.EXTRA_TEXT); if (tem != null) textString = ("\"" + (tem.toString () .replace ("\\", "\\\\") .replace ("\"", "\\\"") .replace ("$", "\\$")) + "\" "); /* Producing a list of attachments is prey to two mannerisms of the system: in the first instance, these attachments are content URIs which don't allude to their content types; and in the second instance, they are either a list of such URIs or one individual URI, subject to the type of the intent itself. */ if (Intent.ACTION_SEND.equals (action)) { /* The attachment in this case is a single content URI. */ if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.TIRAMISU) uri = intent.getParcelableExtra (Intent.EXTRA_STREAM, Uri.class); else uri = intent.getParcelableExtra (Intent.EXTRA_STREAM); if ((scheme = uri.getScheme ()) != null && scheme.equals ("content")) { tem1 = EmacsService.buildContentName (uri); attachmentString = ("'(\"" + (tem1.replace ("\\", "\\\\") .replace ("\"", "\\\"") .replace ("$", "\\$")) + "\")"); } } else { if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.TIRAMISU) list = intent.getParcelableArrayListExtra (Intent.EXTRA_STREAM, Parcelable.class); else list = intent.getParcelableArrayListExtra (Intent.EXTRA_STREAM); if (list != null) { builder = new StringBuilder ("'("); for (Parcelable parcelable : list) { if (!(parcelable instanceof Uri)) continue; uri = (Uri) parcelable; if (uri != null && (scheme = uri.getScheme ()) != null && scheme.equals ("content")) { tem1 = EmacsService.buildContentName (uri); builder.append ("\""); builder.append (tem1.replace ("\\", "\\\\") .replace ("\"", "\\\"") .replace ("$", "\\$")); builder.append ("\""); } } builder.append (")"); attachmentString = builder.toString (); } } fileName += subjectString; fileName += textString; fileName += attachmentString; fileName += ")"; /* Execute emacsclient in order to execute this code. */ currentActivity = this; startEmacsClient (new String[] { "--timeout=10", "--no-wait", "--eval", fileName, }); return; } /* Now, try to get the file name. */ if (scheme.equals ("file")) fileName = uri.getPath (); else { fileName = null; if (scheme.equals ("content")) { /* This is one of the annoying Android ``content'' URIs. Most of the time, there is actually an underlying file, but it cannot be found without opening the file and doing readlink on its file descriptor in /proc/self/fd. */ resolver = getContentResolver (); fd = null; try { fd = resolver.openFileDescriptor (uri, "r"); names = EmacsNative.getProcName (fd.getFd ()); /* What is the right encoding here? */ if (names != null) fileName = new String (names, "UTF-8"); fileName = checkReadableOrCopy (fileName, fd, uri); } catch (FileNotFoundException exception) { /* Do nothing. */ } catch (IOException exception) { /* Do nothing. */ } catch (SecurityException exception) { /* This means Emacs lacks the rights to open this file. Display the error message and exit. */ displayFailureDialog ("Error opening file", exception.toString ()); return; } if (fd != null) { try { fd.close (); } catch (IOException exception) { /* Do nothing. */ } } } else if (scheme.equals ("org-protocol")) /* URL is an org-protocol:// link, which is meant to be directly relayed to emacsclient. */ fileName = uri.toString (); if (fileName == null) { errorBlurb = ("The URI: " + uri + " could not be opened" + ", as it does not encode file name inform" + "ation."); displayFailureDialog ("Error opening file", errorBlurb); return; } } /* If the Emacs service is not running, then start Emacs and make it open this file. */ if (EmacsService.SERVICE == null) { fileToOpen = fileName; intent = new Intent (EmacsOpenActivity.this, EmacsActivity.class); finish (); startActivity (intent); return; } /* And start emacsclient. Set `currentActivity' to this now. Presumably, it will shortly become capable of displaying dialogs. */ currentActivity = this; startEmacsClient (new String[] { "--timeout=10", "--no-wait", "--reuse-frame", fileName, }); } else finish (); } @Override public void onDestroy () { /* Clear `currentActivity' if it refers to the activity being destroyed. */ if (currentActivity == this) this.currentActivity = null; super.onDestroy (); } @Override public void onWindowFocusChanged (boolean isFocused) { if (isFocused) currentActivity = this; else if (currentActivity == this) currentActivity = null; super.onWindowFocusChanged (isFocused); } @Override public void onPause () { /* XXX: clear currentActivity here as well; I don't know whether or not onWindowFocusChanged is always called prior to this. */ if (currentActivity == this) currentActivity = null; super.onPause (); } }