diff options
authorJoey Hess <>2013-11-20 18:22:15 -0400
committerJoey Hess <>2013-11-20 18:22:15 -0400
commitc592d4b622842d62e80550dcc85a75e43d949373 (patch)
parent03fd62e9991248673c02cc1cd48da6cbe3a64a4b (diff)
more fixes
2 files changed, 47 insertions, 28 deletions
diff --git a/Git/Objects.hs b/Git/Objects.hs
index b1c5805..d9d2c67 100644
--- a/Git/Objects.hs
+++ b/Git/Objects.hs
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ module Git.Objects where
import Common
import Git
+import Git.Sha
objectsDir :: Repo -> FilePath
objectsDir r = localGitDir r </> "objects"
@@ -16,12 +17,17 @@ objectsDir r = localGitDir r </> "objects"
packDir :: Repo -> FilePath
packDir r = objectsDir r </> "pack"
+packIdxFile :: FilePath -> FilePath
+packIdxFile = flip replaceExtension "idx"
listPackFiles :: Repo -> IO [FilePath]
listPackFiles r = filter (".pack" `isSuffixOf`)
<$> catchDefaultIO [] (dirContents $ packDir r)
-packIdxFile :: FilePath -> FilePath
-packIdxFile = flip replaceExtension "idx"
+listLooseObjectShas :: Repo -> IO [Sha]
+listLooseObjectShas r = catchDefaultIO [] $
+ mapMaybe (extractSha . concat . reverse . take 2 . reverse . splitDirectories)
+ <$> dirContentsRecursiveSkipping (== "pack") (objectsDir r)
looseObjectFile :: Repo -> Sha -> FilePath
looseObjectFile r sha = objectsDir r </> prefix </> rest
diff --git a/Git/Repair.hs b/Git/Repair.hs
index 30f31cb..afbb87d 100644
--- a/Git/Repair.hs
+++ b/Git/Repair.hs
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ cleanCorruptObjects mmissing r = check mmissing
check Nothing = do
putStrLn "git fsck found a problem but no specific broken objects. Perhaps a corrupt pack file?"
void $ explodePacks r
- retry S.empty
+ retry 0 S.empty
check (Just bad)
| S.null bad = return $ Just S.empty
| otherwise = do
@@ -72,25 +72,38 @@ cleanCorruptObjects mmissing r = check mmissing
exploded <- explodePacks r
removed <- removeLoose r bad
if exploded || removed
- then retry bad
+ then retry (S.size bad) bad
else return $ Just bad
- retry oldbad = do
+ retry numremoved oldbad = do
putStrLn "Re-running git fsck to see if it finds more problems."
v <- findBroken False r
case v of
- Nothing -> do
- hPutStrLn stderr $ unwords
- [ "git fsck found a problem, which was not corrected after removing"
- , show (S.size oldbad)
- , "corrupt objects."
- ]
- return Nothing
+ Nothing
+ | numremoved > 0 -> do
+ hPutStrLn stderr $ unwords
+ [ "git fsck found a problem, which was not corrected after removing"
+ , show numremoved
+ , "corrupt objects."
+ ]
+ return Nothing
+ | otherwise -> do
+ hPutStrLn stderr "Repacking all objects, to try to flush out unknown corrupt ones."
+ void $ runBool
+ [ Param "repack"
+ , Param "-a"
+ ] r
+ void $ runBool
+ [ Param "prune-packed"
+ ] r
+ s <- S.fromList <$> listLooseObjectShas r
+ void $ removeLoose r s
+ retry (S.size s) S.empty
Just newbad -> do
removed <- removeLoose r newbad
let s = S.union oldbad newbad
if not removed || s == oldbad
then return $ Just s
- else retry s
+ else retry (S.size newbad) s
removeLoose :: Repo -> MissingObjects -> IO Bool
removeLoose r s = do
@@ -99,9 +112,9 @@ removeLoose r s = do
if (count > 0)
then do
putStrLn $ unwords
- [ "removing"
+ [ "Removing"
, show count
- , "corrupt loose objects"
+ , "corrupt loose objects."
mapM_ nukeFile fs
return True
@@ -128,12 +141,12 @@ explodePacks r = do
{- Try to retrieve a set of missing objects, from the remotes of a
- repository. Returns any that could not be retreived.
- - Can also be run with Nothing, if it's not known which objects are
- - missing, just that some are. (Ie, fsck failed badly.)
- -
- If another clone of the repository exists locally, which might not be a
- remote of the repo being repaired, its path can be passed as a reference
- repository.
+ - Can also be run with Nothing, if it's not known which objects are
+ - missing, just that some are. (Ie, fsck failed badly.)
retrieveMissingObjects :: Maybe MissingObjects -> Maybe FilePath -> Repo -> IO (Maybe MissingObjects)
retrieveMissingObjects missing referencerepo r
@@ -161,7 +174,7 @@ retrieveMissingObjects missing referencerepo r
pullremotes tmpr (rmt:rmts) fetchrefs ms
| ms == Just S.empty = return $ Just S.empty
| otherwise = do
- putStrLn $ "Trying to recover missing objects from remote " ++ repoDescribe rmt
+ putStrLn $ "Trying to recover missing objects from remote " ++ repoDescribe rmt ++ "."
ifM (fetchfrom (repoLocation rmt) fetchrefs tmpr)
( do
void $ explodePacks tmpr
@@ -191,7 +204,7 @@ retrieveMissingObjects missing referencerepo r
fetchallrefs = [ Param "+*:*" ]
{- Copies all objects from the src repository to the dest repository.
- - This is done using rsync, so it copies all missing object, and all
+ - This is done using rsync, so it copies all missing objects, and all
- objects they rely on. -}
copyObjects :: Repo -> Repo -> IO Bool
copyObjects srcr destr = rsync
@@ -499,14 +512,14 @@ runRepairOf fsckresult forced referencerepo g = do
then corruptedindex
else needforce S.empty
- | otherwise -> do
- putStrLn $ unwords
- [ show (S.size s)
- , "missing objects could not be recovered!"
- ]
- if forced
- then continuerepairs s
- else unsuccessfulfinish s
+ | otherwise -> if forced
+ then continuerepairs s
+ else do
+ putStrLn $ unwords
+ [ show (S.size s)
+ , "missing objects could not be recovered!"
+ ]
+ unsuccessfulfinish s
| forced -> ifM (pure (repoIsLocalBare g) <||> checkIndex S.empty g)
( do