# Experience n°1 % git repair Running git fsck ... Stack space overflow: current size 8388608 bytes. Use `+RTS -Ksize -RTS' to increase it. % git repair +RTS -K32M -RTS git-repair: Most RTS options are disabled. Link with -rtsopts to enable them. Whats up guys? Are we playing catch 22 here? # Experience n°2 I've been running LANG=C TMPDIR=/mnt/1/tmp TMP=/mnt/1/tmp git-repair --force on a BUP repository for more than a wekk. The output so far looks like: Initialized empty Git repository in /mnt/1/tmp/tmprepo8ymhUQ/.git/ fatal: /mnt/1/monnier-broken.bup: '/mnt/1/monnier-broken.bup' is outside repository at '/mnt/1/monnier-broken.bup' Initialized empty Git repository in /mnt/1/tmp/tmprepoz8b3XR/.git/ fatal: /mnt/1/monnier-broken.bup: '/mnt/1/monnier-broken.bup' is outside repository at '/mnt/1/monnier-broken.bup' [...] where those two lines repeat every few hours. Should I assume it's stuck in some kind of inf-loop, or will it actually end at some point?