0.3 (unreleased) ---------------- - When checking whether we're on the first line of where clause, require 'where' followed by end of line, rather than just a line starting with 'where'. - Recognise all declarations, not just top level declarations, in code handling the case where the last command was `newline-and-indent'. - Attempt to line up the first line of definitions with declarations on the previous line, rather than indenting further. - Reset indentation when current indentation is at least one more than the previous line, rather than just when it is exactly one more than the previous line. This should make it easier to unindent more than one line. - Drop reference to an old git subtrees script from README.md. - Code cleanup. 0.2 (2019-04-15) ---------------- - Deactivate haskell-indentation-mode when activating haskell-tab-indent-mode. Recent haskell-mode considers haskell-indentation-mode to be the default, activating it unconditionally. We follow haskell-indent-mode in deactivating it when activating our mode. - Switch debian/changelog->NEWS.md. 0.1.0 (2015-12-05) ------------------ - Initial release.