Soon: * Get some keysafe servers set up. Later: * The attack cost display can lead to a false sense of security if the user takes it as gospel. It needs to be clear that it's an estimate. This and other parts of the keysafe UI need usability testing. * improve restore progress bar points (update after every hash try) * If we retrieved enough shares successfully, but decrypt failed, must be a wrong password, so prompt for re-entry and retry with those shares. * Don't require --totalshares and --neededshares on restore when unusual values were used for backup. Instead, probe until enough shares are found to restore. * --no-jargon which makes the UI avoid terms like "secret key" and "crack password". Do usability testing! * --key-value=$N which eliminates the question about password value, and rejects passwords that would cost less than $N to crack at current rates. This should add a combo box to the password entry form in the GUI to let the user adjust the $N there. * In backup, only upload to N-1 servers immediately, and delay the rest for up to several days, with some uploads of chaff, to prevent collaborating evil servers from correlating related shards. * Add some random padding to http requests and responses, to make it harder for traffic analysis to tell that it's keysafe traffic. Wishlist: * Keep secret keys in locked memory until they're encrypted. (Raaz makes this possible to do.) Would be nice, but not super-important, since gpg secret keys are passphrase protected anyway..