Name: keysafe Version: 0.20160819 Cabal-Version: >= 1.8 Maintainer: Joey Hess Author: Joey Hess Stability: Experimental Copyright: 2016 Joey Hess License: AGPL-3 Homepage: Category: Utility Build-Type: Custom Synopsis: back up a secret key securely to the cloud Description: Keysafe backs up a secret key to several cloud servers, split up so that no one server can access the whole secret by itself. . A password is used to encrypt the data, and it is made expensive to decrypt, so password cracking is infeasibly expensive. License-File: AGPL Extra-Source-Files: CHANGELOG TODO keysafe.1 Executable keysafe Main-Is: keysafe.hs GHC-Options: -threaded -Wall -fno-warn-tabs -O2 Build-Depends: base (>= 4.5 && < 5.0) , bytestring == 0.10.* , deepseq == 1.4.* , random == 1.1.* , secret-sharing == 1.0.* , raaz == 0.0.2 , time == 1.5.* , containers == 0.5.* , binary == 0.7.* , text == 1.2.* , utf8-string == 1.0.* , unix == 2.7.* , filepath == 1.4.* , split == 0.2.* , directory == 1.2.* , process == 1.2.* , optparse-applicative == 0.12.* , readline == 1.0.* , zxcvbn-c == 1.0.* , servant == 0.7.* , servant-server == 0.7.* , servant-client == 0.7.* , aeson == 0.11.* , wai == 3.2.* , warp == 3.2.* , http-client == 0.4.* , transformers == 0.4.* , stm == 2.4.* , socks == 0.5.* , network == 2.6.* -- Temporarily inlined due to -- argon2 == 1.1.* Extra-Libraries: argon2 Other-Modules: Crypto.Argon2.FFI Crypto.Argon2 CmdLine Cost Encryption Entropy ExpensiveHash Gpg HTTP HTTP.Client HTTP.Server SecretKey Serialization Share Storage Storage.Local Storage.Network Tests Tunables Types Types.Cost Types.Storage Types.UI UI UI.Readline UI.Zenity source-repository head type: git location: git://