path: root/mailscripts.el
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'mailscripts.el')
1 files changed, 79 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/mailscripts.el b/mailscripts.el
index f0002fc..916aec8 100644
--- a/mailscripts.el
+++ b/mailscripts.el
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
;;; mailscripts.el --- functions to access tools in the mailscripts package
;; Author: Sean Whitton <>
-;; Version: 0.11
-;; Package-Requires: (notmuch)
+;; Version: 0.13
+;; Package-Requires: (notmuch projectile)
-;; Copyright (C) 2018 Sean Whitton
+;; Copyright (C) 2018, 2019 Sean Whitton
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
@@ -22,6 +22,17 @@
;;; Code:
(require 'notmuch)
+(require 'projectile)
+(defgroup mailscripts nil
+ "Customisation of functions in the mailscripts package.")
+(defcustom mailscripts-extract-patches-branch-prefix nil
+ "Prefix for git branches created by functions which extract patch series.
+E.g. `email/'."
+ :type 'string
+ :group 'mailscripts)
(defun notmuch-slurp-debbug (bug &optional no-open)
@@ -43,25 +54,84 @@ If NO-OPEN, don't open the thread."
-(defun notmuch-extract-thread-patches (repo branch)
+(defun notmuch-extract-thread-patches (repo branch &optional reroll-count)
"Extract patch series in current thread to branch BRANCH in repo REPO.
The target branch may or may not already exist.
+With an optional prefix numeric argument REROLL-COUNT, try to
+extract the nth revision of a series. See the --reroll-count
+option detailed in notmuch-extract-patch(1).
See notmuch-extract-patch(1) manpage for limitations: in
particular, this Emacs Lisp function supports passing only entire
threads to the notmuch-extract-patch(1) command."
- (interactive "Dgit repo: \nsnew branch name: ")
+ (interactive
+ "Dgit repo: \nsbranch name (or leave blank to apply to current HEAD): \np")
(let ((thread-id notmuch-show-thread-id)
(default-directory (expand-file-name repo)))
- (call-process-shell-command
- (format "git checkout -b %s"
- (shell-quote-argument branch)))
+ (mailscripts--check-out-branch branch)
- (format "notmuch-extract-patch %s | git am"
+ (format "notmuch-extract-patch -v%d %s | git am"
+ (if reroll-count reroll-count 1)
(shell-quote-argument thread-id))
+(defun notmuch-extract-thread-patches-projectile ()
+ "Like `notmuch-extract-thread-patches', but use projectile to choose the repo."
+ (interactive)
+ (mailscripts--projectile-repo-and-branch
+ 'notmuch-extract-thread-patches (prefix-numeric-value current-prefix-arg)))
+(defun notmuch-extract-message-patches (repo branch)
+ "Extract patches attached to current message to branch BRANCH in repo REPO.
+The target branch may or may not already exist.
+Patches are applied using git-am(1), so we only consider
+attachments with filenames which look like they were generated by
+ (interactive
+ "Dgit repo: \nsbranch name (or leave blank to apply to current HEAD): ")
+ (with-current-notmuch-show-message
+ (let ((default-directory (expand-file-name repo))
+ (mm-handle (mm-dissect-buffer)))
+ (mailscripts--check-out-branch branch)
+ (notmuch-foreach-mime-part
+ (lambda (p)
+ (let* ((disposition (mm-handle-disposition p))
+ (filename (cdr (assq 'filename disposition))))
+ (and filename
+ (string-match
+ "^\\(v[0-9]+-\\)?[0-9]+-.+\.\\(patch\\|diff\\|txt\\)$" filename)
+ (mm-pipe-part p "git am"))))
+ mm-handle))))
+(defun notmuch-extract-message-patches-projectile ()
+ "Like `notmuch-extract-message-patches', but use projectile to choose the repo."
+ (interactive)
+ (mailscripts--projectile-repo-and-branch 'notmuch-extract-message-patches))
+(defun mailscripts--check-out-branch (branch)
+ (unless (string= branch "")
+ (call-process-shell-command
+ (format "git checkout -b %s"
+ (shell-quote-argument
+ (if mailscripts-extract-patches-branch-prefix
+ (concat mailscripts-extract-patches-branch-prefix branch)
+ branch))))))
+(defun mailscripts--projectile-repo-and-branch (f &rest args)
+ (let ((repo (projectile-completing-read
+ "Select projectile project: " projectile-known-projects))
+ (branch (completing-read
+ "Branch name (or leave blank to apply to current HEAD): "
+ nil)))
+ (apply f repo branch args)))
(provide 'mailscripts)
;;; mailscripts.el ends here