#!/usr/bin/perl # gmi2email -- subscribe to gemlogs and read individual Gemini pages by e-mail # Copyright (C) 2021 Sean Whitton # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at # your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . use 5.028; use strict; use warnings; use DBI; use File::Spec::Functions "catfile"; use IO::Socket::SSL; use MIME::Lite; use Config::Tiny; use Text::Wrap; use Try::Tiny; use Getopt::Long; use Email::Date::Format "email_date"; use Time::Local; use Mail::Field::AddrList; use XML::Feed; my ($from, $to, $do_subs, $inline_images, $no_mail); GetOptions "from=s" => \$from, "to=s" => \$to, "subscriptions!" => \$do_subs, "inline-images!" => \$inline_images, "no-send!" => \$no_mail; my $conf_r = $ENV{XDG_CONFIG_HOME} || catfile $ENV{HOME}, ".config"; my $conf_f = catfile $conf_r, "mailscripts", "gmi2email.config"; -e $conf_f or (defined $to and defined $from) or die "no config file or sufficient command line options: don't know who to mail"; my $conf = Config::Tiny->new->read($conf_f); my %to_mail_opts = ( from => ( $from or $conf->{_}->{from} or die "no From: address set in config or on command line" ), to => ( $to or $conf->{_}->{to} or die "no To: address set in config or on command line" ), inline_images => $inline_images // $conf->{_}->{inline_images} // 0 ); @ARGV or $do_subs or die "nothing to do\n"; for (@ARGV) { my $data; if (-f) { open my $fh, "<", $_; $data = [<$fh>]; } else { my $type; ($type, $data) = gemini_fetch($_, abs_links => 1); $type =~ m{^text/gemini} or die "$_ is not gemtext"; } $no_mail or gemtext_to_mail($data, %to_mail_opts)->send; } exit unless $do_subs; my $subs_f = catfile $conf_r, "mailscripts", "gmi2email.subscriptions"; -e $subs_f or die "no list of subscriptions"; open my $subs_fh, "<", $subs_f; my $db_r = $ENV{XDG_CACHE_HOME} || catfile $ENV{HOME}, ".cache"; my $db_d = catfile $db_r, "mailscripts"; -d $db_d or mkdir $db_d; my $db_f = catfile $db_d, "gmi2email.db"; my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:SQLite:dbname=$db_f", "", ""); $dbh->do("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS seen (uri TEXT PRIMARY KEY)") or die "failed to initialise database"; foreach my $sub (<$subs_fh>) { chomp $sub; my ($gemlog, $type, $data); #<<< try { ($type, $data) = gemini_fetch($sub, abs_links => 1); } catch { my ($code) = /"gemini error: ([1-6])/; if ($code == 4) { warn "temporary failure retrieving $sub"; next; # try again next run } else { die "while retrieving $sub $_"; } }; #>>> if ($type =~ m{^text/gemini}) { for (@$data) { if (/^#\s*/ and not $gemlog) { chomp($gemlog = $'); } elsif (my ($uri, $y, $m, $d, $title) = /^=>\s*(\S+)\s+([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})[\s-]*(.*)/) { send_subscribed_gemtext($uri, $gemlog // "unknown gemlog", $title, timelocal 0, 0, 12, $d, $m - 1, $y); } } } elsif ($type =~ m{^(?:text|application)/(?:atom\+)?xml}) { my $feed = XML::Feed->parse(\$data); send_subscribed_gemtext($_->link, $feed->title, $_->title, ($_->issued // $_->modified)->epoch) for $feed->entries; } else { die "$sub is not gemtext or an Atom feed, so far as I can tell"; } } sub send_subscribed_gemtext { my ($uri, $gemlog, $link_title, $feed_date) = @_; my ($rows) = $dbh->selectrow_array( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM seen WHERE uri = \"$uri\""); return unless $rows == 0; my $mail = 1; my ($type, $data); #<<< try { ($type, $data) = gemini_fetch($uri, abs_links => 1); } catch { warn "when fetching $uri, $_"; my ($code) = /"gemini error: ([1-6])/; if ($code == 4) { return; # try again next run } else { $mail = 0; # don't try this one again } }; #>>> $dbh->do("INSERT INTO seen VALUES (\"$uri\")"); $mail and !$no_mail or return; if ($type =~ m{^text/gemini}) { gemtext_to_mail( $data, %to_mail_opts, gemlog => $gemlog // "unknown gemlog", link_title => $link_title, date => email_date $feed_date )->send; } else { warn "$uri is not gemtext"; } } sub gemini_fetch { my ($uri, %opts) = @_; # regexp from Alex Schroeder's moku-pona program my ($scheme, $authority, $path, $query, $fragment) = $uri =~ m|(?:([^:/?#]+):)?(?://([^/?#]*))?([^?#]*)(?:\?([^#]*))?(?:#(.*))?|; $scheme and $scheme eq "gemini" or die "'$uri' does not use the gemini scheme"; $authority or die "'$uri' lacks an authority"; my ($host, $port) = split ":", $authority; my $cl = IO::Socket::SSL->new( PeerHost => $host, PeerPort => $port // 1965, SSL_verify_mode => SSL_VERIFY_NONE ); print $cl "$uri\r\n"; my ($status, $meta) = <$cl> =~ /^([0-9]+) (\V+)/; if (30 <= $status and $status < 40) { $opts{orig_uri} = $uri unless $opts{redirects}; die "too many redirects while fetching $opts{orig_uri}" if $opts{redirects} and $opts{redirects} > 5; $opts{redirects}++; return gemini_fetch($meta, %opts); } elsif ($status < 20 or $status >= 40) { die "gemini error: $status $meta"; } if ($meta =~ "^text/gemini") { my @lines; if ($opts{abs_links}) { $authority =~ m{/$} or $authority .= "/"; $path =~ m{/$} or $path .= "/"; for (<$cl>) { s/\r?\n\z//; if (m{^=> (?!/)} and not m{^=> [a-z]+://}) { push @lines, "=> gemini://$authority$path$'"; } elsif (m{^=> /}) { push @lines, "=> gemini://$authority$'"; } else { push @lines, $_; } } } else { @lines = <$cl>; } push @lines, "" unless $lines[$#lines] eq ""; push @lines, "Retrieved from $uri\n at " . localtime; return $meta, \@lines; } else { return $meta, do { local $/; <$cl> }; } } sub gemtext_to_mail { my ($gemtext, %opts) = @_; $opts{from} or die "no From: address specified"; $opts{to} or die "no To: address specified"; my $subject = $opts{link_title} // ""; if ($gemtext->[0] =~ m{^#(?!#)\s*}) { $subject = $'; shift @$gemtext; shift @$gemtext while $gemtext->[0] =~ /^$/; } if ($opts{gemlog}) { $opts{from} = Mail::Field->new("From")->create($opts{from}, $opts{gemlog}) ->stringify; $subject = "$opts{gemlog}: $subject" if $subject; } my $msg = MIME::Lite->new( From => $opts{from}, To => $opts{to}, Subject => $subject, Type => "multipart/mixed" ); $msg->add(Date => $opts{date}) if $opts{date}; my ($pre, @buffer); my $flush = sub { return unless @buffer; $msg->attach(Type => "TEXT", Data => join "\r\n", @buffer); undef @buffer; }; my $pad = sub { push @buffer, "" unless !@buffer or $buffer[$#buffer] eq "" }; for (@$gemtext) { if ($pre) { if (/^```/) { $pre = 0; } else { push @buffer, " $_"; } } elsif (/^```/) { &$pad; $pre = 1; } elsif (/^>\s*/) { &$pad; push @buffer, split "\n", wrap "> ", "> ", $'; } elsif (/^\*\s*/) { &$pad; push @buffer, split "\n", wrap "• ", " ", $'; } elsif ($opts{inline_images} and my ($uri) = m{^=>\s*(gemini://\S+\.(?:jpg|jpeg|png|gif))}) { &$flush; my ($type, $data) = gemini_fetch($uri); $msg->attach( Type => $type, Data => $data, Filename => (split "/", $uri)[-1], Disposition => "inline" ); } elsif (/^=>/) { &$pad unless @buffer and $buffer[$#buffer] =~ /^=>/; push @buffer, $_; } elsif (/^#+/) { &$pad; push @buffer, $_; } else { &$pad; push @buffer, split "\n", wrap "", "", $_; } } &$flush; return $msg; }