;;; mailscripts.el --- functions to access tools in the mailscripts package ;; Author: Sean Whitton ;; Version: 0.12 ;; Package-Requires: (notmuch projectile) ;; Copyright (C) 2018, 2019 Sean Whitton ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with this program. If not, see . ;;; Code: (require 'notmuch) (require 'projectile) (defgroup mailscripts nil "Customisation of functions in the mailscripts package.") (defcustom mailscripts-extract-patches-branch-prefix nil "Prefix for git branches created by functions which extract patch series. E.g. `mailed/'." :type 'string :group 'mailscripts) ;;;###autoload (defun notmuch-slurp-debbug (bug &optional no-open) "Slurp Debian bug with bug number BUG and open the thread in notmuch. If NO-OPEN, don't open the thread." (interactive "sBug number: ") (call-process-shell-command (concat "notmuch-slurp-debbug " bug)) (unless no-open (notmuch-show (concat "Bug#" bug)))) ;;;###autoload (defun notmuch-slurp-this-debbug () "When viewing a Debian bug in notmuch, download any missing messages." (interactive) (let ((subject (notmuch-show-get-subject))) (when (string-match "Bug#\\([0-9]+\\):" subject) (notmuch-slurp-debbug (match-string 1 subject) t)) (notmuch-refresh-this-buffer))) ;;;###autoload (defun notmuch-extract-thread-patches (repo branch &optional no-prefix) "Extract patch series in current thread to branch BRANCH in repo REPO. A prefix arg suppresses the effects of `mailscripts-extract-patches-branch-prefix'. The target branch may or may not already exist. See notmuch-extract-patch(1) manpage for limitations: in particular, this Emacs Lisp function supports passing only entire threads to the notmuch-extract-patch(1) command." (interactive "Dgit repo: \nsnew branch name: \nP") (let ((thread-id notmuch-show-thread-id) (default-directory (expand-file-name repo))) (mailscripts--check-out-branch branch no-prefix) (shell-command (format "notmuch-extract-patch %s | git am" (shell-quote-argument thread-id)) "*notmuch-apply-thread-series*"))) ;;;###autoload (defun notmuch-extract-thread-patches-projectile (&optional no-prefix) "Like `notmuch-extract-thread-patches', but use projectile to choose the repo." (interactive "P") (mailscripts--projectile-repo-and-branch 'notmuch-extract-thread-patches)) ;;;###autoload (defun notmuch-extract-message-patches (repo branch &optional no-prefix) "Extract patches attached to current message to branch BRANCH in repo REPO. A prefix arg suppresses the effects of `mailscripts-extract-patches-branch-prefix'. The target branch may or may not already exist. Patches are applied using git-am(1), so we only consider attachments with filenames which look like they were generated by git-format-patch(1)." (interactive "Dgit repo: \nsnew branch name: \nP") (with-current-notmuch-show-message (let ((default-directory (expand-file-name repo)) (mm-handle (mm-dissect-buffer))) (mailscripts--check-out-branch branch no-prefix) (notmuch-foreach-mime-part (lambda (p) (let* ((disposition (mm-handle-disposition p)) (filename (cdr (assq 'filename disposition)))) (and filename (string-match "^\\(v[0-9]+-\\)?[0-9]+-.+\.\\(patch\\|diff\\|txt\\)$" filename) (mm-pipe-part p "git am")))) mm-handle)))) ;;;###autoload (defun notmuch-extract-message-patches-projectile (&optional no-prefix) "Like `notmuch-extract-message-patches', but use projectile to choose the repo." (interactive "P") (mailscripts--projectile-repo-and-branch 'notmuch-extract-message-patches)) (defun mailscripts--check-out-branch (branch no-prefix) (call-process-shell-command (format "git checkout -b %s" (shell-quote-argument (if (and (not no-prefix) mailscripts-extract-patches-branch-prefix) (concat mailscripts-extract-patches-branch-prefix branch) branch))))) (defun mailscripts--projectile-repo-and-branch (f) (let ((repo (projectile-completing-read "Select projectile project: " projectile-known-projects)) (branch (completing-read "Branch name: " nil))) (funcall f repo branch))) (provide 'mailscripts) ;;; mailscripts.el ends here