diff options
authorSean Whitton <spwhitton@spwhitton.name>2015-09-20 18:52:13 -0700
committerSean Whitton <spwhitton@spwhitton.name>2015-09-20 18:52:13 -0700
commit2641d4e1ac45f5405b99b07553d2b98a0a99761a (patch)
parenta0a9b84a75f34c83c1975cd0ddcfd89b0fa08542 (diff)
don't depend on my personal config files0.1.0
3 files changed, 49 insertions, 36 deletions
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 1c682e8..7bf8bb9 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -29,16 +29,24 @@ conversion; the default setting is
$ oso2pdf --font="Liberation Serif" my_chapter.html
+You may pass additional arguments to pandoc like this:
+ $ oso2pdf --font="Times New Roman" my_chapter.html -- -V documentclass=pessay -V classoption=onehalf --template=pessay
+In this example Pandoc is instructed to make use of the files
+Indeed, any arguments passed after `--` will be ignored by oso2pdf and
+handed on to invocations of Pandoc.
## Installation
Runtime dependencies:
-- a working installation of pandoc
+- a working installation of Pandoc
- a working LaTeX installation, including XeLaTeX
- some XeLaTeX-compatible font, such as Liberation Serif
-- my
- [~/.pandoc/templates/pessay.latex](https://github.com/spwhitton/dotfiles/blob/master/.pandoc/templates/pessay.latex)
-- my [~/texmf/tex/latex/pessay/pessay.cls](https://github.com/spwhitton/dotfiles/blob/master/texmf/tex/latex/pessay/pessay.cls)
To build and install, first
[install stack](https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack), and then
diff --git a/oso2pdf.cabal b/oso2pdf.cabal
index be1c97c..395e122 100644
--- a/oso2pdf.cabal
+++ b/oso2pdf.cabal
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ executable oso2pdf
, process
, temporary
, filepath
+ , mtl
default-language: Haskell2010
source-repository head
diff --git a/src/oso2pdf.hs b/src/oso2pdf.hs
index 3f9bbbf..766bb2b 100644
--- a/src/oso2pdf.hs
+++ b/src/oso2pdf.hs
@@ -23,23 +23,25 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
-import Control.Lens hiding (argument)
-import Control.Monad (when)
-import Data.List (isInfixOf)
+import Control.Lens hiding (argument)
+import Control.Monad (when)
+import Control.Monad.Reader
+import Data.List (isInfixOf)
import Options.Applicative
-import System.Directory (findExecutable)
-import System.Exit (die)
-import System.FilePath (takeBaseName, (</>))
+import System.Directory (findExecutable)
+import System.Exit (die)
+import System.FilePath (takeBaseName, (</>))
import System.IO.Temp
import System.Process
-data Opts = Opts { _font :: String, _input :: FilePath }
+data Opts = Opts { _font :: String, _input :: FilePath, _pandocArgs :: [String] }
makeLenses ''Opts
optsParser :: Parser Opts
optsParser = Opts
<$> strOption (long "font" <> metavar "FONT" <> value "Liberation Serif")
<*> argument str (metavar "INPUT")
+ <*> many (argument str (metavar "PANDOC_ARGS..."))
narrowToContent :: String -> (String, String, String)
narrowToContent full = (body, notes ++ "</div></div>", footer)
@@ -68,34 +70,36 @@ main = do
opts <- execParser $ info optsParser mempty
+ runReaderT oso2pdf opts
+oso2pdf :: ReaderT Opts IO ()
+oso2pdf = ask >>= \opts -> do
-- 3. get HTML content
- (body, notes, footer) <- narrowToContent <$> readFile (opts ^. input)
+ (body, notes, footer) <- narrowToContent <$> (liftIO . readFile) (opts ^. input)
-- 4. go go go
- let contentFile = (takeBaseName $ opts ^. input) ++ "-content.pdf"
- let notesFile = (takeBaseName $ opts ^. input) ++ "-notes.pdf"
+ let basename = (takeBaseName $ opts ^. input)
+ contentFile = basename ++ "-content.pdf"
+ notesFile = basename ++ "-notes.pdf"
withSystemTempDirectory "oso2pdf" $ \dir -> do
- writeFile (dir </> "content.html") (body ++ footer)
- writeFile (dir </> "notes.html") (notes ++ footer)
- runPandoc (dir </> "content.html") contentFile (opts ^. font)
- runPandoc (dir </> "notes.html") notesFile (opts ^. font)
-runPandoc :: String -> String -> String -> IO ()
-runPandoc input output font = do
- readProcess "pandoc" [ "-s"
- , input
- , "--filter"
- , "pandoc-oso2tex"
- , "--variable"
- , "mainfont=" ++ font
- , "--latex-engine=xelatex"
- , "-V"
- , "documentclass=pessay"
- , "-V"
- , "classoption=onehalf"
- , "--template=pessay"
- , "-o"
- , output] ""
- return ()
+ liftIO $ writeFile (dir </> "content.html") (body ++ footer)
+ liftIO $ writeFile (dir </> "notes.html") (notes ++ footer)
+ runPandoc (dir </> "content.html") contentFile
+ runPandoc (dir </> "notes.html") notesFile
+runPandoc :: String -> String -> ReaderT Opts IO ()
+runPandoc input output = ask >>= \opts -> do
+ liftIO $ readProcess "pandoc" ([ "-s"
+ , input
+ , "--filter"
+ , "pandoc-oso2tex"
+ , "--variable"
+ , "mainfont=" ++ (opts ^. font)
+ , "--latex-engine=xelatex"
+ , "-o"
+ , output] ++ (opts ^. pandocArgs)) ""
+ pure ()