#!/usr/bin/perl # PODNAME: annex-review-unused # ABSTRACT: interactively process `git annex unused` output # Copyright (C) 2019-2020 Sean Whitton # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at # your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . =head1 SYNOPSIS B [B<--just-print>] [B<--from=>I] [B<--used-refspec=>I] =head1 DESCRIPTION This program lets you interactively review unused files in a git annex repository, choosing which you'd like to drop. It provides more information about unused files that B, by running git-log(1). =head1 OPTIONS =over 4 =item B<--just-print> Run non-interactively: gather and print information about unused files, and then exit. =item B<--from=>I Passed on to B. =item B<--used-refspec=>I Passed on to B. =back =head1 EXIT STATUS 0 if there are no unused files left at time of program exit, 1 if there are. =head1 SEE ALSO git-annex-unused(1), git-annex-dropunused(1) =cut use 5.028; use strict; use warnings; use Getopt::Long; use Git::Annex; use Try::Tiny; use Term::ReadKey; use Term::ANSIColor; my $annex = Git::Annex->new; my $just_print = 0; my ($uuid, $from_arg, $used_refspec_arg, %unused_opts, %dropunused_args); GetOptions 'from=s' => \$from_arg, 'used-refspec=s' => \$used_refspec_arg, 'just-print' => \$just_print; if ($from_arg) { $unused_opts{from} = $dropunused_args{from} = $from_arg; #<<< try { ($uuid) = $annex->git->config("remote." . $from_arg . ".annex-uuid"); } catch { die "couldn't determine an annex UUID for $from_arg remote"; }; #>>> } $unused_opts{used_refspec} = $used_refspec_arg if $used_refspec_arg; my @to_drop; my @unused_files = @{ $annex->unused(%unused_opts, log => 1) }; exit unless @unused_files; if ($just_print) { say_spaced_bullet("There are unused files you can drop with" . " `git annex dropunused':"); say " " . $_->{number} . " " . $_->{key} for @unused_files; print "\n"; } my $i = 0; UNUSED: while ($i < @unused_files) { my $unused_file = $unused_files[$i]; # check the unused file still exists i.e. has not been dropped # already (in the case of reviewing unused files at a remote, just # check that it's not been dropped according to the local # git-annex branch by using readpresentkey rather than # checkpresentkey) my $contentlocation = $annex->abs_contentlocation($unused_file->{key}); if ($from_arg) { #<<< try { $annex->git->annex("readpresentkey", $unused_file->{key}, $uuid); } catch { splice @unused_files, $i, 1; next UNUSED; }; #>>> } elsif (!$contentlocation) { splice @unused_files, $i, 1; next UNUSED; } system qw(clear -x) unless $just_print; say_bold("unused file #" . $unused_file->{number} . ":"); if ($unused_file->{bad} or $unused_file->{tmp}) { say " looks like stale tmp or bad file, with key " . $unused_file->{key}; } else { my @log_lines = map { s/^/ /r } @{ $unused_file->{log_lines} }; unless ($just_print) { # truncate log output if necessary to ensure user's # terminal does not scroll my (undef, $height) = GetTerminalSize(); splice @log_lines, (($height - 5) - @log_lines) if @log_lines > ($height - 5); } print "\n"; say for @log_lines; unless ($just_print) { my $response; READKEY: while (1) { # before prompting, clear out stdin, to avoid # registered a keypress more than once ReadMode 4; 1 while defined ReadKey(-1); my @opts = ('y', 'n'); push @opts, 'o' if $contentlocation; push @opts, ('d', 'b') if $i > 0; print "Drop this unused files? (" . join('/', @opts) . ") "; # Term::ReadKey docs recommend ReadKey(-1) but that # means we need an infinite loop calling ReadKey(-1) # over and over, which ramps up system load my $response = ReadKey(0); ReadMode 0; # respond to C-c exit 0 if ord($response) == 3; say $response; $response = lc($response); if ($response eq "y") { push @to_drop, $unused_file->{number}; last READKEY; } elsif ($response eq "n") { last READKEY; } elsif ($response eq "o" and defined $contentlocation) { system "xdg-open", $contentlocation; } elsif ($response eq "b" and $i > 0) { $i--; $i--; pop @to_drop if @to_drop and $to_drop[$#to_drop] eq $unused_files[$i]->{number}; next UNUSED; } elsif ($response eq "d" and $i > 0) { # user wants to drop the list we've accumulated up # until now and get out of this script last UNUSED; } else { say "invalid response"; } } } } print "\n"; $i++; } if (@to_drop) { say_spaced_bullet("Will dropunused" . (exists $dropunused_args{force} ? " with --force:" : ":")); say "@to_drop\n"; $annex->git->annex("dropunused", \%dropunused_args, @to_drop) if prompt_yn("Go ahead with this?"); } # exit value represents whether or not there are any unused files left # after this run. note that in --just-print mode, @to_drop will be # empty, so we'll always exit non-zero if there are any unused files exit(@to_drop != @unused_files); sub say_bold { print colored(['bold'], @_), "\n" } sub say_bullet { say_bold(" • ", @_) } sub say_spaced_bullet { say_bold("\n", " • ", @_, "\n") }