#!/usr/bin/perl use 5.028; use strict; use warnings; use lib 't/lib'; use Test::More; use Git::Annex; use File::chdir; use File::Temp qw(tempdir); use t::Setup; use File::Spec::Functions qw(catfile file_name_is_absolute); { my $temp = tempdir CLEANUP => 1; my $annex = Git::Annex->new($temp); is $annex->toplevel, $temp, "constructor sets toplevel to provided dir"; local $CWD = $temp; $annex = Git::Annex->new; is $annex->toplevel, $temp, "constructor sets toplevel to pwd"; $annex = Git::Annex->new("foo"); ok file_name_is_absolute($annex->toplevel), "it converts a relative path to absolute"; ok !-d $annex->toplevel, "it permits initialisation in a nonexistent dir"; } { my $temp = tempdir CLEANUP => 1; my $annex = Git::Annex->new($temp); is $annex->{git}, undef, "Git::Wrapper instance lazily instantiated"; ok $annex->git->isa("Git::Wrapper") && defined $annex->{git}, "Git::Wrapper instance available"; is $annex->git->dir, $temp, "Git::Wrapper has correct toplevel"; } # lazy init of Git::Repository object requires an actual git repo, not # just an empty tempdir with_temp_annexes { my $annex = Git::Annex->new("source1"); is $annex->{repo}, undef, "Git::Repository instance lazily instantiated"; ok $annex->repo->isa("Git::Repository") && defined $annex->{repo}, "Git::Repository instance available"; is $annex->repo->work_tree, catfile(shift, "source1"), "Git::Repository has correct toplevel"; }; with_temp_annexes { my $source1_dir = catfile shift, "source1"; my $annex = Git::Annex->new(catfile $source1_dir, "foo"); is $annex->toplevel, $source1_dir, "it rises to top of working tree"; }; done_testing;