#!/usr/bin/perl use 5.028; use strict; use warnings; use lib 't/lib'; use Cwd qw(realpath); use Test::More; use Git::Annex; use File::Spec::Functions qw(catfile rel2abs); use t::Setup; use Storable; use Data::Compare; use File::chdir; use File::Basename qw(basename); with_temp_annexes { my $temp = shift; my $annex = Git::Annex->new("source1"); my $annex2 = Git::Annex->new("source2"); my $unused_info = catfile($temp, qw(source1 .git annex unused_info)); is $annex->_git_path("blah", "foo"), catfile($temp, qw(source1 .git blah foo)), "_git_path resolves a path"; is $annex->_unused_cache, $unused_info, "_unused_cache resolves to correct path"; $annex->{_unused} = { foo => "bar" }; $annex->_store_unused_cache; ok Compare($annex->{_unused}, retrieve $unused_info), "_store_unused_cache stores the cache"; $annex->_clear_unused_cache; ok !exists $annex->{_unused}, "_clear_unused_cache clears unused hashref"; ok !-f $unused_info, "_clear_unused_cache deletes the cache"; { local $CWD = "source2"; my $contentlocation = realpath rel2abs readlink "other"; my $key = basename readlink "other"; is $annex2->abs_contentlocation($key), $contentlocation, "it returns an absolute path to the content for other"; is $annex2->abs_contentlocation("foo"), undef, "it returns undef for a nonsense key"; } }; done_testing;