#!/usr/bin/perl use 5.028; use strict; use warnings; use lib 't/lib'; use App::annex_to_annex; use Test::More; use t::Setup; use t::Util; use File::Path qw(make_path); use File::Slurp; use Capture::Tiny qw(capture_merged); use File::Spec::Functions qw(catfile rel2abs); use File::chdir; plan skip_all => "device ID issues" if device_id_issues; my ($output, $error, $exit, @output); with_temp_annexes { make_path "dest/foo/foo2"; write_file "dest/foo/bar", ""; write_file "dest/foo/foo2/baz", ""; (undef, $error, $exit) = run_bin qw(annex-to-annex source1/foo source2/other dest); ok $exit, "it exits nonzero instead of clobbering an existing file"; ok grep(/\/dest\/foo\/bar already exists!$/, @$error), "it won't clobber an existing file"; }; with_temp_annexes { write_file catfile("source1", "quux"), "quux\n"; (undef, $error, $exit) = run_bin qw(annex-to-annex --commit source1/foo/bar dest); ok $exit, "with --commit, it exits nonzero when uncommitted source changes"; ok grep(/^git repo containing [^ ]+\/bar is not clean; please commit$/, @$error), "with --commit, it exits when uncommitted changes"; }; with_temp_annexes { write_file catfile("dest", "quux"), "quux\n"; (undef, $error, $exit) = run_bin qw(annex-to-annex --commit source1/foo/bar dest); ok $exit, "with --commit, it exits nonzero when uncommitted dest changes"; ok grep(/^git repo containing [^ ]+\/dest is not clean; please commit$/, @$error), "with --commit, it exits when uncommitted changes"; }; # following test is sensitive to changes in git-log output, but that's # okay with_temp_annexes { my (undef, $source1, $source2, $dest) = @_; # also implicitly test, here, that we can invoke the program by # passing a subroutine reference when invoking main as a class # method App::annex_to_annex->main([qw(--commit source1/foo source2/other dest)]); @output = $source1->RUN(qw(log -1 --oneline --name-status)); like $output[0], qr/migrated by annex-to-annex/, "--commit makes a source1 commit"; ok grep(m{^D\s+foo/bar$}, @output[1 .. $#output]), "--commit commit deletes bar"; ok grep(m{^D\s+foo/foo2/baz$}, @output[1 .. $#output]), "--commit commit deletes baz"; @output = $source2->RUN(qw(log -1 --oneline --name-status)); like $output[0], qr/migrated by annex-to-annex/, "--commit makes a source2 commit"; ok grep(m{^D\s+other$}, @output[1 .. $#output]), "--commit commit deletes other"; @output = $dest->RUN(qw(log -1 --oneline --name-status)); like $output[0], qr/add/, "--commit makes a dest commit"; ok grep(m{^A\s+other$}, @output[1 .. $#output]), "--commit commit adds other"; }; with_temp_annexes { my (undef, $source1) = @_; corrupt_annexed_file $source1, "foo/foo2/baz"; (undef, $error, $exit) = run_bin qw(annex-to-annex --commit source1/foo source2/other dest); ok $exit, "it exits nonzero when dest annex calculates a diff checksum"; ok grep(/git-annex calculated a different checksum for/, @$error), "it warns when dest annex calculates a diff checksum"; }; with_temp_annexes { my (undef, $source1) = @_; $source1->annex(qw(drop --force foo/foo2/baz)); ($output, undef, $exit) = run_bin qw(annex-to-annex --commit source1/foo source2/other dest); ok $exit, "it exits nonzero when an annexed file is not present"; ok grep(/^Following annexed files are not present in this repo:$/, @$output), "it exits when annexed files are not present"; }; # this is the main integration test for the script doing its job with_temp_annexes { my (undef, $source1, $source2, $dest) = @_; run_bin qw(annex-to-annex source1/foo source2/other dest); { local $CWD = "source1"; ok !-e "foo/bar", "bar should not exist in source1"; ok !-e "foo/foo2/baz", "baz should not exist in source1"; } ok !-e "source2/other", "other should not exist in source2"; { local $CWD = "dest"; ok -f "foo/bar", "bar is regular file in dest"; ok -f "foo/foo2/baz", "baz is regular file in dest"; ok -l "other", "other is symlink in dest"; my @bar_find = $dest->annex(qw(find foo/bar)); ok @bar_find == 0, "bar is not annexed in dest"; my ($baz_key) = $dest->annex(qw(lookupkey foo/foo2/baz)); my ($baz_content) = $dest->annex("contentlocation", $baz_key); my @baz_content_stat = stat $baz_content; ok $baz_content_stat[3] == 2, "baz was hardlinked into annex"; ok((stat("foo/foo2/baz"))[3] == 1, "baz in dest working tree is a copy"); my ($other_key) = $dest->annex(qw(lookupkey other)); my ($other_content) = $dest->annex("contentlocation", $other_key); my @other_content_stat = stat $other_content; ok $other_content_stat[3] == 2, "other was hardlinked into annex"; is read_file("foo/bar"), "bar\n", "bar has expected file content"; is read_file("foo/foo2/baz"), "baz\n", "baz has expected file content"; is read_file("other"), "other\n", "other has expected file content"; } my @source1_git_status = $source1->RUN(qw(status --porcelain)); ok grep(/D\s+foo\/bar/, @source1_git_status), "bar was removed from git"; ok grep(/D\s+foo\/foo2\/baz/, @source1_git_status), "baz was removed from git"; my @source2_git_status = $source2->RUN(qw(status --porcelain)); ok grep(/D\s+other/, @source2_git_status), "other was removed from git"; my @dest_git_status = $dest->RUN(qw(status --porcelain)); ok grep(/A\s+foo\/bar/, @dest_git_status), "bar was added to git"; ok grep(/A\s+foo\/foo2\/baz/, @dest_git_status), "baz was added to git"; ok grep(/A\s+other/, @dest_git_status), "other was added to git"; }; done_testing;