// compile regular expressions var numRegExp = new RegExp("^[0-9]*$"); // sound setup $.ionSound({ sounds: [ { name: "klaxon" }, { name: "button_tiny", }, { name: "cheonjae", }, { name: "onetwothree", }, { name: "too_noisy", }, { name: "sit_down_quickly", }, { name: "school_bell", }, { name: "why_so_noisy", }, { name: "new_cheonjae", } ], // volume: 0.5, path: "sounds/", preload: true }); // random integers // courtesy of https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Math/random function getRandomInt(min, max) { return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min)) + min; } // famous functions from function createCookie(name,value,days) { if (days) { var date = new Date(); date.setTime(date.getTime()+(days*24*60*60*1000)); var expires = "; expires="+date.toGMTString(); } else var expires = ""; // TODO: make this not absolute document.cookie = name+"="+value+expires+"; path=/sariul/cgi-bin"; } function readCookie(name) { var nameEQ = name + "="; var ca = document.cookie.split(';'); for(var i=0;i < ca.length;i++) { var c = ca[i]; while (c.charAt(0)==' ') c = c.substring(1,c.length); if (c.indexOf(nameEQ) == 0) return c.substring(nameEQ.length,c.length); } return null; } function eraseCookie(name) { createCookie(name,"",-1); } // start a new class function startLesson() { var oldCookie = readCookie("class_cookie"); // bail out if we've already started a class (the cookie will // always be set cos our CGI monad always sets it) if (oldCookie != "Nothing") return false; // get input var theGrade = prompt("What grade?", ""); var theClass = prompt("What class?", ""); cookieString = theGrade + "-" + theClass // validate var valRegExp = new RegExp("^[0-9]-[0-9]$"); if (valRegExp.test(cookieString) == false) { alert ("invalid class!"); return false; } // set the cookie and reload to start the session createCookie("class_cookie", cookieString, 1); // reset clock because it's currently dangerous to do so when // ending a lesson timeWastingClock.reset(); // reload, preventing Firefox from resubmitting POST data window.location.assign(document.URL.split("#")[0]); } // end a class function endLesson() { // elements var $points = $('#class_points'); var $form = $('#end_of_class_form'); var $password = $('#teachers_password'); var $time = $('#class_time_wasted'); var oldCookie = readCookie("class_cookie"); // bail out if we've already started a class (the cookie will // always be set cos our CGI monad always sets it) if (oldCookie == "Nothing") return false; // validate var numRegExp = new RegExp("^[0-9]*$"); if (numRegExp.test($points.val()) == false) { alert ("invalid points!"); return false; } if ($password.val() == "") { alert ("invalid password!"); return false; } // submit timeWastingClock.stop(); // dangerous to reset clock here in case user inputs wrong // password: instead reset when *starting* a class // timeWastingClock.reset(); $form.submit(); } // toggle date style // mplungjan on stack overflow: http://stackoverflow.com/a/15397495 function nth(d) { if(d>3 && d<21) return 'th'; // thanks kennebec switch (d % 10) { case 1: return "st"; case 2: return "nd"; case 3: return "rd"; default: return "th"; } } function toggleDateStyle() { var currentDate = $('#date').html(); var today = new Date(); var month = "January,February,March,April,May,June,July,August,September,October,November,December" .split(",")[today.getMonth()]; var day = "Sunday,Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday" .split(",")[today.getDay()]; var date = today.getDate(); var British = day + " " + date + "" + nth(date) + " " + month + " " + today.getFullYear(); var American = day + " " + month + " " + date + "" + nth(date) + ", " + today.getFullYear(); if ($.jStorage.get("date_style", 0) == 0) { $('#date').html(American); $.jStorage.set("date_style", 1); } else { $('#date').html(British); $.jStorage.set("date_style", 0); } } // set initial date to British style if ($.jStorage.get("date_style", 0) == 0) $.jStorage.set("date_style", 1); else $.jStorage.set("date_style", 0); toggleDateStyle(); // choose a student function luckyNumber() { var students = parseInt(readCookie("ss_cookie")); alert(getRandomInt(1, students)); } // toggle the count-down and count-up clocks function leftClockToggle() { // determine what the current clock is by seeing what div exists if ($("#activity-countup").length) createCookie("clock_cookie", "0", 1); else createCookie("clock_cookie", "1", 1); // reload, preventing Firefox from resubmitting POST data window.location.assign(document.URL.split("#")[0]); } // function to make a FlipClock with a few additional features. Not // as neat a constructor as I would like because I don't fully // understand how jQuery works function MyFlipClock (jq, obj) { var thisClock = new FlipClock(jq, obj); thisClock.go = $.proxy(function (seconds) { this.setTime(seconds); this.start(); }, thisClock); thisClock.reset = $.proxy(function () { thisClock.stop(); thisClock.setTime(0); }, thisClock); thisClock.custom = $.proxy(function () { var minutes = prompt('Number of minutes', '0'); var seconds = prompt('Number of seconds', '0'); // validate if (numRegExp.test(minutes) == false || numRegExp.test(seconds) == false) alert ("invalid input"); else thisClock.go(parseInt(minutes) * 60 + parseInt(seconds)); }, thisClock); return thisClock; } var timeWastingClock = MyFlipClock($('#time-wasting-clock'), { autoStart:false, callbacks:{ interval:function () { $.ionSound.play("button_tiny"); var time = timeWastingClock.getTime().time; $.jStorage.set("time_wasted", time); $("#class_time_wasted").val(time); } } }); timeWastingClock.setTime($.jStorage.get("time_wasted", 0)); timeWastingClock.running = false; timeWastingClock.reset = $.proxy(function () { if (this.getTime() != 1) { // if (confirm('Are you sure?')) // { if (this.running) { $('#timeWastingClockGo').html('Start timer'); this.stop(); this.running = false; } $.jStorage.set('time_wasted', 0); this.setTime(0); // } } }, timeWastingClock); timeWastingClock.toggle = $.proxy(function () { if (this.running) { $('#timeWastingClockGo').html('Start timer'); this.stop(); this.running = false; } else { $('#timeWastingClockGo').html('Stop timer'); this.start(); this.running = true; } }, timeWastingClock); var activityClock = MyFlipClock($('#activity-countdown'), { autoStart:false, countdown:true, callbacks:{ stop:function () { $.ionSound.play("new_cheonjae"); } } }); var activityClockUp = MyFlipClock($('#activity-countup'), { autoStart:false, countdown:false }); activityClockUp.toggle = $.proxy(function () { if (this.running) { $('#activityClockUpGo').html('Start stopwatch (a)'); this.stop(); this.running = false; } else { $('#activityClockUpGo').html('Stop stopwatch (a)'); this.start(); this.running = true; } }, activityClockUp); // activityClockUp.reset = $.proxy(function () { // if (this.getTime() != 1) // { // if (confirm('Are you sure?')) // { // if (this.running) // { // $('#activityClockUpGo').html('Start timer'); // this.stop(); // this.running = false; // } // this.setTime(0); // } // } // }, activityClockUp); // bind to keys // only bind if the div exists (that is, a class is in session) if ($("#time-wasting-clock").length) { $(document).bind('keydown', 't', timeWastingClock.toggle); $(document).bind('keydown', 'j', timeWastingClock.toggle); // $(document).bind('keydown', 'space', timeWastingClock.toggle); $(document).bind('keydown', 'l', luckyNumber); } else $(document).bind('keydown', 'l', startLesson); $(document).bind('keydown', 's', timeWastingClock.reset); $(document).bind('keydown', 'r', activityClock.reset); $(document).bind('keydown', 'c', activityClock.custom); $(document).bind('keydown', 'z', activityClockUp.reset); $(document).bind('keydown', 'a', activityClockUp.toggle); $(document).bind('keydown', 'd', toggleDateStyle); $(document).bind('keydown', '0', function (){activityClock.go(30);}); $(document).bind('keydown', '1', function (){activityClock.go(60);}); $(document).bind('keydown', '9', function (){activityClock.go(90);}); $(document).bind('keydown', '2', function (){activityClock.go(120);}); $(document).bind('keydown', '3', function (){activityClock.go(180);}); $(document).bind('keydown', '4', function (){activityClock.go(240);}); $(document).bind('keydown', '5', function (){activityClock.go(300);}); $(document).bind('keydown', '6', function (){activityClock.go(360);}); $(document).bind('keydown', '7', function (){activityClock.go(420);}); $(document).bind('keydown', '8', function (){activityClock.go(480);}); $(document).bind('keydown', 'k', function (){$.ionSound.play("klaxon");}); $(document).bind('keydown', 'o', function (){$.ionSound.play("onetwothree");}); $(document).bind('keydown', 'b', function (){$.ionSound.play("school_bell");}); // bind to buttons $(document).ready(function(){ $('#why-so-noisy').button(); $('#why-so-noisy').click(function (){$.ionSound.play("why_so_noisy");}); $('#klaxon').button(); $('#klaxon').click(function (){$.ionSound.play("klaxon");}); $('#bell').button(); $('#bell').click(function (){$.ionSound.play("school_bell");}); $('#one-two-three').button(); $('#one-two-three').click(function (){$.ionSound.play("onetwothree");}); $('#too-noisy').button(); $('#too-noisy').click(function (){$.ionSound.play("too_noisy");}); $('#sit-down-quickly').button(); $('#sit-down-quickly').click(function (){$.ionSound.play("sit_down_quickly");}); $('#start-lesson').button(); $('#start-lesson').click(function (){ startLesson(); }); $('#end-lesson').button(); $('#end-lesson').click(function (){ endLesson(); }); $('#lucky-number').button(); $('#lucky-number').click(function (){ luckyNumber(); }); $('#date-toggle').button(); $('#date-toggle').click(function (){ toggleDateStyle(); }); $('#leftClockToggle').button(); $('#leftClockToggle').click(function (){ leftClockToggle(); }); $('#activityClockUpGo').button(); $('#activityClockUpGo').click(activityClockUp.toggle); $('#activityClockUpReset').button(); $('#activityClockUpReset').click(activityClockUp.reset); $('#timeWastingClockGo').button(); $('#timeWastingClockGo').click(timeWastingClock.toggle); $('#timeWastingClockReset').button(); $('#timeWastingClockReset').click(timeWastingClock.reset); $('#activityClockReset').button(); $('#activityClockReset').click(activityClock.reset); $('#activityClockCustom').button(); $('#activityClockCustom').click(activityClock.custom); $('#activityClock30s').button(); $('#activityClock30s').click(function (){activityClock.go(30);}) $('#activityClock60s').button(); $('#activityClock60s').click(function (){activityClock.go(60);}) $('#activityClock90s').button(); $('#activityClock90s').click(function (){activityClock.go(90);}) $('#activityClock120s').button(); $('#activityClock120s').click(function (){activityClock.go(120);}) $('#activityClock180s').button(); $('#activityClock180s').click(function (){activityClock.go(180);}) $('#activityClock240s').button(); $('#activityClock240s').click(function (){activityClock.go(240);}) $('#activityClock300s').button(); $('#activityClock300s').click(function (){activityClock.go(300);}) });