/* * TODO: * * - rework use of global variables and functions into OO idioms * - initialise time wasting clock from storage in OO idiom rather * than just stray function call */ // class: one of the classes in our school var Class = function (grade, clas, total) { this.grade = grade; this.clas = clas; // human-readable ID this.id = this.grade + '-' + this.clas; this.total = total; this.points = $.jStorage.get(this.grade + "_" + this.clas + "_" + "points", 0); this.time = $.jStorage.get(this.grade + "_" + this.clas + "_" + "time", 0); }; // save a class to local storage Class.prototype.save = function () { $.jStorage.set(this.grade + "_" + this.clas + "_" + "points", this.points); $.jStorage.set(this.grade + "_" + this.clas + "_" + "time", this.time); }; // modify a class's points or time Class.prototype.changePoints = function (change) { this.points = this.points + change; this.save(); updateClasses(); } Class.prototype.changeTime = function (change) { this.time = this.time + change; this.save(); updateClasses(); } // now set up all our classes var classes = [ new Class(5, 1, 30), new Class(5, 2, 30), new Class(5, 3, 30), new Class(6, 1, 19), new Class(6, 2, 18), new Class(6, 3, 19) ]; // method to sort them classes.sortClasses = function () { function classesComparison(a, b) { if (a.points < b.points) return 1; if (b.points < a.points) return -1; return 0; } this.sort(classesComparison); } // function to update the HTML display of classes function updateClasses () { // first update the HTML displayed classes.sortClasses(); $classes = $('#classes'); $classes.html(""); function appendClassHTML (clas, index, array) { // strings for display // background colour should be green for two classes with the highest points (and our array is sorted by points) var colour = index < 2 ? ' style="background-color: lightgreen;"' : ''; // time var minutes = '' + Math.floor(clas.time / 60); var seconds = '' + (clas.time - minutes * 60); if (seconds.length == 1) seconds = "0" + seconds; // build and append HTML var html = '
' + '

' + clas.id + '

' + '

' + '' + clas.points + ' points' + '

' + '

' + '' + minutes + ':' + seconds + ' this week' + '

' + '

' + 'Lucky number' + '

' + '
'; $classes.append(html); } classes.forEach(appendClassHTML); // now put functions on the buttons we just added to our HTML function powerClassButtons (clas, index, array) { var $pointsbutton = $('#' + clas.id + 'points'); $pointsbutton.button(); $pointsbutton.click(function () { // get the change from user var change = parseInt(prompt("Change points by how much?", 0)); // give grade 5 their bonus if (clas.grade == 5) change = change * 1.5; // modify class points classes[index].changePoints(change); }); var $timebutton = $('#' + clas.id + 'time'); $timebutton.button(); $timebutton.click(function () { var change = parseInt(prompt("Change time by how many seconds?", timeWastingClock.getTime().time - 1)); classes[index].changeTime(change); }); var $randombutton = $('#' + clas.id + 'random'); $randombutton.button(); $randombutton.click(function () { alert(getRandomInt(1, clas.total)); }); } classes.forEach(powerClassButtons); } $.ionSound({ sounds: [ { name: "klaxon" }, { name: "button_tiny", }, { name: "cheonjae", }, { name: "onetwothree", }, { name: "school_bell", } ], // volume: 0.5, path: "sounds/", preload: true }); function MyFlipClock (jq, obj) { var thisClock = new FlipClock(jq, obj); thisClock.go = $.proxy(function (seconds) { this.setTime(seconds); this.start(); }, thisClock); thisClock.reset = $.proxy(function () { thisClock.stop(); thisClock.setTime(0); }, thisClock); thisClock.custom = $.proxy(function () { var minutes = parseInt(prompt('Number of minutes', '0')); var seconds = parseInt(prompt('Number of seconds', '0')); thisClock.go(minutes * 60 + seconds); }, thisClock); return thisClock; } var timeWastingClock = MyFlipClock($('.time-wasting-clock'), { autoStart:false, callbacks:{ interval:function () { $.ionSound.play("button_tiny"); var time = timeWastingClock.getTime().time; $.jStorage.set("time_wasted", time); } } }); timeWastingClock.running = false; timeWastingClock.reset = $.proxy(function () { if (this.getTime() != 1) { if (confirm('Are you sure?')) { if (this.running) { $('#timeWastingClockGo').html('Start timer'); this.stop(); this.running = false; } $.jStorage.set('time_wasted', 0); this.setTime(0); } } }, timeWastingClock); timeWastingClock.toggle = $.proxy(function () { if (this.running) { $('#timeWastingClockGo').html('Start timer'); this.stop(); this.running = false; } else { $('#timeWastingClockGo').html('Stop timer'); this.start(); this.running = true; } }, timeWastingClock); timeWastingClock.setTime($.jStorage.get("time_wasted", 0)); var $timeWastingClockRunning = false; var activityClock = MyFlipClock($('.activity-countdown'), { autoStart:false, countdown:true, callbacks:{ stop:function () { $.ionSound.play("cheonjae"); } } }); $(document).bind('keydown', 't', timeWastingClock.toggle); $(document).bind('keydown', 'j', timeWastingClock.toggle); $(document).bind('keydown', 'space', timeWastingClock.toggle); $(document).bind('keydown', 'd', toggleDateStyle); $(document).bind('keydown', 'k', function (){$.ionSound.play("klaxon");}); $(document).bind('keydown', 'o', function (){$.ionSound.play("onetwothree");}); $(document).bind('keydown', 'b', function (){$.ionSound.play("school_bell");}); // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Math/random function getRandomInt(min, max) { return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min)) + min; } // mplungjan on stack overflow: http://stackoverflow.com/a/15397495 function nth(d) { if(d>3 && d<21) return 'th'; // thanks kennebec switch (d % 10) { case 1: return "st"; case 2: return "nd"; case 3: return "rd"; default: return "th"; } } function toggleDateStyle() { var currentDate = $('#date').html(); var today = new Date(); var month = "January,February,March,April,May,June,July,August,September,October,November,December" .split(",")[today.getMonth()]; var day = "Sunday,Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday" .split(",")[today.getDay()]; var date = today.getDate(); var British = day + " " + date + "" + nth(date) + " " + month + " " + today.getFullYear(); var American = day + " " + month + " " + date + "" + nth(date) + ", " + today.getFullYear(); if ($.jStorage.get("date_style", 0) == 0) { $('#date').html(American); $.jStorage.set("date_style", 1); } else { $('#date').html(British); $.jStorage.set("date_style", 0); } } // set initial date to British style if ($.jStorage.get("date_style", 0) == 0) $.jStorage.set("date_style", 1); else $.jStorage.set("date_style", 0); toggleDateStyle(); // expire chosen date style each day $.jStorage.setTTL("date_style", 86400); $(document).bind('keydown', 's', timeWastingClock.reset); $(document).bind('keydown', 'r', activityClock.reset); $(document).bind('keydown', 'c', activityClock.custom); $(document).bind('keydown', '0', function (){activityClock.go(30);}); $(document).bind('keydown', '1', function (){activityClock.go(60);}); $(document).bind('keydown', '9', function (){activityClock.go(90);}); $(document).bind('keydown', '2', function (){activityClock.go(120);}); $(document).bind('keydown', '3', function (){activityClock.go(180);}); $(document).bind('keydown', '4', function (){activityClock.go(240);}); $(document).bind('keydown', '5', function (){activityClock.go(300);}); $(document).bind('keydown', '6', function (){activityClock.go(360);}); $(document).bind('keydown', '7', function (){activityClock.go(420);}); $(document).bind('keydown', '8', function (){activityClock.go(480);}); $(document).ready(function(){ $('#klaxon').button(); $('#klaxon').click(function (){$.ionSound.play("klaxon");}); $('#bell').button(); $('#bell').click(function (){$.ionSound.play("school_bell");}); $('#one-two-three').button(); $('#one-two-three').click(function (){$.ionSound.play("onetwothree");}); $('#timeWastingClockGo').button(); $('#timeWastingClockGo').click(timeWastingClock.toggle); $('#timeWastingClockReset').button(); $('#timeWastingClockReset').click(timeWastingClock.reset); $('#activityClockReset').button(); $('#activityClockReset').click(activityClock.reset); $('#activityClockCustom').button(); $('#activityClockCustom').click(activityClock.custom); $('#activityClock30s').button(); $('#activityClock30s').click(function (){activityClock.go(30);}) $('#activityClock60s').button(); $('#activityClock60s').click(function (){activityClock.go(60);}) $('#activityClock90s').button(); $('#activityClock90s').click(function (){activityClock.go(90);}) $('#activityClock120s').button(); $('#activityClock120s').click(function (){activityClock.go(120);}) $('#activityClock180s').button(); $('#activityClock180s').click(function (){activityClock.go(180);}) $('#activityClock240s').button(); $('#activityClock240s').click(function (){activityClock.go(240);}) $('#activityClock300s').button(); $('#activityClock300s').click(function (){activityClock.go(300);}) $('#date-toggle').button(); $('#date-toggle').click(function (){toggleDateStyle();}); $('#reset-clocks').button(); $('#reset-clocks').click(function (){ if (confirm("Are you sure?")) classes.forEach(function (clas) { clas.time = 0; clas.save(); }); updateClasses(); }); $('#backup-to-textarea').button(); $('#backup-to-textarea').click(function (){ var now = new Date(); var text = "========================= [ " + now.toString() + "] ====\n"; var i = 0; for (i = 0; i < classes.length; i++) { text = text + 'Class: ' + classes[i].grade + '-' + classes[i].clas + "\t" + 'Points: ' + classes[i].points + "\t" + 'Time wasted this week so far (seconds): ' + classes[i].time + "\n"; } var text = text + "========================================================================="; $('#backup').html('"); // select all text in the textarea on click: http://stackoverflow.com/a/5797700 $("#backup-textarea").focus(function() { var $this = $(this); $this.select(); // Work around Chrome's little problem $this.mouseup(function() { // Prevent further mouseup intervention $this.unbind("mouseup"); return false; }); }); }); updateClasses(); });