{- sscan --- text UI for scanning with SANE Copyright (C) 2017 Sean Whitton This file is part of sscan. sscan is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. sscan is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with sscan. If not, see . -} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} import Control.Concurrent (forkIO) import Control.Monad (void, when) import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX (getPOSIXTime, posixSecondsToUTCTime) import Data.Time.Format (defaultTimeLocale, formatTime, iso8601DateFormat) import Lens.Micro ((^.)) import System.Directory (getHomeDirectory, renamePath, withCurrentDirectory) import System.Exit (ExitCode (..)) import System.FilePath ((<.>), ()) import System.IO (IOMode (WriteMode), hClose, openFile, withFile) import System.IO.Temp (withSystemTempDirectory) import System.Process import Types.State import UI processScanSessDir :: St -> FilePath -> IO () processScanSessDir st dir = withCurrentDirectory dir $ do posix <- getPOSIXTime let stamp = show (round posix :: Int) logH <- openFile (logFile stamp) WriteMode -- TODO maybe AppendMode? outH <- openFile (outFile stamp) WriteMode void $ case st^.stOutFormat of PDF -> do -- 1. convert tiff->PDF void $ createProcessWait_ "convert" (proc "convert" (allPages ++ ["temp.pdf"])) -- 2. set metadata with pdftk renamePath "temp.pdf" "temp2.pdf" writeFile "metadata" (metadata posix) void $ createProcessWait_ "pdftk" (proc "pdftk" ["temp2.pdf", "update_info", "metadata", "output", "temp.pdf"]) { std_in = NoStream , std_out = NoStream , std_err = UseHandle logH } -- 3. maybe ocrmypdf when (st^.stOCR) $ do renamePath "temp.pdf" "temp2.pdf" void $ createProcessWait_ "OCRmyPDF" (proc "ocrmypdf" ["-c", "-i", "-r", "temp2.pdf", "temp.pdf"]) { std_in = NoStream , std_out = NoStream , std_err = UseHandle logH } -- 4. qpdf (ocrmypdf invokes qpdf but it doesn't use -- --linearize, which shrinks the PDF, often substantially) void $ createProcessWait_ "qpdf" (proc "qpdf" ["--linearize", "temp.pdf", "-"]) { std_in = NoStream , std_out = UseHandle outH , std_err = UseHandle logH } -- assume that only one page was scanned. Not clear how we -- can avoid this assumption when producing a PNG PNG -> void $ createProcessWait_ "convert" (proc "convert" ["page1" <.> "tiff", "png:-"]) { std_in = NoStream , std_out = UseHandle outH , std_err = UseHandle logH } hClose outH hClose logH where logFile stamp = (st^.stOutdir) stamp <.> "log" outFile stamp = (st^.stOutdir) stamp <.> outExt outExt = case st^.stOutFormat of PDF -> "pdf" PNG -> "png" allPages = map (\n -> "page" ++ show n <.> "tiff") [1..(getLatestPage st)] metadata posix = let date = formatTime defaultTimeLocale (iso8601DateFormat Nothing) (posixSecondsToUTCTime posix) in unlines [ "InfoKey: Title" , "InfoValue: scan of " ++ date , "InfoKey: Author" , "InfoValue: spw" ] makeInitialState :: IO St makeInitialState = do home <- getHomeDirectory papersize <- init <$> readFile "/etc/papersize" let paper = if papersize == "letter" then Letter else A4 return St { _stScanSess = Nothing , _stOCR = True , _stColour = Greyscale , _stPaper = paper , _stDefaultPaper = paper , _stDPI = 300 , _stOutFormat = PDF , _stOutdir = home "tmp" } scanPage :: St -> FilePath -> IO Bool scanPage st dir = withFile outF WriteMode $ \outH -> do exit <- createProcessWait_ "scanimage" (proc "scanimage" (scanimageArgs st)) { std_in = NoStream , std_out = UseHandle outH , std_err = Inherit -- let the user see progress bar } case exit of ExitSuccess -> return True ExitFailure c -> do putStrLn $ "scanimage exited with exit code " ++ show c ++ "!" putStrLn "This might because sscan tried to use an option that your" putStrLn "scanner does not support. Please try another preset." putStrLn "Press any key to abort this scanning session..." void getChar return False where outF = dir "page" ++ (show $ getLatestPage st + 1) <.> "tiff" scanimageArgs :: St -> [String] scanimageArgs st = [ "-vp" , "--format=tiff" , "--resolution=" ++ show (st^.stDPI) , "--mode=" ++ case st^.stColour of Colour -> "Color" Greyscale -> "Gray" Lineart -> "Lineart" ] ++ case st^.stPaper of Auto -> ["--swcrop=yes"] _ -> [ "-x" , show $ case st^.stPaper of A4 -> 210 :: Double Letter -> 215.9 :: Double Photo -> 150 :: Double Auto -> 1 :: Double , "-y" , show $ case st^.stPaper of A4 -> 297 :: Double Letter -> 279.4 :: Double Photo -> 100 :: Double Auto -> 1 :: Double ] -- other device-specific scanimage options the old script supported: -- --swdespeck; --color-filter; --depth -- TODO include usbreset.c as a cbit, and use FFI to optionally reset -- the scanner's USB connection after a scan -- this is needed on some -- scanners that I occasionally use processCommand :: St -> IO () processCommand st = case st^.stScanSess of Nothing -> return () -- quit sscan Just (ScanSess command _ maybeDir) -> case maybeDir of Nothing -> withSystemTempDirectory "sscan" $ \dir -> processCommand (setScanSessDir dir st) Just dir -> case command of Abort -> newSession NextPage -> scanPage st dir >>= \scanned -> if scanned then presentUI (incrementPages st) else newSession FinalPage -> scanPage st dir >> finaliseSession (incrementPages st) dir >> newSession Finalise -> finaliseSession st dir >> newSession where newSession = presentUI $ resetScanSess st finaliseSession st' dir = forkIO $ processScanSessDir st' dir presentUI :: St -> IO () presentUI st = runTheApp st >>= processCommand main :: IO () main = makeInitialState >>= presentUI -- | Create a process, wait for it to finish, don't close any -- handles used by the CreateProcess record createProcessWait_ :: String -> CreateProcess -> IO ExitCode createProcessWait_ s c = do (_, _, _, p) <- createProcess_ s c waitForProcess p