/* * Encrypting tunnel for userv-ipif tunnels, actual core implementation */ /* * usage: * udptunnel-forwarder * * * * [] * | [ ...] * | [ ...] * '' * * Remote addr may '' to mean wait to receive a packet and reply to * whereever we get a good packet from first, in which case port * should not be specified. * * is zero or more of * w means generate and write encdec keys, rather than reading them * K means do crypto debug (use with care!) * * encdec keys datastream has keys for packets from key datastream * writer to reader first, then keys for packets from reader to * writer. * * Every addr or port must be numeric. There is very little argument checking. * * Exit status: * SIGALARM timed out * 0 terminated due to outbound packet stream EOF * 4 other error * 8 system problem * 12 usage error * 16 bad trouble */ /* * This file is part of ipif, part of userv-utils * * Copyright 1996-2013 Ian Jackson * Copyright 1998 David Damerell * Copyright 1999,2003 * Chancellor Masters and Scholars of the University of Cambridge * Copyright 2010 Tony Finch * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with userv-utils; if not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "forwarder.h" #define MAXMECHS 10 static size_t buffer_size; static struct utsname uname_result; static const char *opt_chars; static int public_local_fd, private_in_fd, private_out_fd; static int mtu2, keepalive, timeout, reannounce; static int public_remote_specd; static struct sockaddr_in public_remote; static int encdec_keys_fd, encdec_keys_write, crypto_debug; static int n_mechs; static const struct mechanism *mechs[MAXMECHS]; static struct mechdata *md_in[MAXMECHS], *md_out[MAXMECHS]; static int maxprefix, maxsuffix; static struct buffer buf_in, buf_out; static unsigned char *accum_buf; static size_t accum_used, accum_avail; static time_t nextsendka; static void cdebug(int mechno /*or -1*/, const char *msg) { if (!crypto_debug) return; printf("%-8.8s: CRYPTO: %-20s %s\n", uname_result.nodename, mechno >= 0 ? mechs[mechno]->name : "", msg); } static void cdebughex(int mechno /*or -1*/, const char *msg, const void *ptr, size_t sz, size_t skipbefore, int spc_offset, int dot_offset) { const unsigned char *p; size_t i; unsigned j= dot_offset; if (!crypto_debug) return; printf("%-8.8s: CRYPTO: %-20s %-10s", uname_result.nodename, mechno >= 0 ? mechs[mechno]->name : "", msg); for (i=0; istart, buf->size, buf->start - buf->base, spc_offset, dot_offset); } void get_random(void *ptr, size_t sz) { static FILE *randfile; size_t r; if (!randfile) { randfile= fopen("/dev/urandom","rb"); if (!randfile && errno==ENOENT) randfile= fopen("/dev/random","rb"); if (!randfile) sysfail("open random number generator"); } r= fread(ptr,1,sz,randfile); if (r != sz) (ferror(randfile) ? sysfail : fail)("cannot read random number generator"); cdebughex(-1, "get_random", ptr, sz, 0,0,0); } void random_key(void *ptr, size_t sz) { if (encdec_keys_write) { get_random(ptr,sz); write_must(encdec_keys_fd,ptr,sz,"write keys datastream"); } else { read_must(encdec_keys_fd,ptr,sz,"read keys datastream"); cdebughex(-1, "random_key", ptr, sz, 0,0,0); } } static void setnonblock(int fd, int nonblock) { int r; r= fcntl(fd,F_GETFL); if (r==-1) sysfail("fcntl F_GETFL"); r= fcntl(fd,F_SETFL, nonblock ? r|O_NONBLOCK : r&~O_NONBLOCK); if (r==-1) sysfail("fcntl F_SETFL"); } static const struct mechanism *find_mech(const char *name) { const struct mechanism *mech, *const *mechlist; for (mechlist= mechanismlists; *mechlist; mechlist++) for (mech= *mechlist; mech->name; mech++) if (!strcmp(mech->name,name)) return mech; fprintf(stderr,"%s: unknown mechanism: %s\n",programid,name); exit(4); } static void inbound(void) { static int any_recvd; static time_t nextreann; static unsigned long npackets, nbytes; struct sockaddr_in this_saddr; size_t this_saddrlen; int r, i, different; const char *emsg; buf_in.start= buf_in.base+1; buf_in.size= buffer_size-2; setnonblock(public_local_fd,1); this_saddrlen= sizeof(this_saddr); r= recvfrom(public_local_fd, buf_in.start, buf_in.size, 0, &this_saddr, &this_saddrlen); if (!r) { diag("empty ciphertext"); return; } if (r<0) { if (errno != EAGAIN && errno != EINTR) { sysdiag("receive"); sleep(1); } return; } if (this_saddr.sin_family != AF_INET) { fprintf(stderr,"%s: received unknown AF %lu\n", programid, (unsigned long)this_saddr.sin_family); return; } assert(this_saddrlen == sizeof(this_saddr)); assert(r <= buf_in.size); buf_in.size= r; cdebugbuf(-1, "decode", &buf_in, 3,0); for (i=n_mechs-1; i>=0; i--) { emsg= mechs[i]->decode(md_in[i],&buf_in); if (emsg) { if (*emsg) fprintf(stderr, "%s: bad packet: %s: %s\n", programid, mechs[i]->name, emsg); else cdebug(i,"silently discarded"); return; } cdebugbuf(i, "decode", &buf_in, 3,0); } npackets++; nbytes += buf_in.size; alarm(timeout); different= (!public_remote_specd || public_remote.sin_addr.s_addr != this_saddr.sin_addr.s_addr || public_remote.sin_port != this_saddr.sin_port); if (different) { if (public_remote_specd==2) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: packet from unexpected sender %s:%lu\n", programid, inet_ntoa(this_saddr.sin_addr), (unsigned long)ntohs(this_saddr.sin_port)); return; } fprintf(stderr, "%s: tunnel open with peer %s:%lu\n", programid, inet_ntoa(this_saddr.sin_addr), (unsigned long)ntohs(this_saddr.sin_port)); nextsendka= now(); public_remote_specd= 1; memcpy(&public_remote,&this_saddr,sizeof(public_remote)); } else if (!any_recvd) { diag("tunnel open"); } else if (reannounce && now() >= nextreann) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: tunnel still open: received %lu packets, %lu bytes\n", programid, npackets, nbytes); } else { goto no_set_reann; /* only reset this if we don't print a message. */ } if (reannounce) nextreann= now() + reannounce; no_set_reann: any_recvd= 1; if (!buf_in.size || *buf_in.start != 0300) { *--buf_in.start= 0300; buf_in.size++; } if (buf_in.start[buf_in.size-1] != 0300) { buf_in.start[buf_in.size++]= 0300; } setnonblock(private_in_fd,0); write_must(private_in_fd, buf_in.start, buf_in.size, "write down"); } static void sendpacket(const unsigned char *message, size_t size) { int i, r; buf_out.start= buf_out.base+maxprefix; buf_out.size= size; memcpy(buf_out.start, message, size); nextsendka= now() + keepalive; cdebugbuf(-1, "encode", &buf_out, 4,0); for (i=0; iencode(md_out[i],&buf_out); cdebugbuf(i, "encode", &buf_out, 4,0); } assert(public_remote_specd); setnonblock(public_local_fd,1); for (;;) { r= sendto(public_local_fd, buf_out.start, buf_out.size, 0, &public_remote, sizeof(public_remote)); if (r == buf_out.size) break; if (r >= 0) { diag("unexpected short send"); return; } if (errno != EINTR) { sysdiag("send"); return; } } } static void outbound(void) { int r; unsigned char *after_eaten, *delim; size_t this_packet; setnonblock(private_out_fd,1); for (;;) { r= read(private_out_fd, accum_buf + accum_used, accum_avail - accum_used); if (!r) { diag("outbound datastream closed, quitting"); exit(0); } if (r<0) { if (errno == EAGAIN) return; if (errno == EINTR) continue; } accum_used += r; assert(accum_used<=accum_avail); after_eaten= accum_buf; while ((delim= memchr(after_eaten, 0300, accum_used))) { this_packet= delim - after_eaten; if (this_packet) sendpacket(after_eaten, this_packet); accum_used -= this_packet+1; after_eaten = delim+1; } memmove(accum_buf, after_eaten, accum_used); if (accum_used == accum_avail) { diag("missing interpacket delimiter in output datastream"); accum_used= 0; } } } int main(int argc, const char *const *const argv_in) { const char *arg; const char *const *argv_save; const char *const *argv_done; struct pollfd pollfds[2]; int i, polltimeout, r; time_t tnow; argv= argv_in; if (uname(&uname_result)) { perror(PROGRAM ": uname failed"); exit(16); } sprintf(programid, PROGRAM ": %.*s", SYS_NMLN, uname_result.nodename); opt_chars= getarg_string(); encdec_keys_write= !!strchr(opt_chars,'w'); crypto_debug= !!strchr(opt_chars,'K'); public_local_fd= getarg_ulong(); private_in_fd= getarg_ulong(); private_out_fd= getarg_ulong(); encdec_keys_fd= getarg_ulong(); mtu2= getarg_ulong() * 2; keepalive= getarg_ulong(); timeout= getarg_ulong(); reannounce= getarg_ulong(); arg= getarg_string(); if (*arg) { public_remote_specd= 1; public_remote.sin_family= AF_INET; arg_assert(inet_aton(arg,&public_remote.sin_addr)); public_remote.sin_port= htons(getarg_ulong()); } if (crypto_debug) { diag("crypto debugging enabled!"); setvbuf(stdout,0,_IOLBF,0); } maxprefix= 0; i= 0; while ((arg= *++argv)) { arg_assert(*arg++ == '|'); arg_assert(i <= MAXMECHS); mechs[i]= find_mech(arg); cdebug(i,"writer->reader setup"); argv_save= argv; if (encdec_keys_write) mechs[i]->encsetup(&md_out[i], &maxprefix, &maxsuffix); else mechs[i]->decsetup(&md_in[i]); argv_done= argv; argv= argv_save; cdebug(i,"reader->writer setup"); if (encdec_keys_write) mechs[i]->decsetup(&md_in[i]); else mechs[i]->encsetup(&md_out[i], &maxprefix, &maxsuffix); assert(argv == argv_done); i++; } n_mechs= i; if (maxprefix<1) maxprefix= 1; if (maxsuffix<1) maxsuffix= 1; buffer_size= mtu2 + maxprefix + maxsuffix; buf_in.base= xmalloc(buffer_size); buf_out.base= xmalloc(buffer_size); accum_avail= mtu2 + 1; accum_buf= xmalloc(accum_avail); alarm(timeout); pollfds[0].fd= public_local_fd; pollfds[0].events= POLLIN; pollfds[1].fd= private_out_fd; for (;;) { pollfds[1].events= public_remote_specd ? POLLIN : 0; pollfds[0].revents= 0; pollfds[1].revents= 0; if (keepalive) { tnow= now(); if (tnow >= nextsendka && public_remote_specd) sendpacket((unsigned char*)"\300",1); polltimeout= (nextsendka - tnow)*1000; } else { polltimeout= -1; } r= poll(pollfds,2,polltimeout); if (!r) continue; if (r==-1 && errno==EINTR) continue; if (r==-1) sysfail("poll"); if (pollfds[0].revents & (POLLIN|POLLERR)) inbound(); if (pollfds[1].revents & (POLLIN|POLLERR)) outbound(); } }