/* * Copyright 1996-2013,2016 Ian Jackson * Copyright 1998 David Damerell * Copyright 1999,2003 * Chancellor Masters and Scholars of the University of Cambridge * Copyright 2010 Tony Finch * Copyright 2013,2016 Mark Wooding * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with userv-utils; if not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ucgi.h" int debugmode= 0; static void outerror(void) { perror("stdout"); exit(debugmode ? 0 : -1); } void syserror(const char *m) { if (printf("Content-Type: text/plain\n" "Status: 500\n\n" "ucgi: system call error:\n" "%s: %s\n", m,strerror(errno))==EOF || fflush(stdout)) outerror(); exit(0); } void error(const char *m, int st) { if (printf("Content-Type: text/plain\n" "Status: %d\n\n" "ucgi: error:\n" "%s\n", st, m)==EOF || fflush(stdout)) outerror(); exit(0); } void *xmalloc(size_t sz) { void *r; r= malloc(sz); if (!r) syserror("malloc failed"); return r; } void *xrealloc(void *ptr, size_t sz) { void *r; r= realloc(ptr,sz); if (!r) syserror("realloc failed"); return r; } void xsetenv(const char *en, const char *ev, int overwrite) { if (setenv(en,ev,overwrite)) syserror("setenv"); } const char **load_filters(unsigned flags, const char *first, ...) { va_list ap; const char *name, *p, *q, **v; char *pp; size_t l, n, sz; FILE *fp; char buf[MAX_ENVVAR_NAME]; D( if (debugmode) printf(";; load_filters...\n"); ) va_start(ap, first); for (name= first; name; name= va_arg(ap, const char *)) { fp= fopen(name, "r"); if (fp) goto opened; D( if (debugmode) printf(";; file `%s': %s\n", name, strerror(errno)); ) if (errno != ENOENT) syserror("failed to open environment filters"); } va_end(ap); if (flags & LOADF_MUST) syserror("failed to open environment filters"); D( if (debugmode) printf(";; using default filters\n"); ) return 0; opened: va_end(ap); D( if (debugmode) printf(";; file `%s': OK\n", name); ) n= 0; sz= 128; v= xmalloc(sz * sizeof(*v)); for (;;) { if (!fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp)) break; l= strlen(buf); if (buf[l - 1] == '\n') buf[--l]= 0; if (l + 1 == sizeof(buf)) error("line too long in environment filter file", 500); p= buf; q= p + l; while (isspace((unsigned char)*p)) p++; while (q > p && isspace((unsigned char)q[-1])) q--; if (*p == '#' || p == q) continue; l= q - p; pp= xmalloc(l + 1); memcpy(pp, p, l); pp[l]= 0; v[n++]= pp; D( if (debugmode) printf(";; filter: `%s'\n", pp); ) if (n >= sz) { sz *= 2; v= xrealloc(v, sz * sizeof(*v)); } } if (ferror(fp)) syserror("failed to read environment filters"); fclose(fp); return v; } static int envvar_match(unsigned flags, const char *en, const char *const *patv, const char *const *defaults, const char **ev) { const char *const *patp; const char *q, *pat; int acceptp; int rc; if (!patv) { patv= defaults; defaults= 0; } for (patp= patv; (pat= *patp); patp++) { q= en; acceptp= 1; if (*pat == '!' && (flags & FILTF_WILDCARD)) { acceptp= 0; pat++; } else if (*pat == '?') { if (strcmp(pat + 1, "DEFAULTS") == 0) { assert(defaults); rc= envvar_match(flags, en, defaults, 0, ev); if (rc) return rc; } else error("unknown pattern directive", 500); continue; } for (;;) { if (!*pat) { if (*q != '=') { D( if (debugmode) printf(";; mismatch `%s' (prefix)\n", *patp); ) break; } D( if (debugmode) printf(";; matched pattern `%s'\n", *patp); ) goto match; } else if (*pat == '*' && (flags & FILTF_WILDCARD)) { q = strchr(q, '='); if (!q) { D( if (debugmode) printf(";; mismatch `%s' (discard: no `=')\n", *patp); ) return -1; } D( if (debugmode) printf(";; wildcard match for `%s'\n", *patp); ) goto match; } else { if (*pat++ != *q++) { D( if (debugmode) printf(";; mismatch `%s'\n", *patp); ) break; } } } } return 0; match: if (!acceptp) return -1; *ev= q + 1; return +1; } void filter_environment(unsigned flags, const char *prefix_in, const char *const *patv, const char *const *defaults, void (*foundone)(const char *fulln, const char *en, const char *ev, void *p), void *p) { char *const *ep; const char *en, *ev; char enbuf[MAX_ENVVAR_NAME]; size_t n, pn = strlen(prefix_in); D( if (debugmode) printf(";; filter_environment...\n"); ) for (ep= environ; (en= *ep); ep++) { D( if (debugmode) printf(";; consider env-var `%s'\n", en); ) if (strncmp(en, prefix_in, pn) != 0 || !en[pn]) { D( if (debugmode) printf(";; doesn't match prefix\n"); ) continue; } if (envvar_match(flags, en + pn, patv, defaults, &ev) > 0) { n= strcspn(en, "="); if (n >= sizeof(enbuf)) error("environment variable name too long", 500); memcpy(enbuf, en, n); enbuf[n]= 0; D( if (debugmode) printf(";; full = `%s'; tail = `%s'; value = `%s'\n", enbuf, enbuf + pn, ev); ) foundone(enbuf, enbuf + pn, ev, p); } } }