# WFM - Web File Manager WFM is a web file management application. It allows to perform regular file and folder operations such as upload, download, rename, delete files and organize directory tree structure using standard web browser. The application has an integrated GIT client using libgit2 library. It can track and commit all file change operations in to a to a GIT repository. The app allows editing small text files directly in the browser using textarea. Since WFM lets you edit html and markdown documents over the web and has GIT change control, you can think and use WFM as a small Content Management System (CMS). Unlike other similar appliactions, WFM is compatible with most modern and legacy web browsers dating back to Internet Explorer 1.5, Netscape 1.0 and Mosaic 3.0. It outputs W3C certified HTML 4.01. JavaScript is optional and only used for non-essential luxuries. Compatibility is tested using [BrowserStack](http://www.browserstack.com/). This program is written using portable C code and compiles natively for many flavors of Unix. It runs as a CGI application on most httpd servers and does not require PHP, Perl, Python or any other interpreted language. It's very small and lightning fast. I runs on resource constrained embedded or vintage / historical systems. ![alt text](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tenox7/wfm/master/screenshot.png "WFM Screenshot") ## History The application begun its life in 1994 as a perl CGI script for CERN httpd server to allow uploading and managing customer logs by field support engineers over the web. Later rewritten in C language, when CGIC library and Apache httpd were released. Up to 2015 WFM has been a closed source commercial application, supported by a few companies. WFM is now released as open source. ## Installation WFM binary is self-contained including all icons/images. You only need to copy the compiled wfm binary (with any name) to your cgi execution directory, usually cgi-bin. Include a config file of the same name as the binary file plus .cfg extension. Example: /home/user/web/cgi-bin wfm wfm.cfg Edit the .cfg file according to your needs. Point your browser to http://x.x.x.x/cgi-bin/wfm and you are done. ## Configuration This application was designed with multiple instances in mind. An instance is made by copying or linking WFM binary with a different name. In a more advanced configuration different instances can suexec to different users. In basic form each instance reads it's configuration file of instance name + .cfg extension from the current working directory. For instance if you decide to use "ftpadmin" as name of the executable (or link) it will read file named "ftpadmin.cfg" for the configuration. Below is a simple, self-explanatory configuration file example: # tagline or application name tagline=Snake Oil File Exchange # home directory, typically local directory on the server or SMB/NFS mount directory=/home/user/wfmdata # recursively calculate directory sizes - only enable if you have # fast disk (eg. SSD), large cache or a small directory tree structure # note that file and folder names starting with dot (.) are not counted # recursive-du=true # favicon / application icon, must be one of the embedded/compiled icon files # by default wfmicon.gif #favicon=home.gif # When clicking on txt file - edit instead of download by default #txt-default-edit=true # Edit any file as it was txt #edit-any-file=false # optional browser url prefix - aka "external link" - if defined, file # names will be glued to it giving option to be opened directly with the # external link button without going through cgi routines browser-url=http://x.x.x.x/files/ # access lists - ace type is either access-ip or access-user # mixable, eg access-ip=ro:* with number of access-user=rw # level is ro|rw, one host or username per line * denotes all hosts # user is username:password combination access-ip=ro:* access-ip=rw: access-user=ro:guest:secret access-user=rw:admin:password If you use mixed ro/rw access for instance ip=ro:* and user=rw:admin then in order to authenticate click on the lock sign on right side of the top status bar. ## Copyrights and Credits Copyright (c) 1994-2017 by Antoni Sawicki Copyright (c) 1996-2011 by Thomas Boutell and Boutell.Com, Inc. Copyright (c) 2002 by Aladdin Enterprises Copyright (c) 1999-2009 by Paul Johnston Copyright (c) 2010 by Yusuke Kamiyamane WFM implemented by [Antoni Sawicki](http://www.tenox.net/) [CGIC Library](https://www.boutell.com/cgic/) by Thomas Boutell Server Side RFC 1321 implementation by [L. Peter Deutsch](https://sourceforge.net/projects/libmd5-rfc/files/) Client Side RFC 1321 implementation by [Paul Johnston](http://pajhome.org.uk/crypt/md5/index.html) Icons by [Yusuke Kamiyamane](http://p.yusukekamiyamane.com/) URL Encoding routines by Fred Bulback Web browser testing by [BrowserStack](http://www.browserstack.com/)