// Web File Manager package main import ( "crypto/tls" "flag" "log" "net" "net/http" "os" "os/user" "strconv" "strings" "syscall" _ "github.com/breml/rootcerts" "golang.org/x/crypto/acme/autocert" ) type multiString []string var ( vers = "2.0.2" bindProto = flag.String("proto", "tcp", "tcp, tcp4, tcp6, etc") bindAddr = flag.String("addr", "", "Listen address, eg: :443") bindExtra = flag.String("addr_extra", "", "Extra non-TLS listener address, eg: :8081") chrootDir = flag.String("chroot", "", "Directory to chroot to") suidUser = flag.String("setuid", "", "Username to setuid to") allowRoot = flag.Bool("allow_root", false, "allow to run as uid=0/root without setuid") logFile = flag.String("logfile", "", "Log file name (default stdout)") passwdDb = flag.String("passwd", "", "wfm password file, eg: /usr/local/etc/wfmpw.json") noPwdDbRW = flag.Bool("nopass_rw", false, "allow read-write access if there is no password file") aboutRnt = flag.Bool("about_runtime", true, "Display runtime info in About Dialog") showDot = flag.Bool("show_dot", false, "show dot files and folders") wfmPfx = flag.String("prefix", "/", "Default prefix for WFM access") docSrv = flag.String("doc_srv", "", "Serve regular http files, fsdir:prefix, eg /var/www:/home") cacheCtl = flag.String("cache_ctl", "no-cache", "HTTP Header Cache Control") acmDir = flag.String("acm_dir", "", "autocert cache, eg: /var/cache (inside chroot)") acmBind = flag.String("acm_addr", "", "autocert manager listen address, eg: :80") acmWhlist multiString // this flag set in main denyPfxs multiString allowAcmDir = flag.Bool("allow_acm_dir", false, "allow access to acm cache dir (insecure!)") f2bEnabled = flag.Bool("f2b", true, "ban ip addresses on user/pass failures") f2bDump = flag.String("f2b_dump", "", "enable f2b dump at this prefix, eg. /f2bdump (default no)") ) func userId(usr string) (int, int, error) { u, err := user.Lookup(usr) if err != nil { return 0, 0, err } ui, err := strconv.Atoi(u.Uid) if err != nil { return 0, 0, err } gi, err := strconv.Atoi(u.Gid) if err != nil { return 0, 0, err } return ui, gi, nil } func setUid(ui, gi int) error { if ui == 0 || gi == 0 { return nil } err := syscall.Setgid(gi) if err != nil { return err } err = syscall.Setuid(ui) if err != nil { return err } return nil } func (z *multiString) String() string { return "something" } func (z *multiString) Set(v string) error { *z = append(*z, v) return nil } func main() { var err error flag.Var(&acmWhlist, "acm_host", "autocert manager allowed hostname (multi)") flag.Var(&denyPfxs, "deny_pfx", "deny access / hide this path prefix (multi)") flag.Parse() if flag.Arg(0) == "user" { manageUsers() return } log.Print("WFM Starting up") if *passwdDb != "" { loadUsers() } if !*allowAcmDir && *acmDir != "" { denyPfxs = append(denyPfxs, *acmDir) } if *logFile != "" { lf, err := os.OpenFile(*logFile, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE|os.O_APPEND, 0644) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } defer lf.Close() log.SetOutput(lf) } // find uid/gid for setuid before chroot var suid, sgid int if *suidUser != "" { suid, sgid, err = userId(*suidUser) if err != nil { log.Fatal("unable to find setuid user", err) } } // run autocert manager before chroot/setuid // however it doesn't matter for chroot as certs will land in chroot *adir anyway acm := autocert.Manager{} if *bindAddr != "" && *acmDir != "" && len(acmWhlist) > 0 { acm.Prompt = autocert.AcceptTOS acm.Cache = autocert.DirCache(*acmDir) acm.HostPolicy = autocert.HostWhitelist(acmWhlist...) go http.ListenAndServe(*acmBind, acm.HTTPHandler(nil)) log.Printf("Autocert enabled for %v", acmWhlist) } // chroot now if *chrootDir != "" { err := syscall.Chroot(*chrootDir) if err != nil { log.Fatal("chroot", err) } log.Printf("Chroot to %q", *chrootDir) } // listen/bind to port before setuid l, err := net.Listen(*bindProto, *bindAddr) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("unable to listen on %v: %v", *bindAddr, err) } log.Printf("Listening on %q", *bindAddr) // setuid now err = setUid(suid, sgid) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("unable to suid for %v: %v", *suidUser, err) } if !*allowRoot && os.Getuid() == 0 { log.Fatal("you probably dont want to run wfm as root, use --allow_root flag to force it") } log.Printf("Setuid UID=%d GID=%d", os.Geteuid(), os.Getgid()) // http stuff mux := http.NewServeMux() mux.HandleFunc(*wfmPfx, wfm) mux.HandleFunc("/favicon.ico", favicon) if *f2bDump != "" { mux.HandleFunc(*f2bDump, dumpf2b) } if *docSrv != "" { ds := strings.Split(*docSrv, ":") log.Printf("Starting doc handler for dir %v at %v", ds[0], ds[1]) mux.Handle(ds[1], http.StripPrefix(ds[1], http.FileServer(http.Dir(ds[0])))) } if *bindExtra != "" { log.Printf("Listening (extra) on %q", *bindAddr) go http.ListenAndServe(*bindExtra, mux) } if *bindAddr != "" && *acmDir != "" && len(acmWhlist) > 0 { https := &http.Server{ Addr: *bindAddr, Handler: mux, TLSConfig: &tls.Config{GetCertificate: acm.GetCertificate}, } log.Printf("Starting HTTPS TLS Server") err = https.ServeTLS(l, "", "") } else { log.Printf("Starting HTTP Server") err = http.Serve(l, mux) } if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } }