# zxcvbn-c This is a C/C++ implementation of the zxcvbn password strength estimation. The code is intended to be included as part of the source of a C/C++ program. Like the original this code is for character sets which use single byte characters primarily in the code range 0x20 to 0x7E. The original coffee script version is available at https://github.com/lowe/zxcvbn An article on the reasons for zxcvbn is at https://tech.dropox.com/2012/04/zxcvbn-realistic-password-strength-estimation ##Using Call `ZxcvbnMatch()` with the password and optional user dictionary to get the entropy estimation and optional information on the password parts (which will need freeing with `ZxcvbnFreeInfo()` after use). Do this for each password to be tested, or as each character of it is entered into your program. The optional user dictionary can change between each call. Review the test program in `examples/test.c` for an example. ## Differences from the original version. The entropy calculated will sometimes differ from the original because of * The UK keyboard layout is also included, so there are additional spacial sequences, e.g. **;'#** is a spacial sequence. * The different character classes in a password are taken into account when calculating the strength of brute-force matches. * Dijktra's path searching algorithm is used to combine parts of the entered password. This can result in the found parts of the password being combined differently than the original coffee script. E.g. the password **passwordassword** is combined by the original coffee script as **p** (3.5 bits) + **asswordassword** (12.6 bits) + multiple part allowance (1.0bit) to give total entropy of 17.1 bits. This implementation combines it as **password** (1.0 bit) + **assword** (11.6 bits) + multiple part allowance (1.0bit) to give 13.6 bits. * For multi part passwords the original coffee script version multiplies the number of guesses needed by the factorial of the number of parts. This is not possible in this version as Dijktra's algorithm is used. Instead one bit entropy is added for the part at the end of the password, 1.7 bits for each part in the middle of a password and nothing for the part at the beginning. This gives similar results compared to the coffee script version when there are 4 or less parts, but will differ significantly when there are many parts (which is likely to be a rare occurrence). ##References The original coffee-script version is available at https://github.com/lowe/zxcvbn The dictionary words are taken from the original coffee script version. Dictionary trie encoding (used for by the word lookup code) based on idea from the Caroline Word Graph from http://www.pathcom.com/~vadco/cwg.html ## License MIT License * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php