diff options
authorSean Whitton <spwhitton@spwhitton.name>2021-03-02 18:59:06 -0700
committerSean Whitton <spwhitton@spwhitton.name>2021-03-02 18:59:06 -0700
commit40fdc8d6f232cfb2980b6cd9c5c6abde74f74515 (patch)
parent067dce0b24f336019f6a5324bb2d5b06a9d6bf21 (diff)
move most of README into the manual
Signed-off-by: Sean Whitton <spwhitton@spwhitton.name>
4 files changed, 193 insertions, 142 deletions
diff --git a/README.rst b/README.rst
index 2011e05..1134c79 100644
--- a/README.rst
+++ b/README.rst
@@ -63,155 +63,33 @@ images.
We also have a few nice macros defined, though nothing too clever yet.
-Try it out / quick start
+Installation and usage
-1. Enable `Debian experimental`_, then ``apt-get install
- cl-consfigurator/experimental`` (should work fine on Debian stable, testing
- and unstable), or ``(ql:quickload "consfigurator")`` (see `Quicklisp`_).
- If you would like to follow development more closely, you can clone this
- repo to ``~/.local/share/common-lisp/source`` and ASDF should pick it up.
+Please see the `user's manual`_ which includes a tutorial/quick start guide.
-.. _Quicklisp: https://www.quicklisp.org/
-.. _Debian experimental: https://wiki.debian.org/DebianExperimental
-2. Create a new directory ``consfig`` somewhere where ASDF will pick it up,
- such as ``~/common-lisp/consfig``.
-3. Define a Lisp system which represents your configuration.
- ~/common-lisp/consfig/com.example.consfig.asd::
- (asdf:defsystem :com.example.consfig
- :serial t
- :depends-on (#:consfigurator #:cl-interpol)
- :components ((:file "package")
- (:file "consfig")))
- ~/common-lisp/consfig/package.lisp::
- (in-package :cl-user)
- (defpackage :com.example.consfig
- (:use #:cl #:consfigurator #:alexandria)
- (:local-nicknames (#:file #:consfigurator.property.file)
- (#:cmd #:consfigurator.property.cmd)
- (#:data.pgp #:consfigurator.data.pgp)))
-4. Define some hosts and deployments.
- ~/common-lisp/consfig/consfig.lisp::
- (in-package :com.example.consfig)
- (in-consfig "com.example.consfig")
- (named-readtables:in-readtable :interpol-syntax)
- (try-register-data-source
- :pgp :location #P"/path/to/com.example.consfig.gpg")
- (defhost athena.example.com
- (:deploy (:ssh (:sudo :as "spwhitton@athena.example.com") :debian-sbcl))
- "Web and file server."
- (file:has-content "/etc/foo" '("these" "are" "my" "lines"))
- (file:contains-lines "/etc/some.conf" '("FOO=bar")))
- Here, "spwhitton" is my username on athena; we have to tell Consfigurator
- what user it will be when it tries to sudo, so it knows whose password it
- needs. If you have passwordless sudo access configured, you can skip the
- ``:AS`` keyword parameter and its argument.
-5. Get a Lisp REPL started up -- ``M-x slime`` in Emacs or ``sbcl`` at a shell
- prompt. Evaluate ``(asdf:load-system "consfigurator")``.
-6. When it's asked to use sudo to become root, Consfigurator will query your
- registered sources of secrets to try to find the password it will need to
- give to sudo. You can easily write code to let Consfigurator query your
- own sources of secrets, but for the purposes of this guide we'll use the
- simple, PGP-based secrets source included with Consfigurator. Unless
- you've passwordless sudo access set up on athena, evaluate something like
- this to initialise the store::
- (consfigurator.data.pgp:set-data #P"/path/to/com.example.consfig.gpg"
- "--user-passwd--athena.example.com"
- "spwhitton"
- "s3cre+")
-7. Now you can evaluate ``(asdf:load-system "com.example.consfig")`` followed
- by ``(in-package :com.example.consfig)`` (or ``C-c ~`` in Emacs). In the
- future, now the secrets store exists, you can start with this step.
-8. You should now be able to evaluate ``(athena.example.com)`` to deploy
- properties to athena, using the connection chain of SSH, sudo and then
- handing over to a remote Lisp image.
-Other things to try
-Note that some of these violate some of the ideas of declarative configuration
-management, because they apply individual properties without updating the
-definitions of hosts. Sometimes that's the right thing to do, though, and
-Consfigurator makes it easy to reuse your property definitions in these
-non-declarative ways.
-Try deploying properties to athena using a different connection type
-Evaluate something like::
- (deploy :ssh athena.example.com)
-Apply a security update to all your systems
-It's useful to be able to quickly apply a security update across multiple
-machines without otherwise interacting with their configuration. Supposing
-you have defined a variable ``*ALL-MY-SERVERS*`` which is a list hosts defined
-with ``DEFHOST``, you can evaluate::
- (dolist (server *all-my-servers*)
- (deploy-these :ssh server
- (cmd:single "apt-get update && apt-get upgrade openssl")))
-Regex replace a file across hosts
-With ``*ALL-MY-SERVERS*`` as in the previous example,::
- (dolist (server *all-my-servers*)
- (deploy-these :ssh server
- (file:regex-replace-lines "/etc/baz" #?/foo/ "bar")))
-(relies on CL-INTERPOL syntax being enabled, as it is in the example consfig
-Portability and stability
-- **Consfigurator is still stabilising and so there may be lots of breaking
- changes.**
-- All of the code should be portable ANSI Common Lisp, but little to no
- testing is done by the author on implementations other than SBCL, so testing
- and portability patches are welcome.
-- Little attempt is made by the author to support systems other than Debian
- GNU/Linux, but again, portability patches are welcome, and the design of
- Consfigurator should enable supporting other systems.
+.. _user's manual: https://spwhitton.name/doc/consfigurator/
Bug reports, patches etc.
-Please see the included CONTRIBUTING.rst.
+Please see CONTRIBUTING.rst, included in the source tree, for information
+regarding the reporting of bugs and submission of patches/pull requests.
-Many of the good ideas here come straight from Joey Hess's Propellor_. I'm
-working on Consfigurator because I think Propellor is great, but wanted to add
-Consfigurator's POSIX-type connections and arbitrary connection nesting, and I
-wanted to implement that in Lisp (Propellor only supports something equivalent
-to a single, unnested Lisp-type connection). Additionally, after five years
-of using and extending Propellor, I've come to disagree with Joey about
-whether Haskell's type system helps or hinders using and extending Propellor.
+Copyright (C) 2020-2021 Sean Whitton
+Consfigurator is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
+Consfigurator is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
-.. Propellor_: https://propellor.branchable.com/
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+Consfigurator. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
diff --git a/doc/index.rst b/doc/index.rst
index e48bde5..55c910c 100644
--- a/doc/index.rst
+++ b/doc/index.rst
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ Consfigurator user's manual
:caption: Contents:
+ installation
diff --git a/doc/installation.rst b/doc/installation.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..42b23c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/installation.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+.. _Installation:
+Debian and Debian derivatives
+The most recent tagged release of Consfigurator is included in `Debian
+experimental`_, and the .deb there should work fine on Debian stable, testing
+and unstable, and derivatives like Ubuntu. After enabling the repository,
+``apt-get install cl-consfigurator/experimental``.
+.. _Debian experimental: https://wiki.debian.org/DebianExperimental
+The most recent tagged release of Consfigurator is included in the
+`Quicklisp`_ service: ``(ql:quickload "consfigurator")``.
+.. _Quicklisp: https://www.quicklisp.org/
+From git
+If you would like to follow development more closely, you can::
+ % git clone https://git.spwhitton.name/consfigurator ~/.local/share/common-lisp/source/consfigurator
+and ASDF should pick it up.
diff --git a/doc/introduction.rst b/doc/introduction.rst
index 1b1e85b..e62f6b6 100644
--- a/doc/introduction.rst
+++ b/doc/introduction.rst
@@ -1,6 +1,120 @@
+Try it out / quick start
+1. Install Consfigurator: :ref:`Installation`.
+2. Create a new directory ``consfig`` somewhere where ASDF will pick it up,
+ such as ``~/common-lisp/consfig``.
+3. Define a Lisp system which represents your configuration.
+ ~/common-lisp/consfig/com.example.consfig.asd::
+ (asdf:defsystem :com.example.consfig
+ :serial t
+ :depends-on (#:consfigurator #:cl-interpol)
+ :components ((:file "package")
+ (:file "consfig")))
+ ~/common-lisp/consfig/package.lisp::
+ (in-package :cl-user)
+ (defpackage :com.example.consfig
+ (:use #:cl #:consfigurator #:alexandria)
+ (:local-nicknames (#:file #:consfigurator.property.file)
+ (#:cmd #:consfigurator.property.cmd)
+ (#:data.pgp #:consfigurator.data.pgp)))
+4. Define some hosts and deployments.
+ ~/common-lisp/consfig/consfig.lisp::
+ (in-package :com.example.consfig)
+ (in-consfig "com.example.consfig")
+ (named-readtables:in-readtable :interpol-syntax)
+ (try-register-data-source
+ :pgp :location #P"/path/to/com.example.consfig.gpg")
+ (defhost athena.example.com
+ (:deploy (:ssh (:sudo :as "spwhitton@athena.example.com") :debian-sbcl))
+ "Web and file server."
+ (file:has-content "/etc/foo" '("these" "are" "my" "lines"))
+ (file:contains-lines "/etc/some.conf" '("FOO=bar")))
+ Here, "spwhitton" is my username on athena; we have to tell Consfigurator
+ what user it will be when it tries to sudo, so it knows whose password it
+ needs. If you have passwordless sudo access configured, you can skip the
+ ``:AS`` keyword parameter and its argument.
+5. Get a Lisp REPL started up -- ``M-x slime`` in Emacs or ``sbcl`` at a shell
+ prompt. Evaluate ``(asdf:load-system "consfigurator")``.
+6. When it's asked to use sudo to become root, Consfigurator will query your
+ registered sources of secrets to try to find the password it will need to
+ give to sudo. You can easily write code to let Consfigurator query your
+ own sources of secrets, but for the purposes of this guide we'll use the
+ simple, PGP-based secrets source included with Consfigurator. Unless
+ you've passwordless sudo access set up on athena, evaluate something like
+ this to initialise the store::
+ (consfigurator.data.pgp:set-data #P"/path/to/com.example.consfig.gpg"
+ "--user-passwd--athena.example.com"
+ "spwhitton"
+ "s3cre+")
+7. Now you can evaluate ``(asdf:load-system "com.example.consfig")`` followed
+ by ``(in-package :com.example.consfig)`` (or ``C-c ~`` in Emacs). In the
+ future, now the secrets store exists, you can start with this step.
+8. You should now be able to evaluate ``(athena.example.com)`` to deploy
+ properties to athena, using the connection chain of SSH, sudo and then
+ handing over to a remote Lisp image.
+Other things to try
+Note that some of these violate some of the ideas of declarative configuration
+management, because they apply individual properties without updating the
+definitions of hosts. Sometimes that's the right thing to do, though, and
+Consfigurator makes it easy to reuse your property definitions in these
+non-declarative ways.
+Try deploying properties to athena using a different connection type
+Evaluate something like::
+ (deploy :ssh athena.example.com)
+Apply a security update to all your systems
+It's useful to be able to quickly apply a security update across multiple
+machines without otherwise interacting with their configuration. Supposing
+you have defined a variable ``*ALL-MY-SERVERS*`` which is a list hosts defined
+with ``DEFHOST``, you can evaluate::
+ (dolist (server *all-my-servers*)
+ (deploy-these :ssh server
+ (cmd:single "apt-get update && apt-get upgrade openssl")))
+Regex replace a file across hosts
+With ``*ALL-MY-SERVERS*`` as in the previous example,::
+ (dolist (server *all-my-servers*)
+ (deploy-these :ssh server
+ (file:regex-replace-lines "/etc/baz" #?/foo/ "bar")))
+(relies on CL-INTERPOL syntax being enabled, as it is in the example consfig
Concepts and terminology
@@ -135,3 +249,30 @@ recommended package nicknaming schemes for use in consfigs, e.g.::
(:local-nicknames (#:file #:consfigurator.property.file)
(#:cmd #:consfigurator.property.cmd)
(#:data.pgp #:consfigurator.data.pgp)))
+Portability and stability
+- **Consfigurator is still stabilising and so there may be lots of breaking
+ changes.**
+- All of the code should be portable ANSI Common Lisp, but little to no
+ testing is done by the author on implementations other than SBCL, so testing
+ and portability patches are welcome.
+- Little attempt is made by the author to support systems other than Debian
+ GNU/Linux, but again, portability patches are welcome, and the design of
+ Consfigurator should enable supporting other systems.
+Many of the good ideas here come straight from Joey Hess's Propellor_. I'm
+working on Consfigurator because I think Propellor is great, but wanted to add
+Consfigurator's POSIX-type connections and arbitrary connection nesting, and I
+wanted to implement that in Lisp (Propellor only supports something equivalent
+to a single, unnested Lisp-type connection). Additionally, after five years
+of using and extending Propellor, I've come to disagree with Joey about
+whether Haskell's type system helps or hinders using and extending Propellor.
+.. Propellor_: https://propellor.branchable.com/