diff options
authorJoey Hess <>2017-04-21 17:42:10 -0400
committerJoey Hess <>2017-04-21 17:52:18 -0400
commit5572dbc8289de934e9ee5bc3f74a0f98365ce3e5 (patch)
parent360d8ac4601dc5b48c22eeb93eb1853cee99e6c9 (diff)
initial http server
Incomplete, but the client is able to connect and send messages which get logged. Split up debug-me.hs into Role/* Switched from cereal to binary, since websockets operate on lazy ByteStrings, and using cereal would involve a copy on every receive. This commit was sponsored by Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. on Patreon.
13 files changed, 783 insertions, 521 deletions
diff --git a/CmdLine.hs b/CmdLine.hs
index 2c71327..db3c749 100644
--- a/CmdLine.hs
+++ b/CmdLine.hs
@@ -9,10 +9,19 @@ data CmdLine = CmdLine
data Mode
- = Test
- | Graphviz GraphvizOpts
- | Replay ReplayOpts
- | Server ServerOpts
+ = UserMode UserOpts
+ | DeveloperMode DeveloperOpts
+ | GraphvizMode GraphvizOpts
+ | ReplayMode ReplayOpts
+ | ServerMode ServerOpts
+data UserOpts = UserOpts
+ {
+ }
+data DeveloperOpts = DeveloperOpts
+ { debugUrl :: String
+ }
data GraphvizOpts = GraphvizOpts
{ graphvizLogFile :: FilePath
@@ -32,10 +41,11 @@ parseCmdLine :: Parser CmdLine
parseCmdLine = CmdLine <$> parseMode
parseMode :: Parser Mode
-parseMode = (Graphviz <$> parsegraphviz)
- <|> (Replay <$> parsereplay)
- <|> (Server <$> parseserver)
- <|> pure Test -- default, so last
+parseMode = (GraphvizMode <$> parsegraphviz)
+ <|> (ReplayMode <$> parsereplay)
+ <|> (ServerMode <$> parseserver)
+ <|> (DeveloperMode <$> parsedeveloper)
+ <|> pure (UserMode (UserOpts {})) -- default, so last
parsegraphviz = GraphvizOpts
<$> option str
@@ -66,6 +76,12 @@ parseMode = (Graphviz <$> parsegraphviz)
<> showDefault
<> help "port for server to listen on"
+ parsedeveloper = DeveloperOpts
+ <$> option str
+ ( long "debug"
+ <> metavar "url"
+ <> help "debug a user on the given url"
+ )
getCmdLine :: IO CmdLine
getCmdLine = execParser opts
diff --git a/Log.hs b/Log.hs
index 05cbdc3..ec7078e 100644
--- a/Log.hs
+++ b/Log.hs
@@ -71,6 +71,10 @@ withLogger logfile a = withFile logfile WriteMode (a . mkLogger)
mkLogger :: Handle -> Logger
mkLogger h a = do
l <- mkLog a <$> getPOSIXTime
+ writeLogHandle l h
+writeLogHandle :: Log -> Handle -> IO ()
+writeLogHandle l h = do
L.hPut h (encode l)
hPutStr h "\n"
hFlush h
diff --git a/Role/Developer.hs b/Role/Developer.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..deceb6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Role/Developer.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+module Role.Developer where
+import Types
+import Hash
+import Log
+import Crypto
+import CmdLine
+import WebSockets
+import Control.Concurrent.Async
+import Control.Concurrent.STM
+import System.IO
+import qualified Data.ByteString as B
+import qualified Data.Text as T
+import Data.List
+run :: DeveloperOpts -> IO ()
+run os = runClientApp $ clientApp (ConnectMode (T.pack (debugUrl os))) developer
+developer :: TChan (Message Entered) -> TChan (Message Seen) -> IO ()
+developer ichan ochan = withLogger "debug-me-developer.log" $ \logger -> do
+ -- Start by reading the initial two messages from the user side,
+ -- their session key and the startup message.
+ sessionmsg <- atomically $ readTChan ochan
+ logger $ User sessionmsg
+ sigverifier <- case sessionmsg of
+ ControlMessage c@(Control (SessionKey pk) _) ->
+ let sv = mkSigVerifier pk
+ in if verifySigned sv c
+ then return sv
+ else error "Badly signed session initialization message"
+ _ -> error $ "Unexpected session initialization message: " ++ show sessionmsg
+ startmsg <- atomically $ readTChan ochan
+ logger $ User startmsg
+ starthash <- case startmsg of
+ ActivityMessage act@(Activity (Seen (Val b)) Nothing _)
+ | verifySigned sigverifier act -> do
+ B.hPut stdout b
+ hFlush stdout
+ return (hash act)
+ _ -> error $ "Unexpected startup message: " ++ show startmsg
+ sk <- genMySessionKey
+ devstate <- newTVarIO $ DeveloperState
+ { lastSeen = starthash
+ , sentSince = mempty
+ , enteredSince = mempty
+ , lastActivity = starthash
+ , developerSessionKey = sk
+ , developerSigVerifier = sigverifier
+ }
+ ok <- authUser ichan ochan devstate logger
+ if ok
+ then do
+ _ <- sendTtyInput ichan devstate logger
+ `concurrently` sendTtyOutput ochan devstate logger
+ return ()
+ else do
+ hPutStrLn stderr "\nUser did not grant access to their terminal."
+data DeveloperState = DeveloperState
+ { lastSeen :: Hash
+ , sentSince :: [B.ByteString]
+ , enteredSince :: [Hash]
+ , lastActivity :: Hash
+ , developerSessionKey :: MySessionKey
+ , developerSigVerifier :: SigVerifier
+ }
+-- | Read things typed by the developer, and forward them to the TChan.
+sendTtyInput :: TChan (Message Entered) -> TVar DeveloperState -> Logger -> IO ()
+sendTtyInput ichan devstate logger = go
+ where
+ go = do
+ b <- B.hGetSome stdin 1024
+ if b == B.empty
+ then return ()
+ else send b
+ send b = do
+ act <- atomically $ do
+ ds <- readTVar devstate
+ let ed = if lastActivity ds == lastSeen ds
+ then B.concat $ sentSince ds
+ else case reverse (sentSince ds) of
+ [] -> mempty
+ (lb:_) -> lb
+ let entered = Entered
+ { enteredData = Val b
+ , echoData = Val ed
+ }
+ let act = mkSigned (developerSessionKey ds) $
+ Activity entered (Just $ lastActivity ds)
+ writeTChan ichan (ActivityMessage act)
+ let acth = hash act
+ let ds' = ds
+ { sentSince = sentSince ds ++ [b]
+ , enteredSince = enteredSince ds ++ [acth]
+ , lastActivity = acth
+ }
+ writeTVar devstate ds'
+ return act
+ logger $ Developer $ ActivityMessage act
+ go
+-- | Read activity from the TChan and display it to the developer.
+sendTtyOutput :: TChan (Message Seen) -> TVar DeveloperState -> Logger -> IO ()
+sendTtyOutput ochan devstate logger = go
+ where
+ go = do
+ (o, msg) <- atomically $ getUserMessage ochan devstate
+ logger $ User msg
+ emitOutput o
+ go
+-- | Present our session key to the user.
+-- Wait for them to accept or reject it, while displaying any Seen data
+-- in the meantime.
+authUser :: TChan (Message Entered) -> TChan (Message Seen) -> TVar DeveloperState -> Logger -> IO Bool
+authUser ichan ochan devstate logger = do
+ ds <- atomically $ readTVar devstate
+ pk <- myPublicKey (developerSessionKey ds)
+ let msg = ControlMessage $ mkSigned (developerSessionKey ds)
+ (Control (SessionKey pk))
+ atomically $ writeTChan ichan msg
+ logger $ Developer msg
+ waitresp pk
+ where
+ waitresp pk = do
+ (o, msg) <- atomically $ getUserMessage ochan devstate
+ logger $ User msg
+ emitOutput o
+ case o of
+ GotControl (SessionKeyAccepted pk')
+ | pk' == pk -> return True
+ GotControl (SessionKeyRejected pk')
+ | pk' == pk -> return False
+ _ -> waitresp pk
+data Output
+ = TtyOutput B.ByteString
+ | Beep
+ | ProtocolError String
+ | GotControl ControlAction
+emitOutput :: Output -> IO ()
+emitOutput (ProtocolError e) =
+ error e
+emitOutput (TtyOutput b) = do
+ B.hPut stdout b
+ hFlush stdout
+emitOutput Beep = do
+ B.hPut stdout "\a"
+ hFlush stdout
+emitOutput (GotControl _) =
+ return ()
+-- | Get messages from user, check their signature, and make sure that they
+-- are properly chained from past messages, before returning.
+getUserMessage :: TChan (Message Seen) -> TVar DeveloperState -> STM (Output, Message Seen)
+getUserMessage ochan devstate = do
+ msg <- readTChan ochan
+ ds <- readTVar devstate
+ -- Check signature before doing anything else.
+ if verifySigned (developerSigVerifier ds) msg
+ then do
+ o <- process ds msg
+ return (o, msg)
+ else getUserMessage ochan devstate
+ where
+ process ds (ActivityMessage act@(Activity (Seen (Val b)) _ _)) = do
+ let (legal, ds') = isLegalSeen act ds
+ if legal
+ then do
+ writeTVar devstate ds'
+ return (TtyOutput b)
+ else return (ProtocolError $ "Illegal Seen value: " ++ show (act, hash act))
+ process ds (ControlMessage (Control (Rejected _) _)) = do
+ -- When they rejected a message we sent,
+ -- anything we sent subsequently will
+ -- also be rejected, so forget about it.
+ let ds' = ds
+ { sentSince = mempty
+ , enteredSince = mempty
+ }
+ writeTVar devstate ds'
+ return Beep
+ process _ (ControlMessage (Control c@(SessionKey _) _)) =
+ return (GotControl c)
+ process _ (ControlMessage (Control c@(SessionKeyAccepted _) _)) =
+ return (GotControl c)
+ process _ (ControlMessage (Control c@(SessionKeyRejected _) _)) =
+ return (GotControl c)
+-- | Check if the Seen activity is legal, forming a chain with previous
+-- ones, and returns an updated DeveloperState.
+-- Does not check the signature.
+isLegalSeen :: Activity Seen -> DeveloperState -> (Bool, DeveloperState)
+isLegalSeen (Activity _ Nothing _) ds = (False, ds)
+isLegalSeen act@(Activity (Seen (Val b)) (Just hp) _) ds
+ -- Does it chain to the last Seen activity?
+ | hp == lastSeen ds =
+ -- Trim sentSince and enteredSince to
+ -- values after the Seen value.
+ let ss = sentSince ds
+ es = enteredSince ds
+ n = B.length b
+ (ss', es') = if b `B.isPrefixOf` mconcat ss
+ then (drop n ss, drop n es)
+ else (mempty, mempty)
+ in yes ds
+ { lastSeen = acth
+ , sentSince = ss'
+ , enteredSince = es'
+ , lastActivity = acth
+ }
+ -- Does it chain to something we've entered since the last Seen
+ -- value? Eg, user sent A, we replied B C, and the user has
+ -- now replied to B.
+ -- If so, we can drop B (and anything before it) from
+ -- enteredSince and sentSince.
+ | otherwise = case elemIndex hp (enteredSince ds) of
+ Nothing -> (False, ds)
+ Just i ->
+ let ss = sentSince ds
+ es = enteredSince ds
+ ss' = drop (i+1) ss
+ es' = drop (i+1) es
+ in yes ds
+ { lastSeen = acth
+ , sentSince = ss'
+ , enteredSince = es'
+ , lastActivity = acth
+ }
+ where
+ acth = hash act
+ yes ds' = (True, ds')
diff --git a/Role/User.hs b/Role/User.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9412843
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Role/User.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+module Role.User where
+import Types
+import Pty
+import Memory
+import Log
+import Session
+import Crypto
+import CmdLine
+import WebSockets
+import Control.Concurrent.Async
+import Control.Concurrent.STM
+import System.Process
+import System.Exit
+import qualified Data.ByteString as B
+import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..), toList)
+import Data.Monoid
+import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
+run :: UserOpts -> IO ExitCode
+run os = do
+ (cmd, cmdparams) <- shellCommand os
+ exitstatus <- go cmd cmdparams startSession
+ sessionDone
+ return exitstatus
+ where
+ go cmd cmdparams startmsg = runWithPty cmd cmdparams $ \(p, ph) -> do
+ runClientApp $ clientApp (InitMode mempty) $ \ichan ochan -> do
+ uthread <- async (user startmsg p ichan ochan)
+ exitstatus <- waitForProcess ph
+ cancel uthread
+ return exitstatus
+shellCommand :: UserOpts -> IO (String, [String])
+shellCommand os = return ("dash", [])
+-- | Log of recent Activity, with the most recent first.
+type Backlog = NonEmpty Log
+data UserState = UserState
+ { backLog :: Backlog
+ , userSessionKey :: MySessionKey
+ , userSigVerifier :: SigVerifier
+ }
+user :: B.ByteString -> Pty -> TChan (Message Seen) -> TChan (Message Entered) -> IO ()
+user starttxt p ochan ichan = withLogger "debug-me.log" $ \logger -> do
+ -- Start by establishing our session key, and displaying the starttxt.
+ let initialmessage msg = do
+ atomically $ writeTChan ochan msg
+ logger $ User msg
+ sk <- genMySessionKey
+ pk <- myPublicKey sk
+ let c = mkSigned sk $ Control (SessionKey pk)
+ initialmessage $ ControlMessage c
+ let act = mkSigned sk $ Activity (Seen (Val (starttxt <> "\r\n"))) Nothing
+ let startmsg = ActivityMessage act
+ initialmessage startmsg
+ l <- mkLog (User startmsg) <$> getPOSIXTime
+ us <- newTVarIO $ UserState
+ { backLog = l :| []
+ , userSessionKey = sk
+ , userSigVerifier = mempty
+ }
+ _ <- sendPtyOutput p ochan us logger
+ `concurrently` sendPtyInput ichan ochan p us logger
+ return ()
+-- | Forward things written to the Pty out the TChan.
+sendPtyOutput :: Pty -> TChan (Message Seen) -> TVar UserState -> Logger -> IO ()
+sendPtyOutput p ochan us logger = go
+ where
+ go = do
+ b <- readPty p
+ now <- getPOSIXTime
+ l <- atomically $ do
+ let seen = Seen (Val b)
+ sendDeveloper ochan us seen now
+ logger $ User l
+ go
+class SendableToDeveloper t where
+ sendDeveloper :: TChan (Message Seen) -> TVar UserState -> t -> POSIXTime -> STM (Message Seen)
+instance SendableToDeveloper Seen where
+ sendDeveloper ochan us seen now = do
+ st <- readTVar us
+ let bl@(prev :| _) = backLog st
+ let msg = ActivityMessage $
+ mkSigned (userSessionKey st) $
+ Activity seen (loggedHash prev)
+ let l = mkLog (User msg) now
+ writeTChan ochan msg
+ writeTVar us $ st { backLog = l :| toList bl }
+ return msg
+instance SendableToDeveloper ControlAction where
+ sendDeveloper ochan us c _now = do
+ st <- readTVar us
+ let msg = ControlMessage $
+ mkSigned (userSessionKey st) (Control c)
+ -- Control messages are not kept in the backlog.
+ writeTChan ochan msg
+ return msg
+-- | Read things to be entered from the TChan, verify if they're legal,
+-- and send them to the Pty.
+sendPtyInput :: TChan (Message Entered) -> TChan (Message Seen) -> Pty -> TVar UserState -> Logger -> IO ()
+sendPtyInput ichan ochan p us logger = go
+ where
+ go = do
+ now <- getPOSIXTime
+ v <- atomically $ getDeveloperMessage ichan ochan us now
+ case v of
+ InputMessage msg@(ActivityMessage entered) -> do
+ logger $ Developer msg
+ writePty p $ val $ enteredData $ activity entered
+ go
+ InputMessage msg@(ControlMessage (Control c _)) -> do
+ logger $ Developer msg
+ case c of
+ SessionKey pk -> do
+ checkDeveloperPublicKey ochan us logger pk
+ go
+ Rejected r -> error $ "User side received a Rejected: " ++ show r
+ SessionKeyAccepted _ -> error "User side received a SessionKeyAccepted"
+ SessionKeyRejected _ -> error "User side received a SessionKeyRejected"
+ RejectedMessage rej -> do
+ logger $ User rej
+ go
+ BadlySignedMessage _ -> go
+data Input
+ = InputMessage (Message Entered)
+ | RejectedMessage (Message Seen)
+ | BadlySignedMessage (Message Entered)
+-- Get message from developer, verify its signature is from a developer we
+-- have allowed (unless it's a SessionKey control message, then the
+-- signature of the message is only verified against the key in it), and
+-- make sure it's legal before returning it. If it's not legal, sends a
+-- Reject message.
+getDeveloperMessage :: TChan (Message Entered) -> TChan (Message Seen) -> TVar UserState -> POSIXTime -> STM Input
+getDeveloperMessage ichan ochan us now = do
+ msg <- readTChan ichan
+ st <- readTVar us
+ case msg of
+ ControlMessage (Control (SessionKey pk) _) -> do
+ let sigverifier = mkSigVerifier pk
+ if verifySigned sigverifier msg
+ then return (InputMessage msg)
+ else return (BadlySignedMessage msg)
+ _ -> if verifySigned (userSigVerifier st) msg
+ then case msg of
+ ActivityMessage entered -> do
+ -- Don't need to retain backlog
+ -- before the Activity that entered
+ -- references.
+ let bl' = reduceBacklog $
+ truncateBacklog (backLog st) entered
+ if isLegalEntered entered (st { backLog = bl' })
+ then do
+ let l = mkLog (Developer msg) now
+ writeTVar us (st { backLog = l :| toList bl' })
+ return (InputMessage msg)
+ else do
+ let reject = Rejected entered
+ RejectedMessage <$> sendDeveloper ochan us reject now
+ ControlMessage (Control _ _) ->
+ return (InputMessage msg)
+ else return (BadlySignedMessage msg)
+-- | Check if the public key a developer presented is one we want to use,
+-- and if so, add it to the userSigVerifier.
+checkDeveloperPublicKey :: TChan (Message Seen) -> TVar UserState -> Logger -> PublicKey -> IO ()
+checkDeveloperPublicKey ochan us logger pk = do
+ now <- getPOSIXTime
+ -- TODO check gpg sig..
+ msg <- atomically $ do
+ st <- readTVar us
+ let sv = userSigVerifier st
+ let sv' = sv `mappend` mkSigVerifier pk
+ let st' = st { userSigVerifier = sv' }
+ writeTVar us st'
+ sendDeveloper ochan us (SessionKeyAccepted pk) now
+ logger $ User msg
+-- | Truncate the Backlog to remove entries older than the one
+-- that the Activity Entered refers to, but only if the referred
+-- to Activity is an Activity Seen.
+-- Once the developer has referred to a given Activity Seen in
+-- their Activity Entered, they cannot refer backwards to anything
+-- that came before it.
+-- If the Activity refers to an item not in the backlog, no truncation is
+-- done.
+truncateBacklog :: Backlog -> Activity Entered -> Backlog
+truncateBacklog (b :| l) (Activity _ (Just hp) _)
+ | truncationpoint b = b :| []
+ | otherwise = b :| go [] l
+ where
+ go c [] = reverse c
+ go c (x:xs)
+ | truncationpoint x = reverse (x:c)
+ | otherwise = go (x:c) xs
+ truncationpoint x@(Log { loggedMessage = User {}}) = loggedHash x == Just hp
+ truncationpoint _ = False
+truncateBacklog bl (Activity _ Nothing _) = bl
+-- | To avoid DOS attacks that try to fill up the backlog and so use all
+-- memory, don't let the backlog contain more than 1000 items, or
+-- more than 16 megabytes of total data. (Excluding the most recent
+-- item).
+reduceBacklog :: Backlog -> Backlog
+reduceBacklog (b :| l) = b :| go 0 (take 1000 l)
+ where
+ go _ [] = []
+ go n (x:xs)
+ | n > 16777216 = []
+ | otherwise = x : go (n + dataSize x) xs
+-- | Entered activity is legal when it points to the last logged activity,
+-- because this guarantees that the person who entered it saw
+-- the current state of the system before manipulating it.
+-- To support typeahead on slow links, some echoData may be provided
+-- in the Entered activity. If the Entered activity points
+-- to an older activity, then the echoData must match the
+-- concatenation of all Seen activities after that one, up to the
+-- last logged activity.
+-- Activities that do not enter data point to the first message
+-- sent in the debug-me session.
+-- Does not check the signature.
+isLegalEntered :: Activity Entered -> UserState -> Bool
+isLegalEntered (Activity _ Nothing _) _ = False
+isLegalEntered (Activity a (Just hp) _) us
+ | loggedHash lastact == Just hp = True
+ | B.null (val (echoData a)) = False -- optimisation
+ | any (== Just hp) (map loggedHash bl) =
+ let sincehp = reverse (lastact : takeWhile (\l -> loggedHash l /= Just hp) bl)
+ in echoData a == mconcat (map (getseen . loggedMessage) sincehp)
+ | otherwise = False
+ where
+ (lastact :| bl) = backLog us
+ getseen (User (ActivityMessage as)) = seenData $ activity as
+ getseen _ = mempty
diff --git a/Serialization.hs b/Serialization.hs
index 6940550..bba2a52 100644
--- a/Serialization.hs
+++ b/Serialization.hs
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
module Serialization (
module Data.Aeson,
- Serialize,
+ Binary,
) where
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
-import Data.Serialize
+import Data.Binary
import Data.Aeson
import qualified Data.Aeson.Types as Aeson
diff --git a/Server.hs b/Server.hs
index 5d919b8..37316c3 100644
--- a/Server.hs
+++ b/Server.hs
@@ -3,24 +3,105 @@
module Server where
import CmdLine
+import WebSockets
+import SessionID
+import Log
import Network.Wai
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp
import Network.Wai.Handler.WebSockets
import qualified Network.WebSockets as WS
import Network.HTTP.Types
-import Data.Text (Text)
+import Control.Concurrent.STM
+import Control.Concurrent.STM.TMChan
+import Control.Concurrent.Async
+import qualified Data.Map as M
+import System.IO
+import Control.Exception
+import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
server :: ServerOpts -> IO ()
-server o = run (serverPort o) app
+server o = run (serverPort o) . app o =<< newServerState
-app :: Application
-app = websocketsOr WS.defaultConnectionOptions websocketApp webapp
+type ServerState = M.Map SessionID (TMChan Log)
+newServerState :: IO (TVar ServerState)
+newServerState = newTVarIO M.empty
+app :: ServerOpts -> TVar ServerState -> Application
+app o ssv = websocketsOr WS.defaultConnectionOptions (websocketApp o ssv) webapp
webapp _ respond = respond $
responseLBS status400 [] "Not a WebSocket request"
-websocketApp :: WS.ServerApp
-websocketApp pending_conn = do
+websocketApp :: ServerOpts -> TVar ServerState -> WS.ServerApp
+websocketApp o ssv pending_conn = do
+ print ("new connection" :: String)
conn <- WS.acceptRequest pending_conn
- WS.sendTextData conn ("Hello, client!" :: Text)
+ sendWireVersions conn
+ print ("new connection open" :: String)
+ -- wv <- negotiateWireVersion conn
+ -- print ("version negotiated" :: String, wv)
+ theirmode <- getMode conn
+ print ("Connected" :: String, theirmode)
+ case theirmode of
+ InitMode _ -> user o ssv conn
+ ConnectMode t -> case mkSessionID t of
+ Nothing -> error "Invalid session id!"
+ Just sid -> developer o ssv sid conn
+user :: ServerOpts -> TVar ServerState -> WS.Connection -> IO ()
+user o ssv conn = withSessionID (serverDirectory o) $ \(logh, sid) ->
+ bracket (setup sid) (cleanup sid) (go logh)
+ where
+ setup sid = do
+ bchan <- newBroadcastTMChanIO
+ atomically $ modifyTVar' ssv $ M.insert sid bchan
+ return bchan
+ cleanup sid bchan = atomically $ do
+ closeTMChan bchan
+ modifyTVar' ssv $ M.delete sid
+ go logh bchan = do
+ logchan <- atomically $ dupTMChan bchan
+ userchan <- atomically $ dupTMChan bchan
+ _ <- storelog logh logchan
+ `concurrently` relaytouser userchan
+ `concurrently` relayfromuser bchan
+ return ()
+ -- Read from logchan and store each value to the log file.
+ storelog logh logchan = do
+ v <- atomically $ readTMChan logchan
+ case v of
+ Nothing -> return ()
+ Just l -> do
+ writeLogHandle l logh
+ storelog logh logchan
+ relaytouser userchan = relayToSocket conn $ do
+ v <- atomically $ readTMChan userchan
+ return $ case v of
+ Just l -> case loggedMessage l of
+ Developer m -> Just m
+ User _ -> Nothing
+ Nothing -> Nothing
+ relayfromuser bchan = relayFromSocket conn $ \msg -> do
+ l <- mkLog (User msg) <$> getPOSIXTime
+ atomically $ writeTMChan bchan l
+developer :: ServerOpts -> TVar ServerState -> SessionID -> WS.Connection -> IO ()
+developer o ssv sid conn = bracket setup cleanup go
+ where
+ setup = atomically $ M.lookup sid <$> readTVar ssv
+ cleanup _ = return ()
+ go Nothing = error "Invalid session id!"
+ go (Just logchan) = relayToSocket conn $ do
+ v <- atomically $ readTMChan logchan
+ return $ case v of
+ Just l -> case loggedMessage l of
+ User m -> Just m
+ Developer _ -> Nothing
+ Nothing -> Nothing
diff --git a/SessionID.hs b/SessionID.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a47de8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SessionID.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+module SessionID (SessionID, mkSessionID, sessionLogFile, withSessionID) where
+import System.FilePath
+import Data.Text
+import System.IO
+-- | A SessionID is the base name of the log file to use,
+-- and may not contain any path information.
+newtype SessionID = SessionID FilePath
+ deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
+-- | Smart constructor that enforces security requirements.
+mkSessionID :: Text -> Maybe SessionID
+mkSessionID t =
+ let f = unpack t
+ in if takeFileName f == f
+ then Just (SessionID f)
+ else Nothing
+sessionLogFile :: FilePath -> SessionID -> FilePath
+sessionLogFile dir (SessionID f) = dir </> "debug-me." ++ f ++ ".log"
+-- | Allocate a new SessionID and return an open Handle to its log file.
+withSessionID :: FilePath -> ((Handle, SessionID) -> IO a) -> IO a
+withSessionID dir a = do
+ -- TODO find an unused log file and open it
+ let sid = SessionID "1"
+ withFile "debug-me-server.log" WriteMode $ \h -> a (h, sid)
diff --git a/TODO b/TODO
index c9e93ec..6a63d26 100644
--- a/TODO
+++ b/TODO
@@ -17,4 +17,3 @@
* Multiple developers should be able to connect to a single debug-me
user. Most of the code was written with that in mind, but not tested
-* Add a protocol version (probably to the SessionKey message)
diff --git a/Types.hs b/Types.hs
index 699fa59..b28713d 100644
--- a/Types.hs
+++ b/Types.hs
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
{- | Main types for debug-me
- - Note that changing types in ways that change the cereal serialization
+ - Note that changing types in ways that change the Binary serialization
- changes debug-me's wire format. Changing types in ways that change the
- aeson serialization changes debug-me's log format.
@@ -136,56 +136,56 @@ newtype GpgSig = GpgSig Val
instance DataSize GpgSig where
dataSize (GpgSig s) = dataSize s
-instance Serialize Seen
+instance Binary Seen
instance ToJSON Seen
instance FromJSON Seen
-instance Serialize Entered
+instance Binary Entered
instance ToJSON Entered
instance FromJSON Entered
-instance Serialize (Activity Seen)
+instance Binary (Activity Seen)
instance ToJSON (Activity Seen)
instance FromJSON (Activity Seen)
-instance Serialize (Activity Entered)
+instance Binary (Activity Entered)
instance ToJSON (Activity Entered)
instance FromJSON (Activity Entered)
-instance Serialize Control
+instance Binary Control
instance ToJSON Control
instance FromJSON Control
-instance Serialize Hash
+instance Binary Hash
instance ToJSON Hash
instance FromJSON Hash
-instance Serialize HashMethod
+instance Binary HashMethod
instance ToJSON HashMethod
instance FromJSON HashMethod
-instance Serialize PublicKey
+instance Binary PublicKey
instance ToJSON PublicKey
instance FromJSON PublicKey
-instance Serialize GpgSig
+instance Binary GpgSig
instance ToJSON GpgSig
instance FromJSON GpgSig
-instance Serialize (Message Seen)
+instance Binary (Message Seen)
instance ToJSON (Message Seen) where
toJSON = genericToJSON sumOptions
toEncoding = genericToEncoding sumOptions
instance FromJSON (Message Seen) where
parseJSON = genericParseJSON sumOptions
-instance Serialize (Message Entered)
+instance Binary (Message Entered)
instance ToJSON (Message Entered) where
toJSON = genericToJSON sumOptions
toEncoding = genericToEncoding sumOptions
instance FromJSON (Message Entered) where
parseJSON = genericParseJSON sumOptions
-instance Serialize Signature
+instance Binary Signature
instance ToJSON Signature where
toJSON = genericToJSON sumOptions
toEncoding = genericToEncoding sumOptions
instance FromJSON Signature where
parseJSON = genericParseJSON sumOptions
-instance Serialize ControlAction
+instance Binary ControlAction
instance ToJSON ControlAction where
toJSON = genericToJSON sumOptions
toEncoding = genericToEncoding sumOptions
diff --git a/Val.hs b/Val.hs
index 80ab8ed..3493bcd 100644
--- a/Val.hs
+++ b/Val.hs
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ newtype Val = Val { val :: B.ByteString }
instance DataSize Val where
dataSize (Val b) = fromIntegral (B.length b)
-instance Serialize Val
+instance Binary Val
-- | JSON instances for Val, using base64 encoding when the value
-- is not utf-8 encoded, and otherwise using a more efficient encoding.
diff --git a/WebSockets.hs b/WebSockets.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f18b14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/WebSockets.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, DeriveGeneric, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, FlexibleContexts #-}
+module WebSockets where
+import Types
+import Serialization
+import Control.Concurrent.STM
+import Control.Concurrent.Async
+import Control.Exception
+import qualified Data.Aeson
+import qualified Data.Binary
+import qualified Network.WebSockets as WS
+import qualified Data.Text as T
+import Data.List
+import Data.Maybe
+runClientApp :: WS.ClientApp a -> IO a
+runClientApp = WS.runClient "localhost" 8080 "/"
+-- | Make a client that sends and receives Messages over a websocket.
+ :: (Binary (Message sent), Binary (Message received))
+ => Mode
+ -> (TChan (Message sent) -> TChan (Message received) -> IO a)
+ -> WS.ClientApp a
+clientApp mode a conn = bracket setup cleanup go
+ where
+ setup = do
+ schan <- newTChanIO
+ rchan <- newTChanIO
+ sthread <- async $ relayFromSocket conn $
+ atomically . writeTChan rchan
+ rthread <- async $ relayToSocket conn $
+ Just <$> atomically (readTChan schan)
+ return (schan, rchan, sthread, rthread)
+ cleanup (_, _, sthread, rthread) = do
+ cancel sthread
+ cancel rthread
+ go (schan, rchan, _, _) = do
+ print "sendWireVersions start"
+ print "negotiateWireVersion start"
+ _ <- negotiateWireVersion conn
+ --sendWireVersions conn
+ print "negotiateWireVersion done"
+ sendMode conn mode
+ print "sendmode now done"
+ a schan rchan
+relayFromSocket :: Binary (Message received) => WS.Connection -> (Message received -> IO ()) -> IO ()
+relayFromSocket conn send = go
+ where
+ go = do
+ dm <- WS.receiveDataMessage conn
+ case dm of
+ WS.Binary b -> case Data.Binary.decodeOrFail b of
+ Right (_, _, msg) -> do
+ send msg
+ go
+ Left (_, _, err) -> error $ "Deserialization error: " ++ err
+ WS.Text _ -> error "Unexpected Text received on websocket"
+relayToSocket :: Binary (Message sent) => WS.Connection -> (IO (Maybe (Message sent))) -> IO ()
+relayToSocket conn get = go
+ where
+ go = do
+ mmsg <- get
+ case mmsg of
+ Nothing -> return ()
+ Just msg -> do
+ WS.sendDataMessage conn $ WS.Binary $
+ Data.Binary.encode msg
+ go
+newtype WireVersion = WireVersion T.Text
+ deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, Ord)
+instance FromJSON WireVersion
+instance ToJSON WireVersion
+supportedWireVersions :: [WireVersion]
+supportedWireVersions = [WireVersion "1"]
+sendWireVersions :: WS.Connection -> IO ()
+sendWireVersions conn = WS.sendTextData conn (Data.Aeson.encode supportedWireVersions)
+-- | Send supportedWireVersions and at the same time receive it from
+-- the remote side. The highest version present in both lists will be used.
+negotiateWireVersion :: WS.Connection -> IO WireVersion
+negotiateWireVersion conn = do
+ remoteversions <- WS.receiveData conn
+ print ("got versions" :: String)
+ case Data.Aeson.decode remoteversions of
+ Nothing -> error "Protocol error: WireVersion list was not sent"
+ Just l -> case reverse (intersect (sort supportedWireVersions) (sort l)) of
+ (v:_) -> return v
+ [] -> error $ "Unable to negotiate a WireVersion. I support: " ++ show supportedWireVersions ++ " They support: " ++ show l
+-- | Modes of operation that can be requested for a websocket connection.
+data Mode
+ = InitMode T.Text
+ | ConnectMode T.Text
+ deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
+instance FromJSON Mode
+instance ToJSON Mode where
+sendMode :: WS.Connection -> Mode -> IO ()
+sendMode conn mode = WS.sendTextData conn (Data.Aeson.encode mode)
+getMode :: WS.Connection -> IO Mode
+getMode conn = fromMaybe (error "Unknown mode") . Data.Aeson.decode
+ <$> WS.receiveData conn
diff --git a/debug-me.cabal b/debug-me.cabal
index f32f195..c7639fd 100644
--- a/debug-me.cabal
+++ b/debug-me.cabal
@@ -23,21 +23,25 @@ Executable debug-me
GHC-Options: -threaded -Wall -fno-warn-tabs -O2
base (>= 4.9 && < 5.0)
+ , network (>= 2.6)
, bytestring == 0.10.*
, cryptonite (>= 0.20)
, unix (>= 2.7)
, process (>= 1.4)
, async (>= 2.1)
, stm (>= 2.4)
+ , stm-chans (>= 3.0)
, posix-pty (>= 0.2.1)
, terminal-size (>= 0.3)
, aeson (>= 0.11 && < 1.1)
, sandi (>= 0.4)
, text (>= 1.2.2)
- , cereal (>= 0.5)
+ , binary (>= 0.8)
, optparse-applicative (>= 0.12)
, graphviz (== 2999.18.*)
, time (>= 1.6)
+ , filepath (>= 1.4)
+ , containers (>= 0.5)
, unbounded-delays (>= 0.1)
, memory (>= 0.13)
, warp (>= 3.2)
@@ -54,11 +58,15 @@ Executable debug-me
+ Role.Developer
+ Role.User
+ SessionID
+ WebSockets
source-repository head
type: git
diff --git a/debug-me.hs b/debug-me.hs
index a17a740..25f18b8 100644
--- a/debug-me.hs
+++ b/debug-me.hs
@@ -1,499 +1,21 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, RankNTypes, FlexibleContexts #-}
module Main where
-import Types
-import Hash
-import Pty
-import Memory
import CmdLine
-import Log
+import qualified Role.User
+import qualified Role.Developer
import Graphviz
import Replay
-import Session
-import Crypto
import Server
-import Control.Concurrent
-import Control.Concurrent.Async
-import Control.Concurrent.STM
-import System.IO
-import System.Process
+import Network.Socket
import System.Exit
-import qualified Data.ByteString as B
-import Data.List
-import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..), toList)
-import Data.Monoid
-import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
main :: IO ()
-main = do
+main = withSocketsDo $ do
c <- getCmdLine
case mode c of
- Test -> test
- Graphviz o -> graphviz o
- Replay o -> replay o
- Server o -> server o
-test :: IO ()
-test = do
- exitstatus <- go startSession
- sessionDone
- exitWith exitstatus
- where
- go startmsg = runWithPty "dash" [] $ \(p, ph) -> do
- ichan <- newTChanIO
- ochan <- newTChanIO
- dthread <- async (developer ichan ochan)
- uthread <- async (user startmsg p ichan ochan)
- exitstatus <- waitForProcess ph
- cancel dthread
- cancel uthread
- return exitstatus
-networkDelay :: IO ()
--- networkDelay = threadDelay 800000 -- 800 ms ; the latency to geosync orbit
-networkDelay = threadDelay 150000 -- 150 ms ; transatlantic latency
-developer :: TChan (Message Entered) -> TChan (Message Seen) -> IO ()
-developer ichan ochan = withLogger "debug-me-developer.log" $ \logger -> do
- -- Start by reading the initial two messages from the user side,
- -- their session key and the startup message.
- sessionmsg <- atomically $ readTChan ochan
- logger $ User sessionmsg
- sigverifier <- case sessionmsg of
- ControlMessage c@(Control (SessionKey pk) _) ->
- let sv = mkSigVerifier pk
- in if verifySigned sv c
- then return sv
- else protocolError "Badly signed session initialization message"
- _ -> protocolError $ "Unexpected session initialization message: " ++ show sessionmsg
- startmsg <- atomically $ readTChan ochan
- logger $ User startmsg
- starthash <- case startmsg of
- ActivityMessage act@(Activity (Seen (Val b)) Nothing _)
- | verifySigned sigverifier act -> do
- B.hPut stdout b
- hFlush stdout
- return (hash act)
- _ -> protocolError $ "Unexpected startup message: " ++ show startmsg
- sk <- genMySessionKey
- devstate <- newTVarIO $ DeveloperState
- { lastSeen = starthash
- , sentSince = mempty
- , enteredSince = mempty
- , lastActivity = starthash
- , developerSessionKey = sk
- , developerSigVerifier = sigverifier
- }
- ok <- authUser ichan ochan devstate logger
- if ok
- then do
- _ <- sendTtyInput ichan devstate logger
- `concurrently` sendTtyOutput ochan devstate logger
- return ()
- else do
- hPutStrLn stderr "\nUser did not grant access to their terminal."
-data DeveloperState = DeveloperState
- { lastSeen :: Hash
- , sentSince :: [B.ByteString]
- , enteredSince :: [Hash]
- , lastActivity :: Hash
- , developerSessionKey :: MySessionKey
- , developerSigVerifier :: SigVerifier
- }
--- | Read things typed by the developer, and forward them to the TChan.
-sendTtyInput :: TChan (Message Entered) -> TVar DeveloperState -> Logger -> IO ()
-sendTtyInput ichan devstate logger = go
- where
- go = do
- b <- B.hGetSome stdin 1024
- if b == B.empty
- then return ()
- else send b
- send b = do
- act <- atomically $ do
- ds <- readTVar devstate
- let ed = if lastActivity ds == lastSeen ds
- then B.concat $ sentSince ds
- else case reverse (sentSince ds) of
- [] -> mempty
- (lb:_) -> lb
- let entered = Entered
- { enteredData = Val b
- , echoData = Val ed
- }
- let act = mkSigned (developerSessionKey ds) $
- Activity entered (Just $ lastActivity ds)
- writeTChan ichan (ActivityMessage act)
- let acth = hash act
- let ds' = ds
- { sentSince = sentSince ds ++ [b]
- , enteredSince = enteredSince ds ++ [acth]
- , lastActivity = acth
- }
- writeTVar devstate ds'
- return act
- logger $ Developer $ ActivityMessage act
- go
--- | Read activity from the TChan and display it to the developer.
-sendTtyOutput :: TChan (Message Seen) -> TVar DeveloperState -> Logger -> IO ()
-sendTtyOutput ochan devstate logger = go
- where
- go = do
- (o, msg) <- atomically $ getUserMessage ochan devstate
- logger $ User msg
- emitOutput o
- go
--- | Present our session key to the user.
--- Wait for them to accept or reject it, while displaying any Seen data
--- in the meantime.
-authUser :: TChan (Message Entered) -> TChan (Message Seen) -> TVar DeveloperState -> Logger -> IO Bool
-authUser ichan ochan devstate logger = do
- ds <- atomically $ readTVar devstate
- pk <- myPublicKey (developerSessionKey ds)
- let msg = ControlMessage $ mkSigned (developerSessionKey ds)
- (Control (SessionKey pk))
- atomically $ writeTChan ichan msg
- logger $ Developer msg
- waitresp pk
- where
- waitresp pk = do
- (o, msg) <- atomically $ getUserMessage ochan devstate
- logger $ User msg
- emitOutput o
- case o of
- GotControl (SessionKeyAccepted pk')
- | pk' == pk -> return True
- GotControl (SessionKeyRejected pk')
- | pk' == pk -> return False
- _ -> waitresp pk
-data Output
- = TtyOutput B.ByteString
- | Beep
- | ProtocolError String
- | GotControl ControlAction
-emitOutput :: Output -> IO ()
-emitOutput (ProtocolError e) =
- protocolError e
-emitOutput (TtyOutput b) = do
- B.hPut stdout b
- hFlush stdout
-emitOutput Beep = do
- B.hPut stdout "\a"
- hFlush stdout
-emitOutput (GotControl _) =
- return ()
--- | Get messages from user, check their signature, and make sure that they
--- are properly chained from past messages, before returning.
-getUserMessage :: TChan (Message Seen) -> TVar DeveloperState -> STM (Output, Message Seen)
-getUserMessage ochan devstate = do
- msg <- readTChan ochan
- ds <- readTVar devstate
- -- Check signature before doing anything else.
- if verifySigned (developerSigVerifier ds) msg
- then do
- o <- process ds msg
- return (o, msg)
- else getUserMessage ochan devstate
- where
- process ds (ActivityMessage act@(Activity (Seen (Val b)) _ _)) = do
- let (legal, ds') = isLegalSeen act ds
- if legal
- then do
- writeTVar devstate ds'
- return (TtyOutput b)
- else return (ProtocolError $ "Illegal Seen value: " ++ show (act, hash act))
- process ds (ControlMessage (Control (Rejected _) _)) = do
- -- When they rejected a message we sent,
- -- anything we sent subsequently will
- -- also be rejected, so forget about it.
- let ds' = ds
- { sentSince = mempty
- , enteredSince = mempty
- }
- writeTVar devstate ds'
- return Beep
- process _ (ControlMessage (Control c@(SessionKey _) _)) =
- return (GotControl c)
- process _ (ControlMessage (Control c@(SessionKeyAccepted _) _)) =
- return (GotControl c)
- process _ (ControlMessage (Control c@(SessionKeyRejected _) _)) =
- return (GotControl c)
--- | Check if the Seen activity is legal, forming a chain with previous
--- ones, and returns an updated DeveloperState.
--- Does not check the signature.
-isLegalSeen :: Activity Seen -> DeveloperState -> (Bool, DeveloperState)
-isLegalSeen act@(Activity (Seen (Val b)) (Just hp) _) ds
- -- Does it chain to the last Seen activity?
- | hp == lastSeen ds =
- -- Trim sentSince and enteredSince to
- -- values after the Seen value.
- let ss = sentSince ds
- es = enteredSince ds
- n = B.length b
- (ss', es') = if b `B.isPrefixOf` mconcat ss
- then (drop n ss, drop n es)
- else (mempty, mempty)
- in yes ds
- { lastSeen = acth
- , sentSince = ss'
- , enteredSince = es'
- , lastActivity = acth
- }
- -- Does it chain to something we've entered since the last Seen
- -- value? Eg, user sent A, we replied B C, and the user has
- -- now replied to B.
- -- If so, we can drop B (and anything before it) from
- -- enteredSince and sentSince.
- | otherwise = case elemIndex hp (enteredSince ds) of
- Nothing -> (False, ds)
- Just i ->
- let ss = sentSince ds
- es = enteredSince ds
- ss' = drop (i+1) ss
- es' = drop (i+1) es
- in yes ds
- { lastSeen = acth
- , sentSince = ss'
- , enteredSince = es'
- , lastActivity = acth
- }
- where
- acth = hash act
- yes ds' = (True, ds')
-isLegalSeen (Activity _ Nothing _) ds = (False, ds)
-user :: B.ByteString -> Pty -> TChan (Message Entered) -> TChan (Message Seen) -> IO ()
-user starttxt p ichan ochan = withLogger "debug-me.log" $ \logger -> do
- -- Start by establishing our session key, and displaying the starttxt.
- let initialmessage msg = do
- atomically $ writeTChan ochan msg
- logger $ User msg
- sk <- genMySessionKey
- pk <- myPublicKey sk
- let c = mkSigned sk $ Control (SessionKey pk)
- initialmessage $ ControlMessage c
- let act = mkSigned sk $ Activity (Seen (Val (starttxt <> "\r\n"))) Nothing
- let startmsg = ActivityMessage act
- initialmessage startmsg
- l <- mkLog (User startmsg) <$> getPOSIXTime
- us <- newTVarIO $ UserState
- { backLog = l :| []
- , userSessionKey = sk
- , userSigVerifier = mempty
- }
- _ <- sendPtyOutput p ochan us logger
- `concurrently` sendPtyInput ichan ochan p us logger
- return ()
- where
--- | Log of recent Activity, with the most recent first.
-type Backlog = NonEmpty Log
-data UserState = UserState
- { backLog :: Backlog
- , userSessionKey :: MySessionKey
- , userSigVerifier :: SigVerifier
- }
--- | Forward things written to the Pty out the TChan.
-sendPtyOutput :: Pty -> TChan (Message Seen) -> TVar UserState -> Logger -> IO ()
-sendPtyOutput p ochan us logger = go
- where
- go = do
- b <- readPty p
- now <- getPOSIXTime
- l <- atomically $ do
- let seen = Seen (Val b)
- sendDeveloper ochan us seen now
- logger $ User l
- go
-class SendableToDeveloper t where
- sendDeveloper :: TChan (Message Seen) -> TVar UserState -> t -> POSIXTime -> STM (Message Seen)
-instance SendableToDeveloper Seen where
- sendDeveloper ochan us seen now = do
- st <- readTVar us
- let bl@(prev :| _) = backLog st
- let msg = ActivityMessage $
- mkSigned (userSessionKey st) $
- Activity seen (loggedHash prev)
- let l = mkLog (User msg) now
- writeTChan ochan msg
- writeTVar us $ st { backLog = l :| toList bl }
- return msg
-instance SendableToDeveloper ControlAction where
- sendDeveloper ochan us c _now = do
- st <- readTVar us
- let msg = ControlMessage $
- mkSigned (userSessionKey st) (Control c)
- -- Control messages are not kept in the backlog.
- writeTChan ochan msg
- return msg
--- | Read things to be entered from the TChan, verify if they're legal,
--- and send them to the Pty.
-sendPtyInput :: TChan (Message Entered) -> TChan (Message Seen) -> Pty -> TVar UserState -> Logger -> IO ()
-sendPtyInput ichan ochan p us logger = go
- where
- go = do
- networkDelay
- now <- getPOSIXTime
- v <- atomically $ getDeveloperMessage ichan ochan us now
- case v of
- InputMessage msg@(ActivityMessage entered) -> do
- logger $ Developer msg
- writePty p $ val $ enteredData $ activity entered
- go
- InputMessage msg@(ControlMessage (Control c _)) -> do
- logger $ Developer msg
- case c of
- SessionKey pk -> do
- checkDeveloperPublicKey ochan us logger pk
- go
- Rejected r -> protocolError $ "User side received a Rejected: " ++ show r
- SessionKeyAccepted _ -> protocolError "User side received a SessionKeyAccepted"
- SessionKeyRejected _ -> protocolError "User side received a SessionKeyRejected"
- RejectedMessage rej -> do
- logger $ User rej
- go
- BadlySignedMessage _ -> go
-data Input
- = InputMessage (Message Entered)
- | RejectedMessage (Message Seen)
- | BadlySignedMessage (Message Entered)
--- Get message from developer, verify its signature is from a developer we
--- have allowed (unless it's a SessionKey control message, then the
--- signature of the message is only verified against the key in it), and
--- make sure it's legal before returning it. If it's not legal, sends a
--- Reject message.
-getDeveloperMessage :: TChan (Message Entered) -> TChan (Message Seen) -> TVar UserState -> POSIXTime -> STM Input
-getDeveloperMessage ichan ochan us now = do
- msg <- readTChan ichan
- st <- readTVar us
- case msg of
- ControlMessage (Control (SessionKey pk) _) -> do
- let sigverifier = mkSigVerifier pk
- if verifySigned sigverifier msg
- then return (InputMessage msg)
- else return (BadlySignedMessage msg)
- _ -> if verifySigned (userSigVerifier st) msg
- then case msg of
- ActivityMessage entered -> do
- -- Don't need to retain backlog
- -- before the Activity that entered
- -- references.
- let bl' = reduceBacklog $
- truncateBacklog (backLog st) entered
- if isLegalEntered entered (st { backLog = bl' })
- then do
- let l = mkLog (Developer msg) now
- writeTVar us (st { backLog = l :| toList bl' })
- return (InputMessage msg)
- else do
- let reject = Rejected entered
- RejectedMessage <$> sendDeveloper ochan us reject now
- ControlMessage (Control _ _) ->
- return (InputMessage msg)
- else return (BadlySignedMessage msg)
--- | Check if the public key a developer presented is one we want to use,
--- and if so, add it to the userSigVerifier.
-checkDeveloperPublicKey :: TChan (Message Seen) -> TVar UserState -> Logger -> PublicKey -> IO ()
-checkDeveloperPublicKey ochan us logger pk = do
- now <- getPOSIXTime
- -- TODO check gpg sig..
- msg <- atomically $ do
- st <- readTVar us
- let sv = userSigVerifier st
- let sv' = sv `mappend` mkSigVerifier pk
- let st' = st { userSigVerifier = sv' }
- writeTVar us st'
- sendDeveloper ochan us (SessionKeyAccepted pk) now
- logger $ User msg
--- | Truncate the Backlog to remove entries older than the one
--- that the Activity Entered refers to, but only if the referred
--- to Activity is an Activity Seen.
--- Once the developer has referred to a given Activity Seen in
--- their Activity Entered, they cannot refer backwards to anything
--- that came before it.
--- If the Activity refers to an item not in the backlog, no truncation is
--- done.
-truncateBacklog :: Backlog -> Activity Entered -> Backlog
-truncateBacklog (b :| l) (Activity _ (Just hp) _)
- | truncationpoint b = b :| []
- | otherwise = b :| go [] l
- where
- go c [] = reverse c
- go c (x:xs)
- | truncationpoint x = reverse (x:c)
- | otherwise = go (x:c) xs
- truncationpoint x@(Log { loggedMessage = User {}}) = loggedHash x == Just hp
- truncationpoint _ = False
-truncateBacklog bl (Activity _ Nothing _) = bl
--- | To avoid DOS attacks that try to fill up the backlog and so use all
--- memory, don't let the backlog contain more than 1000 items, or
--- more than 16 megabytes of total data. (Excluding the most recent
--- item).
-reduceBacklog :: Backlog -> Backlog
-reduceBacklog (b :| l) = b :| go 0 (take 1000 l)
- where
- go _ [] = []
- go n (x:xs)
- | n > 16777216 = []
- | otherwise = x : go (n + dataSize x) xs
--- | Entered activity is legal when it points to the last logged activity,
--- because this guarantees that the person who entered it saw
--- the current state of the system before manipulating it.
--- To support typeahead on slow links, some echoData may be provided
--- in the Entered activity. If the Entered activity points
--- to an older activity, then the echoData must match the
--- concatenation of all Seen activities after that one, up to the
--- last logged activity.
--- Activities that do not enter data point to the first message
--- sent in the debug-me session.
--- Does not check the signature.
-isLegalEntered :: Activity Entered -> UserState -> Bool
-isLegalEntered (Activity _ Nothing _) _ = False
-isLegalEntered (Activity a (Just hp) _) us
- | loggedHash lastact == Just hp = True
- | B.null (val (echoData a)) = False -- optimisation
- | any (== Just hp) (map loggedHash bl) =
- let sincehp = reverse (lastact : takeWhile (\l -> loggedHash l /= Just hp) bl)
- in echoData a == mconcat (map (getseen . loggedMessage) sincehp)
- | otherwise = False
- where
- (lastact :| bl) = backLog us
- getseen (User (ActivityMessage as)) = seenData $ activity as
- getseen _ = mempty
--- | Temporary hack while user and developer share a process.
-protocolError :: String -> IO a
-protocolError e = do
- hPutStrLn stderr e
- hFlush stderr
- _ <- exitWith (ExitFailure 101)
- error e
+ UserMode o -> o >>= exitWith
+ DeveloperMode o -> o
+ GraphvizMode o -> graphviz o
+ ReplayMode o -> replay o
+ ServerMode o -> server o