path: root/keysafe.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'keysafe.hs')
1 files changed, 60 insertions, 15 deletions
diff --git a/keysafe.hs b/keysafe.hs
index 7e23b3b..72b2278 100644
--- a/keysafe.hs
+++ b/keysafe.hs
@@ -22,7 +22,11 @@ import qualified Gpg
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Time.Clock
import Data.Time.Calendar
+import Data.Monoid
import Control.Monad
+import Control.DeepSeq
+import Control.Exception
+import System.IO
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.UTF8 as BU8
import System.Posix.User (userGecos, getUserEntryForID, getEffectiveUserID)
@@ -40,7 +44,7 @@ main = do
go CmdLine.Backup (Just secretkeysource@(GpgKey kid)) tunables ui = do
ok <- Gpg.knownByKeyServer kid
unless ok $
- error "Your gpg public key has to be stored on the keyservers before you can back it up by keyid. Either use gpg --send-key to store the public key on the keyservers, or omit the --gpgkeyid option"
+ showError ui "Your gpg public key has to be stored on the keyservers before you can back it up by keyid. Either use gpg --send-key to store the public key on the keyservers, or omit the --gpgkeyid option"
backup ui tunables secretkeysource
=<< getSecretKey secretkeysource
go CmdLine.Backup (Just secretkeysource) tunables ui =
@@ -146,21 +150,21 @@ restore ui secretkeydest = do
<$> promptPassword ui True "Enter password" passworddesc
let sis = shardIdents tunables name secretkeydest
- -- we drop 1 to simulate not getting all shards from the servers
- let l = drop 1 $ zip [1..] (getIdents sis)
- shards <- map (\(RetrieveSuccess s) -> s)
- <$> mapM (uncurry (retrieveShard localFiles)) l
- _ <- obscureShards localFiles
- let esk = combineShards tunables shards
- go esk (candidateKeyEncryptionKeys tunables name password)
+ shards <- catMaybes <$> downloadShards ui sis
+ let candidatekeys = candidateKeyEncryptionKeys tunables name password
+ let cost = getCreationCost candidatekeys
+ <> castCost (getDecryptionCost candidatekeys)
+ case combineShards tunables shards of
+ Left e -> showError ui e
+ Right esk -> withProgress ui "Decrypting"
+ (decryptdesc cost) $ \setpercent -> do
+ case decrypt candidatekeys esk of
+ Nothing -> showError ui "Decryption failed! Unknown why it would fail at this point."
+ Just (SecretKey secretkey) -> do
+ setpercent 100
+ -- TODO save
+ print secretkey
- go _ [] = error "decryption failed"
- go esk (kek:rest) = case decrypt kek esk of
- Just (SecretKey sk) -> print sk
- Nothing -> go esk rest
-- TODO: derive by probing to find objects
tunables = testModeTunables -- defaultTunables
namedesc = unlines
@@ -172,6 +176,47 @@ restore ui secretkeydest = do
passworddesc = unlines
[ "Enter the password to unlock your secret key."
+ decryptdesc cost = unlines
+ [ "This will probably take around " ++ showCostMinutes cost
+ , ""
+ , "(It's a feature that this takes so long;"
+ , "it prevents cracking your password.)"
+ , ""
+ , "Please wait..."
+ ]
+downloadShards :: UI -> ShardIdents -> IO [Maybe Shard]
+downloadShards ui sis = bracket_ (return ()) cleanup
+ (withProgress ui "Downloading encrypted data" message go)
+ where
+ go setpercent = do
+ let l = zip [1..] (getIdents sis)
+ -- Just calculating the idents probably takes
+ -- most of the time.
+ _ <- l `deepseq` setpercent 50
+ let step = 50 `div` length l
+ let percentsteps = [50+step, 50+step*2..100]
+ forM (zip percentsteps l) $ \(pct, (n, i)) -> do
+ r <- retrieveShard localFiles n i
+ _ <- setpercent pct
+ case r of
+ RetrieveSuccess s -> do
+ return (Just s)
+ RetrieveFailure f -> do
+ hPutStrLn stderr $
+ "warning: retrieval of shard " ++ show n ++ " failed: " ++ f
+ return Nothing
+ cleanup = obscureShards localFiles
+ message = unlines
+ [ "This will probably take around "
+ ++ showCostMinutes (getCreationCost sis)
+ , ""
+ , "(It's a feature that this takes a while; it makes it hard"
+ , "for anyone else to find your data.)"
+ , ""
+ , "Please wait..."
+ ]
validateName :: Name -> Maybe Problem
validateName (Name n)