diff options
authorSean Whitton <spwhitton@spwhitton.name>2021-04-01 12:34:02 -0700
committerSean Whitton <spwhitton@spwhitton.name>2021-04-01 15:47:54 -0700
commit729fd0ef5d4f78bc86f2a497c06cecbc2b4fa571 (patch)
parent78bccabe37eb1930c0fca315e5c8907fad06c3f1 (diff)
add some properties for setting keys & values in configuration files
Signed-off-by: Sean Whitton <spwhitton@spwhitton.name>
2 files changed, 232 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/package.lisp b/src/package.lisp
index efce2ee..2294bfd 100644
--- a/src/package.lisp
+++ b/src/package.lisp
@@ -222,6 +222,9 @@
+ #:contains-conf-pairs
+ #:contains-shell-conf
+ #:contains-ini-settings
diff --git a/src/property/file.lisp b/src/property/file.lisp
index 58c3a03..56009d6 100644
--- a/src/property/file.lisp
+++ b/src/property/file.lisp
@@ -109,3 +109,232 @@ Uses CL-PPCRE:REGEX-REPLACE, which see for the syntax of REPLACE."
(mrun "mkdir" "-p" dir)
;; assume it was already there
+;;;; Config files
+;; all our actual uses of this so far could avoid traversing the lines of the
+;; file more than once if this function instead applied MAP to each line and
+;; then just transformed it back right away, but in the future we might want
+;; to write functions which operate on the whole set of lines at once
+(defun config-file-map
+ (&key (parse-comment "#") (new-comment "# ")
+ (parse-section (constantly nil)) (new-section #'identity)
+ parse-kv new-kv map)
+ "Return a function suitable for passing to FILE:MAP-FILE-LINES, to modify
+the lines of a config file using MAP. MAP is a function from a list of config
+file lines to a list of config file lines, except that lines which set values
+in the original file will be replaced by lists of the form (COMMENTED SECTION
+KEY VALUE), where
+ - COMMENTED is a boolean indicating whether the line was commented
+ - SECTION is the section of the config file in which the line appears
+and KEY and VALUE are the key and value. MAP may return lists of this form
+and they will be converted back into strings.
+Other arguments:
+- PARSE-COMMENT is a CL-PPCRE regular expression which, when matched at the
+ beginning of a line, indicates a comment. It is assumed that it can be
+ repeated and may be followed by whitespace.
+- NEW-COMMENT is a string to be prepended to lines to comment them out.
+- PARSE-SECTION is a function which returns the name of the section if passed
+ a line which begins a section of the config file, or nil if the line does
+ not start a section. It can also be a CL-PPCRE regexp, which should extract
+ the section name as the first capture group. Lines will be passed to this
+ function (or matched against this regexp) uncommented.
+- NEW-SECTION is a function which takes a section name and returns a line
+ (without trailing newline) beginning a new section with that name.
+- PARSE-KV is a function which returns as a cons the key and value set by a
+ line of the config file, or nil if the line is something else. It can also
+ be a CL-PPCRE regexp, which should extract the key and value as the first
+ and second capture groups, respectively. Lines will be passed to this
+ function (or matched against this regexp) uncommented.
+- NEW-KV is a function of two arguments, a key and a value, which returns an
+ uncommented line setting the key and value."
+ (unless (functionp parse-section)
+ (let ((orig parse-section))
+ (setq parse-section (lambda (line)
+ (multiple-value-bind (match groups)
+ (re:scan-to-strings orig line)
+ (when match (elt groups 0)))))))
+ (unless (functionp parse-kv)
+ (let ((orig parse-kv))
+ (setq parse-kv (lambda (line)
+ (multiple-value-bind (match groups)
+ (re:scan-to-strings orig line)
+ (and match (cons (elt groups 0) (elt groups 1))))))))
+ (flet ((uncomment (line)
+ (multiple-value-list
+ (re:regex-replace #?/^(?:${parse-comment})+\s*/ line ""))))
+ (lambda (lines)
+ (let* ((unmapped
+ (loop with current-section
+ for line in lines
+ for (uncommented commentedp) = (uncomment line)
+ for (k . v) = (funcall parse-kv uncommented)
+ for new-section
+ = (and (not commentedp)
+ (funcall parse-section uncommented))
+ do (setq current-section
+ (or new-section current-section))
+ if (and k v)
+ collect (list commentedp current-section k v)
+ else collect line))
+ (mapped (funcall map unmapped)))
+ (loop with current-section
+ for line in mapped
+ for line-section = (etypecase line
+ (cons (cadr line))
+ (string (funcall parse-section line)))
+ if (and (listp line)
+ line-section
+ (not (string= line-section current-section)))
+ collect ""
+ and collect (funcall new-section line-section)
+ and do (setq current-section line-section)
+ else if (and (stringp line)
+ line-section
+ (not (string= line-section current-section)))
+ do (setq current-section line-section)
+ if (listp line)
+ collect (with-output-to-string (s)
+ (destructuring-bind (commentedp sec k v) line
+ (declare (ignore sec))
+ (when commentedp (princ new-comment s))
+ (princ (funcall new-kv k v) s)))
+ else collect line)))))
+(defun simple-conf-update (file pairs &rest args)
+ (let ((keys (make-hash-table :test #'equal)))
+ (loop for (k v) on pairs by #'cddr
+ unless (stringp v)
+ do (simple-program-error
+ "Values passed are not all strings, or list is not even")
+ do (setf (gethash k keys) v))
+ (map-file-lines
+ file (apply
+ #'config-file-map
+ :map
+ (lambda (lines)
+ (let ((new-lines
+ (loop for line in lines
+ for key = (and (listp line) (caddr line))
+ for val = (and (listp line) (gethash key keys))
+ if (eql val :done)
+ collect (list* t nil (cddr line))
+ else if val
+ collect (list nil nil key val)
+ and do (setf (gethash key keys) :done)
+ else collect line)))
+ (loop for k being the hash-keys in keys using (hash-value v)
+ unless (eql v :done)
+ collect (list nil nil k v) into accum
+ finally (return (nconc new-lines accum)))))
+ args))))
+(defprop contains-conf-pairs :posix (file &rest pairs)
+ "Where FILE is a config file in which keys and values are separated by spaces
+and there are no sections, and PAIRS is a list of even length of alternating
+keys and values, set each of these keys and values in FILE.
+If there are any other lines which set values for the same keys, they will be
+commented out; the first commented or uncommented line for each key will be
+uncommented and used to set the value, if it exists."
+ (:desc (format nil "~A has ~{~A ~A~^, ~}" file pairs))
+ (:apply (simple-conf-update file pairs
+ :parse-kv #?/^(\S+) (.+)/
+ :new-kv (lambda (k v) #?"${k} ${v}"))))
+(defprop contains-shell-conf :posix (file &rest pairs)
+ "Where FILE is a shell config file, like those in /etc/default, and PAIRS is a
+list of even length of alternating keys and values, set each of these keys and
+values in FILE.
+If there are any other lines which set values for the same keys, they will be
+commented out; the first commented or uncommented line for each key will be
+uncommented and used to set the value, if it exists."
+ (:desc (format nil "~A has ~{~A=~S~^, ~}" file pairs))
+ (:apply (simple-conf-update file (loop for (k v) on pairs by #'cddr
+ collect k
+ collect (escape-sh-token v))
+ ;; include quoting as part of the value so we
+ ;; don't end up substituting double quotation
+ ;; marks for single, or similar
+ :parse-kv #?/^(\S+)\s?=\s?(.*)/
+ :new-kv (lambda (k v) #?"${k}=${v}"))))
+(defprop contains-ini-settings :posix (file &rest triples)
+ "Where FILE is an INI file, and each of TRIPLES is a list of three elements,
+a section name, key and value, set those keys and values in FILE. Keys
+containing '=' are not supported.
+If there are any other lines which set values for the same keys in the same
+sections, they will be commented out. The first commented or uncommented line
+for each key in its section will be uncommented and used to set the value, if
+it exists.
+Some normalisation will be performed: whitespace around the '=' will be
+removed, and semicolon comment chars will be replaced with '#'."
+ (:desc (format nil "~A has ~{~{[~A] ~A = ~A~}~^, ~}" file triples))
+ (:apply
+ (let ((parse-section #?/^\[(.+)\]$/)
+ (keys (make-hash-table :test #'equal)))
+ (loop for (s k v) in triples
+ do (setf (gethash (cons s k) keys) v))
+ (map-file-lines
+ file
+ (config-file-map
+ :parse-comment "[#;]"
+ :parse-section parse-section
+ :new-section (lambda (s) #?"[${s}]")
+ :parse-kv #?/^([^=\s]+)\s*=\s*(.*)/
+ :new-kv (lambda (k v) #?"${k}=${v}")
+ :map
+ (lambda (lines)
+ (let ((new-lines
+ (loop with current-section
+ for line in lines
+ for sec = (etypecase line
+ (list (cadr line))
+ (string (re:regex-replace
+ parse-section line #?/\1/)))
+ and key = (and (listp line) (caddr line))
+ for pair = (cons sec key)
+ for val = (and (listp line) (gethash pair keys))
+ ;; If we've reached a new section insert any
+ ;; remaining pairs in this section, as that's
+ ;; better than inserting a new section with the
+ ;; same name at the end of the file.
+ if (and sec (not (string= sec current-section)))
+ nconc (loop for pair being the hash-keys in keys
+ using (hash-value v)
+ for (s . k) = pair
+ when (and (string= current-section s)
+ (not (eql v :done)))
+ collect (list nil s k v)
+ and do (setf (gethash pair keys) :done))
+ and do (setq current-section sec)
+ if (eql val :done)
+ collect (cons t (cdr line))
+ else if val
+ collect (list nil sec key val)
+ and do (setf (gethash pair keys) :done)
+ else collect line)))
+ (loop for pair being the hash-keys in keys using (hash-value v)
+ for (s . k) = pair
+ unless (eql v :done)
+ collect (list nil s k v) into accum
+ finally (return
+ (nconc new-lines
+ (sort accum #'string< :key #'cadr)))))))))))