path: root/Gpg.hs
diff options
authorJoey Hess <>2017-04-29 14:46:45 -0400
committerJoey Hess <>2017-04-29 14:51:26 -0400
commita61df1522ddf8a36839cf1180d3b16e354459e9a (patch)
tree0e78f72714701b8cd7f32591c921e4826fcf1ddd /Gpg.hs
parent237b94f6c687675215f78fba28d7e003a2b9ab7d (diff)
user gpg key checking and prompting done!
Diffstat (limited to 'Gpg.hs')
1 files changed, 20 insertions, 10 deletions
diff --git a/Gpg.hs b/Gpg.hs
index 0d58f4f..8d8df0b 100644
--- a/Gpg.hs
+++ b/Gpg.hs
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import Crypto
import Data.ByteArray (convert)
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
+import qualified Data.ByteString.UTF8 as B8
import System.IO
import System.Posix.IO hiding (createPipe)
import System.Process
@@ -17,6 +18,7 @@ import System.Directory
import Control.Concurrent.Async
newtype GpgKeyId = GpgKeyId String
+ deriving (Show)
newtype GpgSign = GpgSign Bool
@@ -58,16 +60,17 @@ gpgSign pk = do
-- Gpg outputs to stderr information about who signed the
-- data, so that will be visible to the user when eg, prompting
-- them if they want to accept a connection from that person.
+-- This relies on gpgSign using --clearsign, so on successful
+-- verification, the JSON encoded PublicKey is output to gpg's
+-- stdout.
gpgVerify :: [String] -> PerhapsSigned PublicKey -> IO (Maybe GpgKeyId)
gpgVerify _ (UnSigned _) = return Nothing
gpgVerify gpgopts (GpgSigned pk (GpgSig (Val sig))) = do
(statusreadh, statuswriteh) <- createPipe
statuswritefd <- handleToFd statuswriteh
- -- This relies on gpgSign using --clearsign, so on successful
- -- verification, the JSON encoded PublicKey is output to gpg's
- -- stdout.
(Just hin, Just hout, _, pid) <- createProcess $
- (proc "gpg" (extraopts ++ ["--verify", "--output", "-"]))
+ (proc "gpg" (verifyopts statuswritefd))
{ std_in = CreatePipe
, std_out = CreatePipe
@@ -78,14 +81,21 @@ gpgVerify gpgopts (GpgSigned pk (GpgSig (Val sig))) = do
(signeddata, gpgkeyid) <- B.hGetContents hout
`concurrently` (parseStatusFd <$> hGetContents statusreadh)
st <- waitForProcess pid
- return $ case st of
- ExitSuccess
- | val (hashValue (hash pk)) == signeddata -> gpgkeyid
- _ -> Nothing
+ let norm = filter (not . B.null) . B8.lines
+ let pkissigned = norm (val (hashValue (hash pk))) == norm signeddata
+ return $ if st == ExitSuccess && pkissigned
+ then gpgkeyid
+ else Nothing
extraopts = if any ("--keyserver" `isPrefixOf`) gpgopts
then gpgopts
- else map ("--keyserver=" ++) defaultKeyServers ++ gpgopts
+ else concatMap (\s -> ["--keyserver", s]) defaultKeyServers
+ ++ gpgopts
+ verifyopts statuswritefd = extraopts ++
+ [ "--status-fd", show statuswritefd
+ , "--verify"
+ , "--output", "-"
+ ]
-- | Default keyservers to use.
defaultKeyServers :: [String]
@@ -98,5 +108,5 @@ parseStatusFd :: String -> Maybe GpgKeyId
parseStatusFd = go . map words . lines
go [] = Nothing
- go ((_:"VALIDSIG":keyid:_):_) = Just (GpgKeyId keyid)
+ go ((_:"VALIDSIG":_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:keyid:_):_) = Just (GpgKeyId keyid)
go (_:rest) = go rest