path: root/Log.hs
diff options
authorJoey Hess <>2017-04-19 17:30:32 -0400
committerJoey Hess <>2017-04-19 17:45:14 -0400
commit6f7cf857b408401abdc4477c888495b4f13162c7 (patch)
tree5b746c171df6e68864b2bbaacf2e833587832367 /Log.hs
parent951d165bc27b9397174af1d826366e39cdbd53dd (diff)
reorganized message types
Make Control messages be out-of-band async messages, without a pointer to a previous message. And then followed the type change through the code for hours.. This commit was sponsored by Nick Daly on Patreon.
Diffstat (limited to 'Log.hs')
1 files changed, 30 insertions, 27 deletions
diff --git a/Log.hs b/Log.hs
index f483e7d..2993ad8 100644
--- a/Log.hs
+++ b/Log.hs
@@ -13,72 +13,75 @@ import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import System.IO
--- | A log of Activity both Entered and Seen, which can be recorded to
--- prove what happened in a debug-me session.
+-- | One item in a log of a debug-me session.
-- Note that the time stamp is included to allow replaying logs, but
-- it's not part of the provable session.
-- Note that changing this in ways that change the JSON serialization
-- changes debug-me's log file format.
-data ActivityLog = ActivityLog
- { loggedActivity :: SomeActivity
- , loggedHash :: Hash
+data Log = Log
+ { loggedMessage :: LogMessage
+ , loggedHash :: Maybe Hash
, loggedTimestamp :: Timestamp
deriving (Show, Generic)
-instance DataSize ActivityLog where
- dataSize l = dataSize (loggedActivity l) + dataSize (loggedHash l) + 2
+instance DataSize Log where
+ dataSize l = dataSize (loggedMessage l)
+ + maybe 0 dataSize (loggedHash l)
+ + 2
-instance ToJSON (ActivityLog)
-instance FromJSON (ActivityLog)
+instance ToJSON Log
+instance FromJSON Log
-data SomeActivity
- = ActivitySeen (Activity Seen)
- | ActivityEntered (Activity Entered)
+data LogMessage
+ = User (Message Seen)
+ | Developer (Message Entered)
deriving (Show, Generic)
-instance DataSize SomeActivity where
- dataSize (ActivitySeen a) = dataSize a
- dataSize (ActivityEntered a) = dataSize a
+instance DataSize LogMessage where
+ dataSize (User a) = dataSize a
+ dataSize (Developer a) = dataSize a
-instance ToJSON SomeActivity where
+instance ToJSON LogMessage where
toJSON = genericToJSON sumOptions
toEncoding = genericToEncoding sumOptions
-instance FromJSON SomeActivity where
+instance FromJSON LogMessage where
parseJSON = genericParseJSON sumOptions
-mkActivityLog :: SomeActivity -> POSIXTime -> ActivityLog
-mkActivityLog a now = ActivityLog
- { loggedActivity = a
- , loggedHash = case a of
- ActivitySeen s -> hash s
- ActivityEntered e -> hash e
+mkLog :: LogMessage -> POSIXTime -> Log
+mkLog m now = Log
+ { loggedMessage = m
+ , loggedHash = case m of
+ User (ActivityMessage a) -> Just (hash a)
+ Developer (ActivityMessage a) -> Just (hash a)
+ User (ControlMessage _) -> Nothing
+ Developer (ControlMessage _) -> Nothing
, loggedTimestamp = now
type Timestamp = POSIXTime
-type Logger = SomeActivity -> IO ()
+type Logger = LogMessage -> IO ()
withLogger :: FilePath -> (Logger -> IO a) -> IO a
withLogger logfile a = withFile logfile WriteMode (a . mkLogger)
mkLogger :: Handle -> Logger
mkLogger h a = do
- l <- mkActivityLog a <$> getPOSIXTime
+ l <- mkLog a <$> getPOSIXTime
L.hPut h (encode l)
hPutStr h "\n"
hFlush h
-parseLog :: L.ByteString -> [Either String ActivityLog]
+parseLog :: L.ByteString -> [Either String Log]
parseLog = map eitherDecode'
. filter (not . L.null)
. L.split (fromIntegral (ord '\n'))
-- | Throws exception on unparsable log.
-loadLog :: FilePath -> IO [ActivityLog]
+loadLog :: FilePath -> IO [Log]
loadLog f = do
parsed <- parseLog <$> L.readFile f
case lefts parsed of