path: root/Role/Developer.hs
diff options
authorJoey Hess <>2017-04-21 17:42:10 -0400
committerJoey Hess <>2017-04-21 17:52:18 -0400
commit5572dbc8289de934e9ee5bc3f74a0f98365ce3e5 (patch)
tree9c1bba1a5d40748f72e13be788c29ed24dc3dd28 /Role/Developer.hs
parent360d8ac4601dc5b48c22eeb93eb1853cee99e6c9 (diff)
initial http server
Incomplete, but the client is able to connect and send messages which get logged. Split up debug-me.hs into Role/* Switched from cereal to binary, since websockets operate on lazy ByteStrings, and using cereal would involve a copy on every receive. This commit was sponsored by Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. on Patreon.
Diffstat (limited to 'Role/Developer.hs')
1 files changed, 239 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Role/Developer.hs b/Role/Developer.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..deceb6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Role/Developer.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+module Role.Developer where
+import Types
+import Hash
+import Log
+import Crypto
+import CmdLine
+import WebSockets
+import Control.Concurrent.Async
+import Control.Concurrent.STM
+import System.IO
+import qualified Data.ByteString as B
+import qualified Data.Text as T
+import Data.List
+run :: DeveloperOpts -> IO ()
+run os = runClientApp $ clientApp (ConnectMode (T.pack (debugUrl os))) developer
+developer :: TChan (Message Entered) -> TChan (Message Seen) -> IO ()
+developer ichan ochan = withLogger "debug-me-developer.log" $ \logger -> do
+ -- Start by reading the initial two messages from the user side,
+ -- their session key and the startup message.
+ sessionmsg <- atomically $ readTChan ochan
+ logger $ User sessionmsg
+ sigverifier <- case sessionmsg of
+ ControlMessage c@(Control (SessionKey pk) _) ->
+ let sv = mkSigVerifier pk
+ in if verifySigned sv c
+ then return sv
+ else error "Badly signed session initialization message"
+ _ -> error $ "Unexpected session initialization message: " ++ show sessionmsg
+ startmsg <- atomically $ readTChan ochan
+ logger $ User startmsg
+ starthash <- case startmsg of
+ ActivityMessage act@(Activity (Seen (Val b)) Nothing _)
+ | verifySigned sigverifier act -> do
+ B.hPut stdout b
+ hFlush stdout
+ return (hash act)
+ _ -> error $ "Unexpected startup message: " ++ show startmsg
+ sk <- genMySessionKey
+ devstate <- newTVarIO $ DeveloperState
+ { lastSeen = starthash
+ , sentSince = mempty
+ , enteredSince = mempty
+ , lastActivity = starthash
+ , developerSessionKey = sk
+ , developerSigVerifier = sigverifier
+ }
+ ok <- authUser ichan ochan devstate logger
+ if ok
+ then do
+ _ <- sendTtyInput ichan devstate logger
+ `concurrently` sendTtyOutput ochan devstate logger
+ return ()
+ else do
+ hPutStrLn stderr "\nUser did not grant access to their terminal."
+data DeveloperState = DeveloperState
+ { lastSeen :: Hash
+ , sentSince :: [B.ByteString]
+ , enteredSince :: [Hash]
+ , lastActivity :: Hash
+ , developerSessionKey :: MySessionKey
+ , developerSigVerifier :: SigVerifier
+ }
+-- | Read things typed by the developer, and forward them to the TChan.
+sendTtyInput :: TChan (Message Entered) -> TVar DeveloperState -> Logger -> IO ()
+sendTtyInput ichan devstate logger = go
+ where
+ go = do
+ b <- B.hGetSome stdin 1024
+ if b == B.empty
+ then return ()
+ else send b
+ send b = do
+ act <- atomically $ do
+ ds <- readTVar devstate
+ let ed = if lastActivity ds == lastSeen ds
+ then B.concat $ sentSince ds
+ else case reverse (sentSince ds) of
+ [] -> mempty
+ (lb:_) -> lb
+ let entered = Entered
+ { enteredData = Val b
+ , echoData = Val ed
+ }
+ let act = mkSigned (developerSessionKey ds) $
+ Activity entered (Just $ lastActivity ds)
+ writeTChan ichan (ActivityMessage act)
+ let acth = hash act
+ let ds' = ds
+ { sentSince = sentSince ds ++ [b]
+ , enteredSince = enteredSince ds ++ [acth]
+ , lastActivity = acth
+ }
+ writeTVar devstate ds'
+ return act
+ logger $ Developer $ ActivityMessage act
+ go
+-- | Read activity from the TChan and display it to the developer.
+sendTtyOutput :: TChan (Message Seen) -> TVar DeveloperState -> Logger -> IO ()
+sendTtyOutput ochan devstate logger = go
+ where
+ go = do
+ (o, msg) <- atomically $ getUserMessage ochan devstate
+ logger $ User msg
+ emitOutput o
+ go
+-- | Present our session key to the user.
+-- Wait for them to accept or reject it, while displaying any Seen data
+-- in the meantime.
+authUser :: TChan (Message Entered) -> TChan (Message Seen) -> TVar DeveloperState -> Logger -> IO Bool
+authUser ichan ochan devstate logger = do
+ ds <- atomically $ readTVar devstate
+ pk <- myPublicKey (developerSessionKey ds)
+ let msg = ControlMessage $ mkSigned (developerSessionKey ds)
+ (Control (SessionKey pk))
+ atomically $ writeTChan ichan msg
+ logger $ Developer msg
+ waitresp pk
+ where
+ waitresp pk = do
+ (o, msg) <- atomically $ getUserMessage ochan devstate
+ logger $ User msg
+ emitOutput o
+ case o of
+ GotControl (SessionKeyAccepted pk')
+ | pk' == pk -> return True
+ GotControl (SessionKeyRejected pk')
+ | pk' == pk -> return False
+ _ -> waitresp pk
+data Output
+ = TtyOutput B.ByteString
+ | Beep
+ | ProtocolError String
+ | GotControl ControlAction
+emitOutput :: Output -> IO ()
+emitOutput (ProtocolError e) =
+ error e
+emitOutput (TtyOutput b) = do
+ B.hPut stdout b
+ hFlush stdout
+emitOutput Beep = do
+ B.hPut stdout "\a"
+ hFlush stdout
+emitOutput (GotControl _) =
+ return ()
+-- | Get messages from user, check their signature, and make sure that they
+-- are properly chained from past messages, before returning.
+getUserMessage :: TChan (Message Seen) -> TVar DeveloperState -> STM (Output, Message Seen)
+getUserMessage ochan devstate = do
+ msg <- readTChan ochan
+ ds <- readTVar devstate
+ -- Check signature before doing anything else.
+ if verifySigned (developerSigVerifier ds) msg
+ then do
+ o <- process ds msg
+ return (o, msg)
+ else getUserMessage ochan devstate
+ where
+ process ds (ActivityMessage act@(Activity (Seen (Val b)) _ _)) = do
+ let (legal, ds') = isLegalSeen act ds
+ if legal
+ then do
+ writeTVar devstate ds'
+ return (TtyOutput b)
+ else return (ProtocolError $ "Illegal Seen value: " ++ show (act, hash act))
+ process ds (ControlMessage (Control (Rejected _) _)) = do
+ -- When they rejected a message we sent,
+ -- anything we sent subsequently will
+ -- also be rejected, so forget about it.
+ let ds' = ds
+ { sentSince = mempty
+ , enteredSince = mempty
+ }
+ writeTVar devstate ds'
+ return Beep
+ process _ (ControlMessage (Control c@(SessionKey _) _)) =
+ return (GotControl c)
+ process _ (ControlMessage (Control c@(SessionKeyAccepted _) _)) =
+ return (GotControl c)
+ process _ (ControlMessage (Control c@(SessionKeyRejected _) _)) =
+ return (GotControl c)
+-- | Check if the Seen activity is legal, forming a chain with previous
+-- ones, and returns an updated DeveloperState.
+-- Does not check the signature.
+isLegalSeen :: Activity Seen -> DeveloperState -> (Bool, DeveloperState)
+isLegalSeen (Activity _ Nothing _) ds = (False, ds)
+isLegalSeen act@(Activity (Seen (Val b)) (Just hp) _) ds
+ -- Does it chain to the last Seen activity?
+ | hp == lastSeen ds =
+ -- Trim sentSince and enteredSince to
+ -- values after the Seen value.
+ let ss = sentSince ds
+ es = enteredSince ds
+ n = B.length b
+ (ss', es') = if b `B.isPrefixOf` mconcat ss
+ then (drop n ss, drop n es)
+ else (mempty, mempty)
+ in yes ds
+ { lastSeen = acth
+ , sentSince = ss'
+ , enteredSince = es'
+ , lastActivity = acth
+ }
+ -- Does it chain to something we've entered since the last Seen
+ -- value? Eg, user sent A, we replied B C, and the user has
+ -- now replied to B.
+ -- If so, we can drop B (and anything before it) from
+ -- enteredSince and sentSince.
+ | otherwise = case elemIndex hp (enteredSince ds) of
+ Nothing -> (False, ds)
+ Just i ->
+ let ss = sentSince ds
+ es = enteredSince ds
+ ss' = drop (i+1) ss
+ es' = drop (i+1) es
+ in yes ds
+ { lastSeen = acth
+ , sentSince = ss'
+ , enteredSince = es'
+ , lastActivity = acth
+ }
+ where
+ acth = hash act
+ yes ds' = (True, ds')