path: root/WebSockets.hs
diff options
authorJoey Hess <>2017-04-21 17:42:10 -0400
committerJoey Hess <>2017-04-21 17:52:18 -0400
commit5572dbc8289de934e9ee5bc3f74a0f98365ce3e5 (patch)
tree9c1bba1a5d40748f72e13be788c29ed24dc3dd28 /WebSockets.hs
parent360d8ac4601dc5b48c22eeb93eb1853cee99e6c9 (diff)
initial http server
Incomplete, but the client is able to connect and send messages which get logged. Split up debug-me.hs into Role/* Switched from cereal to binary, since websockets operate on lazy ByteStrings, and using cereal would involve a copy on every receive. This commit was sponsored by Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. on Patreon.
Diffstat (limited to 'WebSockets.hs')
1 files changed, 113 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/WebSockets.hs b/WebSockets.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f18b14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/WebSockets.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, DeriveGeneric, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, FlexibleContexts #-}
+module WebSockets where
+import Types
+import Serialization
+import Control.Concurrent.STM
+import Control.Concurrent.Async
+import Control.Exception
+import qualified Data.Aeson
+import qualified Data.Binary
+import qualified Network.WebSockets as WS
+import qualified Data.Text as T
+import Data.List
+import Data.Maybe
+runClientApp :: WS.ClientApp a -> IO a
+runClientApp = WS.runClient "localhost" 8080 "/"
+-- | Make a client that sends and receives Messages over a websocket.
+ :: (Binary (Message sent), Binary (Message received))
+ => Mode
+ -> (TChan (Message sent) -> TChan (Message received) -> IO a)
+ -> WS.ClientApp a
+clientApp mode a conn = bracket setup cleanup go
+ where
+ setup = do
+ schan <- newTChanIO
+ rchan <- newTChanIO
+ sthread <- async $ relayFromSocket conn $
+ atomically . writeTChan rchan
+ rthread <- async $ relayToSocket conn $
+ Just <$> atomically (readTChan schan)
+ return (schan, rchan, sthread, rthread)
+ cleanup (_, _, sthread, rthread) = do
+ cancel sthread
+ cancel rthread
+ go (schan, rchan, _, _) = do
+ print "sendWireVersions start"
+ print "negotiateWireVersion start"
+ _ <- negotiateWireVersion conn
+ --sendWireVersions conn
+ print "negotiateWireVersion done"
+ sendMode conn mode
+ print "sendmode now done"
+ a schan rchan
+relayFromSocket :: Binary (Message received) => WS.Connection -> (Message received -> IO ()) -> IO ()
+relayFromSocket conn send = go
+ where
+ go = do
+ dm <- WS.receiveDataMessage conn
+ case dm of
+ WS.Binary b -> case Data.Binary.decodeOrFail b of
+ Right (_, _, msg) -> do
+ send msg
+ go
+ Left (_, _, err) -> error $ "Deserialization error: " ++ err
+ WS.Text _ -> error "Unexpected Text received on websocket"
+relayToSocket :: Binary (Message sent) => WS.Connection -> (IO (Maybe (Message sent))) -> IO ()
+relayToSocket conn get = go
+ where
+ go = do
+ mmsg <- get
+ case mmsg of
+ Nothing -> return ()
+ Just msg -> do
+ WS.sendDataMessage conn $ WS.Binary $
+ Data.Binary.encode msg
+ go
+newtype WireVersion = WireVersion T.Text
+ deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, Ord)
+instance FromJSON WireVersion
+instance ToJSON WireVersion
+supportedWireVersions :: [WireVersion]
+supportedWireVersions = [WireVersion "1"]
+sendWireVersions :: WS.Connection -> IO ()
+sendWireVersions conn = WS.sendTextData conn (Data.Aeson.encode supportedWireVersions)
+-- | Send supportedWireVersions and at the same time receive it from
+-- the remote side. The highest version present in both lists will be used.
+negotiateWireVersion :: WS.Connection -> IO WireVersion
+negotiateWireVersion conn = do
+ remoteversions <- WS.receiveData conn
+ print ("got versions" :: String)
+ case Data.Aeson.decode remoteversions of
+ Nothing -> error "Protocol error: WireVersion list was not sent"
+ Just l -> case reverse (intersect (sort supportedWireVersions) (sort l)) of
+ (v:_) -> return v
+ [] -> error $ "Unable to negotiate a WireVersion. I support: " ++ show supportedWireVersions ++ " They support: " ++ show l
+-- | Modes of operation that can be requested for a websocket connection.
+data Mode
+ = InitMode T.Text
+ | ConnectMode T.Text
+ deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
+instance FromJSON Mode
+instance ToJSON Mode where
+sendMode :: WS.Connection -> Mode -> IO ()
+sendMode conn mode = WS.sendTextData conn (Data.Aeson.encode mode)
+getMode :: WS.Connection -> IO Mode
+getMode conn = fromMaybe (error "Unknown mode") . Data.Aeson.decode
+ <$> WS.receiveData conn