path: root/debug-me.hs
diff options
authorJoey Hess <>2017-04-14 17:00:59 -0400
committerJoey Hess <>2017-04-14 17:05:03 -0400
commit0222ca35ec03836ab216aff1a38e337e2be16511 (patch)
treec87a16ce0fac2dbaf354719fa5ae0dccc283343e /debug-me.hs
parentb5d5f86a88c8dbd1cee9e28a659bfe1c26f38eaa (diff)
log JSON to debug-me.log (for now)
useful for debugging, etc This commit was sponsored by Alexander Thompson on Patreon.
Diffstat (limited to 'debug-me.hs')
1 files changed, 31 insertions, 18 deletions
diff --git a/debug-me.hs b/debug-me.hs
index 5f0f628..162ca1b 100644
--- a/debug-me.hs
+++ b/debug-me.hs
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, RankNTypes, FlexibleContexts #-}
module Main where
@@ -20,12 +20,12 @@ import Data.Aeson
main :: IO ()
main = do
- exitstatus <- go ">>> debug-me started"
+ exitstatus <- go ">>> debug-me session starting"
putStrLn ""
- putStrLn ">>> debug-me is exiting..."
+ putStrLn ">>> debug-me session is done"
exitWith exitstatus
- go startmsg = runWithPty "bash" [] $ \(p, ph) -> do
+ go startmsg = runWithPty "dash" [] $ \(p, ph) -> do
ichan <- newTChanIO
ochan <- newTChanIO
dthread <- async (developer ichan ochan)
@@ -110,36 +110,50 @@ sendTtyOutput ochan devstate = go
_ -> return mempty
user :: B.ByteString -> Pty -> TChan (Activity Entered) -> TChan (Activity Seen) -> IO ()
-user startmsg p ichan ochan = do
+user startmsg p ichan ochan = withLogger "debug-me.log" $ \logger -> do
let startact = Activity (Seen (Val (startmsg <> "\r\n"))) Nothing dummySignature
+ logger (ActivitySeen startact)
atomically $ writeTChan ochan startact
backlog <- newTVarIO $ Backlog ((hash startact, startact) :| [])
- _ <- sendPtyOutput p ochan backlog
- `concurrently` sendPtyInput ichan p backlog
+ _ <- sendPtyOutput p ochan backlog logger
+ `concurrently` sendPtyInput ichan p backlog logger
return ()
-- | Log of recent output, with the most recent output first.
data Backlog = Backlog (NonEmpty (HashPointer, Activity Seen))
deriving (Show)
+type Logger = ActivityLog -> IO ()
+withLogger :: FilePath -> (Logger -> IO a) -> IO a
+withLogger logfile a = withFile logfile WriteMode (a . mkLogger)
+mkLogger :: Handle -> Logger
+mkLogger h l = do
+ L.hPut h (encode l)
+ hPutStr h "\n"
+ hFlush h
-- | Forward things written to the Pty out the TChan.
-sendPtyOutput :: Pty -> TChan (Activity Seen) -> TVar Backlog -> IO ()
-sendPtyOutput p ochan backlog = go
+sendPtyOutput :: Pty -> TChan (Activity Seen) -> TVar Backlog -> Logger -> IO ()
+sendPtyOutput p ochan backlog logger = go
go = do
b <- readPty p
- atomically $ do
+ act <- atomically $ do
Backlog (bl@((prevhash, _) :| _)) <- readTVar backlog
let seen = Seen (Val b)
let act = Activity seen (Just prevhash) dummySignature
writeTChan ochan act
writeTVar backlog (Backlog ((hash act, act) :| toList bl))
+ return act
+ logger (ActivitySeen act)
-- | Read things to be entered from the TChan, verify if they're legal,
-- and send them to the Pty.
-sendPtyInput :: TChan (Activity Entered) -> Pty -> TVar Backlog -> IO ()
-sendPtyInput ichan p backlog = go
+sendPtyInput :: TChan (Activity Entered) -> Pty -> TVar Backlog -> Logger -> IO ()
+sendPtyInput ichan p backlog logger = go
go = do
@@ -154,14 +168,15 @@ sendPtyInput ichan p backlog = go
writeTVar backlog bl'
return (Right newact)
else do
- return (Left ("illegal entry" :: String, encode newact, bl'))
+ return (Left (newact, bl'))
case v of
Right entered -> do
- L.putStrLn (encode entered)
+ logger (ActivityEntered entered True)
writePty p (val (enteredData (activity entered)))
- Left _e -> do
- -- print e
+ Left (illegalentered, _bl) -> do
+ logger (ActivityEntered illegalentered False)
+ -- print bl
-- | Truncate the Backlog to remove entries older than the one
@@ -178,7 +193,6 @@ truncateBacklog (Backlog (b :| l)) (Activity _ hp _)
go c (x:xs)
| Just (fst x) == hp = reverse (x:c)
| otherwise = go (x:c) xs
-truncateBacklog (Backlog bl) _ = Backlog bl
-- | Entered activity is only legal if it points to the last Seen activvity,
-- because this guarantees that the person who entered it saw
@@ -197,7 +211,6 @@ isLegal (Activity entered hp sig) (Backlog (lastseen@(lastseenhash, _lastseen) :
let sincehp = reverse (lastseen : takeWhile (\(h, _) -> Just h /= hp) bl)
in echoData entered == mconcat (map (seenData . activity . snd) sincehp)
| otherwise = False
-isLegal _ _ = False
dummySignature :: Signature
dummySignature = Signature mempty