path: root/debug-me.hs
diff options
authorJoey Hess <>2017-04-14 10:05:13 -0400
committerJoey Hess <>2017-04-14 10:11:54 -0400
commitb5d5f86a88c8dbd1cee9e28a659bfe1c26f38eaa (patch)
tree1ea7fd10f9619ee20016190cb255c62d408611d5 /debug-me.hs
parent2a271b27c65a286882332b6268e8946851c52f2a (diff)
improve JSON
Most of the time, ByteStrings will be able to be encoded as utf8, so avoid base64 when not needed. Adjusted some of the types in order to generate more usual JSON. In particular, removed StartActivity. The JSON now looks like this (with the signature still not populated): {"signature":{"v":""},"prevActivity":{"hashValue":{"v":"3b1abe614dd43bdb2d9a56777884e2d0f3bac9796e2d25c1ad52bb689c117286"},"hashMethod":"SHA256"},"activity":{"echoData":{"v":""},"enteredData":{"v":"l"}}} 203 bytes to send a single keystroke is not great when there's really only 1+64(hash) bytes of unique data. So, may end up adding a wire encoding on top of this. But, JSON is good to have for storage of the proofs, etc. Also, it does compress well. Two such JSON objects gzip -9 to 219 bytes, and three to 265 bytes. So, 37 bytes per keystroke. This is *exactly* as efficient as gzip -9 of $c$hash formatted data. This commit was sponsored by Jack Hill on Patreon.
Diffstat (limited to 'debug-me.hs')
1 files changed, 20 insertions, 17 deletions
diff --git a/debug-me.hs b/debug-me.hs
index 86558bc..5f0f628 100644
--- a/debug-me.hs
+++ b/debug-me.hs
@@ -13,8 +13,10 @@ import System.IO
import System.Process
import System.Exit
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..), toList)
import Data.Monoid
+import Data.Aeson
main :: IO ()
main = do
@@ -41,7 +43,7 @@ developer :: TChan (Activity Entered) -> TChan (Activity Seen) -> IO ()
developer ichan ochan = do
startact <- atomically $ readTChan ochan
case startact of
- StartActivity (Seen (Val b)) sig -> do
+ Activity (Seen (Val b)) Nothing sig -> do
B.hPut stdout b
hFlush stdout
_ -> return ()
@@ -72,7 +74,7 @@ sendTtyInput ichan devstate = go
{ enteredData = Val b
, echoData = Val (sentSince ds)
- let act = Activity entered (lastSeen ds) dummySignature
+ let act = Activity entered (Just $ lastSeen ds) dummySignature
writeTChan ichan act
let ds' = ds { sentSince = sentSince ds <> b }
writeTVar devstate ds'
@@ -91,7 +93,7 @@ sendTtyOutput ochan devstate = go
act <- readTChan ochan
ds <- readTVar devstate
case act of
- Activity (Seen (Val b)) hp sig
+ Activity (Seen (Val b)) (Just hp) sig
| hp == lastSeen ds -> do
let ss = sentSince ds
let ss' = if b `B.isPrefixOf` ss
@@ -109,7 +111,7 @@ sendTtyOutput ochan devstate = go
user :: B.ByteString -> Pty -> TChan (Activity Entered) -> TChan (Activity Seen) -> IO ()
user startmsg p ichan ochan = do
- let startact = StartActivity (Seen (Val (startmsg <> "\r\n"))) dummySignature
+ let startact = Activity (Seen (Val (startmsg <> "\r\n"))) Nothing dummySignature
atomically $ writeTChan ochan startact
backlog <- newTVarIO $ Backlog ((hash startact, startact) :| [])
_ <- sendPtyOutput p ochan backlog
@@ -129,7 +131,7 @@ sendPtyOutput p ochan backlog = go
atomically $ do
Backlog (bl@((prevhash, _) :| _)) <- readTVar backlog
let seen = Seen (Val b)
- let act = Activity seen prevhash dummySignature
+ let act = Activity seen (Just prevhash) dummySignature
writeTChan ochan act
writeTVar backlog (Backlog ((hash act, act) :| toList bl))
@@ -141,7 +143,7 @@ sendPtyInput ichan p backlog = go
go = do
- mb <- atomically $ do
+ v <- atomically $ do
newact <- readTChan ichan
bl <- readTVar backlog
-- Don't need to retain backlog before the Activity
@@ -150,12 +152,13 @@ sendPtyInput ichan p backlog = go
if isLegal newact bl'
then do
writeTVar backlog bl'
- return (Right (enteredData (activityContent newact)))
+ return (Right newact)
else do
- return (Left ("illegal entry" :: String, newact, bl'))
- case mb of
- Right (Val b) -> do
- writePty p b
+ return (Left ("illegal entry" :: String, encode newact, bl'))
+ case v of
+ Right entered -> do
+ L.putStrLn (encode entered)
+ writePty p (val (enteredData (activity entered)))
Left _e -> do
-- print e
@@ -168,12 +171,12 @@ sendPtyInput ichan p backlog = go
-- done.
truncateBacklog :: Backlog -> Activity Entered -> Backlog
truncateBacklog (Backlog (b :| l)) (Activity _ hp _)
- | fst b == hp = Backlog (b :| [])
+ | Just (fst b) == hp = Backlog (b :| [])
| otherwise = Backlog (b :| go [] l)
go c [] = reverse c
go c (x:xs)
- | fst x == hp = reverse (x:c)
+ | Just (fst x) == hp = reverse (x:c)
| otherwise = go (x:c) xs
truncateBacklog (Backlog bl) _ = Backlog bl
@@ -188,11 +191,11 @@ truncateBacklog (Backlog bl) _ = Backlog bl
-- Seen activity.
isLegal :: Activity Entered -> Backlog -> Bool
isLegal (Activity entered hp sig) (Backlog (lastseen@(lastseenhash, _lastseen) :| bl))
- | lastseenhash == hp = True
+ | Just lastseenhash == hp = True
| B.null (val (echoData entered)) = False -- optimisation
- | any (== hp) (map fst bl) =
- let sincehp = reverse (lastseen : takeWhile (\(h, _) -> h /= hp) bl)
- in echoData entered == mconcat (map (seenData . activityContent . snd) sincehp)
+ | any (== hp) (map (Just . fst) bl) =
+ let sincehp = reverse (lastseen : takeWhile (\(h, _) -> Just h /= hp) bl)
+ in echoData entered == mconcat (map (seenData . activity . snd) sincehp)
| otherwise = False
isLegal _ _ = False