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1 files changed, 25 insertions, 18 deletions
diff --git a/debug-me.hs b/debug-me.hs
index 07ff05b..2625ecc 100644
--- a/debug-me.hs
+++ b/debug-me.hs
@@ -107,27 +107,34 @@ sendTtyOutput :: TChan (Activity Seen) -> TVar DeveloperState -> IO ()
sendTtyOutput ochan devstate = go
go = do
- v <- atomically get
+ v <- atomically $ processOutput ochan devstate
case v of
- Left e -> protocolError e
- Right (Just b) -> do
+ ProtocolError e -> protocolError e
+ TtyOutput b -> do
B.hPut stdout b
hFlush stdout
- Right Nothing -> go
- get = do
- act <- readTChan ochan
- ds <- readTVar devstate
- let (legal, ds') = isLegalSeen act ds
- if legal
- then case act of
- Activity (Proto (Seen (Val b))) _ _ -> do
- writeTVar devstate ds'
- return $ Right $ Just b
- Activity (Rejected _) _ _ -> do
- writeTVar devstate ds'
- return $ Right Nothing
- else return $ Left $ "Illegal Seen value: " ++ show (act, hash act) ++ "\n" ++ show ds
+ Beep -> do
+ B.hPut stdout "\a"
+ hFlush stdout
+ go
+data Output = TtyOutput B.ByteString | Beep | ProtocolError String
+processOutput :: TChan (Activity Seen) -> TVar DeveloperState -> STM Output
+processOutput ochan devstate = do
+ act <- readTChan ochan
+ ds <- readTVar devstate
+ let (legal, ds') = isLegalSeen act ds
+ if legal
+ then case act of
+ Activity (Proto (Seen (Val b))) _ _ -> do
+ writeTVar devstate ds'
+ return $ TtyOutput b
+ Activity (Rejected _) _ _ -> do
+ writeTVar devstate ds'
+ return Beep
+ else return $ ProtocolError $ "Illegal Seen value: " ++ show (act, hash act) ++ "\n" ++ show ds
-- | Check if the Seen activity is legal, and returns an updated
-- DeveloperState.
@@ -160,7 +167,7 @@ isLegalSeen act@(Activity p (Just hp) sig) ds
Nothing -> (False, ds)
Just i -> case p of
Rejected _ -> yesrej
- Proto (Seen (Val b)) ->
+ Proto (Seen (Val _)) ->
let ss = sentSince ds
es = enteredSince ds
ss' = drop (i+1) ss