path: root/debug-me.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'debug-me.hs')
1 files changed, 180 insertions, 20 deletions
diff --git a/debug-me.hs b/debug-me.hs
index 69870f1..4122881 100644
--- a/debug-me.hs
+++ b/debug-me.hs
@@ -1,16 +1,19 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Main where
import Types
import Hash
import Pty
-import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.Async
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import System.IO
import System.Process
import System.Exit
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
+import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..), toList)
+import Data.Monoid
main :: IO ()
main = do
@@ -22,25 +25,182 @@ main = do
go = withChildPty $ \p -> do
(Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, ph) <- createProcess $
onPty p (proc "bash" [])
- let Master h = ptyMaster p
- hSetBuffering stdin NoBuffering
- hSetBuffering h NoBuffering
- ithread <- async (forward stdin h ph 200000)
- othread <- async (forward h stdout ph 0)
+ ichan <- newTChanIO
+ ochan <- newTChanIO
+ dthread <- async (developer ichan ochan)
+ uthread <- async (user p ichan ochan ph)
exitstatus <- waitForProcess ph
- cancel ithread
- cancel othread
+ cancel dthread
+ cancel uthread
return exitstatus
-forward :: Handle -> Handle -> ProcessHandle -> Int -> IO ()
-forward from to ph delay = do
- b <- B.hGetSome from 1024
- if b == B.empty
- then do
- terminateProcess ph
- return ()
- else do
- threadDelay delay
- B.hPut to b
- hFlush to
- forward from to ph delay
+developer :: TChan (Activity Entered) -> TChan (Activity Seen) -> IO ()
+developer ichan ochan = do
+ startact <- atomically $ readTChan ochan
+ case startact of
+ StartActivity (Seen b) sig -> do
+ B.hPut stdout b
+ hFlush stdout
+ _ -> return ()
+ devstate <- newTVarIO (DeveloperState (hash startact) mempty)
+ _ <- sendTtyInput ichan devstate
+ `concurrently` sendTtyOutput ochan devstate
+ return ()
+data DeveloperState = DeveloperState
+ { lastSeen :: HashPointer
+ , sentSince :: B.ByteString
+ }
+ deriving (Show)
+-- | Read things typed by the user, and forward them to the TChan.
+sendTtyInput :: TChan (Activity Entered) -> TVar DeveloperState -> IO ()
+sendTtyInput ichan devstate = go
+ where
+ go = do
+ b <- B.hGetSome stdin 1024
+ if b == B.empty
+ then return ()
+ else send b
+ send b = do
+ atomically $ do
+ ds <- readTVar devstate
+ let entered = Entered
+ { enteredData = b
+ , echoData = sentSince ds
+ }
+ let act = Activity entered (lastSeen ds) dummySignature
+ writeTChan ichan act
+ let ds' = ds { sentSince = sentSince ds <> b }
+ writeTVar devstate ds'
+ go
+-- | Read activity from the TChan and display it.
+sendTtyOutput :: TChan (Activity Seen) -> TVar DeveloperState -> IO ()
+sendTtyOutput ochan devstate = go
+ where
+ go = do
+ b <- atomically get
+ B.hPut stdout b
+ hFlush stdout
+ go
+ get = do
+ act <- readTChan ochan
+ ds <- readTVar devstate
+ case act of
+ Activity (Seen b) hp sig
+ | hp == lastSeen ds -> do
+ let ds' = DeveloperState
+ { lastSeen = hash act
+ -- XXX is this right?
+ -- What if we get
+ -- a Seen that is
+ -- part of what
+ -- sentSince
+ -- contained?
+ , sentSince = mempty
+ }
+ writeTVar devstate ds'
+ return b
+ -- Got an activity out of order or
+ -- missed one somehow. Ignore it?
+ _ -> return ("bad input")
+user :: Pty -> TChan (Activity Entered) -> TChan (Activity Seen) -> ProcessHandle -> IO ()
+user p ichan ochan ph = do
+ let startact = StartActivity (Seen ">>> debug-me started\r\n") dummySignature
+ atomically $ writeTChan ochan startact
+ backlog <- newTVarIO $ Backlog ((hash startact, startact) :| [])
+ _ <- sendPtyOutput p ochan backlog ph
+ `concurrently` sendPtyInput ichan p backlog
+ return ()
+-- | Log of recent output, with the most recent output first.
+data Backlog = Backlog (NonEmpty (HashPointer, Activity Seen))
+ deriving (Show)
+-- | Forward things written to the Pty out the TChan.
+sendPtyOutput :: Pty -> TChan (Activity Seen) -> TVar Backlog -> ProcessHandle -> IO ()
+sendPtyOutput p ochan backlog ph = go
+ where
+ Master h = ptyMaster p
+ go = do
+ b <- B.hGetSome h 1024
+ if b == B.empty
+ then do
+ terminateProcess ph
+ return ()
+ else send b
+ send b = do
+ atomically $ do
+ Backlog (bl@((prevhash, _) :| _)) <- readTVar backlog
+ let seen = Seen b
+ let act = Activity seen prevhash dummySignature
+ writeTChan ochan act
+ writeTVar backlog (Backlog ((hash act, act) :| toList bl))
+ go
+-- | Read things to be entered from the TChan, verify if they're legal,
+-- and send them to the Pty.
+sendPtyInput :: TChan (Activity Entered) -> Pty -> TVar Backlog -> IO ()
+sendPtyInput ichan p backlog = go
+ where
+ Master h = ptyMaster p
+ go = do
+ mb <- atomically $ do
+ newact <- readTChan ichan
+ bl <- readTVar backlog
+ -- Don't need to retain backlog before the Activity
+ -- that newact references.
+ let bl' = truncateBacklog bl newact
+ if isLegal newact bl'
+ then do
+ writeTVar backlog bl'
+ return (Right (enteredData (activityContent newact)))
+ else do
+ return (Left ("illegal entry", newact, bl'))
+ case mb of
+ Right b -> do
+ B.hPut h b
+ hFlush h
+ go
+ Left e -> do
+ print e
+ go
+-- | Truncate the Backlog to remove entries older than the one
+-- that the Activity refers to.
+-- If the activity refers to an item not in the backlog, no truncation is
+-- done.
+truncateBacklog :: Backlog -> Activity Entered -> Backlog
+truncateBacklog (Backlog (b :| l)) (Activity _ hp _)
+ | fst b == hp = Backlog (b :| [])
+ | otherwise = Backlog (b :| go [] l)
+ where
+ go c [] = reverse c
+ go c (x:xs)
+ | fst x == hp = reverse (x:c)
+ | otherwise = go (x:c) xs
+truncateBacklog (Backlog bl) _ = Backlog bl
+-- | Entered activity is only legal if it points to the last Seen activvity,
+-- because this guarantees that the person who entered it saw
+-- the current state of the system before manipulating it.
+-- To support typeahead on slow links, some echoData may be provided
+-- in the Entered activity. If the HashPointer in the activity points
+-- to an older Seen activity, then the echoData must match the
+-- concatenation of all activities after that one, up to the most recent
+-- Seen activity.
+isLegal :: Activity Entered -> Backlog -> Bool
+isLegal (Activity entered hp sig) (Backlog ((lastseenhash, _lastseen) :| bl))
+ | lastseenhash == hp = True
+ | any (== hp) (map fst bl) =
+ let sincehp = reverse (takeWhile (\(h, _) -> h /= hp) bl)
+ in echoData entered == mconcat (map (seenData . activityContent . snd) sincehp)
+ | otherwise = False
+isLegal _ _ = False
+dummySignature :: Signature
+dummySignature = Signature mempty