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-<div class="subsection" id="Parser_002dbased-Font-Lock">
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-Previous: <a href="Multiline-Font-Lock.html" accesskey="p" rel="prev">Multiline Font Lock Constructs</a>, Up: <a href="Font-Lock-Mode.html" accesskey="u" rel="up">Font Lock Mode</a> &nbsp; [<a href="index.html#SEC_Contents" title="Table of contents" rel="contents">Contents</a>][<a href="Index.html" title="Index" rel="index">Index</a>]</p>
-<span id="Parser_002dbased-Font-Lock-1"></span><h4 class="subsection">24.6.10 Parser-based Font Lock</h4>
-<span id="index-parser_002dbased-font_002dlock"></span>
-<p>Besides simple syntactic font lock and regexp-based font lock, Emacs
-also provides complete syntactic font lock with the help of a parser.
-Currently, Emacs uses the tree-sitter library (see <a href="Parsing-Program-Source.html">Parsing Program Source</a>) for this purpose.
-<p>Parser-based font lock and other font lock mechanisms are not mutually
-exclusive. By default, if enabled, parser-based font lock runs first,
-replacing syntactic font lock, then the regexp-based font lock.
-<p>Although parser-based font lock doesn&rsquo;t share the same customization
-variables with regexp-based font lock, it uses similar customization
-schemes. The tree-sitter counterpart of <var>font-lock-keywords</var> is
-<span id="index-tree_002dsitter-fontifications_002c-overview"></span>
-<span id="index-fontifications-with-tree_002dsitter_002c-overview"></span>
-<p>In general, tree-sitter fontification works as follows:
-<li> A Lisp program (usually, part of a major mode) provides a <em>query</em>
-consisting of <em>patterns</em>, each pattern associated with a
-<em>capture name</em>.
-</li><li> The tree-sitter library finds the nodes in the parse tree
-that match these patterns, tags the nodes with the corresponding
-capture names, and returns them to the Lisp program.
-</li><li> The Lisp program uses the returned nodes to highlight the portions of
-buffer text corresponding to each node as appropriate, using the
-tagged capture names of the nodes to determine the correct
-fontification. For example, a node tagged <code>font-lock-keyword</code>
-would be highlighted in <code>font-lock-keyword</code> face.
-<p>For more information about queries, patterns, and capture names, see
-<a href="Pattern-Matching.html">Pattern Matching Tree-sitter Nodes</a>.
-<p>To setup tree-sitter fontification, a major mode should first set
-<code>treesit-font-lock-settings</code> with the output of
-<code>treesit-font-lock-rules</code>, then call
-<dl class="def">
-<dt id="index-treesit_002dfont_002dlock_002drules"><span class="category">Function: </span><span><strong>treesit-font-lock-rules</strong> <em>&amp;rest query-specs</em><a href='#index-treesit_002dfont_002dlock_002drules' class='copiable-anchor'> &para;</a></span></dt>
-<dd><p>This function is used to set <var>treesit-font-lock-settings</var>. It
-takes care of compiling queries and other post-processing, and outputs
-a value that <var>treesit-font-lock-settings</var> accepts. Here&rsquo;s an
-<div class="example">
-<pre class="example">(treesit-font-lock-rules
- :language 'javascript
- :feature 'constant
- :override t
- '((true) @font-lock-constant-face
- (false) @font-lock-constant-face)
- :language 'html
- :feature 'script
- &quot;(script_element) @font-lock-builtin-face&quot;)
-<p>This function takes a series of <var>query-spec</var>s, where each
-<var>query-spec</var> is a <var>query</var> preceded by one or more
-<var>:keyword</var>/<var>value</var> pairs. Each <var>query</var> is a
-tree-sitter query in either the string, s-expression or compiled form.
-<p>For each <var>query</var>, the <var>:keyword</var>/<var>value</var> pairs that
-precede it add meta information to it. The <code>:language</code> keyword
-declares <var>query</var>&rsquo;s language. The <code>:feature</code> keyword sets the
-feature name of <var>query</var>. Users can control which features are
-enabled with <code>font-lock-maximum-decoration</code> and
-<code>treesit-font-lock-feature-list</code> (described below). These two
-keywords are mandatory.
-<p>Other keywords are optional:
-<thead><tr><th width="15%">Keyword</th><th width="15%">Value</th><th width="60%">Description</th></tr></thead>
-<tr><td width="15%"><code>:override</code></td><td width="15%">nil</td><td width="60%">If the region already has a face, discard the new face</td></tr>
-<tr><td width="15%"></td><td width="15%">t</td><td width="60%">Always apply the new face</td></tr>
-<tr><td width="15%"></td><td width="15%"><code>append</code></td><td width="60%">Append the new face to existing ones</td></tr>
-<tr><td width="15%"></td><td width="15%"><code>prepend</code></td><td width="60%">Prepend the new face to existing ones</td></tr>
-<tr><td width="15%"></td><td width="15%"><code>keep</code></td><td width="60%">Fill-in regions without an existing face</td></tr>
-<p>Lisp programs mark patterns in <var>query</var> with capture names (names
-that starts with <code>@</code>), and tree-sitter will return matched nodes
-tagged with those same capture names. For the purpose of
-fontification, capture names in <var>query</var> should be face names like
-<code>font-lock-keyword-face</code>. The captured node will be fontified
-with that face.
-<span id="index-treesit_002dfontify_002dwith_002doverride"></span>
-<p>Capture names can also be function names, in which case the function
-is called with 4 arguments: <var>node</var> and <var>override</var>, <var>start</var>
-and <var>end</var>, where <var>node</var> is the node itself, <var>override</var> is
-the override property of the rule which captured this node, and
-<var>start</var> and <var>end</var> limits the region in which this function
-should fontify. (If this function wants to respect the <var>override</var>
-argument, it can use <code>treesit-fontify-with-override</code>.)
-<p>Beyond the 4 arguments presented, this function should accept more
-arguments as optional arguments for future extensibility.
-<p>If a capture name is both a face and a function, the face takes
-priority. If a capture name is neither a face nor a function, it is
-<dl class="def">
-<dt id="index-treesit_002dfont_002dlock_002dfeature_002dlist"><span class="category">Variable: </span><span><strong>treesit-font-lock-feature-list</strong><a href='#index-treesit_002dfont_002dlock_002dfeature_002dlist' class='copiable-anchor'> &para;</a></span></dt>
-<dd><p>This is a list of lists of feature symbols. Each element of the list
-is a list that represents a decoration level.
-<code>font-lock-maximum-decoration</code> controls which levels are
-<p>Each element of the list is a list of the form <code>(<var>feature</var>&nbsp;&hellip;)</code><!-- /@w -->, where each <var>feature</var> corresponds to the
-<code>:feature</code> value of a query defined in
-<code>treesit-font-lock-rules</code>. Removing a feature symbol from this
-list disables the corresponding query during font-lock.
-<p>Common feature names, for many programming languages, include
-<code>definition</code>, <code>type</code>, <code>assignment</code>, <code>builtin</code>,
-<code>constant</code>, <code>keyword</code>, <code>string-interpolation</code>,
-<code>comment</code>, <code>doc</code>, <code>string</code>, <code>operator</code>,
-<code>preprocessor</code>, <code>escape-sequence</code>, and <code>key</code>. Major
-modes are free to subdivide or extend these common features.
-<p>Some of these features warrant some explanation: <code>definition</code>
-highlights whatever is being defined, e.g., the function name in a
-function definition, the struct name in a struct definition, the
-variable name in a variable definition; <code>assignment</code> highlights
-the whatever is being assigned to, e.g., the variable or field in an
-assignment statement; <code>key</code> highlights keys in key-value pairs,
-e.g., keys in a JSON object, or a Python dictionary; <code>doc</code>
-highlights docstrings or doc-comments.
-<p>For example, the value of this variable could be:
-</p><div class="example">
-<pre class="example">((comment string doc) ; level 1
- (function-name keyword type builtin constant) ; level 2
- (variable-name string-interpolation key)) ; level 3
-<p>Major modes should set this variable before calling
-<span id="index-treesit_002dfont_002dlock_002drecompute_002dfeatures"></span>
-<p>For this variable to take effect, a Lisp program should call
-<code>treesit-font-lock-recompute-features</code> (which resets
-<code>treesit-font-lock-settings</code> accordingly), or
-<code>treesit-major-mode-setup</code> (which calls
-<dl class="def">
-<dt id="index-treesit_002dfont_002dlock_002dsettings"><span class="category">Variable: </span><span><strong>treesit-font-lock-settings</strong><a href='#index-treesit_002dfont_002dlock_002dsettings' class='copiable-anchor'> &para;</a></span></dt>
-<dd><p>A list of settings for tree-sitter based font lock. The exact format
-of each setting is considered internal. One should always use
-<code>treesit-font-lock-rules</code> to set this variable.
-<p>Multi-language major modes should provide range functions in
-<code>treesit-range-functions</code>, and Emacs will set the ranges
-accordingly before fontifing a region (see <a href="Multiple-Languages.html">Parsing Text in Multiple Languages</a>).
-<div class="header">
-Previous: <a href="Multiline-Font-Lock.html">Multiline Font Lock Constructs</a>, Up: <a href="Font-Lock-Mode.html">Font Lock Mode</a> &nbsp; [<a href="index.html#SEC_Contents" title="Table of contents" rel="contents">Contents</a>][<a href="Index.html" title="Index" rel="index">Index</a>]</p>