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+<div class="subsection" id="Parser_002dbased-Indentation">
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+Previous: <a href="SMIE.html" accesskey="p" rel="prev">Simple Minded Indentation Engine</a>, Up: <a href="Auto_002dIndentation.html" accesskey="u" rel="up">Automatic Indentation of code</a> &nbsp; [<a href="index.html#SEC_Contents" title="Table of contents" rel="contents">Contents</a>][<a href="Index.html" title="Index" rel="index">Index</a>]</p>
+<span id="Parser_002dbased-Indentation-1"></span><h4 class="subsection">24.7.2 Parser-based Indentation</h4>
+<span id="index-parser_002dbased-indentation"></span>
+<p>When built with the tree-sitter library (see <a href="Parsing-Program-Source.html">Parsing Program Source</a>), Emacs is capable of parsing the program source and producing
+a syntax tree. This syntax tree can be used for guiding the program
+source indentation commands. For maximum flexibility, it is possible
+to write a custom indentation function that queries the syntax tree
+and indents accordingly for each language, but that is a lot of work.
+It is more convenient to use the simple indentation engine described
+below: then the major mode needs only to write some indentation rules
+and the engine takes care of the rest.
+<p>To enable the parser-based indentation engine, either set
+<var>treesit-simple-indent-rules</var> and call
+<code>treesit-major-mode-setup</code>, or equivalently, set the value of
+<code>indent-line-function</code> to <code>treesit-indent</code>.
+<dl class="def">
+<dt id="index-treesit_002dindent_002dfunction"><span class="category">Variable: </span><span><strong>treesit-indent-function</strong><a href='#index-treesit_002dindent_002dfunction' class='copiable-anchor'> &para;</a></span></dt>
+<dd><p>This variable stores the actual function called by
+<code>treesit-indent</code>. By default, its value is
+<code>treesit-simple-indent</code>. In the future we might add other,
+more complex indentation engines.
+<span id="Writing-indentation-rules"></span><h3 class="heading">Writing indentation rules</h3>
+<span id="index-indentation-rules_002c-for-parser_002dbased-indentation"></span>
+<dl class="def">
+<dt id="index-treesit_002dsimple_002dindent_002drules"><span class="category">Variable: </span><span><strong>treesit-simple-indent-rules</strong><a href='#index-treesit_002dsimple_002dindent_002drules' class='copiable-anchor'> &para;</a></span></dt>
+<dd><p>This local variable stores indentation rules for every language. It is
+a list of the form: <code>(<var>language</var>&nbsp;.&nbsp;<var>rules</var>)</code><!-- /@w -->, where
+<var>language</var> is a language symbol, and <var>rules</var> is a list of the
+form <code>(<var>matcher</var>&nbsp;<var>anchor</var>&nbsp;<var>offset</var>)</code><!-- /@w -->.
+<p>First, Emacs passes the smallest tree-sitter node at the beginning of
+the current line to <var>matcher</var>; if it returns non-<code>nil</code>, this
+rule is applicable. Then Emacs passes the node to <var>anchor</var>, which
+returns a buffer position. Emacs takes the column number of that
+position, adds <var>offset</var> to it, and the result is the indentation
+column for the current line. <var>offset</var> can be an integer or a
+variable whose value is an integer.
+<p>The <var>matcher</var> and <var>anchor</var> are functions, and Emacs provides
+convenient defaults for them.
+<p>Each <var>matcher</var> or <var>anchor</var> is a function that takes three
+arguments: <var>node</var>, <var>parent</var>, and <var>bol</var>. The argument
+<var>bol</var> is the buffer position whose indentation is required: the
+position of the first non-whitespace character after the beginning of
+the line. The argument <var>node</var> is the largest (highest-in-tree)
+node that starts at that position; and <var>parent</var> is the parent of
+<var>node</var>. However, when that position is in a whitespace or inside
+a multi-line string, no node can start at that position, so
+<var>node</var> is <code>nil</code>. In that case, <var>parent</var> would be the
+smallest node that spans that position.
+<p>Emacs finds <var>bol</var>, <var>node</var> and <var>parent</var> and
+passes them to each <var>matcher</var> and <var>anchor</var>. <var>matcher</var>
+should return non-<code>nil</code> if the rule is applicable, and
+<var>anchor</var> should return a buffer position.
+<dl class="def">
+<dt id="index-treesit_002dsimple_002dindent_002dpresets"><span class="category">Variable: </span><span><strong>treesit-simple-indent-presets</strong><a href='#index-treesit_002dsimple_002dindent_002dpresets' class='copiable-anchor'> &para;</a></span></dt>
+<dd><p>This is a list of defaults for <var>matcher</var>s and <var>anchor</var>s in
+<code>treesit-simple-indent-rules</code>. Each of them represents a function
+that takes 3 arguments: <var>node</var>, <var>parent</var> and <var>bol</var>. The
+available default functions are:
+<dl compact="compact">
+<dt id='index-no_002dnode'><span><code>no-node</code><a href='#index-no_002dnode' class='copiable-anchor'> &para;</a></span></dt>
+<dd><p>This matcher is a function that is called with 3 arguments:
+<var>node</var>, <var>parent</var>, and <var>bol</var>, and returns non-<code>nil</code>,
+indicating a match, if <var>node</var> is <code>nil</code>, i.e., there is no
+node that starts at <var>bol</var>. This is the case when <var>bol</var> is on
+an empty line or inside a multi-line string, etc.
+<dt id='index-parent_002dis'><span><code>parent-is</code><a href='#index-parent_002dis' class='copiable-anchor'> &para;</a></span></dt>
+<dd><p>This matcher is a function of one argument, <var>type</var>; it returns a
+function that is called with 3 arguments: <var>node</var>, <var>parent</var>,
+and <var>bol</var>, and returns non-<code>nil</code> (i.e., a match) if
+<var>parent</var>&rsquo;s type matches regexp <var>type</var>.
+<dt id='index-node_002dis'><span><code>node-is</code><a href='#index-node_002dis' class='copiable-anchor'> &para;</a></span></dt>
+<dd><p>This matcher is a function of one argument, <var>type</var>; it returns a
+function that is called with 3 arguments: <var>node</var>, <var>parent</var>,
+and <var>bol</var>, and returns non-<code>nil</code> if <var>node</var>&rsquo;s type matches
+regexp <var>type</var>.
+<dt id='index-query'><span><code>query</code><a href='#index-query' class='copiable-anchor'> &para;</a></span></dt>
+<dd><p>This matcher is a function of one argument, <var>query</var>; it returns a
+function that is called with 3 arguments: <var>node</var>, <var>parent</var>,
+and <var>bol</var>, and returns non-<code>nil</code> if querying <var>parent</var>
+with <var>query</var> captures <var>node</var> (see <a href="Pattern-Matching.html">Pattern Matching Tree-sitter Nodes</a>).
+<dt id='index-match'><span><code>match</code><a href='#index-match' class='copiable-anchor'> &para;</a></span></dt>
+<dd><p>This matcher is a function of 5 arguments: <var>node-type</var>,
+<var>parent-type</var>, <var>node-field</var>, <var>node-index-min</var>, and
+<var>node-index-max</var>). It returns a function that is called with 3
+arguments: <var>node</var>, <var>parent</var>, and <var>bol</var>, and returns
+non-<code>nil</code> if <var>node</var>&rsquo;s type matches regexp <var>node-type</var>,
+<var>parent</var>&rsquo;s type matches regexp <var>parent-type</var>, <var>node</var>&rsquo;s
+field name in <var>parent</var> matches regexp <var>node-field</var>, and
+<var>node</var>&rsquo;s index among its siblings is between <var>node-index-min</var>
+and <var>node-index-max</var>. If the value of an argument is <code>nil</code>,
+this matcher doesn&rsquo;t check that argument. For example, to match the
+first child where parent is <code>argument_list</code>, use
+<div class="example">
+<pre class="example">(match nil &quot;argument_list&quot; nil nil 0 0)
+<dt id='index-comment_002dend'><span><code>comment-end</code><a href='#index-comment_002dend' class='copiable-anchor'> &para;</a></span></dt>
+<dd><p>This matcher is a function that is called with 3 arguments:
+<var>node</var>, <var>parent</var>, and <var>bol</var>, and returns non-<code>nil</code> if
+point is before a comment ending token. Comment ending tokens are
+defined by regular expression <code>treesit-comment-end</code>
+(see <a href="Tree_002dsitter-major-modes.html">treesit-comment-end</a>).
+<dt id='index-first_002dsibling'><span><code>first-sibling</code><a href='#index-first_002dsibling' class='copiable-anchor'> &para;</a></span></dt>
+<dd><p>This anchor is a function that is called with 3 arguments: <var>node</var>,
+<var>parent</var>, and <var>bol</var>, and returns the start of the first child
+of <var>parent</var>.
+<dt id='index-parent'><span><code>parent</code><a href='#index-parent' class='copiable-anchor'> &para;</a></span></dt>
+<dd><p>This anchor is a function that is called with 3 arguments: <var>node</var>,
+<var>parent</var>, and <var>bol</var>, and returns the start of <var>parent</var>.
+<dt id='index-parent_002dbol'><span><code>parent-bol</code><a href='#index-parent_002dbol' class='copiable-anchor'> &para;</a></span></dt>
+<dd><p>This anchor is a function that is called with 3 arguments: <var>node</var>,
+<var>parent</var>, and <var>bol</var>, and returns the first non-space character
+on the line of <var>parent</var>.
+<dt id='index-prev_002dsibling'><span><code>prev-sibling</code><a href='#index-prev_002dsibling' class='copiable-anchor'> &para;</a></span></dt>
+<dd><p>This anchor is a function that is called with 3 arguments: <var>node</var>,
+<var>parent</var>, and <var>bol</var>, and returns the start of the previous
+sibling of <var>node</var>.
+<dt id='index-no_002dindent'><span><code>no-indent</code><a href='#index-no_002dindent' class='copiable-anchor'> &para;</a></span></dt>
+<dd><p>This anchor is a function that is called with 3 arguments: <var>node</var>,
+<var>parent</var>, and <var>bol</var>, and returns the start of <var>node</var>.
+<dt id='index-prev_002dline'><span><code>prev-line</code><a href='#index-prev_002dline' class='copiable-anchor'> &para;</a></span></dt>
+<dd><p>This anchor is a function that is called with 3 arguments: <var>node</var>,
+<var>parent</var>, and <var>bol</var>, and returns the first non-whitespace
+character on the previous line.
+<dt id='index-point_002dmin'><span><code>point-min</code><a href='#index-point_002dmin' class='copiable-anchor'> &para;</a></span></dt>
+<dd><p>This anchor is a function that is called with 3 arguments: <var>node</var>,
+<var>parent</var>, and <var>bol</var>, and returns the beginning of the buffer.
+This is useful as the beginning of the buffer is always at column 0.
+<dt id='index-comment_002dstart'><span><code>comment-start</code><a href='#index-comment_002dstart' class='copiable-anchor'> &para;</a></span></dt>
+<dd><p>This anchor is a function that is called with 3 arguments: <var>node</var>,
+<var>parent</var>, and <var>bol</var>, and returns the position right after the
+comment-start token. Comment-start tokens are defined by regular
+expression <code>treesit-comment-start</code> (see <a href="Tree_002dsitter-major-modes.html">treesit-comment-start</a>). This function assumes <var>parent</var> is
+the comment node.
+<dt id='index-coment_002dstart_002dskip'><span><code>coment-start-skip</code><a href='#index-coment_002dstart_002dskip' class='copiable-anchor'> &para;</a></span></dt>
+<dd><p>This anchor is a function that is called with 3 arguments: <var>node</var>,
+<var>parent</var>, and <var>bol</var>, and returns the position after the
+comment-start token and any whitespace characters following that
+token. Comment-start tokens are defined by regular expression
+<code>treesit-comment-start</code>. This function assumes <var>parent</var> is
+the comment node.
+<span id="Indentation-utilities"></span><h3 class="heading">Indentation utilities</h3>
+<span id="index-utility-functions-for-parser_002dbased-indentation"></span>
+<p>Here are some utility functions that can help writing parser-based
+indentation rules.
+<dl class="def">
+<dt id="index-treesit_002dcheck_002dindent"><span class="category">Function: </span><span><strong>treesit-check-indent</strong> <em>mode</em><a href='#index-treesit_002dcheck_002dindent' class='copiable-anchor'> &para;</a></span></dt>
+<dd><p>This function checks the current buffer&rsquo;s indentation against major
+mode <var>mode</var>. It indents the current buffer according to
+<var>mode</var> and compares the results with the current indentation.
+Then it pops up a buffer showing the differences. Correct
+indentation (target) is shown in green color, current indentation is
+shown in red color. </p></dd></dl>
+<p>It is also helpful to use <code>treesit-inspect-mode</code> (see <a href="Language-Definitions.html">Tree-sitter Language Definitions</a>) when writing indentation rules.
+<div class="header">
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