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# SKIP-BRANCH 58cc931e92ece70c3e64131ee12a799d65409100
## The list below is the exhaustive list of all commits between Dec 1
-## 2016 and Jan 31 2023 on which building Emacs with the default
+## 2016 and Feb 28 2023 on which building Emacs with the default
## options, on a GNU/Linux computer and with GCC, fails. It is
## possible (though unlikely) that building Emacs with non-default
## options, with other compilers, or on other platforms, would succeed
@@ -1707,3 +1707,16 @@ $REAL_GIT bisect skip $(cat $0 | grep '^# SKIP-SINGLE ' | sed 's/^# SKIP-SINGLE
# SKIP-SINGLE 1c3ca3bb649b7e812a84b4a559463462d4357080
# SKIP-SINGLE 48ed4228a75907ae1bb7a2d4314ffb3277c75e3a
# SKIP-SINGLE b9025c507a3a7dae4de19b18cafaa09b18183832
+# SKIP-SINGLE 8d8464bd5a98598e7a6fe63370545c7f07574926
+# SKIP-SINGLE 11c4177430230ef41cb700c48afecf475cf39893
+# SKIP-SINGLE cf3c89423fabc2c5a7891a5b5465fa995e461218
+# SKIP-SINGLE 8d5d7509b0a2c248084fa349b0b188d4de4af804
+# SKIP-SINGLE b6e2799aa1c3887c2995e115e6ff2f69d59f0e44
+# SKIP-SINGLE 1795839babcf8572a79aaee3c76ca5b357937a59
+# SKIP-SINGLE abfd00e5c02ec0aed8bbac1eca0d0db1874f020a
+# SKIP-SINGLE 8aef401b4f66a64ddfa9390590fb2cae1f96d522
+# SKIP-SINGLE d5bf26f488b7968feed9f43e612a90da2aab15a8
+# SKIP-SINGLE 5d0912f1445e33f1ccf23a84f0dc6d08c4ee2b60
+# SKIP-SINGLE 95692f6754c3a8f55a90df2d6f7ce62be55cdcfc
+# SKIP-SINGLE a3edacd3f547195740304139cb68aaa94d7b18ee
+# SKIP-SINGLE ae4ff4f25fbf704446f8f38d8e818f223b79042b
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--- a/admin/notes/tree-sitter/build-module/README
+++ /dev/null
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-To build the language definition for a particular language, run
- ./ <language>
- ./ html
-The dynamic module will be in /dist directory
-To build all modules at once, run
- ./
-This gives you C, JSON, Go, HTML, Javascript, CSS, Python, Typescript
-(tsx), C# (csharp), C++ (cpp), Rust. More can be added to
-unless it's directory structure is not standard. \ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
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-Next: <a href="Pattern-Matching.html" accesskey="n" rel="next">Pattern Matching Tree-sitter Nodes</a>, Previous: <a href="Retrieving-Node.html" accesskey="p" rel="prev">Retrieving Node</a>, Up: <a href="Parsing-Program-Source.html" accesskey="u" rel="up">Parsing Program Source</a> &nbsp; [<a href="index.html#SEC_Contents" title="Table of contents" rel="contents">Contents</a>][<a href="Index.html" title="Index" rel="index">Index</a>]</p>
-<span id="Accessing-Node-Information"></span><h3 class="section">37.4 Accessing Node Information</h3>
-<p>Before going further, make sure you have read the basic conventions
-about tree-sitter nodes in the previous node.
-<span id="Basic-information"></span><h3 class="heading">Basic information</h3>
-<p>Every node is associated with a parser, and that parser is associated
-with a buffer. The following functions let you retrieve them.
-<dl class="def">
-<dt id="index-treesit_002dnode_002dparser"><span class="category">Function: </span><span><strong>treesit-node-parser</strong> <em>node</em><a href='#index-treesit_002dnode_002dparser' class='copiable-anchor'> &para;</a></span></dt>
-<dd><p>This function returns <var>node</var>&rsquo;s associated parser.
-<dl class="def">
-<dt id="index-treesit_002dnode_002dbuffer"><span class="category">Function: </span><span><strong>treesit-node-buffer</strong> <em>node</em><a href='#index-treesit_002dnode_002dbuffer' class='copiable-anchor'> &para;</a></span></dt>
-<dd><p>This function returns <var>node</var>&rsquo;s parser&rsquo;s associated buffer.
-<dl class="def">
-<dt id="index-treesit_002dnode_002dlanguage"><span class="category">Function: </span><span><strong>treesit-node-language</strong> <em>node</em><a href='#index-treesit_002dnode_002dlanguage' class='copiable-anchor'> &para;</a></span></dt>
-<dd><p>This function returns <var>node</var>&rsquo;s parser&rsquo;s associated language.
-<p>Each node represents a piece of text in the buffer. Functions below
-finds relevant information about that text.
-<dl class="def">
-<dt id="index-treesit_002dnode_002dstart"><span class="category">Function: </span><span><strong>treesit-node-start</strong> <em>node</em><a href='#index-treesit_002dnode_002dstart' class='copiable-anchor'> &para;</a></span></dt>
-<dd><p>Return the start position of <var>node</var>.
-<dl class="def">
-<dt id="index-treesit_002dnode_002dend"><span class="category">Function: </span><span><strong>treesit-node-end</strong> <em>node</em><a href='#index-treesit_002dnode_002dend' class='copiable-anchor'> &para;</a></span></dt>
-<dd><p>Return the end position of <var>node</var>.
-<dl class="def">
-<dt id="index-treesit_002dnode_002dtext"><span class="category">Function: </span><span><strong>treesit-node-text</strong> <em>node &amp;optional object</em><a href='#index-treesit_002dnode_002dtext' class='copiable-anchor'> &para;</a></span></dt>
-<dd><p>Returns the buffer text that <var>node</var> represents. (If <var>node</var> is
-retrieved from parsing a string, it will be text from that string.)
-<p>Here are some basic checks on tree-sitter nodes.
-<dl class="def">
-<dt id="index-treesit_002dnode_002dp"><span class="category">Function: </span><span><strong>treesit-node-p</strong> <em>object</em><a href='#index-treesit_002dnode_002dp' class='copiable-anchor'> &para;</a></span></dt>
-<dd><p>Checks if <var>object</var> is a tree-sitter syntax node.
-<dl class="def">
-<dt id="index-treesit_002dnode_002deq"><span class="category">Function: </span><span><strong>treesit-node-eq</strong> <em>node1 node2</em><a href='#index-treesit_002dnode_002deq' class='copiable-anchor'> &para;</a></span></dt>
-<dd><p>Checks if <var>node1</var> and <var>node2</var> are the same node in a syntax
-<span id="Property-information"></span><h3 class="heading">Property information</h3>
-<p>In general, nodes in a concrete syntax tree fall into two categories:
-<em>named nodes</em> and <em>anonymous nodes</em>. Whether a node is named
-or anonymous is determined by the language definition
-(see <a href="Language-Definitions.html#tree_002dsitter-named-node">named node</a>).
-<span id="index-tree_002dsitter-missing-node"></span>
-<p>Apart from being named/anonymous, a node can have other properties. A
-node can be &ldquo;missing&rdquo;: missing nodes are inserted by the parser in
-order to recover from certain kinds of syntax errors, i.e., something
-should probably be there according to the grammar, but not there.
-<span id="index-tree_002dsitter-extra-node"></span>
-<p>A node can be &ldquo;extra&rdquo;: extra nodes represent things like comments,
-which can appear anywhere in the text.
-<span id="index-tree_002dsitter-node-that-has-changes"></span>
-<p>A node &ldquo;has changes&rdquo; if the buffer changed since when the node is
-retrieved, i.e., outdated.
-<span id="index-tree_002dsitter-node-that-has-error"></span>
-<p>A node &ldquo;has error&rdquo; if the text it spans contains a syntax error. It
-can be the node itself has an error, or one of its
-children/grandchildren... has an error.
-<dl class="def">
-<dt id="index-treesit_002dnode_002dcheck"><span class="category">Function: </span><span><strong>treesit-node-check</strong> <em>node property</em><a href='#index-treesit_002dnode_002dcheck' class='copiable-anchor'> &para;</a></span></dt>
-<dd><p>This function checks if <var>node</var> has <var>property</var>. <var>property</var>
-can be <code>'named</code>, <code>'missing</code>, <code>'extra</code>,
-<code>'has-changes</code>, or <code>'has-error</code>.
-<dl class="def">
-<dt id="index-treesit_002dnode_002dtype"><span class="category">Function: </span><span><strong>treesit-node-type</strong> <em>node</em><a href='#index-treesit_002dnode_002dtype' class='copiable-anchor'> &para;</a></span></dt>
-<dd><p>Named nodes have &ldquo;types&rdquo; (see <a href="Language-Definitions.html#tree_002dsitter-node-type">node type</a>).
-For example, a named node can be a <code>string_literal</code> node, where
-<code>string_literal</code> is its type.
-<p>This function returns <var>node</var>&rsquo;s type as a string.
-<span id="Information-as-a-child-or-parent"></span><h3 class="heading">Information as a child or parent</h3>
-<dl class="def">
-<dt id="index-treesit_002dnode_002dindex"><span class="category">Function: </span><span><strong>treesit-node-index</strong> <em>node &amp;optional named</em><a href='#index-treesit_002dnode_002dindex' class='copiable-anchor'> &para;</a></span></dt>
-<dd><p>This function returns the index of <var>node</var> as a child node of its
-parent. If <var>named</var> is non-nil, it only count named nodes
-(see <a href="Language-Definitions.html#tree_002dsitter-named-node">named node</a>).
-<dl class="def">
-<dt id="index-treesit_002dnode_002dfield_002dname"><span class="category">Function: </span><span><strong>treesit-node-field-name</strong> <em>node</em><a href='#index-treesit_002dnode_002dfield_002dname' class='copiable-anchor'> &para;</a></span></dt>
-<dd><p>A child of a parent node could have a field name (see <a href="Language-Definitions.html#tree_002dsitter-node-field-name">field name</a>). This function returns the field name
-of <var>node</var> as a child of its parent.
-<dl class="def">
-<dt id="index-treesit_002dnode_002dfield_002dname_002dfor_002dchild"><span class="category">Function: </span><span><strong>treesit-node-field-name-for-child</strong> <em>node n</em><a href='#index-treesit_002dnode_002dfield_002dname_002dfor_002dchild' class='copiable-anchor'> &para;</a></span></dt>
-<dd><p>This function returns the field name of the <var>n</var>&rsquo;th child of
-<dl class="def">
-<dt id="index-treesit_002dchild_002dcount"><span class="category">Function: </span><span><strong>treesit-node-child-count</strong> <em>node &amp;optional named</em><a href='#index-treesit_002dchild_002dcount' class='copiable-anchor'> &para;</a></span></dt>
-<dd><p>This function finds the number of children of <var>node</var>. If
-<var>named</var> is non-nil, it only counts named child (see <a href="Language-Definitions.html#tree_002dsitter-named-node">named node</a>).
-<div class="header">
-Next: <a href="Pattern-Matching.html">Pattern Matching Tree-sitter Nodes</a>, Previous: <a href="Retrieving-Node.html">Retrieving Node</a>, Up: <a href="Parsing-Program-Source.html">Parsing Program Source</a> &nbsp; [<a href="index.html#SEC_Contents" title="Table of contents" rel="contents">Contents</a>][<a href="Index.html" title="Index" rel="index">Index</a>]</p>
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-<span id="Tree_002dsitter-Language-Definitions"></span><h3 class="section">37.1 Tree-sitter Language Definitions</h3>
-<span id="index-language-definitions_002c-for-tree_002dsitter"></span>
-<span id="Loading-a-language-definition"></span><h3 class="heading">Loading a language definition</h3>
-<span id="index-loading-language-definition-for-tree_002dsitter"></span>
-<span id="index-language-argument_002c-for-tree_002dsitter"></span>
-<p>Tree-sitter relies on language definitions to parse text in that
-language. In Emacs, a language definition is represented by a symbol.
-For example, the C language definition is represented as the symbol
-<code>c</code>, and <code>c</code> can be passed to tree-sitter functions as the
-<var>language</var> argument.
-<span id="index-treesit_002dextra_002dload_002dpath"></span>
-<span id="index-treesit_002dload_002dlanguage_002derror"></span>
-<span id="index-treesit_002dload_002dsuffixes"></span>
-<p>Tree-sitter language definitions are distributed as dynamic libraries.
-In order to use a language definition in Emacs, you need to make sure
-that the dynamic library is installed on the system. Emacs looks for
-language definitions in several places, in the following order:
-<li> first, in the list of directories specified by the variable
-</li><li> then, in the <samp>tree-sitter</samp> subdirectory of the directory
-specified by <code>user-emacs-directory</code> (see <a href="Init-File.html">The Init File</a>);
-</li><li> and finally, in the system&rsquo;s default locations for dynamic libraries.
-<p>In each of these directories, Emacs looks for a file with file-name
-extensions specified by the variable <code>dynamic-library-suffixes</code>.
-<p>If Emacs cannot find the library or has problems loading it, Emacs
-signals the <code>treesit-load-language-error</code> error. The data of
-that signal could be one of the following:
-<dl compact="compact">
-<dt><span><code>(not-found <var>error-msg</var> &hellip;)</code></span></dt>
-<dd><p>This means that Emacs could not find the language definition library.
-<dt><span><code>(symbol-error <var>error-msg</var>)</code></span></dt>
-<dd><p>This means that Emacs could not find in the library the expected function
-that every language definition library should export.
-<dt><span><code>(version-mismatch <var>error-msg</var>)</code></span></dt>
-<dd><p>This means that the version of language definition library is incompatible
-with that of the tree-sitter library.
-<p>In all of these cases, <var>error-msg</var> might provide additional
-details about the failure.
-<dl class="def">
-<dt id="index-treesit_002dlanguage_002davailable_002dp"><span class="category">Function: </span><span><strong>treesit-language-available-p</strong> <em>language &amp;optional detail</em><a href='#index-treesit_002dlanguage_002davailable_002dp' class='copiable-anchor'> &para;</a></span></dt>
-<dd><p>This function returns non-<code>nil</code> if the language definitions for
-<var>language</var> exist and can be loaded.
-<p>If <var>detail</var> is non-<code>nil</code>, return <code>(t . nil)</code> when
-<var>language</var> is available, and <code>(nil . <var>data</var>)</code> when it&rsquo;s
-unavailable. <var>data</var> is the signal data of
-<span id="index-treesit_002dload_002dname_002doverride_002dlist"></span>
-<p>By convention, the file name of the dynamic library for <var>language</var> is
-<samp>libtree-sitter-<var>language</var>.<var>ext</var></samp>, where <var>ext</var> is the
-system-specific extension for dynamic libraries. Also by convention,
-the function provided by that library is named
-<code>tree_sitter_<var>language</var></code>. If a language definition library
-doesn&rsquo;t follow this convention, you should add an entry
-<div class="example">
-<pre class="example">(<var>language</var> <var>library-base-name</var> <var>function-name</var>)
-<p>to the list in the variable <code>treesit-load-name-override-list</code>, where
-<var>library-base-name</var> is the basename of the dynamic library&rsquo;s file name,
-(usually, <samp>libtree-sitter-<var>language</var></samp>), and
-<var>function-name</var> is the function provided by the library
-(usually, <code>tree_sitter_<var>language</var></code>). For example,
-<div class="example">
-<pre class="example">(cool-lang &quot;libtree-sitter-coool&quot; &quot;tree_sitter_cooool&quot;)
-<p>for a language that considers itself too &ldquo;cool&rdquo; to abide by
-<span id="index-language_002ddefinition-version_002c-compatibility"></span>
-<dl class="def">
-<dt id="index-treesit_002dlanguage_002dversion"><span class="category">Function: </span><span><strong>treesit-language-version</strong> <em>&amp;optional min-compatible</em><a href='#index-treesit_002dlanguage_002dversion' class='copiable-anchor'> &para;</a></span></dt>
-<dd><p>This function returns the version of the language-definition
-Application Binary Interface (<acronym>ABI</acronym>) supported by the
-tree-sitter library. By default, it returns the latest ABI version
-supported by the library, but if <var>min-compatible</var> is
-non-<code>nil</code>, it returns the oldest ABI version which the library
-still can support. Language definition libraries must be built for
-ABI versions between the oldest and the latest versions supported by
-the tree-sitter library, otherwise the library will be unable to load
-<span id="Concrete-syntax-tree"></span><h3 class="heading">Concrete syntax tree</h3>
-<span id="index-syntax-tree_002c-concrete"></span>
-<p>A syntax tree is what a parser generates. In a syntax tree, each node
-represents a piece of text, and is connected to each other by a
-parent-child relationship. For example, if the source text is
-<div class="example">
-<pre class="example">1 + 2
-<p>its syntax tree could be
-<div class="example">
-<pre class="example"> +--------------+
- | root &quot;1 + 2&quot; |
- +--------------+
- |
- +--------------------------------+
- | expression &quot;1 + 2&quot; |
- +--------------------------------+
- | | |
-+------------+ +--------------+ +------------+
-| number &quot;1&quot; | | operator &quot;+&quot; | | number &quot;2&quot; |
-+------------+ +--------------+ +------------+
-<p>We can also represent it as an s-expression:
-<div class="example">
-<pre class="example">(root (expression (number) (operator) (number)))
-<span id="Node-types"></span><h4 class="subheading">Node types</h4>
-<span id="index-node-types_002c-in-a-syntax-tree"></span>
-<span id="index-type-of-node_002c-tree_002dsitter"></span>
-<span id="tree_002dsitter-node-type"></span><span id="index-named-node_002c-tree_002dsitter"></span>
-<span id="tree_002dsitter-named-node"></span><span id="index-anonymous-node_002c-tree_002dsitter"></span>
-<p>Names like <code>root</code>, <code>expression</code>, <code>number</code>, and
-<code>operator</code> specify the <em>type</em> of the nodes. However, not all
-nodes in a syntax tree have a type. Nodes that don&rsquo;t have a type are
-known as <em>anonymous nodes</em>, and nodes with a type are <em>named
-nodes</em>. Anonymous nodes are tokens with fixed spellings, including
-punctuation characters like bracket &lsquo;<samp>]</samp>&rsquo;, and keywords like
-<span id="Field-names"></span><h4 class="subheading">Field names</h4>
-<span id="index-field-name_002c-tree_002dsitter"></span>
-<span id="index-tree_002dsitter-node-field-name"></span>
-<span id="tree_002dsitter-node-field-name"></span><p>To make the syntax tree easier to analyze, many language definitions
-assign <em>field names</em> to child nodes. For example, a
-<code>function_definition</code> node could have a <code>declarator</code> and a
-<div class="example">
-<pre class="example">(function_definition
- declarator: (declaration)
- body: (compound_statement))
-<span id="Exploring-the-syntax-tree"></span><h3 class="heading">Exploring the syntax tree</h3>
-<span id="index-explore-tree_002dsitter-syntax-tree"></span>
-<span id="index-inspection-of-tree_002dsitter-parse-tree-nodes"></span>
-<p>To aid in understanding the syntax of a language and in debugging of
-Lisp program that use the syntax tree, Emacs provides an &ldquo;explore&rdquo;
-mode, which displays the syntax tree of the source in the current
-buffer in real time. Emacs also comes with an &ldquo;inspect mode&rdquo;, which
-displays information of the nodes at point in the mode-line.
-<dl class="def">
-<dt id="index-treesit_002dexplore_002dmode"><span class="category">Command: </span><span><strong>treesit-explore-mode</strong><a href='#index-treesit_002dexplore_002dmode' class='copiable-anchor'> &para;</a></span></dt>
-<dd><p>This mode pops up a window displaying the syntax tree of the source in
-the current buffer. Selecting text in the source buffer highlights
-the corresponding nodes in the syntax tree display. Clicking
-on nodes in the syntax tree highlights the corresponding text in the
-source buffer.
-<dl class="def">
-<dt id="index-treesit_002dinspect_002dmode"><span class="category">Command: </span><span><strong>treesit-inspect-mode</strong><a href='#index-treesit_002dinspect_002dmode' class='copiable-anchor'> &para;</a></span></dt>
-<dd><p>This minor mode displays on the mode-line the node that <em>starts</em>
-at point. For example, the mode-line can display
-<div class="example">
-<pre class="example"><var>parent</var> <var>field</var>: (<var>node</var> (<var>child</var> (&hellip;)))
-<p>where <var>node</var>, <var>child</var>, etc., are nodes which begin at point.
-<var>parent</var> is the parent of <var>node</var>. <var>node</var> is displayed in
-a bold typeface. <var>field-name</var>s are field names of <var>node</var> and
-of <var>child</var>, etc.
-<p>If no node starts at point, i.e., point is in the middle of a node,
-then the mode line displays the earliest node that spans point, and
-its immediate parent.
-<p>This minor mode doesn&rsquo;t create parsers on its own. It uses the first
-parser in <code>(treesit-parser-list)</code> (see <a href="Using-Parser.html">Using Tree-sitter Parser</a>).
-<span id="Reading-the-grammar-definition"></span><h3 class="heading">Reading the grammar definition</h3>
-<span id="index-reading-grammar-definition_002c-tree_002dsitter"></span>
-<p>Authors of language definitions define the <em>grammar</em> of a
-programming language, which determines how a parser constructs a
-concrete syntax tree out of the program text. In order to use the
-syntax tree effectively, you need to consult the <em>grammar file</em>.
-<p>The grammar file is usually <samp>grammar.js</samp> in a language
-definition&rsquo;s project repository. The link to a language definition&rsquo;s
-home page can be found on
-<a href="">tree-sitter&rsquo;s
-<p>The grammar definition is written in JavaScript. For example, the
-rule matching a <code>function_definition</code> node looks like
-<div class="example">
-<pre class="example">function_definition: $ =&gt; seq(
- $.declaration_specifiers,
- field('declarator', $.declaration),
- field('body', $.compound_statement)
-<p>The rules are represented by functions that take a single argument
-<var>$</var>, representing the whole grammar. The function itself is
-constructed by other functions: the <code>seq</code> function puts together
-a sequence of children; the <code>field</code> function annotates a child
-with a field name. If we write the above definition in the so-called
-<em>Backus-Naur Form</em> (<acronym>BNF</acronym>) syntax, it would look like
-<div class="example">
-<pre class="example">function_definition :=
- &lt;declaration_specifiers&gt; &lt;declaration&gt; &lt;compound_statement&gt;
-<p>and the node returned by the parser would look like
-<div class="example">
-<pre class="example">(function_definition
- (declaration_specifier)
- declarator: (declaration)
- body: (compound_statement))
-<p>Below is a list of functions that one can see in a grammar definition.
-Each function takes other rules as arguments and returns a new rule.
-<dl compact="compact">
-<dt><span><code>seq(<var>rule1</var>, <var>rule2</var>, &hellip;)</code></span></dt>
-<dd><p>matches each rule one after another.
-<dt><span><code>choice(<var>rule1</var>, <var>rule2</var>, &hellip;)</code></span></dt>
-<dd><p>matches one of the rules in its arguments.
-<dd><p>matches <var>rule</var> for <em>zero or more</em> times.
-This is like the &lsquo;<samp>*</samp>&rsquo; operator in regular expressions.
-<dd><p>matches <var>rule</var> for <em>one or more</em> times.
-This is like the &lsquo;<samp>+</samp>&rsquo; operator in regular expressions.
-<dd><p>matches <var>rule</var> for <em>zero or one</em> time.
-This is like the &lsquo;<samp>?</samp>&rsquo; operator in regular expressions.
-<dt><span><code>field(<var>name</var>, <var>rule</var>)</code></span></dt>
-<dd><p>assigns field name <var>name</var> to the child node matched by <var>rule</var>.
-<dt><span><code>alias(<var>rule</var>, <var>alias</var>)</code></span></dt>
-<dd><p>makes nodes matched by <var>rule</var> appear as <var>alias</var> in the syntax
-tree generated by the parser. For example,
-<div class="example">
-<pre class="example">alias(preprocessor_call_exp, call_expression)
-<p>makes any node matched by <code>preprocessor_call_exp</code> appear as
-<p>Below are grammar functions of lesser importance for reading a
-language definition.
-<dl compact="compact">
-<dd><p>marks <var>rule</var> to produce a single leaf node. That is, instead of
-generating a parent node with individual child nodes under it,
-everything is combined into a single leaf node. See <a href="Retrieving-Nodes.html">Retrieving Nodes</a>.
-<dd><p>Normally, grammar rules ignore preceding whitespace; this
-changes <var>rule</var> to match only when there is no preceding
-<dt><span><code>prec(<var>n</var>, <var>rule</var>)</code></span></dt>
-<dd><p>gives <var>rule</var> the level-<var>n</var> precedence.
-<dt><span><code>prec.left([<var>n</var>,] <var>rule</var>)</code></span></dt>
-<dd><p>marks <var>rule</var> as left-associative, optionally with level <var>n</var>.
-<dt><span><code>prec.right([<var>n</var>,] <var>rule</var>)</code></span></dt>
-<dd><p>marks <var>rule</var> as right-associative, optionally with level <var>n</var>.
-<dt><span><code>prec.dynamic(<var>n</var>, <var>rule</var>)</code></span></dt>
-<dd><p>this is like <code>prec</code>, but the precedence is applied at runtime
-<p>The documentation of the tree-sitter project has
-<a href="">more
-about writing a grammar</a>. Read especially &ldquo;The Grammar DSL&rdquo;
-<div class="header">
-Next: <a href="Using-Parser.html">Using Tree-sitter Parser</a>, Up: <a href="Parsing-Program-Source.html">Parsing Program Source</a> &nbsp; [<a href="index.html#SEC_Contents" title="Table of contents" rel="contents">Contents</a>][<a href="Index.html" title="Index" rel="index">Index</a>]</p>
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-<span id="Parsing-Text-in-Multiple-Languages"></span><h3 class="section">37.6 Parsing Text in Multiple Languages</h3>
-<span id="index-multiple-languages_002c-parsing-with-tree_002dsitter"></span>
-<span id="index-parsing-multiple-languages-with-tree_002dsitter"></span>
-<p>Sometimes, the source of a programming language could contain snippets
-of other languages; <acronym>HTML</acronym> + <acronym>CSS</acronym> + JavaScript is one
-example. In that case, text segments written in different languages
-need to be assigned different parsers. Traditionally, this is
-achieved by using narrowing. While tree-sitter works with narrowing
-(see <a href="Using-Parser.html#tree_002dsitter-narrowing">narrowing</a>), the recommended way is
-instead to set regions of buffer text (i.e., ranges) in which a parser
-will operate. This section describes functions for setting and
-getting ranges for a parser.
-<p>Lisp programs should call <code>treesit-update-ranges</code> to make sure
-the ranges for each parser are correct before using parsers in a
-buffer, and call <code>treesit-language-at</code> to figure out the language
-responsible for the text at some position. These two functions don&rsquo;t
-work by themselves, they need major modes to set
-<code>treesit-range-settings</code> and
-<code>treesit-language-at-point-function</code>, which do the actual work.
-These functions and variables are explained in more detail towards the
-end of the section.
-<span id="Getting-and-setting-ranges"></span><h3 class="heading">Getting and setting ranges</h3>
-<dl class="def">
-<dt id="index-treesit_002dparser_002dset_002dincluded_002dranges"><span class="category">Function: </span><span><strong>treesit-parser-set-included-ranges</strong> <em>parser ranges</em><a href='#index-treesit_002dparser_002dset_002dincluded_002dranges' class='copiable-anchor'> &para;</a></span></dt>
-<dd><p>This function sets up <var>parser</var> to operate on <var>ranges</var>. The
-<var>parser</var> will only read the text of the specified ranges. Each
-range in <var>ranges</var> is a list of the form <code>(<var>beg</var>&nbsp;.&nbsp;<var>end</var>)</code><!-- /@w -->.
-<p>The ranges in <var>ranges</var> must come in order and must not overlap.
-That is, in pseudo code:
-<div class="example">
-<pre class="example">(cl-loop for idx from 1 to (1- (length ranges))
- for prev = (nth (1- idx) ranges)
- for next = (nth idx ranges)
- should (&lt;= (car prev) (cdr prev)
- (car next) (cdr next)))
-<span id="index-treesit_002drange_002dinvalid"></span>
-<p>If <var>ranges</var> violates this constraint, or something else went
-wrong, this function signals the <code>treesit-range-invalid</code> error.
-The signal data contains a specific error message and the ranges we
-are trying to set.
-<p>This function can also be used for disabling ranges. If <var>ranges</var>
-is <code>nil</code>, the parser is set to parse the whole buffer.
-<div class="example">
-<pre class="example">(treesit-parser-set-included-ranges
- parser '((1 . 9) (16 . 24) (24 . 25)))
-<dl class="def">
-<dt id="index-treesit_002dparser_002dincluded_002dranges"><span class="category">Function: </span><span><strong>treesit-parser-included-ranges</strong> <em>parser</em><a href='#index-treesit_002dparser_002dincluded_002dranges' class='copiable-anchor'> &para;</a></span></dt>
-<dd><p>This function returns the ranges set for <var>parser</var>. The return
-value is the same as the <var>ranges</var> argument of
-<code>treesit-parser-included-ranges</code>: a list of cons cells of the form
-<code>(<var>beg</var>&nbsp;.&nbsp;<var>end</var>)</code><!-- /@w -->. If <var>parser</var> doesn&rsquo;t have any
-ranges, the return value is <code>nil</code>.
-<div class="example">
-<pre class="example">(treesit-parser-included-ranges parser)
- &rArr; ((1 . 9) (16 . 24) (24 . 25))
-<dl class="def">
-<dt id="index-treesit_002dquery_002drange"><span class="category">Function: </span><span><strong>treesit-query-range</strong> <em>source query &amp;optional beg end</em><a href='#index-treesit_002dquery_002drange' class='copiable-anchor'> &para;</a></span></dt>
-<dd><p>This function matches <var>source</var> with <var>query</var> and returns the
-ranges of captured nodes. The return value is a list of cons cells of
-the form <code>(<var>beg</var>&nbsp;.&nbsp;<var>end</var>)</code><!-- /@w -->, where <var>beg</var> and
-<var>end</var> specify the beginning and the end of a region of text.
-<p>For convenience, <var>source</var> can be a language symbol, a parser, or a
-node. If it&rsquo;s a language symbol, this function matches in the root
-node of the first parser using that language; if a parser, this
-function matches in the root node of that parser; if a node, this
-function matches in that node.
-<p>The argument <var>query</var> is the query used to capture nodes
-(see <a href="Pattern-Matching.html">Pattern Matching Tree-sitter Nodes</a>). The capture names don&rsquo;t matter. The
-arguments <var>beg</var> and <var>end</var>, if both non-<code>nil</code>, limit the
-range in which this function queries.
-<p>Like other query functions, this function raises the
-<code>treesit-query-error</code> error if <var>query</var> is malformed.
-<span id="Supporting-multiple-languages-in-Lisp-programs"></span><h3 class="heading">Supporting multiple languages in Lisp programs</h3>
-<p>It should suffice for general Lisp programs to call the following two
-functions in order to support program sources that mixes multiple
-<dl class="def">
-<dt id="index-treesit_002dupdate_002dranges"><span class="category">Function: </span><span><strong>treesit-update-ranges</strong> <em>&amp;optional beg end</em><a href='#index-treesit_002dupdate_002dranges' class='copiable-anchor'> &para;</a></span></dt>
-<dd><p>This function updates ranges for parsers in the buffer. It makes sure
-the parsers&rsquo; ranges are set correctly between <var>beg</var> and <var>end</var>,
-according to <code>treesit-range-settings</code>. If omitted, <var>beg</var>
-defaults to the beginning of the buffer, and <var>end</var> defaults to the
-end of the buffer.
-<p>For example, fontification functions use this function before querying
-for nodes in a region.
-<dl class="def">
-<dt id="index-treesit_002dlanguage_002dat"><span class="category">Function: </span><span><strong>treesit-language-at</strong> <em>pos</em><a href='#index-treesit_002dlanguage_002dat' class='copiable-anchor'> &para;</a></span></dt>
-<dd><p>This function returns the language of the text at buffer position
-<var>pos</var>. Under the hood it calls
-<code>treesit-language-at-point-function</code> and returns its return
-value. If <code>treesit-language-at-point-function</code> is <code>nil</code>,
-this function returns the language of the first parser in the returned
-value of <code>treesit-parser-list</code>. If there is no parser in the
-buffer, it returns <code>nil</code>.
-<span id="Supporting-multiple-languages-in-major-modes"></span><h3 class="heading">Supporting multiple languages in major modes</h3>
-<span id="index-host-language_002c-tree_002dsitter"></span>
-<span id="index-tree_002dsitter-host-and-embedded-languages"></span>
-<span id="index-embedded-language_002c-tree_002dsitter"></span>
-<p>Normally, in a set of languages that can be mixed together, there is a
-<em>host language</em> and one or more <em>embedded languages</em>. A Lisp
-program usually first parses the whole document with the host
-language&rsquo;s parser, retrieves some information, sets ranges for the
-embedded languages with that information, and then parses the embedded
-<p>Take a buffer containing <acronym>HTML</acronym>, <acronym>CSS</acronym> and JavaScript
-as an example. A Lisp program will first parse the whole buffer with
-an <acronym>HTML</acronym> parser, then query the parser for
-<code>style_element</code> and <code>script_element</code> nodes, which
-correspond to <acronym>CSS</acronym> and JavaScript text, respectively. Then
-it sets the range of the <acronym>CSS</acronym> and JavaScript parser to the
-ranges in which their corresponding nodes span.
-<p>Given a simple <acronym>HTML</acronym> document:
-<div class="example">
-<pre class="example">&lt;html&gt;
- &lt;script&gt;1 + 2&lt;/script&gt;
- &lt;style&gt;body { color: &quot;blue&quot;; }&lt;/style&gt;
-<p>a Lisp program will first parse with a <acronym>HTML</acronym> parser, then set
-ranges for <acronym>CSS</acronym> and JavaScript parsers:
-<div class="example">
-<pre class="example">;; Create parsers.
-(setq html (treesit-parser-create 'html))
-(setq css (treesit-parser-create 'css))
-(setq js (treesit-parser-create 'javascript))
-</pre><pre class="example">
-</pre><pre class="example">;; Set CSS ranges.
-(setq css-range
- (treesit-query-range
- 'html
- &quot;(style_element (raw_text) @capture)&quot;))
-(treesit-parser-set-included-ranges css css-range)
-</pre><pre class="example">
-</pre><pre class="example">;; Set JavaScript ranges.
-(setq js-range
- (treesit-query-range
- 'html
- &quot;(script_element (raw_text) @capture)&quot;))
-(treesit-parser-set-included-ranges js js-range)
-<p>Emacs automates this process in <code>treesit-update-ranges</code>. A
-multi-language major mode should set <code>treesit-range-settings</code> so
-that <code>treesit-update-ranges</code> knows how to perform this process
-automatically. Major modes should use the helper function
-<code>treesit-range-rules</code> to generate a value that can be assigned to
-<code>treesit-range-settings</code>. The settings in the following example
-directly translate into operations shown above.
-<div class="example">
-<pre class="example">(setq-local treesit-range-settings
- (treesit-range-rules
- :embed 'javascript
- :host 'html
- '((script_element (raw_text) @capture))
-</pre><pre class="example">
-</pre><pre class="example"> :embed 'css
- :host 'html
- '((style_element (raw_text) @capture))))
-<dl class="def">
-<dt id="index-treesit_002drange_002drules"><span class="category">Function: </span><span><strong>treesit-range-rules</strong> <em>&amp;rest query-specs</em><a href='#index-treesit_002drange_002drules' class='copiable-anchor'> &para;</a></span></dt>
-<dd><p>This function is used to set <var>treesit-range-settings</var>. It
-takes care of compiling queries and other post-processing, and outputs
-a value that <var>treesit-range-settings</var> can have.
-<p>It takes a series of <var>query-spec</var>s, where each <var>query-spec</var> is
-a <var>query</var> preceded by zero or more <var>keyword</var>/<var>value</var>
-pairs. Each <var>query</var> is a tree-sitter query in either the
-string, s-expression or compiled form, or a function.
-<p>If <var>query</var> is a tree-sitter query, it should be preceded by two
-<var>:keyword</var>/<var>value</var> pairs, where the <code>:embed</code> keyword
-specifies the embedded language, and the <code>:host</code> keyword
-specified the host language.
-<p><code>treesit-update-ranges</code> uses <var>query</var> to figure out how to set
-the ranges for parsers for the embedded language. It queries
-<var>query</var> in a host language parser, computes the ranges in which
-the captured nodes span, and applies these ranges to embedded
-language parsers.
-<p>If <var>query</var> is a function, it doesn&rsquo;t need any <var>:keyword</var> and
-<var>value</var> pair. It should be a function that takes 2 arguments,
-<var>start</var> and <var>end</var>, and sets the ranges for parsers in the
-current buffer in the region between <var>start</var> and <var>end</var>. It is
-fine for this function to set ranges in a larger region that
-encompasses the region between <var>start</var> and <var>end</var>.
-<dl class="def">
-<dt id="index-treesit_002drange_002dsettings"><span class="category">Variable: </span><span><strong>treesit-range-settings</strong><a href='#index-treesit_002drange_002dsettings' class='copiable-anchor'> &para;</a></span></dt>
-<dd><p>This variable helps <code>treesit-update-ranges</code> in updating the
-ranges for parsers in the buffer. It is a list of <var>setting</var>s
-where the exact format of a <var>setting</var> is considered internal. You
-should use <code>treesit-range-rules</code> to generate a value that this
-variable can have.
-<dl class="def">
-<dt id="index-treesit_002dlanguage_002dat_002dpoint_002dfunction"><span class="category">Variable: </span><span><strong>treesit-language-at-point-function</strong><a href='#index-treesit_002dlanguage_002dat_002dpoint_002dfunction' class='copiable-anchor'> &para;</a></span></dt>
-<dd><p>This variable&rsquo;s value should be a function that takes a single
-argument, <var>pos</var>, which is a buffer position, and returns the
-language of the buffer text at <var>pos</var>. This variable is used by
-<div class="header">
-Next: <a href="Tree_002dsitter-major-modes.html">Developing major modes with tree-sitter</a>, Previous: <a href="Pattern-Matching.html">Pattern Matching Tree-sitter Nodes</a>, Up: <a href="Parsing-Program-Source.html">Parsing Program Source</a> &nbsp; [<a href="index.html#SEC_Contents" title="Table of contents" rel="contents">Contents</a>][<a href="Index.html" title="Index" rel="index">Index</a>]</p>
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-Previous: <a href="Multiline-Font-Lock.html" accesskey="p" rel="prev">Multiline Font Lock Constructs</a>, Up: <a href="Font-Lock-Mode.html" accesskey="u" rel="up">Font Lock Mode</a> &nbsp; [<a href="index.html#SEC_Contents" title="Table of contents" rel="contents">Contents</a>][<a href="Index.html" title="Index" rel="index">Index</a>]</p>
-<span id="Parser_002dbased-Font-Lock-1"></span><h4 class="subsection">24.6.10 Parser-based Font Lock</h4>
-<span id="index-parser_002dbased-font_002dlock"></span>
-<p>Besides simple syntactic font lock and regexp-based font lock, Emacs
-also provides complete syntactic font lock with the help of a parser.
-Currently, Emacs uses the tree-sitter library (see <a href="Parsing-Program-Source.html">Parsing Program Source</a>) for this purpose.
-<p>Parser-based font lock and other font lock mechanisms are not mutually
-exclusive. By default, if enabled, parser-based font lock runs first,
-replacing syntactic font lock, then the regexp-based font lock.
-<p>Although parser-based font lock doesn&rsquo;t share the same customization
-variables with regexp-based font lock, it uses similar customization
-schemes. The tree-sitter counterpart of <var>font-lock-keywords</var> is
-<span id="index-tree_002dsitter-fontifications_002c-overview"></span>
-<span id="index-fontifications-with-tree_002dsitter_002c-overview"></span>
-<p>In general, tree-sitter fontification works as follows:
-<li> A Lisp program (usually, part of a major mode) provides a <em>query</em>
-consisting of <em>patterns</em>, each pattern associated with a
-<em>capture name</em>.
-</li><li> The tree-sitter library finds the nodes in the parse tree
-that match these patterns, tags the nodes with the corresponding
-capture names, and returns them to the Lisp program.
-</li><li> The Lisp program uses the returned nodes to highlight the portions of
-buffer text corresponding to each node as appropriate, using the
-tagged capture names of the nodes to determine the correct
-fontification. For example, a node tagged <code>font-lock-keyword</code>
-would be highlighted in <code>font-lock-keyword</code> face.
-<p>For more information about queries, patterns, and capture names, see
-<a href="Pattern-Matching.html">Pattern Matching Tree-sitter Nodes</a>.
-<p>To setup tree-sitter fontification, a major mode should first set
-<code>treesit-font-lock-settings</code> with the output of
-<code>treesit-font-lock-rules</code>, then call
-<dl class="def">
-<dt id="index-treesit_002dfont_002dlock_002drules"><span class="category">Function: </span><span><strong>treesit-font-lock-rules</strong> <em>&amp;rest query-specs</em><a href='#index-treesit_002dfont_002dlock_002drules' class='copiable-anchor'> &para;</a></span></dt>
-<dd><p>This function is used to set <var>treesit-font-lock-settings</var>. It
-takes care of compiling queries and other post-processing, and outputs
-a value that <var>treesit-font-lock-settings</var> accepts. Here&rsquo;s an
-<div class="example">
-<pre class="example">(treesit-font-lock-rules
- :language 'javascript
- :feature 'constant
- :override t
- '((true) @font-lock-constant-face
- (false) @font-lock-constant-face)
- :language 'html
- :feature 'script
- &quot;(script_element) @font-lock-builtin-face&quot;)
-<p>This function takes a series of <var>query-spec</var>s, where each
-<var>query-spec</var> is a <var>query</var> preceded by one or more
-<var>:keyword</var>/<var>value</var> pairs. Each <var>query</var> is a
-tree-sitter query in either the string, s-expression or compiled form.
-<p>For each <var>query</var>, the <var>:keyword</var>/<var>value</var> pairs that
-precede it add meta information to it. The <code>:language</code> keyword
-declares <var>query</var>&rsquo;s language. The <code>:feature</code> keyword sets the
-feature name of <var>query</var>. Users can control which features are
-enabled with <code>font-lock-maximum-decoration</code> and
-<code>treesit-font-lock-feature-list</code> (described below). These two
-keywords are mandatory.
-<p>Other keywords are optional:
-<thead><tr><th width="15%">Keyword</th><th width="15%">Value</th><th width="60%">Description</th></tr></thead>
-<tr><td width="15%"><code>:override</code></td><td width="15%">nil</td><td width="60%">If the region already has a face, discard the new face</td></tr>
-<tr><td width="15%"></td><td width="15%">t</td><td width="60%">Always apply the new face</td></tr>
-<tr><td width="15%"></td><td width="15%"><code>append</code></td><td width="60%">Append the new face to existing ones</td></tr>
-<tr><td width="15%"></td><td width="15%"><code>prepend</code></td><td width="60%">Prepend the new face to existing ones</td></tr>
-<tr><td width="15%"></td><td width="15%"><code>keep</code></td><td width="60%">Fill-in regions without an existing face</td></tr>
-<p>Lisp programs mark patterns in <var>query</var> with capture names (names
-that starts with <code>@</code>), and tree-sitter will return matched nodes
-tagged with those same capture names. For the purpose of
-fontification, capture names in <var>query</var> should be face names like
-<code>font-lock-keyword-face</code>. The captured node will be fontified
-with that face.
-<span id="index-treesit_002dfontify_002dwith_002doverride"></span>
-<p>Capture names can also be function names, in which case the function
-is called with 4 arguments: <var>node</var> and <var>override</var>, <var>start</var>
-and <var>end</var>, where <var>node</var> is the node itself, <var>override</var> is
-the override property of the rule which captured this node, and
-<var>start</var> and <var>end</var> limits the region in which this function
-should fontify. (If this function wants to respect the <var>override</var>
-argument, it can use <code>treesit-fontify-with-override</code>.)
-<p>Beyond the 4 arguments presented, this function should accept more
-arguments as optional arguments for future extensibility.
-<p>If a capture name is both a face and a function, the face takes
-priority. If a capture name is neither a face nor a function, it is
-<dl class="def">
-<dt id="index-treesit_002dfont_002dlock_002dfeature_002dlist"><span class="category">Variable: </span><span><strong>treesit-font-lock-feature-list</strong><a href='#index-treesit_002dfont_002dlock_002dfeature_002dlist' class='copiable-anchor'> &para;</a></span></dt>
-<dd><p>This is a list of lists of feature symbols. Each element of the list
-is a list that represents a decoration level.
-<code>font-lock-maximum-decoration</code> controls which levels are
-<p>Each element of the list is a list of the form <code>(<var>feature</var>&nbsp;&hellip;)</code><!-- /@w -->, where each <var>feature</var> corresponds to the
-<code>:feature</code> value of a query defined in
-<code>treesit-font-lock-rules</code>. Removing a feature symbol from this
-list disables the corresponding query during font-lock.
-<p>Common feature names, for many programming languages, include
-<code>definition</code>, <code>type</code>, <code>assignment</code>, <code>builtin</code>,
-<code>constant</code>, <code>keyword</code>, <code>string-interpolation</code>,
-<code>comment</code>, <code>doc</code>, <code>string</code>, <code>operator</code>,
-<code>preprocessor</code>, <code>escape-sequence</code>, and <code>key</code>. Major
-modes are free to subdivide or extend these common features.
-<p>Some of these features warrant some explanation: <code>definition</code>
-highlights whatever is being defined, e.g., the function name in a
-function definition, the struct name in a struct definition, the
-variable name in a variable definition; <code>assignment</code> highlights
-the whatever is being assigned to, e.g., the variable or field in an
-assignment statement; <code>key</code> highlights keys in key-value pairs,
-e.g., keys in a JSON object, or a Python dictionary; <code>doc</code>
-highlights docstrings or doc-comments.
-<p>For example, the value of this variable could be:
-</p><div class="example">
-<pre class="example">((comment string doc) ; level 1
- (function-name keyword type builtin constant) ; level 2
- (variable-name string-interpolation key)) ; level 3
-<p>Major modes should set this variable before calling
-<span id="index-treesit_002dfont_002dlock_002drecompute_002dfeatures"></span>
-<p>For this variable to take effect, a Lisp program should call
-<code>treesit-font-lock-recompute-features</code> (which resets
-<code>treesit-font-lock-settings</code> accordingly), or
-<code>treesit-major-mode-setup</code> (which calls
-<dl class="def">
-<dt id="index-treesit_002dfont_002dlock_002dsettings"><span class="category">Variable: </span><span><strong>treesit-font-lock-settings</strong><a href='#index-treesit_002dfont_002dlock_002dsettings' class='copiable-anchor'> &para;</a></span></dt>
-<dd><p>A list of settings for tree-sitter based font lock. The exact format
-of each setting is considered internal. One should always use
-<code>treesit-font-lock-rules</code> to set this variable.
-<p>Multi-language major modes should provide range functions in
-<code>treesit-range-functions</code>, and Emacs will set the ranges
-accordingly before fontifing a region (see <a href="Multiple-Languages.html">Parsing Text in Multiple Languages</a>).
-<div class="header">
-Previous: <a href="Multiline-Font-Lock.html">Multiline Font Lock Constructs</a>, Up: <a href="Font-Lock-Mode.html">Font Lock Mode</a> &nbsp; [<a href="index.html#SEC_Contents" title="Table of contents" rel="contents">Contents</a>][<a href="Index.html" title="Index" rel="index">Index</a>]</p>
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-<span id="Parser_002dbased-Indentation-1"></span><h4 class="subsection">24.7.2 Parser-based Indentation</h4>
-<span id="index-parser_002dbased-indentation"></span>
-<p>When built with the tree-sitter library (see <a href="Parsing-Program-Source.html">Parsing Program Source</a>), Emacs is capable of parsing the program source and producing
-a syntax tree. This syntax tree can be used for guiding the program
-source indentation commands. For maximum flexibility, it is possible
-to write a custom indentation function that queries the syntax tree
-and indents accordingly for each language, but that is a lot of work.
-It is more convenient to use the simple indentation engine described
-below: then the major mode needs only to write some indentation rules
-and the engine takes care of the rest.
-<p>To enable the parser-based indentation engine, either set
-<var>treesit-simple-indent-rules</var> and call
-<code>treesit-major-mode-setup</code>, or equivalently, set the value of
-<code>indent-line-function</code> to <code>treesit-indent</code>.
-<dl class="def">
-<dt id="index-treesit_002dindent_002dfunction"><span class="category">Variable: </span><span><strong>treesit-indent-function</strong><a href='#index-treesit_002dindent_002dfunction' class='copiable-anchor'> &para;</a></span></dt>
-<dd><p>This variable stores the actual function called by
-<code>treesit-indent</code>. By default, its value is
-<code>treesit-simple-indent</code>. In the future we might add other,
-more complex indentation engines.
-<span id="Writing-indentation-rules"></span><h3 class="heading">Writing indentation rules</h3>
-<span id="index-indentation-rules_002c-for-parser_002dbased-indentation"></span>
-<dl class="def">
-<dt id="index-treesit_002dsimple_002dindent_002drules"><span class="category">Variable: </span><span><strong>treesit-simple-indent-rules</strong><a href='#index-treesit_002dsimple_002dindent_002drules' class='copiable-anchor'> &para;</a></span></dt>
-<dd><p>This local variable stores indentation rules for every language. It is
-a list of the form: <code>(<var>language</var>&nbsp;.&nbsp;<var>rules</var>)</code><!-- /@w -->, where
-<var>language</var> is a language symbol, and <var>rules</var> is a list of the
-form <code>(<var>matcher</var>&nbsp;<var>anchor</var>&nbsp;<var>offset</var>)</code><!-- /@w -->.
-<p>First, Emacs passes the smallest tree-sitter node at the beginning of
-the current line to <var>matcher</var>; if it returns non-<code>nil</code>, this
-rule is applicable. Then Emacs passes the node to <var>anchor</var>, which
-returns a buffer position. Emacs takes the column number of that
-position, adds <var>offset</var> to it, and the result is the indentation
-column for the current line. <var>offset</var> can be an integer or a
-variable whose value is an integer.
-<p>The <var>matcher</var> and <var>anchor</var> are functions, and Emacs provides
-convenient defaults for them.
-<p>Each <var>matcher</var> or <var>anchor</var> is a function that takes three
-arguments: <var>node</var>, <var>parent</var>, and <var>bol</var>. The argument
-<var>bol</var> is the buffer position whose indentation is required: the
-position of the first non-whitespace character after the beginning of
-the line. The argument <var>node</var> is the largest (highest-in-tree)
-node that starts at that position; and <var>parent</var> is the parent of
-<var>node</var>. However, when that position is in a whitespace or inside
-a multi-line string, no node can start at that position, so
-<var>node</var> is <code>nil</code>. In that case, <var>parent</var> would be the
-smallest node that spans that position.
-<p>Emacs finds <var>bol</var>, <var>node</var> and <var>parent</var> and
-passes them to each <var>matcher</var> and <var>anchor</var>. <var>matcher</var>
-should return non-<code>nil</code> if the rule is applicable, and
-<var>anchor</var> should return a buffer position.
-<dl class="def">
-<dt id="index-treesit_002dsimple_002dindent_002dpresets"><span class="category">Variable: </span><span><strong>treesit-simple-indent-presets</strong><a href='#index-treesit_002dsimple_002dindent_002dpresets' class='copiable-anchor'> &para;</a></span></dt>
-<dd><p>This is a list of defaults for <var>matcher</var>s and <var>anchor</var>s in
-<code>treesit-simple-indent-rules</code>. Each of them represents a function
-that takes 3 arguments: <var>node</var>, <var>parent</var> and <var>bol</var>. The
-available default functions are:
-<dl compact="compact">
-<dt id='index-no_002dnode'><span><code>no-node</code><a href='#index-no_002dnode' class='copiable-anchor'> &para;</a></span></dt>
-<dd><p>This matcher is a function that is called with 3 arguments:
-<var>node</var>, <var>parent</var>, and <var>bol</var>, and returns non-<code>nil</code>,
-indicating a match, if <var>node</var> is <code>nil</code>, i.e., there is no
-node that starts at <var>bol</var>. This is the case when <var>bol</var> is on
-an empty line or inside a multi-line string, etc.
-<dt id='index-parent_002dis'><span><code>parent-is</code><a href='#index-parent_002dis' class='copiable-anchor'> &para;</a></span></dt>
-<dd><p>This matcher is a function of one argument, <var>type</var>; it returns a
-function that is called with 3 arguments: <var>node</var>, <var>parent</var>,
-and <var>bol</var>, and returns non-<code>nil</code> (i.e., a match) if
-<var>parent</var>&rsquo;s type matches regexp <var>type</var>.
-<dt id='index-node_002dis'><span><code>node-is</code><a href='#index-node_002dis' class='copiable-anchor'> &para;</a></span></dt>
-<dd><p>This matcher is a function of one argument, <var>type</var>; it returns a
-function that is called with 3 arguments: <var>node</var>, <var>parent</var>,
-and <var>bol</var>, and returns non-<code>nil</code> if <var>node</var>&rsquo;s type matches
-regexp <var>type</var>.
-<dt id='index-query'><span><code>query</code><a href='#index-query' class='copiable-anchor'> &para;</a></span></dt>
-<dd><p>This matcher is a function of one argument, <var>query</var>; it returns a
-function that is called with 3 arguments: <var>node</var>, <var>parent</var>,
-and <var>bol</var>, and returns non-<code>nil</code> if querying <var>parent</var>
-with <var>query</var> captures <var>node</var> (see <a href="Pattern-Matching.html">Pattern Matching Tree-sitter Nodes</a>).
-<dt id='index-match'><span><code>match</code><a href='#index-match' class='copiable-anchor'> &para;</a></span></dt>
-<dd><p>This matcher is a function of 5 arguments: <var>node-type</var>,
-<var>parent-type</var>, <var>node-field</var>, <var>node-index-min</var>, and
-<var>node-index-max</var>). It returns a function that is called with 3
-arguments: <var>node</var>, <var>parent</var>, and <var>bol</var>, and returns
-non-<code>nil</code> if <var>node</var>&rsquo;s type matches regexp <var>node-type</var>,
-<var>parent</var>&rsquo;s type matches regexp <var>parent-type</var>, <var>node</var>&rsquo;s
-field name in <var>parent</var> matches regexp <var>node-field</var>, and
-<var>node</var>&rsquo;s index among its siblings is between <var>node-index-min</var>
-and <var>node-index-max</var>. If the value of an argument is <code>nil</code>,
-this matcher doesn&rsquo;t check that argument. For example, to match the
-first child where parent is <code>argument_list</code>, use
-<div class="example">
-<pre class="example">(match nil &quot;argument_list&quot; nil nil 0 0)
-<dt id='index-comment_002dend'><span><code>comment-end</code><a href='#index-comment_002dend' class='copiable-anchor'> &para;</a></span></dt>
-<dd><p>This matcher is a function that is called with 3 arguments:
-<var>node</var>, <var>parent</var>, and <var>bol</var>, and returns non-<code>nil</code> if
-point is before a comment ending token. Comment ending tokens are
-defined by regular expression <code>treesit-comment-end</code>
-(see <a href="Tree_002dsitter-major-modes.html">treesit-comment-end</a>).
-<dt id='index-first_002dsibling'><span><code>first-sibling</code><a href='#index-first_002dsibling' class='copiable-anchor'> &para;</a></span></dt>
-<dd><p>This anchor is a function that is called with 3 arguments: <var>node</var>,
-<var>parent</var>, and <var>bol</var>, and returns the start of the first child
-of <var>parent</var>.
-<dt id='index-parent'><span><code>parent</code><a href='#index-parent' class='copiable-anchor'> &para;</a></span></dt>
-<dd><p>This anchor is a function that is called with 3 arguments: <var>node</var>,
-<var>parent</var>, and <var>bol</var>, and returns the start of <var>parent</var>.
-<dt id='index-parent_002dbol'><span><code>parent-bol</code><a href='#index-parent_002dbol' class='copiable-anchor'> &para;</a></span></dt>
-<dd><p>This anchor is a function that is called with 3 arguments: <var>node</var>,
-<var>parent</var>, and <var>bol</var>, and returns the first non-space character
-on the line of <var>parent</var>.
-<dt id='index-prev_002dsibling'><span><code>prev-sibling</code><a href='#index-prev_002dsibling' class='copiable-anchor'> &para;</a></span></dt>
-<dd><p>This anchor is a function that is called with 3 arguments: <var>node</var>,
-<var>parent</var>, and <var>bol</var>, and returns the start of the previous
-sibling of <var>node</var>.
-<dt id='index-no_002dindent'><span><code>no-indent</code><a href='#index-no_002dindent' class='copiable-anchor'> &para;</a></span></dt>
-<dd><p>This anchor is a function that is called with 3 arguments: <var>node</var>,
-<var>parent</var>, and <var>bol</var>, and returns the start of <var>node</var>.
-<dt id='index-prev_002dline'><span><code>prev-line</code><a href='#index-prev_002dline' class='copiable-anchor'> &para;</a></span></dt>
-<dd><p>This anchor is a function that is called with 3 arguments: <var>node</var>,
-<var>parent</var>, and <var>bol</var>, and returns the first non-whitespace
-character on the previous line.
-<dt id='index-point_002dmin'><span><code>point-min</code><a href='#index-point_002dmin' class='copiable-anchor'> &para;</a></span></dt>
-<dd><p>This anchor is a function that is called with 3 arguments: <var>node</var>,
-<var>parent</var>, and <var>bol</var>, and returns the beginning of the buffer.
-This is useful as the beginning of the buffer is always at column 0.
-<dt id='index-comment_002dstart'><span><code>comment-start</code><a href='#index-comment_002dstart' class='copiable-anchor'> &para;</a></span></dt>
-<dd><p>This anchor is a function that is called with 3 arguments: <var>node</var>,
-<var>parent</var>, and <var>bol</var>, and returns the position right after the
-comment-start token. Comment-start tokens are defined by regular
-expression <code>treesit-comment-start</code> (see <a href="Tree_002dsitter-major-modes.html">treesit-comment-start</a>). This function assumes <var>parent</var> is
-the comment node.
-<dt id='index-coment_002dstart_002dskip'><span><code>comment-start-skip</code><a href='#index-coment_002dstart_002dskip' class='copiable-anchor'> &para;</a></span></dt>
-<dd><p>This anchor is a function that is called with 3 arguments: <var>node</var>,
-<var>parent</var>, and <var>bol</var>, and returns the position after the
-comment-start token and any whitespace characters following that
-token. Comment-start tokens are defined by regular expression
-<code>treesit-comment-start</code>. This function assumes <var>parent</var> is
-the comment node.
-<span id="Indentation-utilities"></span><h3 class="heading">Indentation utilities</h3>
-<span id="index-utility-functions-for-parser_002dbased-indentation"></span>
-<p>Here are some utility functions that can help writing parser-based
-indentation rules.
-<dl class="def">
-<dt id="index-treesit_002dcheck_002dindent"><span class="category">Function: </span><span><strong>treesit-check-indent</strong> <em>mode</em><a href='#index-treesit_002dcheck_002dindent' class='copiable-anchor'> &para;</a></span></dt>
-<dd><p>This function checks the current buffer&rsquo;s indentation against major
-mode <var>mode</var>. It indents the current buffer according to
-<var>mode</var> and compares the results with the current indentation.
-Then it pops up a buffer showing the differences. Correct
-indentation (target) is shown in green color, current indentation is
-shown in red color. </p></dd></dl>
-<p>It is also helpful to use <code>treesit-inspect-mode</code> (see <a href="Language-Definitions.html">Tree-sitter Language Definitions</a>) when writing indentation rules.
-<div class="header">
-Previous: <a href="SMIE.html">Simple Minded Indentation Engine</a>, Up: <a href="Auto_002dIndentation.html">Automatic Indentation of code</a> &nbsp; [<a href="index.html#SEC_Contents" title="Table of contents" rel="contents">Contents</a>][<a href="Index.html" title="Index" rel="index">Index</a>]</p>
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-<span id="Parsing-Program-Source-1"></span><h2 class="chapter">37 Parsing Program Source</h2>
-<span id="index-syntax-tree_002c-from-parsing-program-source"></span>
-<p>Emacs provides various ways to parse program source text and produce a
-<em>syntax tree</em>. In a syntax tree, text is no longer considered a
-one-dimensional stream of characters, but a structured tree of nodes,
-where each node representing a piece of text. Thus, a syntax tree can
-enable interesting features like precise fontification, indentation,
-navigation, structured editing, etc.
-<p>Emacs has a simple facility for parsing balanced expressions
-(see <a href="Parsing-Expressions.html">Parsing Expressions</a>). There is also the SMIE library for
-generic navigation and indentation (see <a href="SMIE.html">Simple Minded Indentation Engine</a>).
-<p>In addition to those, Emacs also provides integration with
-<a href="">the tree-sitter
-library</a>) if support for it was compiled in. The tree-sitter library
-implements an incremental parser and has support from a wide range of
-programming languages.
-<dl class="def">
-<dt id="index-treesit_002davailable_002dp"><span class="category">Function: </span><span><strong>treesit-available-p</strong><a href='#index-treesit_002davailable_002dp' class='copiable-anchor'> &para;</a></span></dt>
-<dd><p>This function returns non-<code>nil</code> if tree-sitter features are
-available for the current Emacs session.
-<p>To be able to parse the program source using the tree-sitter library
-and access the syntax tree of the program, a Lisp program needs to
-load a language definition library, and create a parser for that
-language and the current buffer. After that, the Lisp program can
-query the parser about specific nodes of the syntax tree. Then, it
-can access various kinds of information about each node, and search
-for nodes using a powerful pattern-matching syntax. This chapter
-explains how to do all this, and also how a Lisp program can work with
-source files that mix multiple programming languages.
-<ul class="section-toc">
-<li><a href="Language-Definitions.html" accesskey="1">Tree-sitter Language Definitions</a></li>
-<li><a href="Using-Parser.html" accesskey="2">Using Tree-sitter Parser</a></li>
-<li><a href="Retrieving-Nodes.html" accesskey="3">Retrieving Nodes</a></li>
-<li><a href="Accessing-Node-Information.html" accesskey="4">Accessing Node Information</a></li>
-<li><a href="Pattern-Matching.html" accesskey="5">Pattern Matching Tree-sitter Nodes</a></li>
-<li><a href="Multiple-Languages.html" accesskey="6">Parsing Text in Multiple Languages</a></li>
-<li><a href="Tree_002dsitter-major-modes.html" accesskey="7">Developing major modes with tree-sitter</a></li>
-<li><a href="Tree_002dsitter-C-API.html" accesskey="8">Tree-sitter C API Correspondence</a></li>
-<div class="header">
-Next: <a href="Abbrevs.html">Abbrevs and Abbrev Expansion</a>, Previous: <a href="Syntax-Tables.html">Syntax Tables</a>, Up: <a href="index.html">Emacs Lisp</a> &nbsp; [<a href="index.html#SEC_Contents" title="Table of contents" rel="contents">Contents</a>][<a href="Index.html" title="Index" rel="index">Index</a>]</p>
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-<span id="Pattern-Matching-Tree_002dsitter-Nodes"></span><h3 class="section">37.5 Pattern Matching Tree-sitter Nodes</h3>
-<span id="index-pattern-matching-with-tree_002dsitter-nodes"></span>
-<span id="index-capturing_002c-tree_002dsitter-node"></span>
-<p>Tree-sitter lets Lisp programs match patterns using a small
-declarative language. This pattern matching consists of two steps:
-first tree-sitter matches a <em>pattern</em> against nodes in the syntax
-tree, then it <em>captures</em> specific nodes that matched the pattern
-and returns the captured nodes.
-<p>We describe first how to write the most basic query pattern and how to
-capture nodes in a pattern, then the pattern-matching function, and
-finally the more advanced pattern syntax.
-<span id="Basic-query-syntax"></span><h3 class="heading">Basic query syntax</h3>
-<span id="index-tree_002dsitter-query-pattern-syntax"></span>
-<span id="index-pattern-syntax_002c-tree_002dsitter-query"></span>
-<span id="index-query_002c-tree_002dsitter"></span>
-<p>A <em>query</em> consists of multiple <em>patterns</em>. Each pattern is an
-s-expression that matches a certain node in the syntax node. A
-pattern has the form <code>(<var>type</var>&nbsp;(<var>child</var>&hellip;))</code><!-- /@w -->
-<p>For example, a pattern that matches a <code>binary_expression</code> node that
-contains <code>number_literal</code> child nodes would look like
-<div class="example">
-<pre class="example">(binary_expression (number_literal))
-<p>To <em>capture</em> a node using the query pattern above, append
-<code>@<var>capture-name</var></code> after the node pattern you want to
-capture. For example,
-<div class="example">
-<pre class="example">(binary_expression (number_literal) @number-in-exp)
-<p>captures <code>number_literal</code> nodes that are inside a
-<code>binary_expression</code> node with the capture name
-<p>We can capture the <code>binary_expression</code> node as well, with, for
-example, the capture name <code>biexp</code>:
-<div class="example">
-<pre class="example">(binary_expression
- (number_literal) @number-in-exp) @biexp
-<span id="Query-function"></span><h3 class="heading">Query function</h3>
-<span id="index-query-functions_002c-tree_002dsitter"></span>
-<p>Now we can introduce the <em>query functions</em>.
-<dl class="def">
-<dt id="index-treesit_002dquery_002dcapture"><span class="category">Function: </span><span><strong>treesit-query-capture</strong> <em>node query &amp;optional beg end node-only</em><a href='#index-treesit_002dquery_002dcapture' class='copiable-anchor'> &para;</a></span></dt>
-<dd><p>This function matches patterns in <var>query</var> within <var>node</var>.
-The argument <var>query</var> can be either a string, a s-expression, or a
-compiled query object. For now, we focus on the string syntax;
-s-expression syntax and compiled query are described at the end of the
-<p>The argument <var>node</var> can also be a parser or a language symbol. A
-parser means using its root node, a language symbol means find or
-create a parser for that language in the current buffer, and use the
-root node.
-<p>The function returns all the captured nodes in a list of the form
-<code>(<var><span class="nolinebreak">capture_name</span></var>&nbsp;.&nbsp;<var>node</var>)</code><!-- /@w -->. If <var>node-only</var> is
-non-<code>nil</code>, it returns the list of nodes instead. By default the
-entire text of <var>node</var> is searched, but if <var>beg</var> and <var>end</var>
-are both non-<code>nil</code>, they specify the region of buffer text where
-this function should match nodes. Any matching node whose span
-overlaps with the region between <var>beg</var> and <var>end</var> are captured,
-it doesn&rsquo;t have to be completely in the region.
-<span id="index-treesit_002dquery_002derror"></span>
-<span id="index-treesit_002dquery_002dvalidate"></span>
-<p>This function raises the <code>treesit-query-error</code> error if
-<var>query</var> is malformed. The signal data contains a description of
-the specific error. You can use <code>treesit-query-validate</code> to
-validate and debug the query.
-<p>For example, suppose <var>node</var>&rsquo;s text is <code>1 + 2</code>, and
-<var>query</var> is
-<div class="example">
-<pre class="example">(setq query
- &quot;(binary_expression
- (number_literal) @number-in-exp) @biexp&quot;)
-<p>Matching that query would return
-<div class="example">
-<pre class="example">(treesit-query-capture node query)
- &rArr; ((biexp . <var>&lt;node for &quot;1 + 2&quot;&gt;</var>)
- (number-in-exp . <var>&lt;node for &quot;1&quot;&gt;</var>)
- (number-in-exp . <var>&lt;node for &quot;2&quot;&gt;</var>))
-<p>As mentioned earlier, <var>query</var> could contain multiple patterns.
-For example, it could have two top-level patterns:
-<div class="example">
-<pre class="example">(setq query
- &quot;(binary_expression) @biexp
- (number_literal) @number @biexp&quot;)
-<dl class="def">
-<dt id="index-treesit_002dquery_002dstring"><span class="category">Function: </span><span><strong>treesit-query-string</strong> <em>string query language</em><a href='#index-treesit_002dquery_002dstring' class='copiable-anchor'> &para;</a></span></dt>
-<dd><p>This function parses <var>string</var> with <var>language</var>, matches its
-root node with <var>query</var>, and returns the result.
-<span id="More-query-syntax"></span><h3 class="heading">More query syntax</h3>
-<p>Besides node type and capture, tree-sitter&rsquo;s pattern syntax can
-express anonymous node, field name, wildcard, quantification,
-grouping, alternation, anchor, and predicate.
-<span id="Anonymous-node"></span><h4 class="subheading">Anonymous node</h4>
-<p>An anonymous node is written verbatim, surrounded by quotes. A
-pattern matching (and capturing) keyword <code>return</code> would be
-<div class="example">
-<pre class="example">&quot;return&quot; @keyword
-<span id="Wild-card"></span><h4 class="subheading">Wild card</h4>
-<p>In a pattern, &lsquo;<samp>(_)</samp>&rsquo; matches any named node, and &lsquo;<samp>_</samp>&rsquo; matches
-any named and anonymous node. For example, to capture any named child
-of a <code>binary_expression</code> node, the pattern would be
-<div class="example">
-<pre class="example">(binary_expression (_) @in_biexp)
-<span id="Field-name"></span><h4 class="subheading">Field name</h4>
-<p>It is possible to capture child nodes that have specific field names.
-In the pattern below, <code>declarator</code> and <code>body</code> are field
-names, indicated by the colon following them.
-<div class="example">
-<pre class="example">(function_definition
- declarator: (_) @func-declarator
- body: (_) @func-body)
-<p>It is also possible to capture a node that doesn&rsquo;t have a certain
-field, say, a <code>function_definition</code> without a <code>body</code> field.
-<div class="example">
-<pre class="example">(function_definition !body) @func-no-body
-<span id="Quantify-node"></span><h4 class="subheading">Quantify node</h4>
-<span id="index-quantify-node_002c-tree_002dsitter"></span>
-<p>Tree-sitter recognizes quantification operators &lsquo;<samp>*</samp>&rsquo;, &lsquo;<samp>+</samp>&rsquo; and
-&lsquo;<samp>?</samp>&rsquo;. Their meanings are the same as in regular expressions:
-&lsquo;<samp>*</samp>&rsquo; matches the preceding pattern zero or more times, &lsquo;<samp>+</samp>&rsquo;
-matches one or more times, and &lsquo;<samp>?</samp>&rsquo; matches zero or one time.
-<p>For example, the following pattern matches <code>type_declaration</code>
-nodes that has <em>zero or more</em> <code>long</code> keyword.
-<div class="example">
-<pre class="example">(type_declaration &quot;long&quot;*) @long-type
-<p>The following pattern matches a type declaration that has zero or one
-<code>long</code> keyword:
-<div class="example">
-<pre class="example">(type_declaration &quot;long&quot;?) @long-type
-<span id="Grouping"></span><h4 class="subheading">Grouping</h4>
-<p>Similar to groups in regular expression, we can bundle patterns into
-groups and apply quantification operators to them. For example, to
-express a comma separated list of identifiers, one could write
-<div class="example">
-<pre class="example">(identifier) (&quot;,&quot; (identifier))*
-<span id="Alternation"></span><h4 class="subheading">Alternation</h4>
-<p>Again, similar to regular expressions, we can express &ldquo;match anyone
-from this group of patterns&rdquo; in a pattern. The syntax is a list of
-patterns enclosed in square brackets. For example, to capture some
-keywords in C, the pattern would be
-<div class="example">
-<pre class="example">[
- &quot;return&quot;
- &quot;break&quot;
- &quot;if&quot;
- &quot;else&quot;
-] @keyword
-<span id="Anchor"></span><h4 class="subheading">Anchor</h4>
-<p>The anchor operator &lsquo;<samp>.</samp>&rsquo; can be used to enforce juxtaposition,
-i.e., to enforce two things to be directly next to each other. The
-two &ldquo;things&rdquo; can be two nodes, or a child and the end of its parent.
-For example, to capture the first child, the last child, or two
-adjacent children:
-<div class="example">
-<pre class="example">;; Anchor the child with the end of its parent.
-(compound_expression (_) @last-child .)
-</pre><pre class="example">
-</pre><pre class="example">;; Anchor the child with the beginning of its parent.
-(compound_expression . (_) @first-child)
-</pre><pre class="example">
-</pre><pre class="example">;; Anchor two adjacent children.
- (_) @prev-child
- .
- (_) @next-child)
-<p>Note that the enforcement of juxtaposition ignores any anonymous
-<span id="Predicate"></span><h4 class="subheading">Predicate</h4>
-<p>It is possible to add predicate constraints to a pattern. For
-example, with the following pattern:
-<div class="example">
-<pre class="example">(
- (array . (_) @first (_) @last .)
- (#equal @first @last)
-<p>tree-sitter only matches arrays where the first element equals to
-the last element. To attach a predicate to a pattern, we need to
-group them together. A predicate always starts with a &lsquo;<samp>#</samp>&rsquo;.
-Currently there are two predicates, <code>#equal</code> and <code>#match</code>.
-<dl class="def">
-<dt id="index-equal-1"><span class="category">Predicate: </span><span><strong>equal</strong> <em>arg1 arg2</em><a href='#index-equal-1' class='copiable-anchor'> &para;</a></span></dt>
-<dd><p>Matches if <var>arg1</var> equals to <var>arg2</var>. Arguments can be either
-strings or capture names. Capture names represent the text that the
-captured node spans in the buffer.
-<dl class="def">
-<dt id="index-match-1"><span class="category">Predicate: </span><span><strong>match</strong> <em>regexp capture-name</em><a href='#index-match-1' class='copiable-anchor'> &para;</a></span></dt>
-<dd><p>Matches if the text that <var>capture-name</var>&rsquo;s node spans in the buffer
-matches regular expression <var>regexp</var>. Matching is case-sensitive.
-<p>Note that a predicate can only refer to capture names that appear in
-the same pattern. Indeed, it makes little sense to refer to capture
-names in other patterns.
-<span id="S_002dexpression-patterns"></span><h3 class="heading">S-expression patterns</h3>
-<span id="index-tree_002dsitter-patterns-as-sexps"></span>
-<span id="index-patterns_002c-tree_002dsitter_002c-in-sexp-form"></span>
-<p>Besides strings, Emacs provides a s-expression based syntax for
-tree-sitter patterns. It largely resembles the string-based syntax.
-For example, the following query
-<div class="example">
-<pre class="example">(treesit-query-capture
- node &quot;(addition_expression
- left: (_) @left
- \&quot;+\&quot; @plus-sign
- right: (_) @right) @addition
- [\&quot;return\&quot; \&quot;break\&quot;] @keyword&quot;)
-<p>is equivalent to
-<div class="example">
-<pre class="example">(treesit-query-capture
- node '((addition_expression
- left: (_) @left
- &quot;+&quot; @plus-sign
- right: (_) @right) @addition
- [&quot;return&quot; &quot;break&quot;] @keyword))
-<p>Most patterns can be written directly as strange but nevertheless
-valid s-expressions. Only a few of them needs modification:
-<li> Anchor &lsquo;<samp>.</samp>&rsquo; is written as <code>:anchor</code>.
-</li><li> &lsquo;<samp>?</samp>&rsquo; is written as &lsquo;<samp>:?</samp>&rsquo;.
-</li><li> &lsquo;<samp>*</samp>&rsquo; is written as &lsquo;<samp>:*</samp>&rsquo;.
-</li><li> &lsquo;<samp>+</samp>&rsquo; is written as &lsquo;<samp>:+</samp>&rsquo;.
-</li><li> <code>#equal</code> is written as <code>:equal</code>. In general, predicates
-change their &lsquo;<samp>#</samp>&rsquo; to &lsquo;<samp>:</samp>&rsquo;.
-<p>For example,
-<div class="example">
-<pre class="example">&quot;(
- (compound_expression . (_) @first (_)* @rest)
- (#match \&quot;love\&quot; @first)
- )&quot;
-<p>is written in s-expression as
-<div class="example">
-<pre class="example">'((
- (compound_expression :anchor (_) @first (_) :* @rest)
- (:match &quot;love&quot; @first)
- ))
-<span id="Compiling-queries"></span><h3 class="heading">Compiling queries</h3>
-<span id="index-compiling-tree_002dsitter-queries"></span>
-<span id="index-queries_002c-compiling"></span>
-<p>If a query is intended to be used repeatedly, especially in tight
-loops, it is important to compile that query, because a compiled query
-is much faster than an uncompiled one. A compiled query can be used
-anywhere a query is accepted.
-<dl class="def">
-<dt id="index-treesit_002dquery_002dcompile"><span class="category">Function: </span><span><strong>treesit-query-compile</strong> <em>language query</em><a href='#index-treesit_002dquery_002dcompile' class='copiable-anchor'> &para;</a></span></dt>
-<dd><p>This function compiles <var>query</var> for <var>language</var> into a compiled
-query object and returns it.
-<p>This function raises the <code>treesit-query-error</code> error if
-<var>query</var> is malformed. The signal data contains a description of
-the specific error. You can use <code>treesit-query-validate</code> to
-validate and debug the query.
-<dl class="def">
-<dt id="index-treesit_002dquery_002dlanguage"><span class="category">Function: </span><span><strong>treesit-query-language</strong> <em>query</em><a href='#index-treesit_002dquery_002dlanguage' class='copiable-anchor'> &para;</a></span></dt>
-<dd><p>This function return the language of <var>query</var>.
-<dl class="def">
-<dt id="index-treesit_002dquery_002dexpand"><span class="category">Function: </span><span><strong>treesit-query-expand</strong> <em>query</em><a href='#index-treesit_002dquery_002dexpand' class='copiable-anchor'> &para;</a></span></dt>
-<dd><p>This function converts the s-expression <var>query</var> into the string
-<dl class="def">
-<dt id="index-treesit_002dpattern_002dexpand"><span class="category">Function: </span><span><strong>treesit-pattern-expand</strong> <em>pattern</em><a href='#index-treesit_002dpattern_002dexpand' class='copiable-anchor'> &para;</a></span></dt>
-<dd><p>This function converts the s-expression <var>pattern</var> into the string
-<p>For more details, read the tree-sitter project&rsquo;s documentation about
-pattern-matching, which can be found at
-<a href=""></a>.
-<div class="header">
-Next: <a href="Multiple-Languages.html">Parsing Text in Multiple Languages</a>, Previous: <a href="Accessing-Node-Information.html">Accessing Node Information</a>, Up: <a href="Parsing-Program-Source.html">Parsing Program Source</a> &nbsp; [<a href="index.html#SEC_Contents" title="Table of contents" rel="contents">Contents</a>][<a href="Index.html" title="Index" rel="index">Index</a>]</p>
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-Next: <a href="Accessing-Node-Information.html" accesskey="n" rel="next">Accessing Node Information</a>, Previous: <a href="Using-Parser.html" accesskey="p" rel="prev">Using Tree-sitter Parser</a>, Up: <a href="Parsing-Program-Source.html" accesskey="u" rel="up">Parsing Program Source</a> &nbsp; [<a href="index.html#SEC_Contents" title="Table of contents" rel="contents">Contents</a>][<a href="Index.html" title="Index" rel="index">Index</a>]</p>
-<span id="Retrieving-Node-1"></span><h3 class="section">37.3 Retrieving Node</h3>
-<span id="index-retrieve-node_002c-tree_002dsitter"></span>
-<span id="index-tree_002dsitter_002c-find-node"></span>
-<span id="index-get-node_002c-tree_002dsitter"></span>
-<span id="index-terminology_002c-for-tree_002dsitter-functions"></span>
-<p>Here&rsquo;s some terminology and conventions we use when documenting
-tree-sitter functions.
-<p>We talk about a node being &ldquo;smaller&rdquo; or &ldquo;larger&rdquo;, and &ldquo;lower&rdquo; or
-&ldquo;higher&rdquo;. A smaller and lower node is lower in the syntax tree and
-therefore spans a smaller portion of buffer text; a larger and higher
-node is higher up in the syntax tree, it contains many smaller nodes
-as its children, and therefore spans a larger portion of text.
-<p>When a function cannot find a node, it returns <code>nil</code>. For
-convenience, all functions that take a node as argument and return
-a node, also accept the node argument of <code>nil</code> and in that case
-just return <code>nil</code>.
-<span id="index-treesit_002dnode_002doutdated"></span>
-<p>Nodes are not automatically updated when the associated buffer is
-modified, and there is no way to update a node once it is retrieved.
-Using an outdated node signals the <code>treesit-node-outdated</code> error.
-<span id="Retrieving-node-from-syntax-tree"></span><h3 class="heading">Retrieving node from syntax tree</h3>
-<span id="index-retrieving-tree_002dsitter-nodes"></span>
-<span id="index-syntax-tree_002c-retrieving-nodes"></span>
-<dl class="def">
-<dt id="index-treesit_002dnode_002dat"><span class="category">Function: </span><span><strong>treesit-node-at</strong> <em>pos &amp;optional parser-or-lang named</em><a href='#index-treesit_002dnode_002dat' class='copiable-anchor'> &para;</a></span></dt>
-<dd><p>This function returns the <em>smallest</em> node that starts at or after
-the buffer position <var>pos</var>. In other words, the start of the node
-is greater or equal to <var>pos</var>.
-<p>When <var>parser-or-lang</var> is <code>nil</code> or omitted, this function uses
-the first parser in <code>(treesit-parser-list)</code> of the current
-buffer. If <var>parser-or-lang</var> is a parser object, it uses that
-parser; if <var>parser-or-lang</var> is a language, it finds the first
-parser using that language in <code>(treesit-parser-list)</code>, and uses
-<p>If <var>named</var> is non-<code>nil</code>, this function looks for a named node
-only (see <a href="Language-Definitions.html#tree_002dsitter-named-node">named node</a>).
-<p>When <var>pos</var> is after all the text in the buffer, technically there
-is no node after <var>pos</var>. But for convenience, this function will
-return the last leaf node in the parse tree. If <var>strict</var> is
-non-<code>nil</code>, this function will strictly comply to the semantics and
-return <var>nil</var>.
-<div class="example">
-<pre class="example">;; Find the node at point in a C parser's syntax tree.
-(treesit-node-at (point) 'c)
- &rArr; #&lt;treesit-node (primitive_type) in 23-27&gt;
-<dl class="def">
-<dt id="index-treesit_002dnode_002don"><span class="category">Function: </span><span><strong>treesit-node-on</strong> <em>beg end &amp;optional parser-or-lang named</em><a href='#index-treesit_002dnode_002don' class='copiable-anchor'> &para;</a></span></dt>
-<dd><p>This function returns the <em>smallest</em> node that covers the region
-of buffer text between <var>beg</var> and <var>end</var>. In other words, the
-start of the node is before or at <var>beg</var>, and the end of the node
-is at or after <var>end</var>.
-<p><em>Beware:</em> calling this function on an empty line that is not
-inside any top-level construct (function definition, etc.) most
-probably will give you the root node, because the root node is the
-smallest node that covers that empty line. Most of the time, you want
-to use <code>treesit-node-at</code>, described above, instead.
-<p>When <var>parser-or-lang</var> is <code>nil</code>, this function uses the first
-parser in <code>(treesit-parser-list)</code> of the current buffer. If
-<var>parser-or-lang</var> is a parser object, it uses that parser; if
-<var>parser-or-lang</var> is a language, it finds the first parser using
-that language in <code>(treesit-parser-list)</code>, and uses that.
-<p>If <var>named</var> is non-<code>nil</code>, this function looks for a named node
-only (see <a href="Language-Definitions.html#tree_002dsitter-named-node">named node</a>).
-<dl class="def">
-<dt id="index-treesit_002dparser_002droot_002dnode"><span class="category">Function: </span><span><strong>treesit-parser-root-node</strong> <em>parser</em><a href='#index-treesit_002dparser_002droot_002dnode' class='copiable-anchor'> &para;</a></span></dt>
-<dd><p>This function returns the root node of the syntax tree generated by
-<dl class="def">
-<dt id="index-treesit_002dbuffer_002droot_002dnode"><span class="category">Function: </span><span><strong>treesit-buffer-root-node</strong> <em>&amp;optional language</em><a href='#index-treesit_002dbuffer_002droot_002dnode' class='copiable-anchor'> &para;</a></span></dt>
-<dd><p>This function finds the first parser that uses <var>language</var> in
-<code>(treesit-parser-list)</code> of the current buffer, and returns the
-root node generated by that parser. If it cannot find an appropriate
-parser, it returns <code>nil</code>.
-<p>Given a node, a Lisp program can retrieve other nodes starting from
-it, or query for information about this node.
-<span id="Retrieving-node-from-other-nodes"></span><h3 class="heading">Retrieving node from other nodes</h3>
-<span id="index-syntax-tree-nodes_002c-retrieving-from-other-nodes"></span>
-<span id="By-kinship"></span><h4 class="subheading">By kinship</h4>
-<span id="index-kinship_002c-syntax-tree-nodes"></span>
-<span id="index-nodes_002c-by-kinship"></span>
-<span id="index-syntax-tree-nodes_002c-by-kinship"></span>
-<dl class="def">
-<dt id="index-treesit_002dnode_002dparent"><span class="category">Function: </span><span><strong>treesit-node-parent</strong> <em>node</em><a href='#index-treesit_002dnode_002dparent' class='copiable-anchor'> &para;</a></span></dt>
-<dd><p>This function returns the immediate parent of <var>node</var>.
-<dl class="def">
-<dt id="index-treesit_002dnode_002dchild"><span class="category">Function: </span><span><strong>treesit-node-child</strong> <em>node n &amp;optional named</em><a href='#index-treesit_002dnode_002dchild' class='copiable-anchor'> &para;</a></span></dt>
-<dd><p>This function returns the <var>n</var>&rsquo;th child of <var>node</var>. If
-<var>named</var> is non-<code>nil</code>, it counts only named nodes
-(see <a href="Language-Definitions.html#tree_002dsitter-named-node">named node</a>).
-<p>For example, in a node that represents a string <code>&quot;text&quot;</code>, there
-are three children nodes: the opening quote <code>&quot;</code>, the string text
-<code>text</code>, and the closing quote <code>&quot;</code>. Among these nodes, the
-first child is the opening quote <code>&quot;</code>, and the first named child
-is the string text.
-<p>This function returns <code>nil</code> if there is no <var>n</var>&rsquo;th child.
-<var>n</var> could be negative, e.g., <code>-1</code> represents the last child.
-<dl class="def">
-<dt id="index-treesit_002dnode_002dchildren"><span class="category">Function: </span><span><strong>treesit-node-children</strong> <em>node &amp;optional named</em><a href='#index-treesit_002dnode_002dchildren' class='copiable-anchor'> &para;</a></span></dt>
-<dd><p>This function returns all of <var>node</var>&rsquo;s children as a list. If
-<var>named</var> is non-<code>nil</code>, it retrieves only named nodes.
-<dl class="def">
-<dt id="index-treesit_002dnext_002dsibling"><span class="category">Function: </span><span><strong>treesit-node-next-sibling</strong> <em>node &amp;optional named</em><a href='#index-treesit_002dnext_002dsibling' class='copiable-anchor'> &para;</a></span></dt>
-<dd><p>This function finds the next sibling of <var>node</var>. If <var>named</var> is
-non-<code>nil</code>, it finds the next named sibling.
-<dl class="def">
-<dt id="index-treesit_002dprev_002dsibling"><span class="category">Function: </span><span><strong>treesit-node-prev-sibling</strong> <em>node &amp;optional named</em><a href='#index-treesit_002dprev_002dsibling' class='copiable-anchor'> &para;</a></span></dt>
-<dd><p>This function finds the previous sibling of <var>node</var>. If
-<var>named</var> is non-<code>nil</code>, it finds the previous named sibling.
-<span id="By-field-name"></span><h4 class="subheading">By field name</h4>
-<span id="index-nodes_002c-by-field-name"></span>
-<span id="index-syntax-tree-nodes_002c-by-field-name"></span>
-<p>To make the syntax tree easier to analyze, many language definitions
-assign <em>field names</em> to child nodes (see <a href="Language-Definitions.html#tree_002dsitter-node-field-name">field name</a>). For example, a <code>function_definition</code> node
-could have a <code>declarator</code> node and a <code>body</code> node.
-<dl class="def">
-<dt id="index-treesit_002dchild_002dby_002dfield_002dname"><span class="category">Function: </span><span><strong>treesit-node-child-by-field-name</strong> <em>node field-name</em><a href='#index-treesit_002dchild_002dby_002dfield_002dname' class='copiable-anchor'> &para;</a></span></dt>
-<dd><p>This function finds the child of <var>node</var> whose field name is
-<var>field-name</var>, a string.
-<div class="example">
-<pre class="example">;; Get the child that has &quot;body&quot; as its field name.
-(treesit-node-child-by-field-name node &quot;body&quot;)
- &rArr; #&lt;treesit-node (compound_statement) in 45-89&gt;
-<span id="By-position"></span><h4 class="subheading">By position</h4>
-<span id="index-nodes_002c-by-position"></span>
-<span id="index-syntax-tree-nodes_002c-by-position"></span>
-<dl class="def">
-<dt id="index-treesit_002dfirst_002dchild_002dfor_002dpos"><span class="category">Function: </span><span><strong>treesit-node-first-child-for-pos</strong> <em>node pos &amp;optional named</em><a href='#index-treesit_002dfirst_002dchild_002dfor_002dpos' class='copiable-anchor'> &para;</a></span></dt>
-<dd><p>This function finds the first child of <var>node</var> that extends beyond
-buffer position <var>pos</var>. &ldquo;Extends beyond&rdquo; means the end of the
-child node is greater or equal to <var>pos</var>. This function only looks
-for immediate children of <var>node</var>, and doesn&rsquo;t look in its
-grandchildren. If <var>named</var> is non-<code>nil</code>, it looks for the
-first named child (see <a href="Language-Definitions.html#tree_002dsitter-named-node">named node</a>).
-<dl class="def">
-<dt id="index-treesit_002dnode_002ddescendant_002dfor_002drange"><span class="category">Function: </span><span><strong>treesit-node-descendant-for-range</strong> <em>node beg end &amp;optional named</em><a href='#index-treesit_002dnode_002ddescendant_002dfor_002drange' class='copiable-anchor'> &para;</a></span></dt>
-<dd><p>This function finds the <em>smallest</em> descendant node of <var>node</var>
-that spans the region of text between positions <var>beg</var> and
-<var>end</var>. It is similar to <code>treesit-node-at</code>. If <var>named</var>
-is non-<code>nil</code>, it looks for smallest named child.
-<span id="Searching-for-node"></span><h3 class="heading">Searching for node</h3>
-<dl class="def">
-<dt id="index-treesit_002dsearch_002dsubtree"><span class="category">Function: </span><span><strong>treesit-search-subtree</strong> <em>node predicate &amp;optional backward all limit</em><a href='#index-treesit_002dsearch_002dsubtree' class='copiable-anchor'> &para;</a></span></dt>
-<dd><p>This function traverses the subtree of <var>node</var> (including
-<var>node</var> itself), looking for a node for which <var>predicate</var>
-returns non-<code>nil</code>. <var>predicate</var> is a regexp that is matched
-against each node&rsquo;s type, or a predicate function that takes a node
-and returns non-<code>nil</code> if the node matches. The function returns
-the first node that matches, or <code>nil</code> if none does.
-<p>By default, this function only traverses named nodes, but if <var>all</var>
-is non-<code>nil</code>, it traverses all the nodes. If <var>backward</var> is
-non-<code>nil</code>, it traverses backwards (i.e., it visits the last child first
-when traversing down the tree). If <var>limit</var> is non-<code>nil</code>, it
-must be a number that limits the tree traversal to that many levels
-down the tree.
-<dl class="def">
-<dt id="index-treesit_002dsearch_002dforward"><span class="category">Function: </span><span><strong>treesit-search-forward</strong> <em>start predicate &amp;optional backward all</em><a href='#index-treesit_002dsearch_002dforward' class='copiable-anchor'> &para;</a></span></dt>
-<dd><p>Like <code>treesit-search-subtree</code>, this function also traverses the
-parse tree and matches each node with <var>predicate</var> (except for
-<var>start</var>), where <var>predicate</var> can be a regexp or a function.
-For a tree like the below where <var>start</var> is marked S, this function
-traverses as numbered from 1 to 12:
-<div class="example">
-<pre class="example"> 12
- |
- S--------3----------11
- | | |
-o--o-+--o 1--+--2 6--+-----10
-| | | |
-o o +-+-+ +--+--+
- | | | | |
- 4 5 7 8 9
-<p>Note that this function doesn&rsquo;t traverse the subtree of <var>start</var>,
-and it always traverse leaf nodes first, then upwards.
-<p>Like <code>treesit-search-subtree</code>, this function only searches for
-named nodes by default, but if <var>all</var> is non-<code>nil</code>, it
-searches for all nodes. If <var>backward</var> is non-<code>nil</code>, it
-searches backwards.
-<p>While <code>treesit-search-subtree</code> traverses the subtree of a node,
-this function starts with node <var>start</var> and traverses every node
-that comes after it in the buffer position order, i.e., nodes with
-start positions greater than the end position of <var>start</var>.
-<p>In the tree shown above, <code>treesit-search-subtree</code> traverses node
-S (<var>start</var>) and nodes marked with <code>o</code>, where this function
-traverses the nodes marked with numbers. This function is useful for
-answering questions like &ldquo;what is the first node after <var>start</var> in
-the buffer that satisfies some condition?&rdquo;
-<dl class="def">
-<dt id="index-treesit_002dsearch_002dforward_002dgoto"><span class="category">Function: </span><span><strong>treesit-search-forward-goto</strong> <em>node predicate &amp;optional start backward all</em><a href='#index-treesit_002dsearch_002dforward_002dgoto' class='copiable-anchor'> &para;</a></span></dt>
-<dd><p>This function moves point to the start or end of the next node after
-<var>node</var> in the buffer that matches <var>predicate</var>. If <var>start</var>
-is non-<code>nil</code>, stop at the beginning rather than the end of a node.
-<p>This function guarantees that the matched node it returns makes
-progress in terms of buffer position: the start/end position of the
-returned node is always greater than that of <var>node</var>.
-<p>Arguments <var>predicate</var>, <var>backward</var> and <var>all</var> are the same
-as in <code>treesit-search-forward</code>.
-<dl class="def">
-<dt id="index-treesit_002dinduce_002dsparse_002dtree"><span class="category">Function: </span><span><strong>treesit-induce-sparse-tree</strong> <em>root predicate &amp;optional process-fn limit</em><a href='#index-treesit_002dinduce_002dsparse_002dtree' class='copiable-anchor'> &para;</a></span></dt>
-<dd><p>This function creates a sparse tree from <var>root</var>&rsquo;s subtree.
-<p>It takes the subtree under <var>root</var>, and combs it so only the nodes
-that match <var>predicate</var> are left. Like previous functions, the
-<var>predicate</var> can be a regexp string that matches against each
-node&rsquo;s type, or a function that takes a node and return non-<code>nil</code>
-if it matches.
-<p>For example, for a subtree on the left that consist of both numbers
-and letters, if <var>predicate</var> is &ldquo;letter only&rdquo;, the returned tree
-is the one on the right.
-<div class="example">
-<pre class="example"> a a a
- | | |
-+---+---+ +---+---+ +---+---+
-| | | | | | | | |
-b 1 2 b | | b c d
- | | =&gt; | | =&gt; |
- c +--+ c + e
- | | | | |
- +--+ d 4 +--+ d
- | | |
- e 5 e
-<p>If <var>process-fn</var> is non-<code>nil</code>, instead of returning the matched
-nodes, this function passes each node to <var>process-fn</var> and uses the
-returned value instead. If non-<code>nil</code>, <var>limit</var> is the number of
-levels to go down from <var>root</var>.
-<p>Each node in the returned tree looks like
-<code>(<var><span class="nolinebreak">tree-sitter-node</span></var>&nbsp;.&nbsp;(<var>child</var>&nbsp;&hellip;))</code><!-- /@w -->. The
-<var>tree-sitter-node</var> of the root of this tree will be nil if
-<var>root</var> doesn&rsquo;t match <var>predicate</var>. If no node matches
-<var>predicate</var>, the function returns <code>nil</code>.
-<span id="More-convenience-functions"></span><h3 class="heading">More convenience functions</h3>
-<dl class="def">
-<dt id="index-treesit_002dfilter_002dchild"><span class="category">Function: </span><span><strong>treesit-filter-child</strong> <em>node predicate &amp;optional named</em><a href='#index-treesit_002dfilter_002dchild' class='copiable-anchor'> &para;</a></span></dt>
-<dd><p>This function finds immediate children of <var>node</var> that satisfy
-<p>The <var>predicate</var> function takes a node as the argument and should
-return non-<code>nil</code> to indicate that the node should be kept. If
-<var>named</var> is non-<code>nil</code>, this function only examines the named
-<dl class="def">
-<dt id="index-treesit_002dparent_002duntil"><span class="category">Function: </span><span><strong>treesit-parent-until</strong> <em>node predicate</em><a href='#index-treesit_002dparent_002duntil' class='copiable-anchor'> &para;</a></span></dt>
-<dd><p>This function repeatedly finds the parents of <var>node</var>, and returns
-the parent that satisfies <var>predicate</var>, a function that takes a
-node as the argument. If no parent satisfies <var>predicate</var>, this
-function returns <code>nil</code>.
-<dl class="def">
-<dt id="index-treesit_002dparent_002dwhile"><span class="category">Function: </span><span><strong>treesit-parent-while</strong> <em>node predicate</em><a href='#index-treesit_002dparent_002dwhile' class='copiable-anchor'> &para;</a></span></dt>
-<dd><p>This function repeatedly finds the parent of <var>node</var>, and keeps
-doing so as long as the nodes satisfy <var>predicate</var>, a function that
-takes a node as the argument. That is, this function returns the
-farthest parent that still satisfies <var>predicate</var>.
-<dl class="def">
-<dt id="index-treesit_002dnode_002dtop_002dlevel"><span class="category">Function: </span><span><strong>treesit-node-top-level</strong> <em>node &amp;optional type</em><a href='#index-treesit_002dnode_002dtop_002dlevel' class='copiable-anchor'> &para;</a></span></dt>
-<dd><p>This function returns the highest parent of <var>node</var> that has the
-same type as <var>node</var>. If no such parent exists, it returns
-<code>nil</code>. Therefore this function is also useful for testing
-whether <var>node</var> is top-level.
-<p>If <var>type</var> is non-<code>nil</code>, this function matches each parent&rsquo;s
-type with <var>type</var> as a regexp, rather than using <var>node</var>&rsquo;s type.
-<div class="header">
-Next: <a href="Accessing-Node-Information.html">Accessing Node Information</a>, Previous: <a href="Using-Parser.html">Using Tree-sitter Parser</a>, Up: <a href="Parsing-Program-Source.html">Parsing Program Source</a> &nbsp; [<a href="index.html#SEC_Contents" title="Table of contents" rel="contents">Contents</a>][<a href="Index.html" title="Index" rel="index">Index</a>]</p>
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-<span id="Tree_002dsitter-C-API-Correspondence"></span><h3 class="section">37.8 Tree-sitter C API Correspondence</h3>
-<p>Emacs&rsquo; tree-sitter integration doesn&rsquo;t expose every feature
-provided by tree-sitter&rsquo;s C API. Missing features include:
-<li> Creating a tree cursor and navigating the syntax tree with it.
-</li><li> Setting timeout and cancellation flag for a parser.
-</li><li> Setting the logger for a parser.
-</li><li> Printing a <acronym>DOT</acronym> graph of the syntax tree to a file.
-</li><li> Copying and modifying a syntax tree. (Emacs doesn&rsquo;t expose a tree
-</li><li> Using (row, column) coordinates as position.
-</li><li> Updating a node with changes. (In Emacs, retrieve a new node instead
-of updating the existing one.)
-</li><li> Querying statics of a language definition.
-<p>In addition, Emacs makes some changes to the C API to make the API more
-convenient and idiomatic:
-<li> Instead of using byte positions, the Emacs Lisp API uses character
-</li><li> Null nodes are converted to nil.
-<p>Below is the correspondence between all C API functions and their
-ELisp counterparts. Sometimes one ELisp function corresponds to
-multiple C functions, and many C functions don&rsquo;t have an ELisp
-<div class="example">
-<pre class="example">ts_parser_new treesit-parser-create
-ts_parser_language treesit-parser-language
-ts_parser_set_included_ranges treesit-parser-set-included-ranges
-ts_parser_included_ranges treesit-parser-included-ranges
-ts_parser_parse_string treesit-parse-string
-ts_node_type treesit-node-type
-ts_node_start_byte treesit-node-start
-ts_node_end_byte treesit-node-end
-ts_node_string treesit-node-string
-ts_node_is_named treesit-node-check
-ts_node_is_missing treesit-node-check
-ts_node_is_extra treesit-node-check
-ts_node_has_error treesit-node-check
-ts_node_parent treesit-node-parent
-ts_node_child treesit-node-child
-ts_node_field_name_for_child treesit-node-field-name-for-child
-ts_node_child_count treesit-node-child-count
-ts_node_named_child treesit-node-child
-ts_node_named_child_count treesit-node-child-count
-ts_node_child_by_field_name treesit-node-by-field-name
-ts_node_next_sibling treesit-node-next-sibling
-ts_node_prev_sibling treesit-node-prev-sibling
-ts_node_next_named_sibling treesit-node-next-sibling
-ts_node_prev_named_sibling treesit-node-prev-sibling
-ts_node_first_child_for_byte treesit-node-first-child-for-pos
-ts_node_first_named_child_for_byte treesit-node-first-child-for-pos
-ts_node_descendant_for_byte_range treesit-descendant-for-range
-ts_node_named_descendant_for_byte_range treesit-descendant-for-range
-ts_node_eq treesit-node-eq
-ts_query_cursor_exec treesit-query-capture
-<div class="header">
-Previous: <a href="Tree_002dsitter-major-modes.html">Developing major modes with tree-sitter</a>, Up: <a href="Parsing-Program-Source.html">Parsing Program Source</a> &nbsp; [<a href="index.html#SEC_Contents" title="Table of contents" rel="contents">Contents</a>][<a href="Index.html" title="Index" rel="index">Index</a>]</p>
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-<span id="Using-Tree_002dsitter-Parser"></span><h3 class="section">37.2 Using Tree-sitter Parser</h3>
-<span id="index-tree_002dsitter-parser_002c-using"></span>
-<p>This section describes how to create and configure a tree-sitter
-parser. In Emacs, each tree-sitter parser is associated with a
-buffer. As the user edits the buffer, the associated parser and
-syntax tree are automatically kept up-to-date.
-<dl class="def">
-<dt id="index-treesit_002dmax_002dbuffer_002dsize"><span class="category">Variable: </span><span><strong>treesit-max-buffer-size</strong><a href='#index-treesit_002dmax_002dbuffer_002dsize' class='copiable-anchor'> &para;</a></span></dt>
-<dd><p>This variable contains the maximum size of buffers in which
-tree-sitter can be activated. Major modes should check this value
-when deciding whether to enable tree-sitter features.
-<dl class="def">
-<dt id="index-treesit_002dcan_002denable_002dp"><span class="category">Function: </span><span><strong>treesit-can-enable-p</strong><a href='#index-treesit_002dcan_002denable_002dp' class='copiable-anchor'> &para;</a></span></dt>
-<dd><p>This function checks whether the current buffer is suitable for
-activating tree-sitter features. It basically checks
-<code>treesit-available-p</code> and <code>treesit-max-buffer-size</code>.
-<span id="index-creating-tree_002dsitter-parsers"></span>
-<span id="index-tree_002dsitter-parser_002c-creating"></span>
-<dl class="def">
-<dt id="index-treesit_002dparser_002dcreate"><span class="category">Function: </span><span><strong>treesit-parser-create</strong> <em>language &amp;optional buffer no-reuse</em><a href='#index-treesit_002dparser_002dcreate' class='copiable-anchor'> &para;</a></span></dt>
-<dd><p>Create a parser for the specified <var>buffer</var> and <var>language</var>
-(see <a href="Language-Definitions.html">Tree-sitter Language Definitions</a>). If <var>buffer</var> is omitted or
-<code>nil</code>, it stands for the current buffer.
-<p>By default, this function reuses a parser if one already exists for
-<var>language</var> in <var>buffer</var>, but if <var>no-reuse</var> is
-non-<code>nil</code>, this function always creates a new parser.
-<p>Given a parser, we can query information about it.
-<dl class="def">
-<dt id="index-treesit_002dparser_002dbuffer"><span class="category">Function: </span><span><strong>treesit-parser-buffer</strong> <em>parser</em><a href='#index-treesit_002dparser_002dbuffer' class='copiable-anchor'> &para;</a></span></dt>
-<dd><p>This function returns the buffer associated with <var>parser</var>.
-<dl class="def">
-<dt id="index-treesit_002dparser_002dlanguage"><span class="category">Function: </span><span><strong>treesit-parser-language</strong> <em>parser</em><a href='#index-treesit_002dparser_002dlanguage' class='copiable-anchor'> &para;</a></span></dt>
-<dd><p>This function returns the language used by <var>parser</var>.
-<dl class="def">
-<dt id="index-treesit_002dparser_002dp"><span class="category">Function: </span><span><strong>treesit-parser-p</strong> <em>object</em><a href='#index-treesit_002dparser_002dp' class='copiable-anchor'> &para;</a></span></dt>
-<dd><p>This function checks if <var>object</var> is a tree-sitter parser, and
-returns non-<code>nil</code> if it is, and <code>nil</code> otherwise.
-<p>There is no need to explicitly parse a buffer, because parsing is done
-automatically and lazily. A parser only parses when a Lisp program
-queries for a node in its syntax tree. Therefore, when a parser is
-first created, it doesn&rsquo;t parse the buffer; it waits until the Lisp
-program queries for a node for the first time. Similarly, when some
-change is made in the buffer, a parser doesn&rsquo;t re-parse immediately.
-<span id="index-treesit_002dbuffer_002dtoo_002dlarge"></span>
-<p>When a parser does parse, it checks for the size of the buffer.
-Tree-sitter can only handle buffer no larger than about 4GB. If the
-size exceeds that, Emacs signals the <code>treesit-buffer-too-large</code>
-error with signal data being the buffer size.
-<p>Once a parser is created, Emacs automatically adds it to the
-internal parser list. Every time a change is made to the buffer,
-Emacs updates parsers in this list so they can update their syntax
-tree incrementally.
-<dl class="def">
-<dt id="index-treesit_002dparser_002dlist"><span class="category">Function: </span><span><strong>treesit-parser-list</strong> <em>&amp;optional buffer</em><a href='#index-treesit_002dparser_002dlist' class='copiable-anchor'> &para;</a></span></dt>
-<dd><p>This function returns the parser list of <var>buffer</var>. If
-<var>buffer</var> is <code>nil</code> or omitted, it defaults to the current
-<dl class="def">
-<dt id="index-treesit_002dparser_002ddelete"><span class="category">Function: </span><span><strong>treesit-parser-delete</strong> <em>parser</em><a href='#index-treesit_002dparser_002ddelete' class='copiable-anchor'> &para;</a></span></dt>
-<dd><p>This function deletes <var>parser</var>.
-<span id="index-tree_002dsitter-narrowing"></span>
-<span id="tree_002dsitter-narrowing"></span><p>Normally, a parser &ldquo;sees&rdquo; the whole buffer, but when the buffer is
-narrowed (see <a href="Narrowing.html">Narrowing</a>), the parser will only see the accessible
-portion of the buffer. As far as the parser can tell, the hidden
-region was deleted. When the buffer is later widened, the parser
-thinks text is inserted at the beginning and at the end. Although
-parsers respect narrowing, modes should not use narrowing as a means
-to handle a multi-language buffer; instead, set the ranges in which the
-parser should operate. See <a href="Multiple-Languages.html">Parsing Text in Multiple Languages</a>.
-<p>Because a parser parses lazily, when the user or a Lisp program
-narrows the buffer, the parser is not affected immediately; as long as
-the mode doesn&rsquo;t query for a node while the buffer is narrowed, the
-parser is oblivious of the narrowing.
-<span id="index-tree_002dsitter-parse-string"></span>
-<span id="index-parse-string_002c-tree_002dsitter"></span>
-<p>Besides creating a parser for a buffer, a Lisp program can also parse a
-string. Unlike a buffer, parsing a string is a one-off operation, and
-there is no way to update the result.
-<dl class="def">
-<dt id="index-treesit_002dparse_002dstring"><span class="category">Function: </span><span><strong>treesit-parse-string</strong> <em>string language</em><a href='#index-treesit_002dparse_002dstring' class='copiable-anchor'> &para;</a></span></dt>
-<dd><p>This function parses <var>string</var> using <var>language</var>, and returns
-the root node of the generated syntax tree.
-<span id="Be-notified-by-changes-to-the-parse-tree"></span><h3 class="heading">Be notified by changes to the parse tree</h3>
-<span id="index-update-callback_002c-for-tree_002dsitter-parse_002dtree"></span>
-<span id="index-after_002dchange-notifier_002c-for-tree_002dsitter-parse_002dtree"></span>
-<span id="index-tree_002dsitter-parse_002dtree_002c-update-and-after_002dchange-callback"></span>
-<span id="index-notifiers_002c-tree_002dsitter"></span>
-<p>A Lisp program might want to be notified of text affected by
-incremental parsing. For example, inserting a comment-closing token
-converts text before that token into a comment. Even
-though the text is not directly edited, it is deemed to be &ldquo;changed&rdquo;
-<p>Emacs lets a Lisp program to register callback functions
-(a.k.a. <em>notifiers</em>) for this kind of changes. A notifier
-function takes two arguments: <var>ranges</var> and <var>parser</var>.
-<var>ranges</var> is a list of cons cells of the form <code>(<var>start</var>&nbsp;.&nbsp;<var>end</var>)</code><!-- /@w -->, where <var>start</var> and <var>end</var> mark the start and the
-end positions of a range. <var>parser</var> is the parser issuing the
-<p>Every time a parser reparses a buffer, it compares the old and new
-parse-tree, computes the ranges in which nodes have changed, and
-passes the ranges to notifier functions.
-<dl class="def">
-<dt id="index-treesit_002dparser_002dadd_002dnotifier"><span class="category">Function: </span><span><strong>treesit-parser-add-notifier</strong> <em>parser function</em><a href='#index-treesit_002dparser_002dadd_002dnotifier' class='copiable-anchor'> &para;</a></span></dt>
-<dd><p>This function adds <var>function</var> to <var>parser</var>&rsquo;s list of
-after-change notifier functions. <var>function</var> must be a function
-symbol, not a lambda function (see <a href="Anonymous-Functions.html">Anonymous Functions</a>).
-<dl class="def">
-<dt id="index-treesit_002dparser_002dremove_002dnotifier"><span class="category">Function: </span><span><strong>treesit-parser-remove-notifier</strong> <em>parser function</em><a href='#index-treesit_002dparser_002dremove_002dnotifier' class='copiable-anchor'> &para;</a></span></dt>
-<dd><p>This function removes <var>function</var> from the list of <var>parser</var>&rsquo;s
-after-change notifier functions. <var>function</var> must be a function
-symbol, rather than a lambda function.
-<dl class="def">
-<dt id="index-treesit_002dparser_002dnotifiers"><span class="category">Function: </span><span><strong>treesit-parser-notifiers</strong> <em>parser</em><a href='#index-treesit_002dparser_002dnotifiers' class='copiable-anchor'> &para;</a></span></dt>
-<dd><p>This function returns the list of <var>parser</var>&rsquo;s notifier functions.
-<div class="header">
-Next: <a href="Retrieving-Nodes.html">Retrieving Nodes</a>, Previous: <a href="Language-Definitions.html">Tree-sitter Language Definitions</a>, Up: <a href="Parsing-Program-Source.html">Parsing Program Source</a> &nbsp; [<a href="index.html#SEC_Contents" title="Table of contents" rel="contents">Contents</a>][<a href="Index.html" title="Index" rel="index">Index</a>]</p>
diff --git a/admin/notes/tree-sitter/html-manual/ b/admin/notes/tree-sitter/html-manual/
deleted file mode 100755
index 8d931b143b2..00000000000
--- a/admin/notes/tree-sitter/html-manual/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-echo "Build manual"
-cd "${MANUAL_DIR}"
-make elisp.html HTML_OPTS="--html --css-ref=./manual.css"
-cd "${THIS_DIR}"
-echo "Copy manual"
-cp -f "${MANUAL_DIR}/elisp.html/Parsing-Program-Source.html" .
-cp -f "${MANUAL_DIR}/elisp.html/Language-Definitions.html" .
-cp -f "${MANUAL_DIR}/elisp.html/Using-Parser.html" .
-cp -f "${MANUAL_DIR}/elisp.html/Retrieving-Node.html" .
-cp -f "${MANUAL_DIR}/elisp.html/Accessing-Node.html" .
-cp -f "${MANUAL_DIR}/elisp.html/Pattern-Matching.html" .
-cp -f "${MANUAL_DIR}/elisp.html/Multiple-Languages.html" .
-cp -f "${MANUAL_DIR}/elisp.html/Tree_002dsitter-C-API.html" .
-cp -f "${MANUAL_DIR}/elisp.html/Parser_002dbased-Font-Lock.html" .
-cp -f "${MANUAL_DIR}/elisp.html/Parser_002dbased-Indentation.html" .
diff --git a/admin/notes/tree-sitter/html-manual/manual.css b/admin/notes/tree-sitter/html-manual/manual.css
deleted file mode 100644
index c03e0d37009..00000000000
--- a/admin/notes/tree-sitter/html-manual/manual.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,374 +0,0 @@
-/* Style-sheet to use for Emacs manuals */
-/* Copyright (C) 2013-2014, 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification,
-are permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright
-notice and this notice are preserved. This file is offered as-is,
-without any warranty.
-/* style.css begins here */
-/* This stylesheet is used by manuals and a few older resources. */
-/* reset.css begins here */
-Software License Agreement (BSD License)
-Copyright (c) 2006, Yahoo! Inc.
-All rights reserved.
-Redistribution and use of this software in source and
-binary forms, with or without modification, arepermitted
-provided that the following conditions are met:
-* Redistributions of source code must retain the above
-copyright notice, this list of conditions and the
-following disclaimer.
-* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
-copyright notice, this list of conditions and the
-following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other
-materials provided with the distribution.
-* Neither the name of Yahoo! Inc. nor the names of its
-contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
-derived from this software without specific prior
-written permission of Yahoo! Inc.
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- gives a little more spacing between entries. */
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-/* separate the "description" from subsequent list item
- when the final <dd> child is an anonymous box */
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- from subsequent <p> */
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-sub { vertical-align: sub; }
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- bold font. */
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- { list-style: none; }
-.inline-list li { display: inline }
-.netscape4, .no-display { display: none; }
-/*** MANUAL PAGES ***/
-/* This makes the very long tables of contents in Gnulib and other
- manuals easier to read. */
-.contents ul, .shortcontents ul { font-weight: bold; }
-.contents ul ul, .shortcontents ul ul { font-weight: normal; }
-.contents ul { list-style: none; }
-/* For colored navigation bars (Emacs manual): make the bar extend
- across the whole width of the page and give it a decent height. */
-.header, .node { margin: 0 -1em; padding: 0 1em; }
-.header p, .node p { line-height: 2em; }
-/* For navigation links */
-.node a, .header a { display: inline-block; line-height: 2em; }
-.node a:hover, .header a:hover { background: #f2efe4; }
-/* Inserts */
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- border-radius: .3em;
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-div.example > pre.example {
- padding: 0 0 .4em;
- margin: 0;
- border: none;
- { padding-top: 1.3em; margin: 0; }
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- body { padding: .5em 3em 1em 3em; }
- div.header, div.node { margin: 0 -3em; padding: 0 3em; }
-/* style.css ends here */
-/* makeinfo convert @deffn and similar functions to something inside
- <blockquote>. style.css uses italic for blockquote. This looks poor
- in the Emacs manuals, which make extensive use of @defun (etc).
- In particular, references to function arguments appear as <var>
- inside <blockquote>. Since <var> is also italic, it makes it
- impossible to distinguish variables. We could change <var> to
- e.g. bold-italic, or normal, or a different color, but that does
- not look as good IMO. So we just override blockquote to be non-italic.
- */
-blockquote { font-style: normal; }
-var { font-style: italic; }
-div.header {
- background-color: #DDDDFF;
- padding-top: 0.2em;
-/*** Customization ***/
-body {
- font-family: Charter, serif;
- font-size: 14pt;
- line-height: 1.4;
- background-color: #fefefc;
- color: #202010;
- {
- font-family: Charter, serif;
- font-size: 14pt;
-body > *, body > div.display, body > div.lisp, body > div.smalldisplay,
-body > div.example, body > div.smallexample, body > div.smalllisp {
- width: 700px;
- margin-left: auto;
- margin-right: auto;
-div.header {
- width: 100%;
- min-height: 3em;
- font-size: 13pt;
-/* Documentation block for functions and variables. Make then
- narrower*/
-dd {
- margin: .5em 6% 1em 6%
-code, pre, kbd, samp, tt {
- font-size: 12pt;
- font-family: monospace;
-/* In each node we have index table to all sub-nodes. Make more space
- for the first column, which is the name to each sub-node. */ tbody tr td:nth-child(1) {
- white-space: nowrap;
-div.header p {
- text-align: center;
- margin: 0.5em auto 0.5em auto;
diff --git a/admin/notes/tree-sitter/starter-guide b/admin/notes/tree-sitter/starter-guide
index b8910aab5ca..846614f1446 100644
--- a/admin/notes/tree-sitter/starter-guide
+++ b/admin/notes/tree-sitter/starter-guide
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ TOC:
- More features?
- Common tasks (code snippets)
- Manual
+- Appendix 1
* Building Emacs with tree-sitter
@@ -42,11 +43,9 @@ You can use this script that I put together here:
-You can also find them under this directory in /build-modules.
This script automatically pulls and builds language definitions for C,
C++, Rust, JSON, Go, HTML, JavaScript, CSS, Python, Typescript,
-and C#. Better yet, I pre-built these language definitions for
+C#, etc. Better yet, I pre-built these language definitions for
GNU/Linux and macOS, they can be downloaded here:
@@ -68,6 +67,10 @@ organization has all the "official" language definitions:
+Alternatively, you can use treesit-install-language-grammar command
+and follow its instructions. If everything goes right, it should
+automatically download and compile the language grammar for you.
* Setting up for adding major mode features
Start Emacs and load tree-sitter with
@@ -78,6 +81,10 @@ Now check if Emacs is built with tree-sitter library
+Make sure Emacs can find the language grammar you want to use
+ (treesit-language-available-p 'lang)
* Tree-sitter major modes
Tree-sitter modes should be separate major modes, so other modes
@@ -89,12 +96,15 @@ modes.
If the tree-sitter variant and the "native" variant could share some
setup, you can create a "base mode", which only contains the common
-setup. For example, there is python-base-mode (shared), python-mode
-(native), and python-ts-mode (tree-sitter).
+setup. For example, python.el defines python-base-mode (shared),
+python-mode (native), and python-ts-mode (tree-sitter).
In the tree-sitter mode, check if we can use tree-sitter with
treesit-ready-p, it will error out if tree-sitter is not ready.
+In Emacs 30 we'll introduce some mechanism to more gracefully inherit
+modes and fallback to other modes.
* Naming convention
Use tree-sitter for text (documentation, comment), use treesit for
@@ -180,18 +190,17 @@ mark the offending part in red.
To enable tree-sitter font-lock, set ‘treesit-font-lock-settings’ and
‘treesit-font-lock-feature-list’ buffer-locally and call
‘treesit-major-mode-setup’. For example, see
-‘python--treesit-settings’ in python.el. Below I paste a snippet of
+‘python--treesit-settings’ in python.el. Below is a snippet of it.
-Note that like the current font-lock, if the to-be-fontified region
-already has a face (ie, an earlier match fontified part/all of the
-region), the new face is discarded rather than applied. If you want
-later matches always override earlier matches, use the :override
+Just like the current font-lock, if the to-be-fontified region already
+has a face (ie, an earlier match fontified part/all of the region),
+the new face is discarded rather than applied. If you want later
+matches always override earlier matches, use the :override keyword.
Each rule should have a :feature, like function-name,
string-interpolation, builtin, etc. Users can then enable/disable each
-feature individually.
+feature individually. See Appendix 1 at the bottom for a set of common
+features names.
#+begin_src elisp
(defvar python--treesit-settings
@@ -247,8 +256,7 @@ Concretely, something like this:
(string-interpolation decorator)))
- ;; No tree-sitter
- (setq-local font-lock-defaults ...)
+ ;; No tree-sitter, do nothing or fallback to another mode.
@@ -289,6 +297,7 @@ For ANCHOR we have
first-sibling => start of the first sibling
parent => start of parent
parent-bol => BOL of the line parent is on.
+ standalone-parent => Like parent-bol but handles more edge cases
prev-sibling => start of previous sibling
no-indent => current position (don’t indent)
prev-line => start of previous line
@@ -329,7 +338,8 @@ tells you which rule is applied in the echo area.
-Then you set ‘treesit-simple-indent-rules’ to your rules, and call
+To setup indentation for your major mode, set
+‘treesit-simple-indent-rules’ to your rules, and call
#+begin_src elisp
@@ -339,36 +349,14 @@ Then you set ‘treesit-simple-indent-rules’ to your rules, and call
* Imenu
-Not much to say except for utilizing ‘treesit-induce-sparse-tree’ (and
-explicitly pass a LIMIT argument: most of the time you don't need more
-than 10). See ‘js--treesit-imenu-1’ in js.el for an example.
-Once you have the index builder, set ‘imenu-create-index-function’ to
+Set ‘treesit-simple-imenu-settings’ and call
* Navigation
-Mainly ‘beginning-of-defun-function’ and ‘end-of-defun-function’.
-You can find the end of a defun with something like
-(treesit-search-forward-goto "function_definition" 'end)
-where "function_definition" matches the node type of a function
-definition node, and ’end means we want to go to the end of that node.
-Tree-sitter has default implementations for
-‘beginning-of-defun-function’ and ‘end-of-defun-function’. So for
-ordinary languages, it is enough to set ‘treesit-defun-type-regexp’
-to something that matches all the defun struct types in the language,
-and call ‘treesit-major-mode-setup’. For example,
-#+begin_src emacs-lisp
-(setq-local treesit-defun-type-regexp (rx bol
- (or "function" "class")
- "_definition"
- eol))
+Set ‘treesit-defun-type-regexp’ and call
+‘treesit-major-mode-setup’. You can additionally set
* Which-func
@@ -376,36 +364,7 @@ If you have an imenu implementation, set ‘which-func-functions’ to
nil, and which-func will automatically use imenu’s data.
If you want an independent implementation for which-func, you can
-find the current function by going up the tree and looking for the
-function_definition node. See the function below for an example.
-Since Python allows nested function definitions, that function keeps
-going until it reaches the root node, and records all the function
-names along the way.
-#+begin_src elisp
-(defun python-info-treesit-current-defun (&optional include-type)
- "Identical to `python-info-current-defun' but use tree-sitter.
-For INCLUDE-TYPE see `python-info-current-defun'."
- (let ((node (treesit-node-at (point)))
- (name-list ())
- (type nil))
- (cl-loop while node
- if (pcase (treesit-node-type node)
- ("function_definition"
- (setq type 'def))
- ("class_definition"
- (setq type 'class))
- (_ nil))
- do (push (treesit-node-text
- (treesit-node-child-by-field-name node "name")
- t)
- name-list)
- do (setq node (treesit-node-parent node))
- finally return (concat (if include-type
- (format "%s " type)
- "")
- (string-join name-list ".")))))
+find the current function by ‘treesit-defun-at-point’.
* More features?
@@ -449,7 +408,51 @@ section is Parsing Program Source. Typing
C-h i d m elisp RET g Parsing Program Source RET
-will bring you to that section. You can also read the HTML version
-under /html-manual in this directory. I find the HTML version easier
-to read. You don’t need to read through every sentence, just read the
-text paragraphs and glance over function names.
+will bring you to that section. You don’t need to read through every
+sentence, just read the text paragraphs and glance over function
+* Appendix 1
+Below is a set of common features used by built-in major mode.
+Basic tokens:
+delimiter ,.; (delimit things)
+operator == != || (produces a value)
+bracket []{}()
+misc-punctuation (other punctuation that you want to highlight)
+constant true, false, null
+comment (includes doc-comments)
+string (includes chars and docstrings)
+string-interpolation f"text {variable}"
+escape-sequence "\n\t\\"
+function every function identifier
+variable every variable identifier
+type every type identifier
+property a.b <--- highlight b
+key { a: b, c: d } <--- highlight a, c
+error highlight parse error
+Abstract features:
+assignment: the LHS of an assignment (thing being assigned to), eg:
+a = b <--- highlight a
+a.b = c <--- highlight b
+a[1] = d <--- highlight a
+definition: the thing being defined, eg:
+int a(int b) { <--- highlight a
+ return 0
+int a; <-- highlight a
+struct a { <--- highlight a
+ int b; <--- highlight b